Battle Frenzy

Vol 8 Chapter 27: Burn your sister!

I don't know who shouted at the scene: "Devil, Devil! The devil of the blood family! Burn him! Burn it!"

"Different, monster, horrible monster, burn him!"

Some people are following, but this voice is extraordinarily lonely, because it is obvious that Glei may have bloodline ancestry, but there is nothing uncontrollable killing, even if it is not too much problem from the appearance, because entering the bright age In order to constantly pursue strength and study the blood, human beings said that the taboos and blood vessels that have been badly listened to have been done, and that the "horrible monsters" in the population have reminded everyone that some of the more disgusting changes have occurred compared with CHF. Lai is simply... evolution!

Gry's face has not changed. No one knows more about the history of the federal treatment of aliens than the real aliens. Such a reaction is also expected.

Yes, the next moment, the change has appeared.

"burn your sister, burn! What devil? Have you seen such a handsome devil?"

A high octave soprano screamed sharply, followed by countless choruses.

"What are the hundreds of years of aliens?"

"Rely, is this even alien? What happened to those blood forces before?"

"That is, the person who had become a werewolf before the Baila Dien family, scared the individual, and then look at our Grae, except for the red eyes, there is no difference!"

"The blood prince! God, it's cool!"

"My Lai! Even if I am the devil, I will always love you, and I will have a lovely mixed-blood baby!"

The sudden sound quickly broke the tranquility of the scene. The voice of the woman accounted for less than sixty-seven percent, and many of the male fans of Tianjing were arguing loudly and reputed for the blood family.

There was some turm at the scene, and the big eyes in the stands looked calm. However, several of the referees under the court were slightly hesitant. Zhou Mu frowned and looked at Rommel, asking if he wanted to stop the game.

Rommel didn't use the first time to answer, but stared at Glyn on the field. Frankly speaking, the federal expulsion of aliens was only early. At that time, the federation was too weak, and there was no need for a high-pressure policy to ensure internal stability. I am afraid that it would be long ago. It has been leveled by the mutant beast. Nowadays, the Federation is becoming more and more powerful. It is not as lacking as the internal control in the early days. The major families are constantly touching taboos, and the blood power is rising. Twilight's blood that has been completely stable will not be said. Even the blood of the werewolf, which is still completely unstable, like Adam Levin, the family batch experiment, the federal did not see who to sanction, are all eyes closed.

To put it bluntly, it’s just that Gry has no backstage, but now, on the battlefield of CHF, Longmeier quickly made a judgment. In any case, the game continues!

Longmeier gave a judgment, and the scene cheered a supporter of Tianjing and Glei. If Gry is a monster, how can they accept it? From appearance, character, ghosts and other guys are monsters. Is it because Ghost is a wealthy disciple, Gle is a civilian, and Gly is a monster?

You must know that there are countless people on the scene and on the sky. This is not sneaky and can be erased. Now, Grae is not an ordinary student who can be slaughtered.

There is no venting of the soul, and there is no burst of power. However, when the eyes re-focus on the game, the trepidation of power has already shrouded the audience in an instant. It is a kind of power from a higher level of life. Pressure, a higher level of evolution!

Mo Ling’s right fist is clenched, and the palm of his hand is already a wet one, not because of fear, but because of excitement!

Perhaps it is influenced by the question of ink, or perhaps, Mo Lingben is such a person. When he encounters a stronger person who makes it difficult for him to determine the result, the desire for battle will be suppressed.


His heavy exhalation gas, the right leg slightly swayed backwards, pulled open the posture, the psychic four beasts mixed with the soul of the cohesive, the scales of the tortoise shells in the moment faded, replaced by a more violent Strength and breath.

In the face of the blood family, defense is meaningless, just the strange blood fog is enough to corrode everything.

At the time of the keeper, Mo Ling will not be reluctant, but if he is at the attack, he will never be soft.


The smile on Gry's face was slightly collected, hehe!

The blood is in full bloom, rushing from the bottom of his feet and the bottom of the ground, like the red airflow rewinding, and the long silver hair that was originally scattered and scattered, at this time, even in a moment, the roots are upside down.

The **** eyes suddenly condensed.


Didn't see Grae's body doing any movements, but the whole person has turned into a **** spurt, and it is shining!

The pupil of Mo Ling suddenly contracted.

too fast! Just at the moment when the other party started, I realized that it was so fast that I was too late to complete any complicated combat skills!

But what about it? It is not necessarily complicated, it is the best. Inkology, the most important thing is the foundation, the momentum, the desire to fight.


Mo Ling violent, both eyes are also **** ~ ~ Tongling four animal body of the wild madness burst out, the whole person rushed forward at the same time, two streams of light flashing in the air, just in the blink of an eye They have collided together.


A loud bang from the heavens and the earth, the terrible shock wave formed by the moment of force collision suddenly rushed open and swayed around, and rushed to the side shield like an air wave, and the entire protective cover was slightly darkened!

The stadium at the scene is a sway, like a mountain shake, countless glass cracks!

The two figures were bounced off the air at the same time and split on both sides.

"The power is almost the same." Ghostly eyes are bright.

"No," Caroline's eyes are obviously more old: "Mo Ling has returned two steps!"


After the landing of Mo Ling, he slammed back and slammed his feet. The strength of the earthquake was too strong. It was hard to imagine, so that he couldn’t stop the car at all. The opposite Grae had already stopped the retreat, and the red light flashed. I blasted into the raid again.

One of the specific abilities of the blood family is to control the blood, and the blood is in a state of boiling. When the blood clan is more powerful, in fact, many human power outbreaks are related to qi and blood, and the outbreak of will is finally implemented to the promotion of qi and blood. The horrible place of the blood family is that he can directly control, the former terrorist strategy of the Federation, the essence is fear.

The blood of the blood family is also top in the blood force.

At this time, Grae has obviously entered the state, the speed is obviously faster than just now, the pressure at the impact is also stronger, and the distance from the far distance is almost overwhelmed.

The narrow road meets the brave to win, this time, more than half a step is to die!

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