Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 80: Shermi vs Ghost Wu Lie

"Zhao Yilong, who lost to Wang Zhong before, frankly said that the most uncharacteristic of the top ten fighters is him. The title of the overlord is based on a rod of dragon gun. By weapon, he gains the power to surpass the limit of casting soul. It’s just external strength. There is no soul warfare that belongs to the self. It’s really harder than strength and hardship. He is even worse than the same Eddie and Gordon who lost to Wang Zhong.”

"Don't say that the king is heavy. I feel that this is an alternative challenge for the Mohist to the strong king. In fact, the strong king may have reached the extreme of ordinary people, but there is still a gap between them."

It can be said that the battle of the Mohist interpretation of the new height of CHF, but also caused some family attention, because the opponent is not as weak as imagined, the gold mammoth blood can force Napier's trick itself is also worthy of praise, although at the same time cast soul Period, but the difference between this line is a world of difference.

In the morning, the game was in a smashing ground. Fortunately, the arena was prepared. It was replaced with a new slate before the start of the afternoon. The afternoon game was also eye-catching. The ghost house was against the flame team. The key is whether the flame team’s dual core can create miracle.

In the main arena of 100,000 people, it was already packed early, and all the major teams also entered the game early, causing various concerns. In the afternoon, it was obviously more lively than the morning. Compared with the style of the heavenly and stable, the ghosts and gods apparently It will be more radical, and a lot of people are interested in Hellfire, which is more attractive than the big ones, and more importantly, the ball king Shermi.

When Wang Zhong was on the scene, the scene was very warm. Many spectators stood up and looked at them. There were also screams from the girls. It was obviously a fan of Grae. Now Barron is much more calm.

On the commentary, Ruo Zhi and Xiao Yuer also just connected the signal of Tianxun live broadcast, and greeted the audience and the audience who stood in front of the Tianxun live broadcast platform.

"The big teams have come to watch the battle, oh, now the camera is given to Caroline and Tylan, two beautiful warriors, the scene is cheering, the two of them are very good friends, um, now see in the lens It’s the Leidi team. It seems that everyone is optimistic that the flame team can cause trouble to the ghosts.” If Zhizhi laughs, the morning game may not have this lineup. Think about it, the giant is powerful but lacks change, and Not a team that deliberately creates miracles.

"Yes, but the protagonist of this afternoon is not them." Xiaoyuer laughed. "I am a fan of Captain Shermi."

"Ah, then you can learn from Shermi." Say, if Zhiyi looked at the chest of the fish very oily, this guy's commentary was up and down, and suddenly it was a burst of sky. To ridicule, in the fire that drives the atmosphere, if Wise is indeed the top, I have to say that all of them will let more people pay attention to the fish, and explain that they cannot eat alone.

As a commentary, Chen Yuer is not so easy to be scared off by a little bit of ridicule. I also know that this is what Woo is giving her. "My characteristics are also very clear, but only my boyfriend can know."

In the instant, the sky was high, and if Zhizhi smiled, "Of our fisher sister is also an old driver!"

Chen Yuer shook his head. "No, I am a car..."

Instant explosion, countless flowers sprinkled out, Chen Yuer is obviously a kind of delicate, and there is no rumor, no rely on this hype, this time suddenly just a hand, suddenly a fire, have to say, today's The front page is definitely indispensable.

If Zhizhi sneaked a thumb, this is a match, it is okay to be shy, but there is absolutely no such effect.

"Cough, fish and sisters are mighty, get down to business, the morning game, everyone is very enjoyable, the strength of the celestial team, and the spirit of the mammoth team will never give up, I believe that I have left a deep impression, but pick up The downfall of this downturn will certainly not disappoint everyone - the Ghost Wars vs. Battle - the Flames."

"The two teams are very strong teams, especially the flame team. Their last game was very shocking."

If Zhi smiled, "S-class, A-level, to the top 16, in fact, it is no longer applicable. Now who can say that the flame team has no S-level strength? Wrong, it is S+, dual-core insurance team battle, once entering the regiment The rhythm of the battle, Shermi and Mario's horror output, any team encountered, will have a headache."

