Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 15: Inside and outside pinch

However, Renault is still not angry, because these **** **** can be professionally a little bit? Regardless of the day and night, it’s easy to get along with it. He doesn’t care hard. The key is that he will grab the resources here in the early morning and run back in the afternoon to get dirty!

This thing of IQ can't be because you grow black!

Oasis, the walled site of the city of Kachiltan.

Bami received his breakfast. Like yesterday, he still had a white-faced meat dish. However, he had a bowl of bacon porridge and listened to the supervisor Sha Zhou. This is a Sunday's preferential treatment. In short, it is the eccentricity of the federal people.

I really hope that the Master Shaqima will hurry in and come here. The people here are really rich and stupid, grab their money, right, and women. Last night, Bami saw the inside of the happiness oasis. Those women, he was dreaming of spring all night, he thought, after the big man Shaqima came in, he might reward him with a chance to be a member of the family, as a reward for his becoming a full member.

In this case, he will use his life more seriously for Shaqima.

Cheerfully eating breakfast, Bami squatted on the wall and looked at the sand dunes in the distance. He suddenly thought that it was too quiet today and there was no sand thief to find trouble.

Then he saw a team turning over from the farthest hill.

It is Shaqi Masha Pirates! The one who walked in the front was his introducer, Mika, and he came from a village, the most powerful warrior in the village, or the guardian of Shaqima.

Bami has the vision of the eagle. This is why he was arranged here to do the internal and spy. Seeing the face of Mika, Bami’s heart immediately jumped up, thanking Kachitan for giving him a hearty breakfast, he is now full body. They are full of strength. He knows that Kachin’s half-built wall is the best breakthrough. He also knows where the federal people hide the best things, and he has to make a great contribution.

Hey, why is the leader a small bald head carrying a coffin, is that a slave caught by an adult?

Ah, why the slaves are fine, the adults are tied with ropes on their hands. To be precise, everyone is chained into a string?

"Cough, can eat a full stomach, why bother to rob?"

When Bami turned his head, he saw that the old supervisor named Sha Zhou stood behind him, as if he was muttering.

The news that Shaqi Masha’s band was tied to Kachiltan City shocked the entire desert southwestern area overnight.

For a time, the sand gangs in the deserts of the entire southwestern region were caught in a situation where the dragons had no heads. The threat of sand thieves against Kaqiertan was disintegrated...

However, Gong Yi has an impulse to cry, because there is no source of cheap labor, and there is no source of cheap labor, and it is a waste of labor. What better labor than slaves?

In the face of the distress of Gongyi, Muzi is also very innocent. He just thinks that this group of people is a bit of a standard. In order to avoid causing trouble to the village, it will be eliminated...

On the other side, as the most important enemy, once the most influential figure in this land, watching Kaqiertan grow up day by day, the big lord Castro is full of viciousness and anticipation.

The value of gold slate, Castro is of course clear, in fact, he does not have to hand it out, this thing is a weapon to recruit masters.

Originally used to cage Mouss, of course, he is not used now, and later delayed for a month, is to use this to exchange the master of Moyous, but the tsar's whereabouts is difficult to determine, and ultimately did not drag the past, but It doesn't matter, "Knocking away" the slate's Kachiltan is just as difficult to escape.

Because the Tsar will eventually find it. When he knows that his disciple is killed and the slate is robbed, how angry is this top master?

Castro’s heart is beautiful, and here is his world.

"The Lord of the Lord, the Tsar is coming out of the door."

A slave flew in and said, squatting.

Castro bounced and ran out quickly, and he wanted to see the legendary figure.

The master of the scorpion king Mouss, the master of the soul! Tsar Nanxun Sele Kate!

Castro rushed out of the gate and saw the tsar riding a camel. It looked like an ordinary Tutankhamun, black skin, unremarkable facial features, and the Tutankhamun people liked it. Viscera, the only difference is the eyes, the Buddha can swallow the soul-like eyes, Castro does not dare to see more.

