Battle Frenzy

Vol 6 Chapter 33: This luck is no one else.

Glay also smiled. "This Ilo should not be a regular reload. She has a very strange taste."

Wang Zhong silently glanced at Gry, "Your nose is really spirit."

"So it will be allergic to pollen." Glory shrugged helplessly, it was extraordinarily cute.

The battle officially started!

Five people in the Zhasidler team made a decision quickly!

Five long-distance warriors moved quickly and started to fight, and the sculpt guns broke out, but Ilo fully showed how horrible the defensive power of a reloading ink list. The power of the sculpt gun could not be worn by her. The skin is at most a bruise.

The captain saw the problem, but at this time, the arrow had to be sent on the string, it had already started, and the temporary change, it would be completely defeated.

"Five awning star array!" The captain made a decision to kill and decisively, and screamed loudly.

Five long-distance warriors, almost immediately standing in the right position, five-star position, will be surrounded by Ilo.

"Open fire!"


A line of bullets flew toward Ilo.

In the hands of Ilo, the round shield was unfolded. Those bullets were blocked by a round shield that was not leaking, but it was obviously a bit sloppy. Perhaps it was not her specialty.

How does Ilo deal with this situation?

The Zhasidler team is very clear about this, quickly adjust, not intending to annihilate Ilo in one breath, but to fight a war of attrition! Five of them, how can they use a stupid, dull woman who can't chase or run.

The reason why I first control is to prevent the other party from having a sudden change. After all, it is the ink list. This respect must be there, but after the continuous attack, I found that the other party really did not change, even did not take the initiative, just in defense, kd· Tashidler also couldn’t stand it.

"Use the abilities! The ability is not able to defend her equipment, kill her!"

All the long-range rifle guns began to shine with the brilliance of the abilities, and the striate bursts of dazzling light. The two front-facing two deep breaths, immediately, their scented muzzle, the high-temperature flame spewed like a raindrop. .

The other side's ability is that a pair of ice cones are constantly shot at the Ilo in the bullet, while the two remotes of the main output are high-explosive jets. The light of the soul is a bit dazzling, obviously it is necessary to kill the opponent with a bang.

The stupid Ilo is to smash the shield to the ground.

Almost instantaneous!

Hum... The ground of the arena suddenly violently vibrates, just like the sound of the underground excavator is working from the bottom of the ground. Suddenly, five huge purple vines rush out from the ground, which corresponds to the five-star station. Beside the remote side, the purple vine body is covered with dark thorns like giant teeth of the wolf teeth, constantly spiraling upwards into the air, like a huge worm with a stinger!


The violent flogging of the audience, the five remotes were all beaten in less than a second, and there was no resistance at all.

Dimensional Plant - Soul Eater.

This... Is she reloading or a soul beast? ? ?

The martial arts team and the Stuart team are almost "small and sturdy", so that the s-class team has begun a new mode of killing. It must be said that before the outbreak of Tianjing and Juefeng, the s-class team is still very reserved. They feel that the throne cannot be shaken and does not need to be too true, but once they are challenged, their counterattack is terrible.

When the Leidi team appeared in the arena, almost everyone knew what was going to happen, a five-on-one team battle.

Vladimir gave this choice, and their opponent, the poor Doyle team, did not hesitate to agree to this "unfair" 5v1 team battle.

Many times, the weak have no choice of rights.

In the end, the Daoer team chose Norah White as an opponent. In fact, if they can, they want to choose the ice prince Vladimir, but think about the fighting power of Vladimir, they want to complete the game completely.

They are too familiar with the Lei Di team, they are the best to understand why there is a "plus" behind the s-class of the Lei Di team, that is, even if it is a substitute, it also has a level of s.

Those who seem to be substitutes are actually not worse than the main players, just because of the tactical needs, they are the name of the substitute.

Therefore, losing to everyone is lost, and losing to Vladimir is undoubtedly the best and the most shameless, but they dare not!

Can only choose the Norah White of the ink list, compared to Pomo Ivan the Terrible, the 16-year-old Norah White does not look so ferocious, at least, not the kind of terrorist who often kills in a word.

Norah White stretched out and yawned. "It’s really troublesome, so many people, why choose me?"

