Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 40: Pioneer battle

"The two sides have already entered, now... oh, my God, what did I see?" The mad screaming opened his mouth, it was the first time that he had learned that Tianjing was not normal: "Gray chose two daggers? Face Zhao Tianlong, one of the five major reloaders in the ink list, Grye chose to use a dagger. Is this looking for death?"

The scene was also a scream and a strange voice.

In the first two games of Greg, the use of daggers or sculpt swords does not affect his play, and no one will be surprised. The key is that you are heavy!

"Selecting a dagger means that the fighting style will definitely be biased towards the assassin's light and speed route. In the traditional sense, reloading restrains the assassin, but at a certain level, restraint is mutual." If Witch does not follow the mad rhythm, "compared With the golden mean of the sword shield, the choice of Glee means that he is ready for a decisive battle. This bayonet is red!"

There was also a scream on the scene and on the sky. If this was changed, Tianjing could be sprayed to death. But now, most people are used to it. It seems that it is not the style of Tianjing. The subversive flow was invented from the very beginning, but now he has brought this trend to Tianjing.

"Gleiga oil! The harem day group supports you!"

"Dragon is powerful, and everything is small, and the little white face is going to die!"

The scene has already boiled. Everyone knows that the core of this matchup is the king of both sides, and even said that it is not good to hear. For Tianjing, the first game is all, Gry lost, and Tianjing can go home. Wang Zhong is useless.

The two players in the field are already in place.

In the face of Grae, Zhao Tianlong can feel the peace of the other side, which is completely different from watching the video. The hidden edge of the cloud is already at a comfortable level.

If you must give this person a character, Zhao Tianlong thinks that he is a bit like Mo Wen. The man who is called the strongest man in the Federation and the hidden boss is also so deep and hidden, but it can give people an invisible pressure. At this step, self-confidence, Zhao Tianlong also has, but it will not be a small grate, fame and face can not be any confusion for a real warrior.

Glei is the key point of Tianjing. If he solves it, he will solve Tianjing. At the same time, this is also the most unfathomable person in Tianjing! It's not that he is stronger than the strong king, but that he hides deeper. For any opponent, hiding deeper means greater unknown and danger.

Zhao Tianlong does not object to this, but the more he does, the more he can feel excited. In the bones, he is also a militant.

He will go all the way to the front of the rod, the ground of the entire arena was shivering slightly, making a roar.

Zhao Tianlong gathers his eyes and condenses the gods. It is like a mountain. A hegemonic force is opened from him. It spreads like a gust of wind to the surrounding area. It is blowing at the corners of Gry, which is dozens of meters away.

"come on!"

Gly smiled a little and succumbed to a little.

The scene was suddenly a scream of a female flower, just at this time.


The game bell rings.

The two started almost at the same time, and the distance of just a few tens of meters was shortened rapidly.


Not yet, Zhao Tianlong's Tongtian stick has arrived first, like a sword, and Grae has just made a dodge action, the stick has changed, and the thorn has been swept.

The stick became too fast, and it was almost close to the face. I saw Grae’s whole body slamming in the opposite direction. The stick was swept over his chest and danced in the air for a semicircle, followed by the circle. The dance is on the rise.


Zhao Tianlong, like the dragon, slams in the sky, and the stick brings up a visible airflow, like a meteor falling on the ground.


It is impossible to avoid the iron plate bridge. It is only impossible to see the two daggers cross-blocking in an instant.

Sticking to the sky!

Gle's blockage is not completely hard and hard, the body is slightly tilted, the dagger of the frame is tilted to the left, and the stick is led to the ground.


The huge earthquake shocked the ground of the arena, and it was followed by a slight tremor. The fierce stick method has once again turned into a soft, and the ground's anti-shock force and the previous momentum of the stick have been condensed. Take advantage of the ground floor to slant upwards, and the offensive connection is as seamless as mercury and diarrhea!

Gly's body flew seven hundred and twenty degrees like a circle, avoiding the stick and smashing the band, and the leg method contained the cold light of the dagger.

It can be one inch long and one inch strong. Zhao Tianlong is only leaning back slightly, and all attacks have been lost.

At this time, the left leg leans forward, with two sticks, the left hand holds the stick body, the right hand holds the stick tail, and the soft stick method transforms into fierce, and the right hand flies, even if it is like a dragon!


