Battle Frenzy

Chapter 50: On-site anatomy class

"Cough..." Professor Sol gave a cough and gestured to Ma Dong to sit down: "The soul beast is also a kind of dimension beast, and the class is serious."

"Yes, teacher!" Ma Dong made a salute, and sat down triumphantly. The brother is handsome and smart. He is even embarrassed.

Sol did not pay attention to Ma Dong. "There are two main types of beasts. One is the wild-dimensional beast, the form is different, the humanoid or the animal state or even the plant form. I suspect that the dimensional creatures do not have the form, and they are subject to our position. The image of the face forms a mimetic. The reason for the appearance of such wild-dimensional beasts is unknown. They only know that they may appear anywhere at any time, even in the important urban centers of the federation, perhaps related to space cracks, but exist. Time is limited, in addition, being killed or accidentally dying, their bodies will disappear mysteriously. This makes the Federation unable to get the body of a real wild dimension beast, we know too little about them, the wild dimension beasts Have a strong aggression, generally meet immediately return to the City Guard, don't be lucky!"

Professor Sol pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose: "There is another kind of soul beast mentioned by Ma Dong, when the soul of the soul of the soul reaches a special condition, there will be a shadow of the soul beast from high latitude. Projected into the soul sea, and establish a certain connection or soul contract with the soul soul warrior, the soul soul warrior can call them out to fight in a short time, which is also the main way we study the dimensional biology."

In the Freedom of the Commonwealth, every soul warrior who can summon a dimension creature is superior. There is no doubt that these people are higher than the abilities, and their complete status is detached. It is only for the study of the soul beast for a long time, but there is no More gains, this mysterious connection is completely beyond the current level of human technology.

Sol said incessantly, "After many years of research, Dimensional Beast is a projection of human consciousness, such as the bursting bear of Lola that Ma Dong said just now. According to the investigation of Lola, she likes toys from childhood. Bear, until the day of the soul of the sea appeared in the projection of the bear."

"Teacher, I like the beauty of the big ball. I like it since I was a child. Can I summon a beautiful soul beast?" Ma Dong said cheerfully.

Suddenly the entire class was boiling, and Sol had the urge to kill Ma Dong. "You ask this question well. Whether the dimension creature is a creature or a certain force condensed according to human ideology remains to be studied. We are concerned. One problem is wisdom. The soul beast seems to have human consciousness, but in fact, we call it the parrot phenomenon, which means that the soul beast is actually influenced by human beings. It only has some basic primitive biological instinct, and at most it is quite a few. The oldest child, this is also the bottleneck of our research."

So far, humans have not figured out how to define the beast in the end.

Wang Zhong couldn't help but frown. He also consulted a lot of information on this knowledge, but his authority was limited.

If the dimension beast is not wise, what is Xinba? The guy’s brain is like a supercomputer. The IQ of this guy can definitely ruin a few streets of human beings. As for the emotions, it’s completely no less than human beings, and the younger children... Simba will be mad.

"Teacher, what if there is a soul beast with only high intelligence?"

Sol gave a slight glimpse, and his expression was a little excited: "It is not ruled out that this possibility will occur in the future. It is definitely a historic moment in our biology. I think scientists from the entire Freedom Federation will concentrate on studying it!"

The sensation of the whole federation... Although I realized this early, Wang Zhong couldn’t help but swallow.

Imagine the crazy scientists, and Simba and I don’t know how many pieces to cut...

"Well, theoretical knowledge is here today. I promised everyone in the last class. I got a few Saharan gold ants' bodies, all in the lab. Everyone came with me and dissected this magical creature." Let's go!"

Professor Sol said quite a lot of blood, and most of the students below are scowling, especially girls.

What is the anatomy class is definitely a nightmare for most students.

Ma Dong’s appearance is to vomit: “The body... This word is really not authentic. It’s just a variant of the bug. Teacher Sol is really good, let’s not let us eat.”

"Be content with you." Wang Zhong’s classmates are full of expectations: "Do you know how much investment you need to get a Sahara gold ant into Tianjing City? That is, Professor Sol has a special relationship at the Federal Institute of Biology. At the time, the general college can also look at the pictures."

Ma Dong straightened his eyes. "You are a pervert, there is a problem with the orientation!"

Seeing that most people are not very interested and go slowly, Professor Sol said meaningfully: "Forget to tell everyone, the elite class of Scarlett, Milami and several other female students also The anatomical opportunities are very interesting, apply for participation, now they are probably already in the anatomy You don't want to be compared to girls."

After a short period of silence, a group of people like the chicken blood, just still in the frowning Ma Dong instantly turned into a superman, inherited the super agile gene of the Assassin family, rushing to the front of everyone: "Golden ants, Brother likes it!"

In the wide dissection room, seven or eight beautiful women have already waited here.

Waiting with them, there are more than a dozen Saharan gold ants, the size of a puppy, the body full of dense limbs, are neatly placed on their respective experimental benches. Occasionally, some of the arthropods are still swaying. These mutants are valuable materials. Even the lowest-level mutant organisms can extract dimensional spar. This is the most important resource now, with many Corrugated technology related, transporting these things can only be through the armed railway, whether it is expensive or not, this is really only the name of Sol.

Professor Sol said casually: "Everyone is free to assign it, two people."

"Scarlett, choose me, I will dissect the most!"

"Miramise sister, brother-in-law Tianjing dissecting a knife, all the beasts and birds are fishing, choose me, this will be an anatomy class that will make you unforgettable forever!"

A large group of boys were desperately showing themselves, but Ma Dong hugged Milami's thighs and a tear in his nose: "Sister, don't, you are too cruel, see these poor. The little things are cold and collateral on the operating table, and the fragile convulsions... Sister, I am afraid..."

Mirami looked helplessly at him: "I see you are afraid, don't dare to dissect Welcome to the book friends to visit, the latest, fastest, hottest serials are available at ~www.novelmtl .com~ Mobile users please read.

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