"However, the advantage of the Ghost Wars team is also very obvious. With three ink-collar players, in the face of the dual-core flame team, the tactics that can be chosen by a single-core Ghost Emperor are very diverse."

"The first game, officially started."

With the referee in place, everything seems to be calm and fierce, and the Ghost Wars and the Flames are preparing for the Pioneer in their respective preparation areas.

The biggest feature of the pioneering war is the two-way blind selection. The two sides do not know who will be sent to the front, and this is where the two teams fight.

In response to the anti-targeting, the result of the pioneering battle, it is likely to determine what the final outcome is.

"Pioneer battle is very important, it is related to the momentum of the two teams, and the next tactical trend, small fish, if you let you decide the leader of the flame team, who will you let?"

"The blind election of the vanguard battle, of course, is the **** magician Mario." The little fish said of course.

"Oh? Why?"

"I believe that these days, everyone has seen the analysis of Mario on the SkyInfo network. It can beat Tianmu Musk. The strength of Mario has actually reached the hall level. The last big move is in The soul-making period can be said to be an invincible combat skill. Mario is the first to play, which can make the ghosts and gods into tactical passiveness. One of the top three ink charts is not very suitable, but other players are lost. The momentum of the S+ team like Shenhuang is a serious weakening."

The little fish did enough homework and talked at this time. Everyone agrees with this, because the existence of Mario is indeed the most uncomfortable point for the Ghost Warrior team. The game is like this. How can it make the opponent feel uncomfortable? It must be the most we have to do. of.

"I agree with the fish's statement. I have to say that the existence of Mario makes the flame team have a great tactical advantage in the blind selection stage of the pioneering battle. His existence makes the first game of the Ghost Warrior team. At the meeting, one of the three major ink charts, because I sent others, I certainly can't beat Mario, but in this case, I have to face the situation of one of the three major ink charts on the flame team, that is, forcibly The nuclear Ghost Emperor team dragged into the same dual-core as the Flame team. Mario is a BUG. It is a sense of existence that can reach two ink charts." If Zhizhi also analyzes the strength, Mario is really a flame team. Super BUG.

At this time, the referee debuted and announced the vanguard of both sides.

"Well, the time to uncover the mystery is over. The two pioneers are on the scene. Now the camera is given to the Ghost Wars. They are sent out - the first assassin of our younger generation of the Federation, Ghost Wu!!!! The opponent is... my god, it is Shirmi!!!" When she saw Shermi, she felt that her face was swollen, strength analysis, strength was beaten.

However, this time, the audience is standing on his side, a stunned.

How could it be that the ball king is a pioneer? Before the analysis of Ruozhi and Xiaoyuer was really in place, the Flames team should not be sent to the bench to play against Mario at this time!

"The flame team is hoping to gamble. The first team of the gambling sorcerer will be an ordinary player, because the flame team is likely to play the first game in the first game, or Mario, whether it is a substitute or an ordinary player. Mario's dismissal of the tactics of the horse is very beneficial to the ghosts and gods. But the ghosts of the martial arts are sent by Ghost Wulie, and Shirmi is in danger." Xiaoyuer explained.

"I don't think so. Shermi is also a hot list. The ink list is far from the ink list. In fact, the gap is not very big. Moreover, this is the arena. In theory, there is no assassination that can restrain the complexity of the remote. The environmental elements, the fair arena confrontation, for the Shermi, but the advantage of the battle." If the wisdom shakes his head, although the face is swollen, but the commentary still has to continue, and, from another perspective, the good 16 The flame team will not make this low-level tactical mistake! It is an enlargement move.

"I don't know if you have noticed that Shermi is a master of ink list. Her performance has always been ordinary, strong and powerful, but there is no special place. In this battle, I am sure that Shirmi will break out. I am afraid to be careful. It’s a ghost.”

Shermi looked at the ghosts and martial arts, very calm, indeed, the flame team can actually be a substitute, but this war is of great significance to her.

The ghost home is very strong and strong, so strong that it is impossible to imagine! Some things are not ordinary explanations. The ordinary audience knows that only the inside of the family has some details, and the fragmented message is spliced, so that the glimpse of the leopard can be seen.

