Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 97: It’s good

In the closed Zen room, the meditating ink asked a picture of a person in his mind.

Wang Zhong.

This is a guy who goes the same way as himself. If he can fight with him, may he have a chance to go further? Unfortunately, Mok knows his history of growth, and this person is improving every day, but if It was good in the early years, and now he has to get through the Vladimir.

And the Thunder is not so good, Vladimir is a man who can hold his breath like him. One such existence is often more terrible than those who have great scenery.

It is obvious that there is no such thing as ink questioning. On Tianxun, quite a large number of people’s eyes have begun to shift to another semi-final tomorrow.

Tianjing to Lei Di.

Frankly speaking, if you really want to say that you win the championship, no matter whether it is Tianjing or Ivan Leidi, it is no worse than the celestial pole and Stuart. The ice prince’s horror demonized ice power in the face of Lola has already been a good thing. Known as the most horrible defense of this CHF, and also gave a name called 'Sighing Wall', any attack can only sigh in front of it!

On the other hand, Tianjing is not to mention, the power of the strong king has already penetrated the hearts of the people, and it has already fallen into an almost irrational state of worship. Even if someone screams that the king can kill an army alone, there will be no one. Doubt, this is not a strong or not strong problem. For the king powder, the mouth of the king only means one word: unbeaten!

Who is the Nima opponent? It’s just like this!

But this obviously can only represent the extreme thoughts of some of the king powder, more rational people, experts in various fields, especially the members of the various teams. Under the rational analysis, the victory of Tianjing is actually not high.

"It's not so easy, you can pass the Ghost Emperor's Pass, or Ghost Hao has a lot of problems. If you arrange the tactics reasonably, let go of Wang Zhong, kill Grae, even if it is all released, save the three main forces to fight. Team battle, it will be difficult for Tianjing to win."

"Vladimir is notoriously cold, certainly will not make such a mistake, tomorrow should be the first to fight against Gloria, Norah White Greg is actually an advantage, after all, attack-type reloading, speed also Not slow."

"Even if you go directly to Vladimir, it is possible. As long as you kill Gloria, if you are heavy, you can let go. It is not necessary to fight with Tianjing. I want to win one with the strength of other people in Tianjing. It’s impossible to drag the team into the team battle."

"Do you think that Tianjing will not guard against this situation? The first snow graze? First with you!"

"Useful? Lost the first game, Tianjing lost the first move, Gry is always going to play, and Lei Di, who retains the right to choose, can handle it with ease and continue to target him."

"That would allow Wang Zhong to take the lead and get back to the first hand. As long as he succeeds, he can retain the post-election while retaining the Gloria..."

"Too of course, Tianjing really wants to do this, I am not afraid that Lei Di's first hand is also only a common main force? That day, Beijing's tactical arrangement did not succeed, but also to lose the first hand by white, then it would be a loss. dead!"

The various voices on Tianxun have been quarreled. Most people are discussing the battle tomorrow, the most important and most anticipated. Of course, I hope to see Vladimir and Wang Zhong. The duel, but under the rational analysis, the probability of such a situation is actually not large.

If Ivan the Emperor really learned the lesson of the Ghost Emperor, the possibility of letting go of the king is not without it. After all, the ice prince gives a feeling of calm and wise from beginning to end, and does not seem to care so much. And more importantly, if they have passed the Tianjing, they have to meet with the celestial pole in the finals, but it is absolutely hard, even if it is only for the sake of saving strength, it is easier to use. Winning is also reasonable.

The people of the major teams clearly support this judgment.

At this time in a luxurious hotel lobby, there are several teams being partyed. If you look closely, you will find that most of them are stars on CHF.

The Asuna Naval Battle Team, the Blazing Angels, the Mammoth Team, the Highland Knights, and so on, are almost all the 32 strong, the 16 strong, and even the top eight teams.

