Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 113: Wang is coming again!

, the fastest update the latest chapter of the fighting frenzy!

Next to Shermi, a slap in the palm of her ass, said with a smile: "Hey, the disciples of the big mentor are different. I don't want to ask for any news in the future."

Scarlett's face was red, because Shamir also squeezed her ass, "You are a female hooligan!"

"Hey, today is not waiting for the dormitory to be the rhythm of the war?" Shermi did not tweak, haha ​​laughed, and made a fuss, Scarlett rushed for mercy.

Lola smiled happily at the two of them, and frankly said that during the time of entering the Holy Land, Scarlett’s face was much less graceful, and her affirmation and the attention of her mentor diluted many of her original pessimistic thoughts. This is quite good.

It was raging, and Tianxun suddenly rang. Lola picked it up and saw a guy with his entire face wrapped in a cloak. He said in a cold, cold voice: "Chick, guess who I am." !"

There, Shermi and Scarlett stopped and stopped. This sounds like a bad person. Who is this Lola? I didn’t expect Lola’s ‘噗嗤’ smile: “Morden, less nonsense! I have been here for so long, and even your figure has not been seen. You are not coming over to report now, and you are joking?”

There was a moment of ecstasy painting over there. Moorden unveiled his cloak and his face was dark. He wanted to force it in front of Wang Zhong. This sister didn’t give face: "Rely, this voice has become even I can't hear it myself, and I still cover my face. Can you guess it?"

"On your silly gas field, bring your own identification system, let alone bring the cloak to change the sound, even if it turns into ash, I will not admit it," Lola laughed. "Don't talk nonsense, I am at your monastery door, you The old girl, I am entangled in which forces to join, and quickly rolled over to help me with the staff!"

There, Mooreden sighed for a long time: "There is no problem in the past, that is, there are more individuals on my side, and I don’t know if it is inconvenient to bring them together. Hey, look at the people on your side. beauty."

"You are not looking for me a scorpion? I told you that I have to look at the relationship beforehand. Are you looking for death?"

Molden's name, Scarlett and Shermi have also heard that, especially after arriving at the Holy Land, it became more and more simple that the young master of the Porter family was quite simple. His master is a seven-star instructor, and he is more than a teacher of Scarlett. It is definitely a calf in the Holy Land. This is not the case. The key is that the great tutor likes Moore. This disciple can get a return to Earth for a year in the spirit of the soul, which is really not a qualification for any pro-disciple. Not only must the master be powerful enough, but he must be satisfied with his disciples, and he will try his best to break such a big case for him.

Such a character should be a shining radiance in the imagination of Shermi and Scarlett. It can be seen that he was rolled over by Lola in the sky and the right sentence was turned into gray, which is not angry, but also pinches his nose. Hey, hippie smiley, completely different from the imagination, almost laughed.

"The mouth of your skull is too bad!" Moore's cough in Tianxun coughed a few times and looked at the dusty servant and the scum of Wang Hu, which became the nephew of Lola. In a moment, you can get a goose bump: "It's a man! A man I met in the desert, he said he knows you."

"The man who knows us Lola can go more, just don't know if Lola doesn't know him." Next to Shermi has begun to interject, this woman is a typical self-cooked, interpersonal dictionary only in Good feelings and evil -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the fighting frenzy!

Feeling, I never know what it means to be strange.

Her voice just fell, and another guy’s face appeared in the sky, and the three women were suddenly sluggish.

Wang re-examined his head and smiled and waved his hand at the screen: "Hey, Lola, Scarlett, ah, Shermi is also, long time no see."


The three women squatted for eight seconds, and then three high nine-degree sopranos sounded in a quiet coffee shop.

"Wang, Wang Zhong!" Lola and Scarlett felt that something was spinning in the eyelids.

Shermi is a real scream: "Wow! Wang Zhong, you are still not dead?!"

The Mian Deng and Wang Zhong of the Tianxun face each other. What kind of person is this, and there is a man who will die when he meets.

"I'm sorry, I am disappointed." When he saw his old friend, Wang Zhong was very happy.

Shermi also realized the problem of language problems and practiced scratching her head: "Spoken mistakes! Haha, too excited!"

Scarlett and Lola have all woke up from the shock, only feeling that the whole sky has become a lot brighter, excited to stand up, and the two grabbed the corner of the screen of Tianxun: "Where are you? We will go right away." you guys!"

"Hey, hello! I said a few, you are very kind," Molden is very upset: "How do you know that it is me, just let me roll over and see this kid, you take the initiative to find it?" The old man is very unbalanced!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Location!" Lola is already roaring, too excited. She and Scarlett have imagined that Wang Zhong has not been killed by the so-called experience, and certainly insists on somewhere in the fifth dimension. After all, there will be a good day, but I really didn’t think that this day came so fast.

Scarlett also nodded and nodded, so excited that she couldn't speak.

"Don't look for it, my brother teased you, first say hello." Mooreden laughed: "We just arrived at the platform outside the Adaliya space, and there is still a time in the Holy City, and it will be after the past. First take Wang Zhong to go to the city to go to the city It will take some time to delay. Late, I will go to you and Wang Zhong to find you again."

Tianxun has been hung up, and the three girls have maintained a calm of about four or five seconds. Immediately, they were unable to endure. They laughed happily and attracted countless people from the entire coffee shop. They were stunned.

Wang Zhong, actually came back.

Although there were no voices among the three girls, there were a lot of people in the cafes, and there were many newcomers from the Federation. The name of Wang Zhong was naturally taboo, and the news was heard in a few minutes at an alarming rate. This is definitely a big news throughout the circle of federal newcomers.

They are not interested in what Wang Zhong has experienced, mainly whether Wang Zhong has created the soul of the soul and created what kind of soul!

Not to mention newcomers, some brothers and sisters have heard of the names of Wang Zhong and Mo Wen. Although the soul-making period does not mean anything, once the level of these two people is reached, the soul period will be worse. It is possible to have a miracle. of.

Even the extent of Scarlett.

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