Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 194: Summon Otaru

() Accurately speaking, it is not made of wood, and Muzi is buried in the jar at the border. There are some materials for making wine. Just dig it out. After this energy reincarnation in a strange place, it is a reincarnation.

Muzi dug out a big jar. "This should be good. Other fires are not enough."

Wang Zhong stunned. "How do you think of this?"

Muzi smiled and revealed a small white tooth. "I like to bury things in a familiar place. When I open it here, it becomes a wine. After a few adjustments, it becomes what it is now."

Wang Chongxiao does not come out, buried food, this is probably the most lonely and most insecure people will do it.

"Haha, thanks to the whimsy, I will become a monopoly. OK, I took this big altar." Wang Zhong was not polite.

Muzi shook his head. "First, it’s equal to it, but it has to be dealt with." He said that Muzi put the big jar of wine into life and death.

"The things here are not suitable for biological use, even if it looks good on the other side, the essence is death." Muzi said.

Wang Zhong stunned, looking back at the little creatures that lived and leaped, the soul infused in the pupils, all the beautiful things disappeared instantly, leaving behind the dark, dark earth, some living bones, rotting zombies, Moved under the support of death forces.

"In fact, sometimes I really don't see anything. Pretense and deception are human advantages from some angle."

"Do you mean a good faith lie?" Wang Zhongwei smiled, Muzi talent is different, his ability to break the magic is stronger, so everything only looks at the essence, which also makes people less too much fun, others see beauty is Beauty, he sees the beauty but sees the red powder, which is too boring.

"It’s almost the same, it’s good to get rid of the dead air, and the object will be reversed. The altar will feel good,” Muzi said.

Wang Zhong has already smelled the scent, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath. "Mu Zi, awesome!"

Muzi showed a bright smile, a little silly smile, but very cute, gradually he felt like a person, and not a person.

After returning to the Holy Land, as usual, I went to the blue 黛 那 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 趟 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照 照This kid is good, and he has disappeared in two days. He is bold enough to fly, but this time the wine is of better quality!

"The last time I sold out, I gave you another five thousand holy coins. We don't have a lot of supplies, so I plan to change my sales strategy." Lan Yuer explained that the popularity of reincarnation in the Holy Land is beyond imagination. At present, it has not spread, and when word-of-mouth is opened, it is absolutely demanding, and Lanxie must make certain preparations. Some people in the Holy Land cannot be offended. It cannot be said that when the Holy Teacher needs it, you will not finish it. of.

"It’s good to be a sister." Wang Zhong said indifferently. At the request of Lan Yuer, Wang changed his name. Only when the outsider was there can he be called a mentor. "Can you turn my part into a soul?" A gourmet meal, I want to advance to the peak of the British soul as soon as possible."

Lan Laner smiled. "You finally realized it, give it to me, but in order to reduce the side effects, I need to prepare the materials!"

At this time, the two are cooperating. It is a joke to mention what the cost of the trial is. For Lan Yuer, she has never seen Wang Zhong, who does not care about the holy currency, and also trusts the people, now the saints. A ghostly ghost, for fear that the mentor deceives them.

In fact, for Wang Zhong, he does not care. Secondly, it is too easy for a tutor to deal with a student. When you find someone you can trust, why should you play with caution?

After returning, these days, in addition to the routine cell cosmology practice every day, there is no shortcut. Although the soul power has improved, it is necessary to step by step to build a soul core. Most of the other are in the library to look at the enchantment. Books such as alchemy, he is not picky eaters, and he is not qualified to pick. Anyway, if you are interested, you should first understand, at least give yourself a foundation, not a child of the family. The accumulation and insight in this aspect is less.

It can be said that after CHF, what he used to accumulate in Simba is basically outdated. Simba seems to know more about the things that the old civilizations are connected to. He does not understand the things of the Holy Land, and some of the ideas are also very different.

In the open place of the library, Wang has always been the focus.

Gossip is naturally indispensable. If you say anything, there is no brain supporter of cell cosmology. After all, there is no other person in the hegemony, but you are a guy in the hegemonic system. Study enchantment? This is a bit far off.

