Battle Frenzy

Vol 7 Chapter 18: This momentum is called conquest!

The body that is not so majestic seems to contain the same strength as the **** of war, the perfect unity of soul and body, and the body exudes a fascinating charm.

What is power?

What is the warrior should pursue?

Wang Zhong is giving an answer.

Killing Gust is also a blind eye, and what does this small creature do?

The figure of Wang Zhongzhong disappeared and vacated, and Wang Zhong, who was leaping high, reached the height of Gust’s eyes. A fist that was negligible to Gust was quickly enlarged in front of his eyes. .

"It’s useless, the level of attack can’t be broken!”

"There is a choice to attack the soul of the skin, how do you think about it? That thing can't be killed at all! Deal with the soul beastmaster!"

Numerous people on Tianxun are already pointing out for Wang Zhong.

吼~~~~ Gust is called a thunder, directly ignoring the little fist, Kirin giant arm yaw, to attack and attack!

Compared to the speed of Wang Zhong, Gust is obviously slower than half a beat, the giant arm is not yet in place, Wang Zhong’s attack has arrived, and the nose of the soul beast is in the middle.


The horror of the horror reverberated throughout the arena, Gust's huge body and the impact of the impact was directly hit by a punch, as if it slammed into a steel plate, body muscles Under the terrible impact and resistance, it keeps shaking!

Yes, this is just the beginning of the attack.

At the moment when the punch was in the air, the body had already made the action of tumbling down, and then accelerated by the anti-shock force of the fist, and the legs smashed the neck of Zhongster.


Time seems to be fixed at this moment, and the momentum on the face makes it recline, and the heavy blow on the neck is already connected.

The huge body moment is a meal, followed by the third punch!

Each hit has a flash of soul power.

Fast, fast, too fast!

Wang Zhong’s figure from top to bottom, super-fast attack connection, full 13 thunder, from head to leg, until he landed, the residual image of the first fist attack has not completely dissipated, it looks It is like the appearance of fourteen kings in an instant, pulled by a track.

Gust's entire body was attacked by thirteen points. If the force is at the same time, the violent force will break into the balance of the body at the same time. Thirteen different frequency bands will instantly form a mutual pull, raging and destruction!

Even the whole body is beaten to life!

The picture seems to freeze at this moment, followed by less than half a second.

Booming and banging!

Countless flashes exploded from Gust's body, thirteen bursts!

"Hey!" Gust's tragic sound shook the entire arena, and the sound of the waves swept like a hurricane, so that everyone could hear the scalp numb.

The original indestructible skinny body, has been blown up in a flash, fluttering around the flesh and blood of the dimensional power, although immediately attributed to nothingness, anyone can feel the pain of the moment, Guster’s huge body I also fell back in the end!

The news and the moment of the scene are silent.


What is this attack, not to say that Bobo's soul beast is the most fierce defense in CHF, and no one is playing in the soul-making period? ? ?

The celestial team looks at the ink question here, but the simple soul attack is probably unable to knock down such a huge dimension creature.

"Strength needs to be concentrated at one point to have an effect. This is also the root of our human beings different from the dimensional creatures."

This dimension of creatures does have the power of the soul, but the power of the range is not invincible. Those who are fascinated by power will lose their exploration of the battle. It is clear that Bobo has gone in the wrong direction. Of course, it cannot be wrong, because this is also A way to gain strength.

He and Wang have gone the hardest way, but there is still a colleague in this world. This is an unexpected gain.

Moreover, he seems to underestimate the level of Wang Zhong. From the overall performance point of view, Wang Zhong probably found some nodes, which made Mo Wen feel the incomparable enrichment and expectation.

Bobo has already seen it.

Ever since becoming a soul beast, since he has been with Gust, he has never encountered a monk who can break the full-state Gust defense. Even the top masters of the spirits, even if they can suppress Gust, Hard to break through its defense!

Just a moment of sluggishness.


For any soul beast, the soul beast is not only his combat partner, but also the most important partner in life. The soul connection with the soul beast makes Bobo feel the hurt and pain of the other party.