"Master Castro, I heard that you are looking for me, there are hundreds of thousands of urgent things, I hope this is true, otherwise, you will know the price." Nanxun Seleket said faintly.

"Respected Tsar, how can I waste your precious time? First of all, this is my little wish. You have to look at it first. What else is needed, even though you are told."

Castro took a sheepskin roll from his pocket, which was a gift list.

Nancy Selekat was called "the tsar" because he was the nominal ruler of the desert sand thief. Even if the emperor of Tutankhamun could not order the sand thief, Nancy Seleket used him. The **** blood has done this, he is the emperor of all sand thieves.

Like all sand thieves, Nancy Selekit's greed does not converge because it becomes a celestial period. On the contrary, the practice of the celestial period also requires a lot of resources. In the barren Tutankhamun, the plunder is the best. Methods.

The Tsar looked at the eye and fainted his head. "Say."

"Your apprentice, Mouss was killed by the federal in Kacheltan."

“Mous is dead?” The tsar frowned, but there was no anger like Castro’s imagination, just a little accident.

Castro nodded and prepared for the tsar's thinness. So he left the preparation for more than a month: "Yes, Moyous is heroic and dead. He wants to protect me." The golden slate dedicated to the Tsar of the Tsar, the battle is not retreating, but..."


Castro has not finished his performance, a huge force will lift him from the ground, he is hanging in the air, facing the eyes of the tsar fire, "What do you say! Gold Slate? Where is it!"

Castro looked like a scream: "Yes, Lord Tsar, that is to be dedicated to you, but now, the gold slate is in Kachiltan!"

In his eyes, there was a glimmer of smugness, and it was not easy to use a knife to kill people. It was easy to use.

"Oh, you want to use your hand to get rid of your enemy?"

The greedy eyes of the Tsar are full of danger. Castro is the lord. At this time, he is still stable. "Adult, that is our common enemy!"

For a moment, Nancy Sele Kate showed a smile. He pointed to the gift book written on the scroll of the sheepskin and said, "Well, you fear me, I will satisfy you, first bring me the things above." And, first, find me ten beautiful people."

Castro spit out from the eyes of the blind man. He knew that the aristocratic identity of the great lord saved his life. Even the tsar did not want to completely fall out with the mighty Tutankhamun royal family, but Kachiltan It’s over, no one can resist the Tsar’s shot, even the strange little bald head!

In the Holy Land, with the admission of Solomon and others, there was a round of applause from the stands, and more is still awkward.

Scarlett has not returned for half a year. The stunningness when she first entered the holy city has actually been diluted in the hearts of many people, and Solomon has recently made a splash.

The first person in the newcomer to advance to the Dimensional Predator, to reverse the impression and strategy of the Empire at the top of the Holy City by himself, actually arranged more than 100 imperial people to enter the Holy Land in less than two months after the start of the novice period. The number of places in the city, those who are ordinary apprentices or saints, may not quite understand the meaning of this, but anyone who cares about the policy direction of the high-level city of the Holy City knows that such a means is really It is called the latitude and longitude.

You can say that he is a fortune. It can be said that this is just a general trend. But it is undeniable that Solomon has completed what the countless generations of decision makers of the Earth Empire want to do but have not done, and it is so quiet. In the case of sound, it is done with such efficiency, so that most people don't even realize what kind of ability it is.

I have to say that Solomon has now stabilized the top spot for the newcomers. Carolyn, who is the most powerful in the limelight, can’t compete. This is not because of the outside evaluation, but even their own people are not confident enough, otherwise I will not temporarily create a ghost to share the pressure of Caroline. I don’t know if Stuart regrets the deal. If there is no Solomon, Caroline can definitely be in the Holy Land for a while, greatly improving Stuya. The special influence, and now everything is in vain.

But this can only represent Solomon's ability. In addition to the few people who came from the Phantom Brigade that he joined, as well as some dimension people and aliens who did not feel the points of the imperial Federation, they would give a little applause. Most of them are federal people, and it is a matter of course not to give face.

Napier has been watching very carefully. If the ink is as heavy as a mountain, then the king is as deep as the sea, and Solomon cannot grasp it like the wind.