What research? It’s not that the people of the hegemony are 'stupid'. The key is that they are all different. It’s like going to archaeology after graduating from Olympiad, but after studying graduation, you have to study the spaceship, especially to study Are the calligraphy depicted on the buttons on the spaceship?

But it seems that this has nothing to do with them, why is it a "point"?

Because of inferiority, because of stress!

All incoming newcomers, apprentices, and other levels of people are seeking to become saints. Depreciating the king will add confidence to himself, increase happiness, and increase superiority, which will make cultivation a little easier.

Whenever I talk about how to do something, it seems that I am one step ahead. Of course, those who are strong are not concerned about this.

Wang Zhong did not care about these gossips, and the contemptuous eyes, not talking about the mind, had long been numb, and more and more things to learn, there is no such time.

After a few days of obsession, Wang Zhong has already had a detailed understanding of the division. The history of the enchantment is not too long. Although the concept of enchantment has already existed when the fifth dimension came, people It is also often exposed to various fields of enchantment in the fifth dimension world, but the concrete human enchantment system is formed, and it is still after the Holy Master found the holy city and settled in.

The enchantment of system training is almost all from the Holy City. It is also the origin of modern enchanters. Generally speaking, it is divided into two major categories.

Elemental enchantment and rune enchantment, the former is relatively rare, mostly relying on talent, the apocalypse like Mo Xingchen belongs to the element enchantment, their enchantment does not have specific specifications and routines, build enchantment The power often comes from borrowing the power of the elements between heaven and earth. It can be built out of thin air. The elemental enchantment is uncultivable, and it can be met without asking. If you don't have absolute talent, don't think about it.

Most of the enchanters in the Holy City belong to the latter. They use crystal, soul power or some other energy body as the energy source, and then use the rune as the specification and carrier of the enchantment to construct a complete enchantment. Different from the element enchanter, the rune enchantment can be cultivated by a perfect knowledge system. The threshold of entry is relatively low. Every year, the holy city will show a lot of good talents in the rune enchantment. The saints, and such saints will almost always become the target of the major mentors, and even the brigades of all parties...

But Wang Zhong is a bit unable to define which one he belongs to.

If it is a rune enchantment, but he has the ability to build out of thin air, this ability was originally learned from Aeolos, and thought it was normal, but after seeing the detailed classification of the enchantment, Wang Zhongcai I know that no one can build a rune out of thin air, just like the original and Graeer created a subwoofer. In fact, they did not hide in the process of creation, except for Wang Zhong and Ge Lai, the Tianjing team. Others even if they rushed their heads, they wouldn’t learn a little. At that time, they felt that other people were not enough to understand the runes, and they had insufficient control over their own souls. But now it seems that it is not just a delicate soul. There are many other aspects to controlling and not understanding the runes.

Like Du Bo, who had met in the headless world before, he has a fairly high level in the field of enchantment, but he still needs some props when he wants to arrange the enchantment, such as the crystal that provides the source of power, such as the construction of runes. The rune pens used, etc., so from this point of view, I seem to be considered an elemental enchantment.

On the other hand, he used the rune as the carrier of the enchantment. His interest in the enchantment and his confidence in learning it were also established through his own understanding of the runes. The enchantment's arbitrariness and random intrusion in the construction of the enchantment.

Perhaps, is it a middle school? Still two kinds of complex?

Wang Zhong thinks this is an insignificant question... Whether a white cat or a black cat can catch a mouse is a good cat!

Wang’s eyes are placed with a rune pen, a blend of gold powder, three energy crystals, and a simple ritual basin. It is good for a beginner or a step-by-step.

Summon enchantment, this is a technique that almost all newcomers in the Holy City will come into contact sooner or later. Whether you learn by yourself or ask for help from others, it is necessary to summon a dimension creature for yourself. Just some ordinary materials can make you own Summon the beast, become the Soul Summoner who once envied everyone on the earth, and the fool will not do it.

