Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 191: headless rider

() "Combining the sound waves and the flame power, it seems to have joined the increase," Du Bo has been completely attracted by the move just now, with his vision, in fact, when Wang Zhong began to display, he can already knock out its subtlety. Where: "It's too delicate! Whether it's the use of runes or the control of the soul, the image is also very interesting, can you pass the power? What is the ghost image?"

"The combination of imaginary and real, this talent and the control of the soul of the soul can not do much." Mo Ji sighs, whether it is this strange image, or the complex runes that Wang Zhong had just built the trick, The difficulty of the two is by no means imaginable by the ordinary English soul. Even if he and Du boss can only say that they can understand it, they can't do it. This is usually the only thing that talents who have learned the rules can do in the days of the soul!

I can feel that the dead air around me has dissipated a lot in this horrible blow. Together with the dark red sky, it seems to have become brighter at this time. The full canyon is the broken limbs of the headless dead. Like everyone when they first entered the Devil's Canyon, they were all quietly scattered on the ground. Without sufficient support for the dead, they lost their ability to act. It seems that the dead army will not want to recover for a while.

"The enchantment is gone, let me say hello." Du boss only noticed that the enchantment had been shaken. It was not a big heart. It was just too ridiculous to see that he had completely gone.

Wang Zhong did not expect to have outsiders, but also people who knew him. Muzi’s face was with a hint of vigilance.

On the edge of the fifth dimension of life and death, he has met several foreigners. No one is friendly. People who can set foot in this area are often masters of the soul of the soul. They are strong and strong, and they all follow the same. The master of the fifth dimension, the style of looting everything, is not about his life or death, he wants to use him to do something, not only the federal people, but also the empire.

Such a man has once killed two, and most of the time he can only flee, which makes him walk in the realm of life and death, and always maintains absolute vigilance against the outsiders who have encountered.

Ink asked very incomparable emotions, he is very strong now, very strong, but once again see Wang Zhong, but not sure, Wang Zhong’s two moves are very strong, and the flaws are also very big, but the ink asks the other side’s Progress and understanding of the righteousness, this person, as crazy as him.

This time, it is not the time to fight.

When an outsider is found, Simba has disappeared automatically. Just a strange clown will not cause too much attention, but when these people are close to the observation, they may pay attention, and Simba does not like these people.

"Really, Muzi, this is the Mohist." Wang Zhong means that the other party is not a direct enemy, but it is not a friend.

Muzi nodded and his posture was slightly calm.

"Wang Zhong, I haven't seen you for a long time, and the style is still the same." The ink star is very generous. "I and Mo Wenge followed the experience of the two families' predecessors. Do you think of it?"

Wang Zhong smiled, he did not believe that this was accidental, the other side has been hidden, the level is very high, there are two strong days of the soul period, must be directed at the altar.

"When you want to go in and try your luck, it is fate to meet. Do you want to be together?" Wang Zhong is very open. He values ​​slate, but it is not the slate itself, but the above meaning, so it is not an absolute conflict in essence, step back, itself. The experience is more important, and I don’t care about the gains and losses of a city.

Although Mou Jiu and Du Boss are smiling on the surface, they are very strong in their hearts. They eat more salt than these little guys eat, and there is no dimension in the world. But Wang Zhong’s so happy is to make the two a bit Sweaty, good is the predecessor of the Federation, and Mo Wen and Wang Zhong are still relatively recognized opponents.

Mo Jiugang wants to speak, Du Boss suddenly looks aside, "No, there is a lord!"

In the world of dimensions, all who can be called lords are absolutely terrible beings. They control the space of one side, just like the gift of the dimension world to them. In the region to which they belong, they will have certain rules, which will make them at home. The ability to fight can reach incredible levels. For them, human beings have always been fearful because they represent disaster.

A suffocating sense of oppression came from the fog of the altar ahead, as if some creature was slowly descending from the throne of the altar.


It sounds like a hoof, it's not fast, but the slow hoof sounds like a heavy sense of regularity. Every step, every 'beep', can make all the presence People feel as if a hammered hammer hits your heart.

Feeling the pressure, everyone held their breath in an instant. The hoof sound was not fast, but the speed of movement was not slow. It was still at the top of the distant altar when it was just ringing, but it was only three or four seconds, horseshoe The master of the sound has appeared on the edge of the fog.

The first thing that comes out of the fog is a plump hummer, nearly two meters high. It is a dark, indescribable skeleton. Although it is a bone, it is not slim. The vision, it is covered with incomparably thick black armor, under the hoof of the bones, there is a strong black gas filled, forming a small cloud-like thing, each step with a screaming voice.

In the world without heads, this unique war horse has no head, and the head is in a dark mist.

The BOSS of the headless world turned out to be a horse? This idea is only a half second in the minds of everyone.


A black lacquered rifle was also found out of the fog, and immediately followed by the tall body that was riding on the squat.

It was a knight with no head, wearing an old black iron armor, and the moment when the fog appeared to reveal the real body, it was like pulling the whole space, and the mist that filled the whole altar suddenly gathered together. His body absorbs not only the fog, but also the endless air that permeates the space, and even the dark red blood in the sky!

Everything energy, all matter, is like suddenly finding the affiliation, all in one!

Everyone's face changed instantly. If Du boss had just said that there is a certain guessing component, then at this moment, it can be determined without any doubt. Can mobilize the whole life of this headless world, except for the lord, there is nothing he wants!