The time of the stick on the platform is like a thousand shadows, a continuous wave, and the entire person will be completely overwhelmed!

The audience on Tianxun has all been watching, although I have long known that this game will inevitably be a shocking battle, but I did not expect the explosion on both sides to be so fast and so fierce!

Frankly speaking, Zhao Tianlong’s performance is a bit subversive. For the average audience, one of the top five reloads on the ink list and the not bad body of King Kong is his mark. The inertia will be measured by a reloading standard. Look at him, but at this time, what he showed is completely out of tune with reloading.

It's hard to imagine that the height of two meters can make such a subtle attack. It's not like a reload, it's more like a warrior!

"Gray is a little dangerous!" The crazy voice also sounded in time. The process of the two men just played too fast. A series of offensive and defensive people were dizzying, and the commentary could not keep up with the superb offensive and defensive speed: "Use the dagger to match the Zhao Tianlong, presumably want to use the flexibility of the dagger to restrain the awkwardness of reloading, but Zhao Tianlong’s stick method is not just a fierce, but a rigid and soft one without attacking the gap! The pace is also quite flexible, now the speed of the grid And the advantage of flexibility has not been reflected, but it has been completely suppressed by Zhao Tianlong's offensive, and the situation is not optimistic!"

Madness is not only stupid, but also very clever. It should be the rhythm of the predecessors, but the contrast on the field is clear. He must grab the rhythm of the dragon team. Otherwise, he will lose the front in the light of Ruozhi. Accumulation, when he chose the side of the dragon, if he had to choose Tianjing.

Frankly speaking, he used to admire Wise, but at the moment, the commentary is also his battlefield!

I saw that in the shadows of thousands of people, Glea took off from the shadows, and it seemed to be incarnation. Unlike the assassin's pure pursuit of the ultimate speed, Gly's movements were quite elegant, and even from the fast posture. Leisurely and chic, obviously slow body movements, the speed of movement is amazing!

The two men in the field were stalemate for a while, and the shadows of the sticks and the shadows of the body were overlapped, and the back and forth were like criss-crossing.

The speed of both people is extremely fast, the conversion is very fine, and there are hundreds of rounds exchanged in the blink of an eye!

Wang Zhong can't keep his eyes on it. The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway. Whether it is Zhao Tianlong or Grae, he is a top-ranking master. At this level, the outcome of the war is no longer dependent on the basic speed, strength or even Tricks, but an understanding of the battle, an understanding of the weapon!

The Zhao family claimed that the military's holy land, the understanding of cold weapons has always been the strongest recognized by the federal government. Just look at Zhao Tianlong's stick method, and the unconventional routine seems to be a long weapon. When it is held in the center, it is Very good melee attack and defense, the dagger of the choice of Gleet will not be suppressed even if it is cut.

Wang Zhong is also benefiting from Fei Fei. His goal today is to be Zhao Yilong, the captain of the other party. Perhaps he can get a glimpse of the characteristics of Zhao Yilong's guns from Zhao Tianlong's stick method.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the "three-pointer method is a seven-point gun". The sticks and guns have a common point. They only focus on different things. The so-called guns tie a line and stick a large piece. The essence of the stick method lies in The area of ​​the attack!

Zhao Tianlong’s stick method is not only soft, but even more terrifying is the control of the attack area. It seems to be a fierce stab and sweep. With his order of advancement and retreat, he is doing the most accurate distance. Control, no matter how Glead changes his body shape, always brings it to his most advantageous attack distance.

What Glee wants to do is to destroy the other side's advantage! Every step of his movement is in the stick that wants to be close to each other.

Reloading to the assassin, but hard life is a distance battle!

However, in this distance and distance of two meters, the distance warfare can be more exciting, faster and more dangerous than the distance war between the remote and melee combat! Can't tolerate a slight mistake! Just a little slower, waiting for you will be a deadly attack on your opponent!

The two people's offensive and defensive speeds, even the ordinary layman's audience can see the wonderful, although can not appreciate the dangers contained in it, but the scene is just enough shock.

