Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Ghost Hao or Caroline?

I have to say that the hearts of the rest of the team supporters have already reached the bottom.

Depressed, this special has not yet come out, it has already finalized an S+ opponent, it is simply a chance to stay lucky.

"Cabo Fel College, Lola!"

Although the opportunity to draw a good sign has been lost, the charm of the idol is infinite. When the king is on the court, the sensation can be much greater than the previous four.

The fans of the Federation are certainly loyal fans, but they still don’t let the Kings climb to the top. The people who really make Lola occupy the overwhelming popularity are the people from the Empire. This is a huge number of terrorist forces. They don’t know Caroline or Ghost, Mo Wen, and Vladimir. In the eyes of the imperial people, these young people are very common, mother-in-law, There is actually one that is blind.

But the ball king is definitely not the same.

Frankly speaking, even in the Caesar Empire, where the living conditions are slightly better, it is difficult to come up with such a full woman. The majestic scenery will be able to provoke the male hormones in the first time. It is simply that all the bachelors of the empire can understand what true love is!

In the crazy Sky News barrage, there is no shortage of words that are mixed with twists and turns, that kind of naked wild praise, even if the real fans who are very open, they will feel blushing.

Lola draws the number four.

Vladimir smiled at her slightly. This is definitely a good sign for Lei Di College. Although Kabofei is not weak, the remaining days and nights, Tianjing and Giants are not good bones. Especially the presence of Tianjing, the strong king of the mouth, even the four major S+ will feel the pressure, but do not think that they will lose, but this hard bone really wants to swallow, it is likely to smash their own half of the teeth That is definitely not good news for further semi-final competition.

"Day and night team, Twilight!"

Twelve wearing a silver-colored armor, the sixth appearance.

Beauty can always enjoy more applause. The title of Twyane's female gun god, the reputation of one of the four Princesses of the Federation, still has a great appeal among fans. Moreover, in recent months, Twilight's name has always been linked to another name, and the mouth is strong. Although it is a side of the background, it still makes Twelveland's reputation further improved, especially in the ordinary civilian range, even if it is better than Caroline, Ghost and others.

The order of the sixth appearance is based on the new round of official strength scores. The evaluation of the original day and night team has always been above Capofield, and the super-long-distance Kakar's outstanding performance, far more than the peers' awareness, and the overall progress of Lola, Arnold and others, let Capofei at least In the surface strength to achieve a go-ahead.

For Tveran, she didn't care about this ranking. The day and night were underestimated because of the fact that Carl's brain was directly banned.

In the cheers, she just calmly walked towards the platform.

"No. 2, the night school will face the celestial army led by the captain of the ink!" If the wisdom of a smile, the words turn with one: "The next step is to play this, presumably to keep everyone waiting. ""

If Zhi is also very emotional, before the start of CHF, he could not believe that there would be such a person, he has not said it, the whole scene and the news are all boiling, this popularity and this kind of support at this moment It has already surpassed Caroline and others. As soon as he appeared, it seemed that everyone was a supporting role. It is impossible to imagine that the outstanding young man who carried the glory of the top ten families for hundreds of years was actually crushed by him.

"Now, the legendary creator, the idols of countless people, including me, the strong king of the mouth - Wang Zhong!"

With the sound of the savvy voice of the wise, the applause and cheers of the whole audience are like the sound of the blast, and the singer is just coming up, but it has already made countless people feel the uncontrollable power in the heart. Yes, this is the legend. The presence.

The most powerful and reliable!

Tianjing is still very uneven, and there are still many weaknesses. Maybe it will stop the quarterfinals?

what is this? Is this a thing?

Because, the mouth is strong!

"You are our captain, you are our big brother, you let us believe in miracles, Tianjing is invincible, the mouth is strong, and the king is in the world!"

On the news, the most loyal fan group of the strong king of the mouth has been crazy and unstoppable.

Not to mention them, many staff members are stunned. It’s not that Wang Zhong’s performance is not good. It’s really wonderful. But this is the top eight. The four big S teams have not played, and Wang Zhong’s popularity has already reached this point. It is simply incredible.

Not only on the news, there have been scenes in the scene where supporters have been dizzy and violent, and they have to ask others to raise their first aid.

Wang Zhong stepped on the stage step by step, the people on the stage looked at him, the strange, familiar, he saw Caroline, still so beautiful, perhaps more beautiful, but under the gorgeous appearance, that makes Wang Zhong The feeling of heartbeat acceleration disappeared, so Wang laughed.

The taste of Caroline's heart is a bit complicated, because she is too smart, she can see the free and easy in the smile of this other person... Ignore This feeling is not happy, but Caroline's face It is more calm and arrogant like a princess.

"The choice left for Captain Wang Zhong has been quite small, either facing the ghosts or the Stuart."

"The four super S-class is certainly a hot favourite, but for today, the most popular is not them. Just search the search for the hot news on Tianxun, pay attention to the number of people in Tianjing far away from the second place. Tuart, there is no suspense at the top of the list. Interestingly, most of the other team supporters hope that they can avoid the super S-class team, even if not afraid, at least for better preservation of strength. The fans of Beijing are very interesting. Yesterday I saw a very strange vote on the opponent's choice in the exclusive forum of Tianjing. There are more than 70% of the fans in Tianjing, I hope Tianjing will face it in the next round. It is four super S-class teams. It must be said that this is a vote that is difficult to understand. The psychology of Tianjing fans is just like the weapon of the strong king. It has always been difficult to speculate."

"Is this difficult to speculate, not playing with the super S class, is it possible for the king to bully our lovely ball king?"

On the day of the news, there was a king powder that jumped out and forced it. Anyway, there are only two signatures left, and the horizontal and vertical are S+. The temperament cannot be lost!

If you force it, for those fans who have been edified by the king's brother, it is simply a matter of hand, asking for self-answer.

"The ball king is not guilty!"

"It’s better to get to the day and night team than the super S class."

"Do you have the heart to let the king of the king go to the poor Twilight sister?"

"Call, I think it is better to draw the giant peak!"

"Brother, this is the same root, why is it too urgent!"

(Yesterday, my body was a little stuffy. I pulled out the jar and fell asleep. Sorry, I haven’t pulled it for a long time, it works very well.)

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