The first reaction of Du Bo and Mo Jiu was to take the ink and the ink star to sneak, but they didn’t wait for the two to move. The path of the canyon that came in before and disappeared directly disappeared, and no sound was heard. There is no mountain shake, just like never before, the return path has disappeared, no need to reach out and test, Du boss can see at a glance that it is not a confusing illusion, but a banned enchantment, this It is a true lord and has absolute dominance over the headless canyon.

At this time, I saw only a thousand dead air and energy gathering. The world that has always been in the fog has become clear. The altar behind him has also been fully revealed. It is Wang Zhong and others who have seen it in the pyramids. The same specifications, the same simplicity, the only difference is that there is no light that should belong to the gold slate at the top, and even faint can still feel a state of vacancy and nothingness, just like the slate has been Take it away.

Wang Zhong had some accidents. When the fog disappeared and the altar revealed his true body, he discovered that the ancient runes on the altar were very familiar to him. This is not the one that has been half-bright and unlit in his own destiny stone. Gold slate texture?

I remember that I saw it from Stuart and carved it on the stone of destiny. He can faintly feel that there is a power to summon himself on the altar, and there is some kind of connection with himself. It is no wonder that Muzi said that entering the headless world this time is not the same as before, perhaps because at this point.

Du Bo has even widened his eyes. As a teacher, he has a deeper understanding of this aspect.

"Grandma's, we were fooled, it was the runes of dark slate, Bols Sanchez and his Scourge..." Du Boss also understood it in an instant, of course he did not know Wang Zhong's business.

The face of Mo Jiu is also sinking to the end: "You mean, this is the famous dark altar that was once ransacked!"

Bols Sanchez and his Scourge were once too famous, the natural disaster, which was also the end of the Dark Ages. The most powerful battle of the Confederacy, almost gathered the power of all the powerful people on the earth at the time, including the failure of dozens of catastrophe. The master of the heavenly spirit has been able to clear the mystery. It is one of the rare and comprehensive victories in the history of the fifth dimension of the Earth Federation.

The entire Scourge was destroyed, their leader, Bolsanches, was cut off, and the dark gold slate was taken away. After the Federation’s recent turn, it is now preserved in the Stuart family and lost as the core of the secret. Gold slate, the natural disasters of the natural disasters disappeared, and no longer see.

Similar cores of the mystery have been stolen, and then the situation of the disappearance of the secret is too common. Don't say that Du Bo and Mo Jiu, even the entire federal humans have not thought that they will appear in the realm of life and death in this way.

The face of Mo Jiu is also quickly sinking: "Now it should be called a headless knight, as long as he has one-tenth of the power of life, we are all finished..."

"It's incredible, is death not the end, even in the dimension world?" Ink Star did not care about danger at all, but noticed the magical thing. The destruction of the dimension world is called soul destruction, which is also the ultimate destruction. However, here she has witnessed the destruction of the living creatures in another way.

Is the destruction of the dimensional world still not the end? Or is there any other meaning in it?

Ink Star has fallen into meditation, which is why the Apocalypse must continue to travel. Only in this way can it become powerful. It is not enough to rely on the family's materials and inheritance.

Mo Jiu and Du Bos thought of something else. This is a conspiracy. This news was intercepted by the Mohist intelligence network. The first reaction was quite helpful to Mo Wen and Mo Xing Chen’s practice, but it did not mention To the Bol Sanchez and the Scourge, then there is a follow-up to the invitation of Du Bo to come over with them.

At that time, I thought it was cheap. Now, I am shuddering after this. If this news is a family deliberately let them, then I want to make the ink house hurt!

The elders of the two souls, plus the representatives of the younger generation, the pillars of the future, if all die in the realm of life and death, then...

The scenery after the CHF CHF will be instantly turned into ashes, and basically it will be in the state of being married with a tail in the next few decades.

Regardless of whether the guy in the opposite is the legendary Boll Sanchez is still a coincidence, but it is already certain that it is a dimension lord. This is by no means a uniform that can be subdued by himself and the two souls of the ink. The supernatural soul of success and even the holy teacher may do it, otherwise it will only be able to dispatch the army, not to mention the dark altar that was ransacked. The most important golden slate does not exist, and everyone is not desperate. Necessary.

The only choice is to escape, and that first has to crack the banned enchantment around this: "Old ink!"

A string of floating red crystals appeared in front of Du Boss in a row. He held a pen in his hand and quickly pulled it. The strange power was pulled out from the red crystal, and the rune lines were condensed in the air.

It is not necessary to say that the tacit understanding formed by the friends of the ink and the nine-year-old friends. It is obvious that Mo Jiu has already understood the meaning of Du Bo, and strived for the time for him to arrange the enchantment.

A golden soul has already burned in the body of the ink, and the energy of the strong spirit of the heavenly spirit spreads, so that his body is like a holy light, and the first time to shield Du boss behind him.

At this time, the headless knight Sorczace has completed the gathering of dead air.

The unique style of armor on his body exudes a strong black energy. The whole body is filled with a strong and daunting death. He just stood there and gave him the feeling. It is like standing on the bones of a million people.

Puff puff……

His horse Ma Mingming had no head, but he could hear the sound of the nose. The horseshoes on the black cloud also slammed the ground slightly, which was the signal of the charge.

"Return my head!"

The fierce voice suddenly rang from the headless knight, shocking the entire canyon, like the ventral language and the spirit level, so that some people's heads in the place have a bursting feeling.

Followed by a burst of sound!

The heels of the horses swayed, and the whole piece of the ground was as deep as a landslide, followed by a horrible sound.

A huge lap of air swayed from the horse's hooves of the horse, followed by the disappearance of the horse, far beyond the speed of the sound of the sound, turned into a black light has been charged to the front of the ink.

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