The sound of soothing piano sounds in the hotel, everyone is just wearing casual clothes, but compared to this high-end luxury place, these casual clothes seem to look a bit chilly. But there is no way, they are poor teams. Like the mammoth team from the giant elephant city, the people who starve to death every year in the whole city don’t know how many. The competition is a special sponsorship of the parliament. Do you still expect them to customize the high-end dresses? ?

Everyone is cordially talking and communicating with each other, and the cups are intertwined. There is no shadow after the failure of the game. Instead, they are interested in talking about the game between Stuart and the celestial pole today, and analyzing the future of Lei Di and Tianjing. The pros and cons of each other, once the opponent is too strong, in some respects is also a relief, at least loses, and will not be smashed back, it is the opponent is too abnormal.

Here, most people's eyes are still quite sinister, and the fans who are only embarrassed on Tianxun can be different. Most of them are obviously more inclined to Lei Di. In addition to the overall strength, the biggest factor is It is impossible for Lei Di to make the mistake of the ghost god. With Vladimir’s recognition and promotion of Wang Zhong before the game, it is necessary to treat Tianjing as the most powerful opponent. Various tactics and even the removal of the king’s weight in exchange for easier. Victory is not impossible.

Of course, even if it is really in the right position, it is not easy for the strong king to cross the ice prince Vladimir. Vladimir is definitely a question of Karo and Caroline. Even if the king of the mouth can win, with the ice power of Vladimir, I am afraid that it will be delaminated without dying. In the group battle, as long as Wang Zhong does not have a complete victory, waiting for the iron man from the North District. !

Tveran is also intimately talking with several captains, smiling, this meeting is initiated by Twilight, CHF is also a place for friends to make friends, but obviously, Twilight is not just Wanting to make a friend, the family seems to have felt some pressure from Stuart, the ghost of the Emperor, and the five from the federal.

Staying up late also wants to grow up. It’s obviously not enough. It’s not enough for the future. The future is in the body of young people. Since the foundation cannot compete with the flow of Stuart, it’s especially good to draw these outstanding elites. Important.

This is actually not difficult. It is true that most of the players present in the Bundestag are in a competitive relationship with the family, but don't forget that it is a matter between the high level of the parliament and the family. For young people, they are more valued for their future.

Following the parliament, their future is almost completely fixed. It must be the first to enter the federal mobile unit for militarization training. After coming out, it may be possible to mix and match in the military department, but to enter the interior of the parliament, become a real People are arrogant, the chances are too small, after all, the parliament's stalls are too broad, but also pay attention to homogenization and fairness.

On the contrary, it is different from staying up late at night. As a subsidiary of the family, they can get a lot of resources to cultivate. There is no need to worry about people competing. Even if they want to enter the military, they will be helped and supported by the family. The rising speed will also be entered into the parliament. The normal system is much faster. In addition, staying up late can give them many other benefits, such as investing in their hometown. Such conditions are simply impossible for the mammoth team from the giant elephant city to refuse.

At this time, the mammoth captain Wichita, this two-meter-old big man has put a very humble attitude in front of Tilveran, this is simply an incredible thing for the proud gold mammoth blood. Obviously there is only one explanation, he has accepted the solicitation of staying up late.

The other team captains put these things in their eyes and chatted with you about tomorrow's battles. They also considered and weighed each other. Most people are heart-warming, but they don't have to rush to promise, that is, the kind of guy who stays in the giant elephant city all the year round and has never seen the world and the mind is simple. At this time, the interest in himself is definitely more than that. Night family, waiting for the price is the best choice.

They guessed it right. In fact, Ghost Emperor, Torres, etc. also have this meaning. Ghost Heart, Elasi, Adam Levine and others are also preparing, even the Parliament is considering Raising the appropriate treatment to retain these elites, the nightly gathering will only be a beginning, not an end.

This is another resource allocation of CHF, talents, the whole game is nearing the end, and the people who are really interested have already secretly robbed the fruits of the game.