The embossed imprint in the hand has already shimmered in the first time. Gust, who fell on the ground, disappeared instantly and was retracted from the dimension of the void. Only staying there can slow down Gust's pain and injury.

Countless Torress powder's heart suddenly cooled down, without the cover and cooperation of Gust, Bobo's heads-up ability has been defeated a round before, now facing faster attacks, stronger fists Is it still useful to fight?


Bobo has launched a raid like a hurricane, and the anger and killing in his heart have reached the extreme.

Kill ~~~~~

At this moment, the waves were smashed, murderous, and fighting here. He also angered and screamed at all. The golden trident in his hand turned from gold to glare, and the whole figure was It’s like a flash!

Wang Zhong still does not move in place, the right fist is slowly recovered, everyone's heart is tight, and it is necessary to win the game!

When the distance between the two was only ten meters, Bobo suddenly turned over the trident on the ground, and the whole person slammed into the front, and immediately killed Wang Qiang, attacking - hanging the dragon leaping!


A golden light burst, the wave holding the golden trident seems to pass through Wang Zhong's body, which makes the audience of Torres full of excitement, dimension warfare!

Invincible dimension combat skills!

Even without killing Gust, Bobo is still the top fighter!

The top warrior with dimensional warfare skills, what Wang Zhong counts, in the face of dimensional power, he is a war skill is useless!

Step on...

Bobo walked five or six steps and stopped.

The audience was dead, and Bobo’s expression suddenly turned a little distorted. He didn’t understand why it was...


Bobo fell to the sky and still held his trident in his hand.

This is the referee also received instructions, the fifth game, Tianjing, Wang Zhongsheng!

Although not completely clear, but at that moment, Bobo definitely used dimensional warfare skills, but... why? why?

Why is this again?

On the player's seat, the players in Torres's face were sluggish, their confidence was about to collapse, and their eyesight was good enough to keep up with the moment's movements. Wang Zhong is definitely an ordinary punch...

At this time, the slow motion has been given on the big screen. When the two people are ten meters apart, when the wave is tumbling, the body is dark, and the dimension warfare technique has been used, and the power of the trident is penetrated. When the body is again ejected, it seems to have gathered a certain dimension of power. It can be said that he is in a state of no solution at this time, and that this is the movement of the hand in the dimension world, and the stagnant time, the spike All the masters in front.

However, at this time, Wang Zhong made a punch. It can be seen that the body of Bobo fluctuated at a moment, and the whole person’s movements were all gone. He should have been in the face of Wang Zhong’s time. The state came out, and the strongest attack power directly bombarded Wang Zhong, but because of this punch, the combat technique was completely out of shape.

Punch through the dimension?

The audience was quiet, and this forced the big hair. Looking at Wang Zhong, who stood in the middle of the field, everyone felt a weakness. There were a lot of opponents who were eliminated. Actually, some were not very convinced. I feel that there is still a chance to come again, but at this moment, they feel how innocent they are.

From the beginning, they were not a level with Wang.

The audience is still a face of arrogance, because so far, the dimension and soul warfare skills are insoluble in the soul-making period, not to be able to hide, but never seen this, if Wang re-uses dimensional skills, It seems that there is nothing wrong with the style of the strong king of the mouth. However, Wang Zhong used ordinary combat techniques to overcome the unseen dimension of combat skills, so that everyone present was stunned and could not believe everything that happened.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and curiosity was already overwhelming, because it has subverted everyone's understanding, even on the news, because everyone is waiting for an answer.

The people in the Vip room are silent, and frankly, this hand is even stranger to Carolyn, Ghost and others. Maybe they have a way to deal with Bobo, but it is definitely not the case.

Caroline is in the heart of the river, is this the king she knows? Looking at the people standing in the field who can face the heavens and the earth, how can they not overlap with the figure in the heart.

Lola has already taken the stars in her eyes, ... so handsome, so handsome!

At this time, the voice of the referee sounded. "I just received the notice from the organizing committee, please ask the players to explain it for everyone."