"Schoolmaster, what do you think of this person?" Glee seems to be quite interested in Solomon. He is rarely interested in outsiders.

"What?" Wang Zhong was completely absent-minded. He received a good news from the cold, but it was actually sent by Lan Yuer. He warned Wang that he had a good game and said that she brought a mysterious beauty and stared at him in the stands. He has already blown him in front, and if he does not perform well, he will go back to the banquet X5.

The worm feast X5... Even if Wang Zhong listened, he couldn’t help but shudder. What beauty is so mysterious? Wang’s classmates were just busy looking for the shadows in the crowds of the stands, and they did not notice what Solomon had.

"I want to hear the seniors' views on Solomon." Glory smiled and said that the challenge was so careless, only Wang was heavy.

"There are too many viewers." Wang sighed and scratched his head and decided to give up. "Right, what did you say just now, Solomon, no opinion, um, pretty."

"...Yu, no, nothing," even Gry is a little bit crying and laughing: "Calling my name..."

"Well! Come on!" Wang Zhongchong waved his fist.

At this time, most of the lords have already taken their seats. Solomon, Caroline, Wild Alexander, Vladimir... The cheers in the stands have never stopped since Caroline, compared to the strong rise. For the imperial people, whether it is Caroline or Huaide as a dimension, their mass base in the Holy City is never comparable to Solomon. This is also the most obsessed by the top ten families in the fight against the strong 'invasion' of the empire. The foundation, even the Vladimir, and even Grae and Napier, who are under the limelight, have received a lot of cheers and applause, but then this...

"Wang Zhong!"

The scene was quiet first, and frankly, the scene of the original noisy scene was so quiet, it was really a bit of a taste of Wang Baqi, even Carolyn’s full cheers at that time did not have this effect.

The curse that followed the screaming sound rang in the stands: "Wang Zhong, how can you not go to the mud horse!"

"The mud loses money! The mud is this pig!"

"Big stupid pig!"

One is the accent of the aliens, the pronunciation is quite standard, and the vocabulary of the deaf is quite scarce. Although the aliens have been in the holy city and humans for a long time, the subtle language culture of human beings is always unable to grasp the essence of them. This seems to be much more difficult for them than cultivation.

Although this does not affect the challenge, but it does not seem to be very strong, so that the Shermi, Mo Ling and other people in the stands are secretly sighing, and they are even less contentious, even the promotion has not been.

Ji Mengying in the stands looked a bit stunned. Who is this? Newcomers can make such a big noise? This seems to be absolutely not just because of the accident of the last experiment, what did the goods do to harm him? Don't say that Ji Meng is awkward, even if there is a certain understanding and guessing of Wang Zhong's external reputation, it is a waterfall of sweat.

Wang Zhong himself seems to have no inner feelings, no heart and no lungs, and even makes people feel that he still wants to eat a bean paste bag or something. In the face of this ridicule, not only sit down To his lord's seat, he even waved his hand quite seriously in the stands, as if he was thanking everyone for supporting the audience and everyone was so hard.

Flick a fart! Is this the action that should be ridiculed?

A large group of low-level whites who followed the wind and still know how to continue to spray youth in the stands, but they feel that they are a bit depressed when they are slightly advanced. As a professional sprayer, they can’t stir up the other side. This is purely a rebound effect...

"This is a king..." Twilan couldn't help but laugh. It was still such a big heart. In essence, Wang Zhong became a target for new people to vent their timid, unknown, confused and other negative emotions. In this way, everyone can find a sense of existence. .

Tiffany's French image is not strong. Many people think that she will sink into the holy city, but she is the orthodox family member of the day and night. The dragon's blood makes her have another starting point in the holy city. The direction of the practice is not the same as that of the ordinary soul warrior. Although the performance is first to the peak of the soul of the soul and then to seek the shackles of breaking through the heavens and the earth, but the blood vessels do not rely on the law, or they are themselves The image is like Gle.