In the encounter with the Ghost Warrior team, Shermi is more relaxed. In fact, in the last game, facing the Rockets team, they are ready to go home. They never thought that Mario would give this guy all People brought a shock.

Now, when encountering a more powerful Ghost Emperor, Shermi’s fighting spirit is high, she wants to try it. The rumor is like a legendary and invincible ghost house. What is it like, she is the same as the ink list, and ten What are the different places in the big family's ink list.

The outcome of the game is already second.

Wang Zhong looked at the Shermi in the arena, smiled slightly, and had no desire. Shirmi did not have a chance. Moreover, she had an imposing manner. In this battle, she is likely to break through.

"This Shermi can't be underestimated, it's a bit sturdy."

Twelveland was a little lamented and Carolyn said that she was also standing on a watershed, and she was sensitive to something, perhaps inspired by Mario, and the feeling that Charmiy now gives. In an unstable and overactive state, this kind of instability is usually two kinds of situations, one is a recession, the other is a breakthrough, the mind is calm and dare to face, it is worthy of praise.

"It’s not easy to get into the hall from the elite. It seems that she has something to do with it." Caroline smiled slightly. "It’s just that the ghosts are not so much fooled."

Wang Zhong, who is not far away, is still talking and laughing. She has no concern for her. Caroline’s eyes are shaking and her expression is restored.

The two sides confronted each other and the game officially started!


Shermi raised the striated artillery as a spurt of fire, while the body faintly ignited the flame, and at the same time as the attack, the flame was accelerated.

"Human self-propelled artillery!"

The fans of Shermi shouted out and were very excited.

Mirami also grasped Ma Dong’s arm. The difference between Shirmi’s artillery and her is that the rhythm control and precise suppression, and the firepower is even more fierce, with the flame-accelerated ability, the firepower of Charmi The outbreak is not carried out in situ, but is constantly erupting during high-speed movement!

Ghosts violently flashed sideways, sliding steps, and swaying steps. Every movement was very neat and clean. There was no trace of excess. Almost all of them were pressing the output of Shermi’s firepower, which is different from everyone’s imagination. Under the fire control field, Ghost Wu Li still maintains absolute calm.

"Ghost Wu Lie's assassin is perfect, cold and calm, but long-term will be lost, Shermi's soul is strong, and her firepower is very good, the rhythm is perfectly controlled, there will never be The problem of consumption."

The little fish quickly explained, but did not expect that Ghost Wu Lie was actually suppressed when he came up.

If Zhi smiled, "I just said that the assassin needs environmental factors for the remote restraint. The space of the arena is as strong as the assassin's strength of 90%."

"Yes, Ghost Wu Li must break the game now, or it will definitely cause problems."

However, in Tianxun, there is an explosion and a break? Ghost Wu Lie started the game and the tactics failed!

Assassin's survival rule in the arena is the speed! The quick fix is ​​the only way for the assassin to survive in the arena environment. It will react within zero seconds of the start of the game, and then complete the rush, close, assassination, before the opponent's nerves react. Everything has to go through the clouds, can't hesitate, can't drag, there is no life, this is the assassin! Windy, easy to cold, but the ghost Wu Lie slow, let Shermi hit the first attack!

Moreover, the heat of Shirmi's flame accelerated, offsetting the agility and speed of Ghost Wu as an assassin. The difficulty of getting closer to her is more than doubled. What is even more terrifying is that Shirmi is one of the five remotes of the ink list. The control and rhythm of her remote output will not give Ghost Wuru any chance to make a sudden advance.

"This is called a step, a step by step, a mistake, and a full set."

Shermi's sculpt artillery constantly vibrates, locking up every movement of Ghost.

Wang Zhong smiled slightly, and Shirmi was obviously more mature. At this time, she did not use all the firepower in the outbreak, three-point rhythm, three-point control, three-point precision, no pressure on the dead, but instead controlled the ghost Wu The fierce action, the status of the five remotes, Shermi is absolutely deserved.

(Recently, some mental weakness, poor sleep, accompanied by dizziness, used to be a headache, just take a painkiller, but there is no way to dizzy, occasionally can sleep well, I feel the whole person is alive, consulted a doctor In this case, it is best not to use drugs, you must overcome yourself, exercise, go to bed early, in fact... really hard...)

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