The creatures directly summoned by the Soulmaster will directly produce a high degree of affinity, which is very convenient for command and control. Of course, this is only limited to the primary stage. There is no danger in the dimension world. It is not a small number of people who are summoned to be summoned by the summoned creatures. There are also disgusting direct encroachment on the body, legends, and the beauty beast master summoned... Of course, this may be the bad taste of the soul lord deputy guys.

However, it is at least a mid-level summoning enchantment and even higher grades. Wang Zhong is now preparing for this. It is the first practice. It is better to start with a simple point. First, build some confidence. After the study, Wang There is still a lot of confidence in this technique. After all, there is a foundation, which is more advantageous than alchemy and food.

Frankly speaking, this primary summoning technique has no use for eggs. It is said that the primary is to give gold to its face. The so-called thirty-two primary enchantments are actually reduced versions, but they have a basis for formation. Specially designed for novice jiejies, like the primary summoning technique, let alone summon a powerful soul beast, can summon a mutant mouse that attracts one or two products, even if you have been very successful.

First, build a basic rune system. This is something that Wang Zhong is very familiar with. The rune of the primary summoning enchantment may be complicated in the eyes of the novice, but there is no 'complex' in the eyes of Wang Zhong. It is just the level of the subwoofer. It is a little complicated and a little bit limited. Wang Zhong is just a few moments and he has completely engraved his mind.

The Rune Pen is a thing similar to the Horcrux. It is like an alchemy hammer. It can guide the soul power in your body or the energy in the crystal ball. It can reconcile the gold powder with a certain soul force and stabilize the enchantment. More basic, from the practice role, are skilled, basically no need.

Not long after, a blue rune chain structure of a six-pointed star appeared on the table, and the ritual basin was placed in the middle.

Then divide the border grass, Ge Tengxian, and the psychic stone and smash it to the bottom of the ritual basin. These are the substances with quite psychic traits. They are the basic materials used to communicate the two worlds in this surgery. Finally, the so-called 'Sacrifice'.

The primary summoning enchantment is only to establish a two-boundary passage, but the specific connection to which world is determined by your sacrifice, which world the sacrifice comes from, will follow the world of the sacrifice to which world, and, Sacrifices are also the key to attracting dimensional creatures. Such a simple primary summoning does not have the ability to force a contractual dimension creature. It can only be sacrificed to make another dimension of another world interesting, and then take the initiative.

It is said that the person who summoned the mutant mouse only had a piece of braised pork on it. Wang Zhong did not decide what to summon. He didn’t have braised pork here. He turned around in the dormitory and found a piece of broken bone in his pocket. It collapsed inside when fighting in the life and death world.

It is also quite interesting to summon a small donkey.

At this point, put the broken bones into the ritual basin, cut your fingers, drop a few drops of your own blood, and finally chanting the spell to provoke the entire rune matrix, not to mention that Wang Zhong is a little excited, even Simba is looking forward to it. This stuff is fun, maybe there is a chance to summon a funny baby.

"When Wang Zhong succeeded this time, we summoned something interesting, and there are many magical creatures in the dimension world."

Wang repeated his eyes and turned, "When you are a super division teacher!"

The blue six-pointed star array flashed, reflecting the middle of the ritual basin, and the smashed psychic material immediately burned.

There was a smog of smoke, and there was a faint scent in the air. The rune pattern on the table seemed to be alive, slowly curling up to form a cube shape, a rune for the knot. The smoke is bounded, and an extremely small space hole slowly opens above the rune enchantment.

It became.

Wang Zhonghehe smile Although he has absolute confidence in his craft and his studies, but after all, it is the first time to drum up the enchantment, there is still a little surprise.

It was only this small surprise that only lasted for two seconds. The power of the enchantment suddenly disappeared. Wang Zhong stayed, and the confident face suddenly fell, and Simba smiled.

"Wang heavy, this is your confidence you honey?"

(Partners, seeking a monthly ticket, rub, suddenly found the blink of an eye has passed, really fast, like a knife to one year)

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