Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 78: Overlord's suffocation

Although Ma Dong is somewhat worried, he believes that Wang Zhong and Zhao have already targeted them more than once. He does not know when he is killed. In the face of enemies, forbearance will only make them worse, but for Asa. For the Xin family, the expansion of the Tianjing cause will definitely violate the forces. This must be grown in the blood and fire.

"Do you need time to specialize in preparing weapons?" Longmeier appreciates the personality of Wang Zhong. He has never been fond of the insidious movements of the family. As long as the rules are within, he is willing to give Wang Zhong a certain preferential treatment. "In addition to the cross, other weapons are not restricted."

"No need." Wang Zhong smiled and walked to the weapon rack next to it. The caged place naturally did not lack weapons. It was a boutique of KD Heavy Industry. Of course, it was only a boutique.

He squirmed a huge hatchet, a bit like Norah White's Axe, and swayed a few times in the air, and the hurricane screamed.

Next to Norah White's eyes lit up, looking around and looking around, what did I say? The axe is the strongest weapon in the world! The strong king of the mouth has a vision!

To be honest, despite the different positions, the people from the North District appreciate Wang Zhong. This is a true man. Love and hate are distinct. Unlike some shoulder bags, the name of the family will be smashed first.

However, others may not be so optimistic about Nora White.

The Optimus Axe is very fierce, big and big, and it is a better choice to deal with this ferocious mutant beast, but even if it is Nora White, one-on-one is OK, but five, it is really not human. thing.

Moreover, this is still a cage, and even the best skills can not be fully developed. The wisdom of human beings is to use the terrain to pull, each break, put it into such a small space, what axe is not good, let alone there is a Ma Dong next to Awkward.

Frankly speaking, he can understand the mood of Zhao Zimo, but if he thinks he can survive in the cage with this axe...

Can only say that it is too conceited and too arrogant.

"I thought there would be a big move, just an axe... a pity," said Ryan Stuart, shaking his head slightly: "He can choose to use a slightly milder way. This person is too direct and too simple. It’s a once and for all to kill Zhao Zimo, but he doesn’t have the same price. He doesn’t have this strength.”

"The cage has been a game of nobility since the dark ages. It is normal for civilians to understand. He is only half-baked about the dangers and limitations."

"If you are in the open terrain, using the big axe and his ghost steps, and giving up that Ma Dong, then there may still be a chance to contend with it, at least for ten minutes."

"I appreciate his courage, but in the cage... almost surely defeated."

"It’s better to use a shield. After all, the requirement is only ten minutes."

"It's too rigid in form, too eager to prove, or naive. He doesn't know about fighting. It's taken for granted with an axe."

The whispers of the surrounding voices are ringing, and it is obvious that the people present are having enough eyes to see such games, but only the bystanders.

The celestial team led by Mo Wen was quietly watching. He had to say that he had to upgrade his evaluation of Wang Zhong, and he was decisive, and Zhao Zimo once had let go of such a problem.

From the moment when Wang Zhong took the axe, Mo Wen felt it, as if Wang Zhong and the axe had a kind of fit that could not be described in words.

Ink asked never to look at things with your eyes. The world you feel in your heart is wonderful. When you combine it with your mind, you have an alternative picture. In that picture, people are people, things are things.

However, when Wang Zhong took the axe, the ink asked that the axe had disappeared, or that it was with his body. So natural, so fit!

There is no extra expression on the face of Mo Wen, but my heart is already clear.

He seems to have been able to predict the results in advance, and finally understand why Wang Zhong dared to take such a big risk, because this kind of risk may not be considered as a 'risk' in his opinion!

Even, he seems to finally discover the secret of Wang Zhong.

What assassin, warrior, reloading, remote... A person can have so many jobs, until the moment before the ink question is still incredible, the world could not have had so much energy and wisdom to practice so many things. Wang Zhong probably did not go to special training, but he can show so many professional skills, only because he is the real core of weapons!

Humanity is one!

The iron cage had opened a small slit and Wang Zhong stood at the cage.