There is a saying that the blood is not the most outstanding master, the way of fighting and the way talent is expressed determines their upper limit, but at the same time this limit also determines their lower limit, almost every true blood successor Has been in the forefront of the same level, as the most stable master, never fell out of the first echelon.

So in the first half of the year after entering the Holy City, she has been in a state of retreat. She did not go to the course of recording the martial arts. She was accepting the **** transformation of a family predecessor in the Holy City. Of course, it is not yet in the stage of transformation. Further urging, but the breath that emanated from her at this time is completely different from before.

"It's still as ridiculous as it was on CHF." She smiled and remembered a long-lost memory.

"The mentality is okay, but this is the challenge, and it is the strength."

"Do you think so?" The only Caroline sitting was just a smile. Although there is no postscript, it always makes people feel that there is something in it.

Her news is being opened at this time. The account number is accompanied by a small discussion group. There are not many people inside. Only Ghost and Vladimir, three of them are the top ten families, representing the federation. The goal of this challenge is very clear. It is to maintain the prestige of the Federation. It must not give Solomon a chance. After this time, everyone feels that Solomon is a viper. If you don’t make a big noise, who knows him. What will happen in this challenge?

Have to prevent!

"Ghost Hao, pay attention to the state of me and Vladimir. If someone challenges one after another, you can see that the people in your situation are responsible for the intermediate rescue. For us, the two are slow, and the identity of your gang is not so conspicuous."

“Are you teaching me to do things?” The ghost in Tianxun smiled.


"Wang Zhong is mine." Ghost Hao's voice is cold and direct: "Others, you look at it yourself, I don't care, I don't bother."

"Are you going to ignore the family arrangement?"

"Shut up, you are not qualified to order me." Ghost sneered: "What family arrangement? Who wins, who is the reason! The old things of the family will understand, I will ignore their requirements, you think they will How about me?"

Caroline just smiled and kicked Ghost Hao out of the discussion group. She couldn’t bear to be a guy who couldn’t see the situation.

"The nest has been half a year, and the temper has not changed." Vladimir’s voice only sounded at this time, with a little smile.

"I haven’t dropped the news directly, it has changed a lot." Caroline smiled and replied.

I saw that Ghost Hao on the opposite side of her is just a sneer, not a passer-by.

"Looking at the king is troublesome, he may touch the stone."

"Do you think that Wang is weird?" Caroline asked.

"Oh, this 'also' is a bit of a meaning. Are you not the same?" Vladimir laughed, but he quickly turned back to the topic. Wang Zhong is not their goal today: "Don't say him. Since Ghost Hao does not cooperate, let him play well, don't care about him. If necessary, we will save each other and ensure that sitting in this position is the key point, not too careless, always better than being It’s good to play. Or, let’s also try a few people to try Solomon? Although the chance of success is equal to zero, it’s good to distract him.”

Solomon is now the first master of the recognized newcomers. The identity, mystery, and valued pro-communication are not mentioned. The title of the Dimensional Predator is still the only one in the newcomer. This alone is enough to explain everything.

"So not confident? Not quite like your style."

"Seeing Enoch?" Vladimir's gaze has turned to Solomon's side.

I saw a teenager who looks like a human face with a harmless is holding a hoof of an unknown dimension creature with a lazy smile on his face, as if this is a The exciting challenge is completely unrelated to the audience, and there is no trace of warfare from him.

Coroline is secretly sighing, why do Vladimir remind me that she had already noticed when Solomon and Enoch just came out.

Enoch’s skill she had seen, once in the federal or the soul-making period, she had easily killed her heroic guard captain. At that time, Enoch’s sharp-eyed and murderous, the murderousness was born. The talent and the killing of the day after tomorrow were the most murderous murderous Carolyn had ever seen. For a warrior, this is a strong personal style that cannot be reversed. But now, he has completely hidden this murderous murderousness, and it makes people feel nothing...

In the past six months, Enoch, like other imperials, is basically in a state of stealth in the eyes of the normal practitioners of the Federation. Compared with the high-profile of the Federation, the imperial people are actually quite low-key.

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