Of course, there must be no care about this kind of resources. For example, Kapofeier, the family's development route is different, and naturally will not participate in it. As the captain's Lola, there is no meaning to participate in such resources. I am having dinner with a girl.

A very fierce girl, Shermi.

If the fans on Tianxun know that the two players in the OP are facing each other, there will be pictures of sitting together to eat, and it must be crazy, think that they can not be more beautiful.

Shermi is uninvited. The reason is that she was rejected when she ran to Tianjing. It is said that she is doing the final preparation for tomorrow’s battle. It is really not convenient to disturb. Lola is here.

Frankly speaking, these two people can't be acquainted with each other. Although they usually bicker, they obviously appreciate each other.

Especially after the last time I went to Tianjing, the private connections between the two people are more and more frequent. Of course, it is obviously impossible to expect the two people to chat like a girlfriend. It is more likely to be together. damage.

"You guys are really extravagant, running so far to play, even the steaks are shipped straight." Shermi chewed the steak in his mouth, the 5A-level Cabo Fiel plateau breeds the cow, the snow-like The beef tendon chews is really not a delicious taste: ", gorgeous, extravagant and extravagant! I don't know the folks at all, I look down on you."

"Then you still eat so cheerful." Lola gave her a blank look.

"I am destroying sin for you!" Xia Mier did not care to eat a large piece, really the entrance is instant, this taste, this fragrance, beef can be delicious to this point, this luxury guy, the evil card Beaufort, the big and evil.

Lola is speechless. "I still have a cow in my house!"

"You still care about this." Shermi smiled. "It doesn't matter. Although it is a little smaller than the sister, you are almost enough."

Lola is also drunk. As long as she is with her, she is almost always lifting her chest. It seems that this is the place where she can find confidence in front of her. The problem is that she really does not feel that she should have confidence in this aspect. . I can't go deep into this topic with her, otherwise I can't really see it.

But before she shifts the topic, Shermi’s combination punch has arrived: “Hey, I heard that you and Wang Zhong are getting better? Going out for a date? How, do you have that?”

Lola was drinking juice and almost squirted out of it. The turn turned too fast and was coughed up several times: "What is this?"

"Is it stupid with me?" Shermi immediately reached out and kissed each other, and made a sound of '啪啪啪', a look you know, and then a curious look: "I am at OP" I saw that Wang Zhong’s figure is actually quite good. You don’t lose this wave!”


A silver bowl has been smashed.

"I don't have anything to do with Wang, so I am bothering you not to guess!"

"Oh ~ ~ Shermi suddenly nodded like a big enlightenment, then a serious saying: "I said, Ma Dong, the guy's words can how to believe? I believe you! I am relieved now. ”

"Do you feel relieved?" Lola felt something in her words.

Shermi said with a smile: "I was not afraid of stealing your boyfriend and hurting your little sister. Since Wang Zhong is not, I am relieved. When the game is over, Wang is important to win. I will find him. Dating. Don't worry! Our girl in Flame City can't be so reserved, as long as the sister is willing, promise to get it once!"

Lola was a little bit forced at once, and her mouth was wide open. Who said that Shermi had no brains? It’s just that the brain of this wave is absolutely useless!

Frankly speaking, it is more open than the folk customs. Capofield and the Flame City are really incomparable. The sisters of the Flame City are famous peppers in the Federation. It is true that they dare to say anything. Of course, if you dare to do it, it may not be.

It’s also a long while, and Lola has come back. “You are not with Mario...”

Seeing that Shermi looked smirk, Lola realized that the other person was ridiculing himself, but couldn't help but smile.

It is no wonder that women who are in love usually have no brains. This level of bickering, in front of Shermi, has never been lost. This is a concern and chaos.


A wide range of topics and concerns.

In noisy, in celebration, in carnival, in sorrow, or in intrigue or in laughter.

Whether it is an ordinary audience, ordinary fans, or Twilight, Lola Shermi, or the family of the family, the wealthy family hidden deeper in the city.

Everyone has a story for everyone, and each place has a different kind of excitement.


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