Battle Frenzy

Chapter 27: Toilet surgery

This is different from the newcomers in the past. The general special tricks still need experience. The colleges have different qualities. For example, he is a failure example, and like Anlor, after a year of experience, he also tested. The major colleges of the Freedom of the Commonwealth are all numbered, and some colleges have begun to study his fighting style.

Such an opponent is very rare, and Wang Zhong certainly cannot miss it.

At Cabo Fel College, Anrol heard the snoring, but also shook his fist, and the other side of Arnold’s face was forced, “How could it be, why is he?”

Lola smiled. "It's very simple. It takes only a thousand pieces to put the mail on top. You don't think you want to challenge him. You can see how many challengers there are in your mailbox."

Arnold Teton yelled, "Anlor, the guy of this chicken thief!"

"Look at you very smart." Lola faintly added a sentence, and instantly Arnoldton suffered a 10,000 critical strike.

"Captain, although Anlor has grabbed the first move, he will not necessarily win. Wang, brother, I am optimistic about you, kill this guy with developed limbs!" Arnold's unclely shouted.

Anrol smiled and ignored Arno's Teutonics and entered the OP system. The battle was established and ten minutes of preparation time.

When the opponent of the strong king appeared, the cannon fodder area was detonated in an instant. There were only more than 300 people in the onlookers hall, but many people were paying attention to the forum. When the opponent was Anlor, the onlookers became 500 people. .

"Anlor? Which is Anlor?"

"Crap, of course, the beast pioneer Anrol!"

"My day, is it the Anrol who cut a street?"

"Is this guy not a brave man, how can he be assigned to him?"

"Pig, don't you know that there is a kind of battle called a fight?"

The people in the onlookers confirmed with their own eyes that Anlor was burned one by one, and how many colors of the high-frequency combat skills of the strong king of the mouth were tested in Anlor, if the strong king could beat Anluo Seoul can really lay his position.

Of course, it is more likely that Anrol will be smashed alive, and the possibility of winning across the ranks is almost zero.

Flame City, Shermi frowned, which made Mario deeply worried that the captain's chest would burst out of anger.

"Lola's shameless woman has even made such a despicable trick!" Shermi is really big, obviously it must be arranged by Lola, deliberately, just to face.

In the forum, some people have divided the two factions with Lola and Shermi as the center. One thinks that the strong king is a trumpet, and one thinks that it is not. It is obvious that Lola has an absolute superiority.

In Shermi's view, this must have been arranged by Lola. In order to fight her, even if she did not hesitate to send Anrol, shameless!

Mario didn't dare to speak, and the big sister didn't want to provoke it, but he did investigate it. The whole incident did not have the traces of Lola, but the two were too famous to be easily compared by good deeds, but... The captain was completely at a disadvantage.

" said...can he win?" Shermi said suddenly.

Mario stayed, smiled and smiled, just ready to tell the truth, but when I look at the face of Shirmi, my mind is ready to use. "Captain, I think everything is possible. There is a mysterious king on this strong king." breath!"

The players on the side were holding their faces, and the vice captain was too shameless. Even the king’s breath came out.

Shermi had a little peace of mind, and thought about it, and was happy again. "If Anrol loses, can I ridicule Lola?"

Everyone is dumbfounded, but this time they only have a nod.

Anrol did not hesitate to make a warfare like swinging. Although the soul is weak, it is worthy of a serious battle.

Anrol chose the sculpt weapon of his famous college last year, two short-handed axe, he used these two Tomahawks to madly cut a path to victory for the beasts.

Many people remember his team last year, and he also has his wonderful highlights in various college forums. One person used two Tomahawks to cut down a team and let all those who despise his body linger.

Now everyone is staring at the strong king. Faced with such a master, it is also the strongest opponent that the strong king of the mouth can meet. It can be said that this is the glory of the cannon fodder, although the battle of defeating the glory, the king of the mouth will definitely take Out of your strongest strength, the best weapon.

Everyone is waiting.

"What do you think is the weapon of the king's hand?"

"I think he has a strong melee. It is better to choose the sword shield for the double-war axe of Anrol. There is no way to fight hard."

"I think it's best to choose a pair of swords to cut, it is useless to fight with the mad warrior of Anlor, only just."

"Just you look, do you think that the brother's little body just lived?"

However, the next moment, all the people in the onlookers are still, this Nima... is definitely a naked face, a face is not given!

Random weapon!

The next second round of the observation hall and the comment area were fried.

"My mouth is mighty, the world is unified!"

"It's too strong, not a face to the Berserker, haha!"

"Pro dare give me a big mad beast?"

Not to mention the general onlookers, Lola is also stunned, is this person born with conceit? Still being abused?

Arnold’s heart has died. How can he meet such a thing? Doesn’t he know who Anrol is? Looking at Lola and Anrol, he really wants to jump off the building...

Shermi is very happy, "Look, I said that he is a trumpet, or how dare to random weapons, this guy is definitely a problem!"

Others are afraid to speak. Big sister, in addition to the trumpet, may be an idiot. There is no shortage of brains in this world. It is only the nature of this time who dares to break Charm.

"Cough, I went to the bathroom!" Mario suddenly said, the other people's face was black, the vice captain was too chicken thief, and wanted to open.

"Ah, my stomach is not very comfortable, it must be a bad stomach."

"I will accompany you."

Suddenly the temperature in the room rose, and Xia Mier turned his face, his eyes murderous, "I will always stay here for me."

"Captain, I really can't stop."

"Then solve it on the spot!"

Everyone shut up when they boarded. They underestimated the captain's bottom line. Mario was angry and looked at the uninhabited bastard. He clearly could go and was destroyed by these guys. Other people do not care, die to die.

Fighting a group: 21222419 two thousand people battle group, 冒 bubbling every day!

骷髅's WeChat public number: kuloujingling00 important dynamic mastery!

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