All the eyes were focused on the ink in the audience. In fact, some people noticed before the game. The powerful celestial team actually paid attention to this battle. We must know that other S+s did not come. Wang Zhong also smiled and looked at the ink. .

Obviously, the person who issued this instruction must be one of the five chief judges. This face is to be given, and this is definitely a great recognition and glory.

Mo Wen stood up. "Dimensional warfare technology has the existence of coordinates, that is, entrances and exits. People who are sensitive to dimensional planes can not only set entrances and exits, but also have insights into other people's entrances and exits. Although physical attacks are ineffective, high-speed soul power Or the second paragraph is still permeable, and Bobo is hit in an unsuspecting situation. It is a misunderstanding of judgment. What I want to say is that this hand is a big deal!"

Ink asked very simple, it seems to understand, but everyone still can not hear clearly, dimensional warfare skills are fascinating, not to mention the plane coordinates, but also to find other people's plane coordinates.

What is the realm of Nima?

Wang Zhong looked at Mo Wen, and Mo Wen also looked at Wang Zhong. They understood each other's eyes, but not now, they are pursuing the same things, but they must be stronger!

The wave that received the first aid under the stage has already woken up. In fact, the injury is not heavy, but the blow is a blow to destroy confidence. This is definitely an error in the horizon. Bobo did not expect the opponent to attack the dimension. Self, so there is no defense against the attack.

Especially when I heard the question from the ink, the inner impact was even greater. Have the two men already reached a realm in front of him?

As an arrogant genius, this is indeed a very heavy blow.


The strongest king~~~~~~

Wang Zhong!

The strongest king~~~~~~~~~

Wang Zhong!

At this moment, the audience of the audience unexpectedly reached a tacit understanding, while shouting the strongest king, and the other side was the king.

Everyone understands that this is the basic truth.

That is to say, the realm of Wang Zhong is higher than these people. If Wang Zhong does not understand the dimensional skills, they do not believe it. However, it is obvious that the current opponent is not qualified to let him use the dimensional skills.

This Nima, the bulls exploded!

This kind of momentum is called conquest!

It was thought that Bobo Torest could sanction Wang Zhong, and as a result, he became the experience baby of Wang Zhong.

The current kingship is domineering, and the madness on Tianxun is hysterical, and it has reached a blind level.

"What am I coming, how can you understand the greatness of the king!"

"My brother, I took it, and it was the powder of the strong king!"


The people in Vip are calm and They naturally understand that the dimension warfare technique is as complicated as possible. Bobo is only the first stage. To enter the dimension and then come out, it is not completely disappeared. There must be Positioning, each person's positioning is set by himself, although the state of the wave is relatively primitive, but the set dimension coordinates, it is difficult for outsiders to see through, especially in a short time.

This Wang Zhong is simply going against the sky, that is, a punch, which shows that he has a hundred percent confidence in his judgment, and even counts that Bobo will not stay strong defense.

What the outsiders saw was just a lively event, and the real master was really shocked by Wang Zhong’s hand.

Another ink list master fell, once again made the mouth strong king, there are still masters who are preparing for ambush on the road ahead, and there is still a real peerless, no matter the fame and the record, even above the strong king of the mouth, but then how is it? At the very least, the mouth of the king has definitely had the strength to challenge them!

Twilan is also somewhat ecstatic. She thinks that this king is also masculine, so handsome. Really, when he walked so calmly, she made her feel good about this man. She is really free and easy, and he is tight-lipped. There is no meaning of propaganda everywhere. I can see that there is no hatred. This is the best!

Ink asked Wang Zhong as an opponent to stimulate everyone, especially Ghost Hao and others.

"Hey, the gang of the parliament is really holding the king. The level of this star-making is really good!" Ghost Hao sneered, "They have been a bit unscrupulous recently."

"Why do you want to lick this drowning?"

Carolyn didn’t know more about ink, and didn’t think that... Caroline’s eyes were fixed on Wang Zhong’s Wang Zhong.

Frankly speaking, since the decision to leave, this person seems to have not disappeared, but has become more and more "entangled."

(Two in one, ask for a monthly ticket support, thank you!!!)

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