Before coming to power, Nora White did not forget to come to a selfie, and then sent it to his girlfriend. "Baby, I want to go to the game, remember to watch the live broadcast, although the opponent is a little dish, but at least I am very handsome. Attached: What? What?"

Bomo frowned and snorted. "Be serious, win and don't look good, you have to be!"

This guy is always so non-mainstream, frankly, although the list is reloaded, but Nora White... not like the style of Lei Di,

"Know know, Big Brother Bomo, you always have such a face, there will be no girlfriend!" Norah white smiled completely without care.

Bomo eyes spurt fire, but, forbearance, the child, sixteen years old, is hard to have a tofu, calm and natural cool, the boss said to let him a little... When I think of the boss Vladimir, suddenly, what The heat has faded.

Norah White stretched out his hand and pulled out his super-high axe from behind him, then stepped onto the arena step by step.

Opposite, the five players of the Daoer team have been arranged in a formation, two fighters, one reloading, and finally two remotes, seeing the Norah white, and the big axe, suddenly shadows!

"Don't think about anything, just drag the time!"

"Hey, Nora White is the only newcomer in Lei Di. Don't be nervous, just play our things."

The Daoer team has already calculated the situation, and try to delay the time. At least they can show the style of the next team. This is why they chose Nora White. He is only 16 years old. He is not rich in combat experience and should be able to They seized the opportunity to show a wave.

The referee gave an order and the battle started!

Qianlong! The two fighters stood on the left and right sides of the reload, and the two long-distance, fast running to both sides, try to stay away from the battlefield.

At this time, I saw that Nora White lifted the super battle axe in his hand. The huge battle axe was like an inflatable for him. Looking at the action of the Daoer team, his super battle axe suddenly The swaying hem, then the whole person violently launched the charge!

The Dole team’s defensive formation is tight, “I’m so fast!”

"Reload, lift the shield!"

So fast, Nola White dragged a giant axe, like a horrible predator.


The voice in the throat of the Dole's heavy shield warrior suddenly caught, because Norah White was already standing in front of him.

How come, too fast! Even an assassin is just that? However, Nora White is reloading! Moreover, is the Super Tomahawk he is holding fake? With such a huge battle axe, how can you run out of the speed of the assassin!

Countless doubts, however, Nora White's Tomahawk slammed down.

"Turn it, my axe!"

Optimus, the first type of ghosts, "heavy cannon!" Norah's white mouth is upturned, the lazy eyes in his eyes become cold, really think that he is the youngest one to deal with?

Once he was also bloody, talent is invincible, Dean's dean personally special tricks, in the strong as the cloud of the Lei Di College, he set off the storm, the fist of the grade level chief, the chairman of the axe town school, at that time he was brutal and invincible !

Then, Vladimir is here...

The mountain is up!

His world has changed since then, he has a goal, Vladimir! ! !

Therefore, no opponent can make him feel guilty, only to make him feel lazy, except for Vladimir! ! !

Is there anyone worthy of his heart? Hey, my girlfriend is exceptional! Only two people in his world are bright, girlfriend and Vladimir! ! !

The action of the Tomahawk is not very big. The shield of the heavy shield warrior is blocked on the giant axe, but the next second, a loud noise, a split, the bursting power is not limited, continue to spread to the heavy armor, the power of violent The warrior is like a shell directly hitting the body, no resistance, the so-called reloading is like a paper paste, continue to shatter and break, the whole person is flying like a rag doll, and then falls on the scene. outer……

The two soldiers next to him are pale... Is there still life? The strongest reloading is an axe to the west... What is their defensive power? As for the attack? It’s not enough to give them ten leopards now!


At the same time, Norah White's Tomahawk suddenly swayed like a white swan. The weightlifting of the giant Tomahawk was light. At the next moment, the armor of the two soldiers shattered and the whole man flew out.

Giant blade dance!


The two remote madness dumped their ammunition firepower, and the tactics of melee dragging time failed. However, the two of them were flexible shooters, and they used firepower to suppress Norah White, and they could drag a lot of time.

However, after they had finished a round of firepower, they suddenly stopped...

Because Norah White has no defense, all the firepower is on him, but Norah White's tyrannical power completely ignores the opponent's attack.


Nora White slammed the Tomahawk high and then crashed into the ground.