At the scene and in the news, there was a burst of cheers and support sounds at this time. Whether it is supporting the Shenlong Academy or supporting Tianjing, the most exciting game is the biggest satisfaction of the visitors. Rolling is certainly refreshing, but defeating the strong will be more refreshing! At this time, basically no one will choose to squirt the other party. Tianjing is no longer just the weak one who was despised before, and demeaning the other will only tarnish his victory.

Continue, attack!

In the field, the figure is staggered. The first thing that feels the pressure is Zhao Tianlong who is always on the side of suppression!

Gly's body is too smart, and it is difficult to "catch" him. He can only be opposed to it. The most powerful distance of his own stick is in the tip of the stick and about a foot in the tip of the stick. The hitting power of this stick is greater than that of other places, and it is easier to complete the conversion of rigid and soft. This is your own strength and advantage.

From the beginning of the melee and the self-embedded melee, this advantage has always been in his own hands, from the beginning to the end of the grate to the end, the opponent has not been able to organize a decent counterattack. If you are already in an invincible position, you only need to continue to consume, and then wait for the moment when the other side defends the mistake.

The problem is that Zhao Tianlong can feel that this advantage is becoming more and more difficult to control when he has not made a mistake.

The distance warning line that I tried to control was being subjected to the impact of the other party again and again. Although I was blocked by myself every time, the feeling and pressure of this possible breakthrough was accumulated in Zhao Tianlong’s heart, and Gly's body seems to be getting more and more smart!

It is not a thick accumulation or continuous enhancement. There is no hand on the two sides at the beginning.

Zhao Tianlong is extremely clear. In such a high-level confrontation, the level of hard work is too complicated and complicated. It is not only a simple consumption and continuous problem, but also a resilience competition between the two sides!

Grad is adapting to his own stick method! Obviously, the assassin's adaptability is better than himself!

Gloria is the acceleration of his god, and the whole person flies into the battlefield like a ghost.

Into the circle!

Zhao Tianlong’s eyes suddenly condensed.

When the master of the stick method confronts the opponent, the position from the point of the stick to the position of the arm is a circle. The mastery of the distance is to keep the opponent in the diameter range of the circle, which is not limited. If it is dodged, leave the control circle. That is called the circle. If it is cut in, move into the inner circle of the other side, that is the so-called into the circle!

The accumulated crisis felt the landslide hit, only a one or two meters of the distance, almost only the difference between the moments, Gly has come to the front! The two daggers stabbed like a blast, and the accumulated power and hidden attacks were released at this moment!

Zhao Tianlong’s eyes are like a torch.

Ordinary stick master, only know the control circle, but the top stick master, but know how to dissolve into the circle!

One inch short one inch insurance, can use the long stick to be short, is the highest level of the stick law!

At this time, Gry's cut-in is sharp, but it is also in the expectation of Zhao Tianlong. As soon as he has psychological preparations, the hand sticks in the hands as fast as the retraction, and then grasps the tip of the stick, just like the counter-grip, followed by It is the moment of borrowing from the tip of the stick, the whole body scorpion rushes to the sky, and the legs burst into a huge impulse to the main entrance of Grae!

Gleet's figure changed, like the residual image displacement, the whole person has circled under Zhao Tianlong's sky, and the dagger in his hand stabbed the other's back door!


A layer of golden light instantly appeared in the body of Zhao Tianlong.


He can't avoid The whole body is like a pound, and the sharp dagger just touches the shiny back of the golden light. Gly can feel the kind of stab on the iron plate. The sense of touch, it is not like the normal flesh and blood.

King Kong is not bad!


The horrible fall of the rush, a dagger dagger directly cut, the whole palm of Greg holding the dagger feels slightly numb, and at this time, the other body has been pressed like a weapon to the face!


Just listening to a loud noise, Zhao Tianlong squats like a meteorite falling to the ground, the hard green granite floor is instantly split, raising countless dust, obscuring the line of sight!



The screams of the female audience at the scene were instantly connected.

“Is it directly squashed?!”

I saw it in the dust mites, a figure suddenly burst into the sky from the dust of the sky!


The figures that did not wait for the flight were adjusted in mid-air, and dozens of tiny black shadows in the dust mites below were shot like a hidden weapon.

(Two in one, partners, happy weekend, ask for a monthly ticket support, thank you, and welcome to pay attention to the WeChat public number, kuloujingling00, surprises, thank you)

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