Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 124: be lost

The use of alchemy is very extensive and can be used in various fields. To put it simply, the operation of the entire Holy City is almost irrelevant to alchemy. It is small enough to hold a bottle of medicine and reach the defense system of the Holy Land, even if it is Holy Land, the operating mechanism of human nature is still not outdated.

Wang Zhong feels that this stuff is very interesting. His future practice in the Holy Land is sure to be impossible to carry out the alchemy. It is either spending a lot of money to buy it directly, or he knows how to make alchemy. He wants to ponder the sorrow of the soul. Pakistan is completely crouched about this.

"What are these alchemy elements? Is it more than 7,000 element units?!" Simba's tone was so scary at the time, his expression was too excited, and his face was completely ready for expression: "It’s simply It’s just a bunch of silly hats that haven’t seen the world! It’s not that I’m bragging, the great Simba is enough to be a holy mentor in this alchemy subject in this holy place! Wang Zhong, let me out, the light of the great Simba is absolutely enough to shine on you! ”

If you don't say this, it's okay. If you say this, Wang Zhong really can't let him out. The Holy Land is not incapable of accepting the aliens. There are many more strange things than Simba, but the problem is that after the Holy Land test, Simba is probably not Simba. It’s not entirely doubtful that Simba’s ability is arrogant. Even if it’s true, Wang Zhong dares to promise that the next day he will be able to grab himself and Simba together with the Holy See’s Holy Instructor. In a world dominated by absolute power, peace can only be a representation. Wang Zhong does not doubt that if it is necessary, it can become darker than the Federation.

This kind of thing is still a low-key point. Today, I am here to buy a set of alchemy equipment. Unfortunately, I have seen several alchemy shops here. The most basic set of alchemy equipment is expensive and scary. Thousands of holy coins can't be afforded, and they can only be sighed. I heard that there are alchemy equipment available for rent in the Holy Land, such as the alchemy union. Wang Zhong decided to join the hegemony and then go around. Turn around and let Simba give himself a hand, what if this guy is really true? Even if you don't take it out to make money, there are still many places where you need to use alchemy.

After strolling all the way, when the sky is dark, it has reached the edge of the most end zone. The street has disappeared. There is a beautiful garden around it. There is a gravel path leading to the distance. Going over is the big mentor area that is forbidden to enter.

This kind of garden isolation belt Wang Zhong has also seen it several times. When I strolled in the other direction yesterday, it was also the arrangement at the end, which showed the distinct status of the saints and the big tutors.

The pedestrians here are quite rare. Although it is the road leading to the area of ​​the big mentor, the big mentor often sit on the mount and go high. They don’t go straight to these paths, and the apprentices will not run anyway. Come here for a walk.

Far away, I can see the banned area over there. There is a blue rune energy cover that separates the big mentor area and the saint area. The rune energy cover flashes with a pale blue fluorescence, which is usually not seen carefully. Out, but occasionally blowing up on the wind, the entire energy cover will produce a certain reaction, showing some rune symbols in it.

Anything related to the rune is Wang Zhong’s favorite. Wang Zhong is very interested in this magical protective cover. Apart from being able to see and recognize your identity, you can’t touch it. Its existence can block everything, but it also makes you feel the flow of energy. Nuoda's energy cover covering the entire apprentice area is like no consumption. Frankly speaking, such a rune technique is a bit too shocking for the Earth people. He also went to the edge of the apprenticeship area to study the energy cover there two nights ago. Compared with the current big mentor area energy cover, it seems that it is not It’s exactly the same, it should be more powerful, and Wang Zhong is very curious.

He walked over to the past and wanted to see the energy mask of the big mentor area. He could see that there were hundreds of meters away from the edge of the energy cover. It was cold, like what the body touched, feeling It should have been an empty space, and it was exposed to a layer of faint energy ripples, like an enchantment. It penetrated into the enchantment and appeared in front of it as a small lake.

Is there an invisible space here?

Wang was shocked. He took a step back. The scenery in front of him changed back to the appearance of the garden lawn before he stepped forward. The scenery changed and the lake appeared in his eyes.

Retreat, disappear again, move forward, and then appear again.

This is obviously a space that is shielded by similar illusions, but it is different from the ordinary blind method. Even if Wang Zhongzhi uses the name that can see all the illusory eyes, there is no way to see the abnormality of this space on the periphery. You must know that Even if you break through the soul of the soul, your heart can only see the illusion of the succubus as long as it is motivated. But now, knowing the arrangement here, you still can't see the scam.

Wang Zhongyu is amazed, it is a holy place, and a small arrangement everywhere makes people completely confused. It really is endless.