Two **** lights, banged out from the battle axe, and instantly, two flexible shooters were hit, they jumped up and down, but they did not change the result, and the blood light hit them straight.

Nola White did not look at the opponent after playing, and sent a message to his girlfriend: "Baby, I am sorry, I have not started to be handsome, the battle is over, really... no one can fight."

The audience watched him quietly, and the s-class three emperors team played the second round of overbearing.

The 32 strong battles are over. I have to say that the surprises are constant, the mourning is constant, the strength of the s-class team, the tyranny of the dark horses, and the whole competition becomes unpredictable. I thought that chf was only the internal game of the top ten families, and suddenly found It’s not the case. The rise of Tianjing and Jufeng Peak has made people see hope. The “King of the King of the Mouth” Wang Zhong and the “Bee King” Dikabo have driven countless grassroots hearts. It is possible to create miracles without family support. The traditional tycoon is still beautiful, just as the major families have expected, this time the chf, the top ten families will be re-ranked, no matter what they have, strength is the last word.

Stuart, Ivan the Terrible, and the ghost home are still unstoppable. Although the Celestial team has nothing to choose from, it is also an easy four-to-zero battle. This is also the celestial style. They do not need to show their strength in a hegemonic way. In fact, this style does not match the new era. After all, from the dark ages, human beings must pursue the ultimate strength and domineering, but the Mohist family has characterized this non-mainstream style by virtue of tyrannical power and has become a photo. Only the Mohist can be low-key domineering.

The four major s+ are still unstoppable. The Zhao family and the night-night family formed the second echelon of the s-class. They were all in the middle of the rules, and all of them were promoted by four to zero. Even the seemingly weakest Capofei also showed a powerful force. Never underestimate the family's heritage.

Among the non-s, the Flame City and the Blazing Angels team have already shown the s-level heritage. The combination of the dark magician Mario and the ball king Shermi is a bit horrible, mainly the dark abilities of Mario's incredible, and the output is unsolvable. Shermi teamed up, disgusting, don't want to be the same, the same, the blazing angels team can be called the team mad squad, rock-solid will and discipline, and their beliefs, the overall flame attributes, perhaps individual strength Not too balanced, but once in the group battle, everyone is as ferocious as eating guns.

After two rounds of battle, the barbarian team from the northwest, the plateau team in the southwest, the Asuna sea **** team near the Inca city, and the eye team of the hurricane also stood out from the a-class team. The city where the barbarian team is located is the city. This is the city with the closest style to the imperial style in the federation. It advocates strength. Although the federal government has the overall rules, the major cities are different. Although the style is awkward, the previous barbaric team has a poor record because there is no such thing. Cooperate, and the internal disputes continue, no one is convinced, but this time the barbarian team gave birth to a super strong nicknamed "Ban Wang" madness, once the beast is driven, the combat power can not be the same.

The five main forces of the plateau team are gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five abilities are strong. Everyone has super strength. The first two rounds are advanced by four to zero and four to one. Legend has it that they are fighting. Stronger, and focused on by the major teams.

Asuna Naval Battle Team Located in the city of Asuna near Inca City, the destruction of Inca City also allows Asuna City to develop rapidly, absorb refugees, and support from the Federation. I don't know if it is because of Inca. The impact of the shipwreck, the quality of the Ashina City awakened in these years is getting higher and higher, and also achieved the rapid growth of Asuna.

The hurricane eye team is the soul beast team, the five soul beasts, the field two dozen, the team battle ten dozen five, their own strength is also very good, it can be seen that many teams are also carrying the s-class The dream comes.

The top 16 battles have begun. Once you enter the top 16, it means that the college will receive great support from the federal government in the next five years. Not only that, but also become the first-class college in the United States. This is the glory that chf can bring. .

It can be said that the next battle is a battle that can lay the foundation, and the excellence is outstanding.

However, the leader of Ma Dong wanted to pick up the hand. The 16-strong battle was drawn by him. Ma Dong felt that he was a small red hand. Then he drew the Dragon Dragon team of the Zhao family, which is second only to the four kings in the s-class team.

(Partners, happy weekend, desperately eating and eating hard, over ten pounds, not able to get rid of it, the result of a recent weighing off four pounds, and then desperately eat hard to eat a long pound back, so hard,,, One month ticket, thank you!)

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