The entire cage is now emitting the warmth and astringency of blood.

A few dark bodies, a few pillar-like arms, and a few pairs of bronze-sized green eyes, staring at the two people who are about to enter the cage.

Gently kick a big foot.


Zhao Zimo’s big eyes and the unspeakable head rolled over and stopped at the foot of Wang Zhong and Ma Dong.



A few bloodthirsty iron scorpions began to pat their chests, their mouths screaming, and the green little eyes were filled with excitement and incitement!

The two humans just were too weak, and there was no enough to play at all!

Zhao Zimo’s head made Ma Dong nausea and felt that the whole stomach was twitching.

When he used to run Zhao Zimo, he was still quite hard, but now he feels that his legs are a little trembling. He said with trepidation: "Brother, this is a playful life. Just a hot head... Say, are you sure? Do you want me? Or do you want to get the armor first?"

There is no ridicule in the room. I know that Ma Dong is not a combat type. Look at the thin arms and soft legs. In the early days of casting the soul, he will lift him up. He can stand with Wang Zhong to the outside of the cage, so that he can face the bloodthirsty iron scorpion. Without fainting, it is a great courage for someone like him.

"Oh, with your strength, wearing armor can not stop." Wang Zhong is quite quite frank.

"It seems to be quite reasonable, but can you comfort me?" Ma Dong is also crying and laughing, setting God, swallowing, wiping his mouth, and then slamming his chest is courageous:" Damn, the dead bird is in the sky, mixed with you, afraid of an egg! Do him!"

Wang Zhong smiled slightly and stepped into the iron cage.

Perhaps it was shocked by the little man’s fearless momentum. This human with an axe is not the same as the two crying guys. Several monsters did not attack the first time, but they were quite cautious. When I reached the various positions of the cage, I hung around the wall of the cage and looked at Wang Dongwei, who was behind him and shrunk behind him.

This is a giant iron scorpion king with a head size of about three or four meters. It looks closely at a close look. It looks similar to the silver-backed gorilla in the sunshine era. It is only taller, stronger, smarter, and more 'blackened'. .

Unlike the dimensional creatures, although the mutant beast is generally considered to be a lower grade of the beast, it does not mean all, and it is more visually pleasing, more full and more impactful, and the darkness of the skin is contaminated. The red exudes a heart-rending **** taste, and it must have been stained with a lot of human blood.

Clever, awkward, cruel, bloodthirsty, aggressive, and good at fighting are their nature.

Silent and silent in the cage, the heavy breathing of the bloodthirsty iron scorpion king is particularly clear in this silence.

Outside the cage, it seems to be relatively easy. Zhao Zimo's death has become a reality. Frankly speaking, many people on the scene are fascinating. From a personal point of view, Zhao Zimo is not a favorite guy. Can stand in the family's position, regardless of Wang Zhong's prestige now, he is only a civilian, ‘getting’ a Zhao Zimo, he must pay something, such as life.

This is the bottom line of the family, and the situation that Wang Zhong is now facing is too clear to them.

"This person has a fatal four defeats." Rennes smiled slightly, perhaps not as good as the ink on this CHF, but he is absolutely qualified to speak regardless of his experience or vision.


"The narrow space limits the play, and the tricks don't need to be said. The huge axe is heavy. It is not easy to wave in such a space. This one."

"The bloodthirsty iron scorpion king is not afraid of the abilities. He can see that he had played against the ghosts and shadows. Maybe there are some cards with some abilities. It will be useless here. This is the second."

"Unfamiliar with the cage, don't understand the taboos of the cage. Look at his position, the correct way should be to lean against the cage wall, but he chose the center of the cage, there may be more room to move, but at the same time I also put myself in the siege of all the bloodthirsty iron scorpions, which is simply a self-seeking behavior. Perhaps he thinks that he still has dimensional warfare skills, but he does not know that the tactics on the iron cage will limit the dimensional warfare. With the application of technology and the reinforcement of dimensional barriers, it is impossible to tear the space in the iron cage. This is the third."

