Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 164: Tutor's desire (2 in 1)

The autumn wind is bleak, boasting the original spring plain, and the wind has a strong **** smell.

The green plain has been stained with blood, and the corpses have fallen to the ground. Many of them have even been frozen into ice sculptures, mixing the blood from their bodies, making those ice sculptures look gorgeous.

Scarlett was shaking, she could feel the adrenaline in her body at the moment, but when this enthusiasm gradually fell, when she saw a foreigner who was frozen in the ice sculpture, obviously only the child. This boy, who is only normal human size, has died. The dead fish-like eyes still reveal the horror and helplessness before the death.

Scarlett felt a little unable to control her legs and body and fell to the ground.

For some people, the result of going to death is always much harder than killing itself.

A strong vomiting sensation was transmitted from the abdominal cavity, causing her to retching, but unable to spit anything. The Sofia Grand Instructor just watched quietly, until Scarlett’s mood was slightly stabilized. She said faintly: “It’s good, your control of the French image has gradually matured.”

"Are they really evil?" Scarlett suddenly popped up, looking at the mentor with great eagerness, perhaps only to confirm once again to reduce the guilt of his heart at the moment.

"Evil?" Sophia laughed. "What is evil? There is no real righteousness or evil in this world. Some are only the difference between the strong and the weak, the enemy and the enemy."

"They are the Jews, and they also call themselves the sub-Protos. They are the indigenous people of this secret. Perhaps the strong among them have killed many humans, but as the invaders, there is nothing wrong with resisting." Sophia slowly came. I’m ignoring Scarlett’s already stiff eyes and trembling body: “So if you understand it, they are not evil. The Jura people are already dying, and they are ruled by the Holy Land. These once proud tribes. They have lost their former arrogance and glory. They have become humble and weak, and will not actively attack any human being. On the contrary, they often please humans, please the people of the Holy Land, and even call us saints. Funny, as The defeated party, the ruling party, but the extravagance of peace with the Holy Land, huh, huh... In the eyes of the true sacred people, they are just a pile of captive lambs to be slaughtered."

Scarlett couldn't believe her ears, a similar conquered secret, she had heard a lot, no matter whether the Holy Land is right or wrong as an aggressor, at least these residual aborigines are not at fault, most of them are quite docile. Even eager to live in peace with the holy places like the enemy, and to provide the saints with various offerings of labor or resources. Obviously, many people in the Holy Land do not think so because there is no reciprocity between the two sides. status.

An anger rises up in Scarlett's heart and she has not thought of these indigenous identities. It is from the trust of the mentor. This is the first time that she has had a huge grievance against the instructor who is very intimate to take care of herself and her mother. She once thought that the tutor was strict, but at least there was still a righteousness in her heart, but I did not expect: You... how are you... why? Why should I kill them? Why?"

"Shut up!" Sophia interrupted Scarlett's angry question: "Is it too good to talk? You seem to have forgotten it recently!"

The seven-star instructor of the monastery, the realm of horror soul, is only a little angry and enough to make other people tremble, but a little release of emotion is enough to make others groan, Scarlett feels deep fear, that kind of powerful 慑魄力 suppressed her, like a thousand heavy burdens, but she barely supported and refused to bow.

"Want to know why? It’s because of yourself." Sophia said coldly: "Because your weakness, because of your passion, because of your unsteadiness, you must let them remind you with that humble life."

"What is practice? Do you think it is just talent and hard work? You are wrong."

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent. Everything is a dog. When you abandon everything and plunder everything, you can achieve something! Choose a practice. This is a cruel road to loneliness. There is no possibility of turning back. If you don't go forward, you will Becoming the background of others, becoming the waste on the ground that gives you experience, falling into a pool of blood!"

"Yes, there are people like that, rather than being a background and not willing to kill. You think you can choose, but don't be stupid, it's just what you think." Sophia's voice gradually eased from that horrible severity. She is not trying to destroy Scarlett. On the contrary, she wants to cultivate: "When the real fate comes, you have no room for choice. You only have to keep moving forward. When you are strong enough, then come on. Choose something."

"Is it still not clear enough to be intuitive? Hehe..." Sophia looked at her quietly, with a smile on her face: "Give me a stupid reminder. When you are stronger than me, you may refuse me." The order."

The wind whistled and the **** smell filled the surrounding area. After a long time, Scarlett’s body gradually stopped shaking and slowly stood up.

Sophia did not ask her about her status. Some things took time to accept, but she believed that Scarlett could do it, and sooner or later she would be numb and accept in reality and become a person like herself.

She regained her usual indifferent expression and said in a calm tone: "Continue to the next place."

There is no shortage of innocent human beings in the Holy Land. The great tutor values ​​an apprentice. This apprentice seems to have a backing, but has he or she ever thought about it? Why? why?

I admit that some tutors are for inheritance, or simply like it, but in this way, it is only a minority in the Holy Land. This is a world of weak meat. Everyone who can achieve great mentoring is definitely not just talented. They want to kill their opponents. Also be careful that others kill them and eventually come to this point.

Innocent, there is really not much left.

There is no hate for no reason in this world, and there is no love for no reason. Scarlett is useful to her...


Cell cosmology, although it has long been known that it is not easy to practice, although it has long been known through many aspects that this God Book is a problem, so that it becomes a laughing stock of the hegemony, but Wang Zhong still did not think that light is A pre-stage micro-mirror device, an observation and understanding of the preparation of cell cosmology, actually made it difficult for him.

In the Queen's Bar, Oscar's looks look good. The recovery of this almost a month has made him alive again, but the blue marks that were left on his body can't be dissipated, and the bare hair seems to have lost the function of regeneration. The guy who was quite handsome, now looks weird, but Oscar himself seems to be free. He has to say that Wang Zhong’s help has made the things carried on him disappear, and it is the salvation from the soul.