He simply stepped into this space, only to see the sound of the lake in front of the lake, surrounded by breeze, even with a little warmth, the temperature is right.

There are some big rocks by the lake, a messy old man with a hair is sitting on the stone and fishing. When Wang Zhong walks in, he has already noticed that he should be dressed as a student, but he can even step on it. space.

The old man’s eyes flashed a touch of surprise, but he quickly converges back. There are too many weird things in this world, and they have long been accustomed to it. Anyway, this is not a private territory, and anyone who comes in to shut his own fart.

"Hey!" He was very interested in the rushing king and recruited: "Young man, lost?"

"Predecessors are good, sorry, don't bother you." Wang Zhong said with a smile, looking at the place did not mind and went over, "I want to turn around."

The old man grabbed the fish around him and handed it over: "Is it fishing? I have several kinds of fish here. Would you like to try it?"

"This, really, no."

"Rely," the old man said with a sigh of relief: "The young man has no emotion."

Wang Zhong is also funny, there is such an interesting old man, I really want to be angry: "Fishing can't, but I will bake fish."

"Cut, grilled fish who won't!" The old man blinked and was not very interested.

"My craft is not bad, and there is good wine, wine is absolutely good!" Wang Zhong can not blow, after all, the Holy Land has a career of dimensional foodies, but Muzi's wine is absolutely good.

"Sounds good, but don't just say no." The old man did not believe, threw a fishing rod over: "Show the old man a hand? When I do it, I will ask you, but if you don't do well, you can pay me." fish!"

"Do you always be a judge?"

"What to say, young and so careful, you really want to eat well, can I still hang you in the old man?"

"Hah," Wang Zhong haha ​​laughed: "That is ugly!"

It’s a bit lonely to see the old man, and someone is very happy to talk with him.

There are three fish in the fishbill that are thrown over. It grows very strange. There are teeth in the mouth. There are two smooth little claws on the fish. The head is small, but the strength is thief, and the slippery hands are not enough. Wang Zhong Reaching out and squatting, I accidentally got it back into the lake.

"I haven't seen it yet? Hainan, it's a third-order beast, and I slipped carefully." The old man said with a smile: "Don't look here is just a small lake, connected to the underground river below the holy land, wide. Very, it is not easy to catch this little thing. The old man’s eyes are thrown away, and the trigeminal pants are almost taken off. The seduce will come to these three days. This is to get the market, and it’s also said that there are thousands of holy coins!”

Wang Zhong’s face turned black in an instant: “What do you call me? On the barbecue stall, there is a thousand federal currency of Hainan. Do you always tell me thousands of holy coins?”

"Haha, I still know the price." The old man laughed: "The kind of barbecue stall is bionic, can you compare with my real goods?"

"You will not deliberately say that it is not good to let me lose money?"

"What do you say, do you think that I am like a sultry person?" The old man was righteous and righteous, and he looked upright: "The filth of the elderly is immoral, and the person must be kind!"

"However, nothing, my wine is definitely better than fish." Wang said with a smile.

A few words of over-confidence make the old man look forward to than the chat is obviously more interested in the so-called original grilled fish, keep urging.

But I really waited for the king to get started, and when the fish smells scattered, the old man has a feeling of dry eyes.

How to say it, the smell of grilled fish can only be said to be decent, and the whole process and technique are quite rough, even can be said to be a bit unconcerned, although the old man himself does not know how to do it, but the tongue and the nose are It was already fine, until the fish was cooked and handed over, just tasted a small piece, and the old man felt like a cry.

Three sea-nano, fresh is fresh enough, the outer focus is tender, the roasting craft will also be, can taste? This chewing mouth can fade out the birds and work hard for a whole day of harvest. This is ruined. I actually believe that a hairy boy said that the fish is grilled.

It’s just a joke to lose money, and then look at the kid’s poor and sour, so that he can’t afford to pay him.

The old man instantly disliked and felt distressed and depressed. Wang Zhongxiao laughed and took a small bottle from the small backpack behind him and handed it over: "Predecessors, I have this grilled fish to have this taste."

The old man will be suspicious, take the bottle, pull out the stopper and sniff, the eyes are bright, and the head is a big mouth.

There was a faint, unpretentious fish fresh in his mouth, but at this time a spicy taste was poured down his throat. This spicy has a strong compatibility, mixing the tasteless in the throat. The fish is fresh and fragrant, and it combines the spicy taste of the wine with the umami taste of the fish. It instantly presents a feeling of seamlessness in the mouth, which erases some of the spicy throat and retains the spirits. Stimulating and soothing, combined with the light fish scent, simple and simple taste, mixed, natural, not too cool.

(Partners, the holiday is coming to an end, ask for a double monthly ticket support, thank you!)

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