Rennes said faintly: "When you look at Wang Zhong’s gesture, he didn’t want to give up Ma Dong’s plan. With the first three points and a drag bottle, what else can he survive?”

It’s just that everyone doesn’t think that Wang will give up Ma Dong, but it’s too impractical to take care of it.

The **** smell in the cage constantly stimulated the king of the iron shovel. Ma Dong’s dodgy eyes made the animals read his fears.

It seems that there is no difference between the two humans in front.


One of the most sturdy, like the leader of the Iron Skull, the first to break the calm rhythm, from the walled cage to Wang Zhong directly rushed up!

At the moment when the huge body of two or three tons left the cage wall, the whole cage was shaken and swayed. The huge black shadow instantly shrouded Wang’s head, and the bloodthirsty iron scorpion’s mouth was sticky. The saliva, the smell of the blood flowing on the human body, makes it unbearable for it!

Pounce on the body, crush with the body, conquer with strength, kill him!

The huge wind breaking sounds from the sky, there is not much skill, and some are just speed and strength!

Cage is a cage, smaller space, shorter distance, skill is just a fancy thing, here, strength and speed represent everything!


Imagine that the scene of making a head like a watermelon is not happening.

A forceful arm caught Ma Dong and brought his whole person like a toy. At this moment, Ma Dong really felt that he was delicate.

Wang Zhong’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and a violent violent blast exploded suddenly, like a hurricane blowing out of the air, swept around, unimaginable domineering and anger swept out from the heart!

The next second, the battle axe has already picked up.

In line with the enthusiasm that just burst open, the small room suddenly gave rise to a fascinating momentum, as if there were countless energy, no, as if the whole space, the whole world is gathering on the axe!


Almost no use for any stop, white light!

too fast!

If the speed of the Iron King is five, then the speed of this axe is enough!

It didn't even see where the axe came from, just felt the white light flashed in the eye, and the huge impact had already rushed from the front.


It is like the kind of sound that is cut into the watermelon in a knife. It is said to be indestructible and defending the invincible iron shovel king.

Optimus King!

Wang Zhong holds Ma Dong with one hand and holds the axe with a single hand. The axe blade is directly stuck in the whole head of the bloodthirsty iron scorpion king, and the body of two or three tons is heavy. Keep twitching in midair!

An axe! Just an ax!

In the small room that was originally discussed, there was an instant silence in an instant.

It seems that a little underestimation of the outbreak of Wang Zhong.

After all, in the game, Wang Zhong, showing more and more has always been a variety of skills and gorgeous weapons ~ ~ now...

This is the trick of Norah White? However, how can it break out so fast!

Nora White almost stunned his chin, even if he was himself, he had to warm up before using this trick. Wang Zhong did not have any warning at all!

However, such an amazing axe trick, whether it is Nora White's ‘authentic’, is not just an attack effect that can be achieved by a simple combat technique.

Vladimir and others were slightly discolored, and no one thought that Wang Zhong could apply the dual force to the weapon. This is totally two concepts. This killing is also two concepts.

Such a compound attack seems to be simple, but it must be a combination of physical strength, soul power, spiritual will and so on, but the more it is, the greater the load on the body and the wheezing.

In the cage, just in an instant, the other four bloodthirsty iron scorpions in the field have been surrounded by anger, and they will not give the prey a chance to breathe.

All sides are black shadows, and the audience is full of the fierceness of the Iron King!

Wang Zhong withstood the tomahawk in the hand of the Iron King.


Just now the axe broke into the head of all kinds of disorganized suffocating power, vertical and horizontal, like the lens of rotten watermelon blasting, the whole head of the shovel king burst!

It’s not just sputtering in the iron cage, the power of the plucking with all the white flowers, the mixture of blood and meat, and the smashing of the meat, and all the people who splashed and flew to the whole scene!

The **** rain of this splash is not the same, it contains all the darkness and strength of the axe just now, forming a high-pressure effect in the head of the Iron King and then exploding, the power is stronger!

Fortunately, the top four players who can stay at the scene.

(Two in one, friends, ask for a monthly pass, thank you!)

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