"Head, why are you so anxious to come to me?" Wang Zhong took over the wine he had handed over.

"Look at your eager look, still looking for your mysterious crystal?" Oscar is definitely a class with a high emotional intelligence. The big things can't be seen in his eyes, but he is disdainful when it comes to some people.

In fact, he admire Wang Zhong’s choice. He is the **** book of the Patriarch. The people of the entire holy land basically know that many people have been fooled, but they often give up at the beginning. Wang Zhong is obviously not the kind. The idiot who knows what he is doing can still be so persistent that he can only say that his heart is higher than the sky. Moreover, in view of the impression left by Wang Zhong before the owner of the wandering brigade, if there is anyone who can actually practice the book of cell cosmology in the hegemony, then it is probably only the king.

"Don't mention it, I have seen the so-called scarce resources of the Holy Land. It is also difficult to find something, obviously, but you can't buy it."

"Hah, I got used to it slowly." Oscar laughed: "I know the seniors of several alchemy unions. I will help you later, maybe you can find them, but they are not necessarily new. It is estimated that there are only old things. The price they are sure will not be less, see if you are willing or not."

"You can use it!" Wang Zhong’s eyes are bright, but it’s absolutely not picky. What's new?

"Oh, then this is handed over to me." Oscar nodded. "Speaking of something right, looking for you is coming to prepare a group."

He said that he took a reel from his arms, which was the task scroll of the Dimensional Brigade. The yellow color on the surface of the reel represented its level, Class B. For most brigades, the B-class is a standard task, and the difficulty will not be too low or too high. In addition to the task itself, there is always a certain amount of extra oil and water to earn, which is a more popular type.

Once such tasks are released, they are often broken in the Dimensional Brigade. They must first submit the application, and the Dimensional Travel Agency will first screen a wave. Finally, they will pick out a few of them who think they are good, and then the task publisher. Come and specify in person. At this time, the rank of the brigade and even the rank of the brigade can take advantage. The task publishers often choose the higher-ranking brigade as the partner. After all, the higher the ranking, the stronger the strength and the possibility of completing the mission. The bigger they are, the more they don’t care if a group of weak people pick up their own tasks and will not swarm. The problem is that it will delay their time.

"Magma mystery, B-level mission, to collect some fire spar. The injury of small eyes is still not good, other people in the brigade are still busy collecting the income before, and recently it is not a big group. This task is mainly I have prepared a few for Shirmi. These guys have asked me several times. Newcomers also have to have a chance to practice. If you have time, I think it is better for you to bring a group."

"You don't go? I am a standard newcomer, white, and I don't even understand the normal process?" Wang Zhong is half-joking and half-hearted. The Dimensional Brigade has a lot of formalities in the task of getting out of the city. It is necessary for newcomers who have no experience at all to get it. Absolutely unable to understand.

Oscar haha ​​smiled: "I will follow the group, they are the future of our brigade, but I think it will be better if you come to command."

"Well, when will you leave?" Wang nodded. He certainly knew that this was the preferred task for Oscar. It was very helpful for their growth, and the good commander had to know his team members. Of course, Oscar also wanted To see the strength of this group of newcomers, this is very important for future team work assignments.

"Tomorrow morning, I will wait to confirm your side and then inform them." Oscar threw a handful of information about the magma mystery, and said with a smile: "In addition, this mission is not a team benefit. Earn some extra money."

"I guess the guys are crazy."

Shermi is really crazy, shaking Mario's head for a long time, excited like something: "Wang Zhong?! What you said is true? Out of the group? B-level mission? Just a few of us? ”

With the group, the secret? Before joining the Wandering Brigade, it was really something that I never thought about. Most of the newcomers joined the Brigade to help the saints. Whose clothes should be washed, and which one needs to run errands. Something is going on, there are a lot of messy chores, maybe there will be a little basic salary every month, but if you want to go out with the group and occupy the team quota, it is basically a dream.

Gry's reply is still the elegant look: "Of course, no problem, the senior, I have long expected to have time to fight with you again."

"Hah, Wang Zhong, I know you are reliable!" The last voice was Napier. After joining the Wandering Brigade for a few days, it actually became a lot of jumps. It seems that I found some feelings of being casual and casual. It is said that I also performed it once in the Queens Bar and earned a lot. Of course, I earned a federal credit: "You can arrange it!"

Nature can only be arranged by Wang. In addition to Napier, who has just borrowed a large sum of money from Wang Zhong, other newcomers obviously cannot afford to buy the money from the pioneering order, and count the Oscars with the group. In total, there are also seven people. If you share the same amount, you will get about one hundred and five. Oscar has just owed the debts before the brigade. Now the reserve funds and group fees of the wandering brigade are basically zero. The poorest of the text, only let Wang Zhong first advance. In addition, Wang Zhong carefully read the task information, and there are some extra preparations to go to the magma mystery, such as some cooling measures or emergency fire-retardant drugs, the world is not safe. Although these will definitely be counted in the group fee in the end, it is obvious that the advance payment can only be the only choice for the deputy head of the king.

Looking at the wallet that went down in an instant, Wang Zhong has a feeling of speechlessness. There is a kind of richness called watching wealth, and five thousand holy coins are not hot in the Come back, say what you have to ask Muzi's reincarnation to get the bottom of it, it is wise to do business early.

The first time I came out of the group, everything was incomparable novelty and expectation in everyone's eyes. Wang Zhong also temporarily put down other things, and devoted himself to all kinds of preparations, also for everyone.

When I gathered at the gate of the city in the morning, Shermi’s two eyes were a bit dark, and it seemed that I didn’t sleep well last night. The most excited guy in this situation looked the worst.

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket support, thank you, partners, happy weekend!)

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