Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 74: Gamble

(Thanks to "minjiyu" for another 50,000 rewards, the achievement of the third alliance of the main hegemony, the mighty master!)

Compared with the dignity in the wonderful society, the atmosphere of Adolf College is much easier. They also have someone to collect information. Accurately speaking, all this is well prepared. I didn’t expect the new members of the Tianjing team to be so impulsive. .

At this time, the twelve members, including the star-rated Cecil, were either sitting on the sofa or standing next to the sofa, and everyone’s eyes were staring at a huge screen in front of them.

The screen played on the screen of the previous singularity against the St. ruling, from Emily and Caulby's dagger fight, Barron and Terrence's wrestling, lei Li scared back Ma Dong, Glei Spike Adams, until the last Wang Zhong’s Lianzhujian easily stunned the land battle.

After the lens was finished, the second playback was performed immediately. This time the screen was skipped and all the details were presented in the form of slow motion, so it was repeated two or three times.

If you let people know that Adolf College will sit here and study the battle video of a district crane tail team so seriously, it will be a big surprise.

But this is Adolf College. Whether the opponent is strong or weak, the pre-war preparations will be extremely meticulous.

Light enemy? This is impossible. Teams that can embark on this year's CHF arena and maintain a certain level of competitiveness will not have any one who will make such a low-level mistake!

Strategically despising opponents and concentrating on opponents in tactics has always been the only way for Adolf College to compete on the field.

President Bradley sat next to him and did not interfere with Cecil’s command. He just liked to participate. With these young people, he could feel hope. In fact, he was saddened by his old classmates. He was also the principal. The days of the two have been completely different, so that they have no ambitions at this age, that is, they hope that their students will be able to make a difference and bring honor to the school.

Cecil turned off the news until the fourth time the image was fixed in the final shot.

Bradley looked at his most proud student and smiled and asked: "How, how do you feel?"

"It’s much stronger than you think," Cecil said faintly. "No wonder today is the daring and the big bet we have."

"For everyone to analyze and analyze." Bradley said very casually.

Cecil nodded: "The strength of their team can be divided into three levels. The first level, three years of lei Li, Kaulby, the strength is above the standard, the second level of the team's main level, their The fighting style has been finalized, and the potential is not likely to be greatly improved and broken in a short period of time. Hayman's ability is very important, but unfortunately, it is mainly not in combat, the focus is on the second level, Emily of the Assassin family. Er, this is worth noting. I have looked at her battle on the OP and the strong king of the mouth. The time interval between the battle and the screen is only a week or two. It is a rapid progress and a basic understanding of the assassin and the dagger. In two weeks, there have been earth-shaking changes, such a powerful talent, if we calculate her flame ability, including her growth potential when she entered school, I think she will be the first of tomorrow’s Tianjing Institute. "There are a few variables!" Cecilton paused and continued: "And Glay, this newcomer is very powerful and confident, but unfortunately there is very little information, but I think the focus will be on both of them tomorrow."

Other players also nodded, which is considered to be very important to the opponent.

"The third level, Scarlett and Wang Zhong, thought that Reeves had gone to Scarlett as the captain, the talent is very good, the overall situation is also very strong, but we have confidence." Cecil said, because Ming The masters on the face are not counted, and Cecil is clearly confident that he can stabilize Scarlett. "As for Wang Zhong..."

Said that Cecil has no choice but to wave his hand. "Frankly, I don't know why he can be the captain. How do you say the level of combat? It's a bit technical, but quite general, and I get intelligence. His theoretical results were first last year. However, the actual results are very poor, and even make up the exam. I don't know if this is a smoke bomb. Maybe he has very unique talents or abilities in the command. Let's just look at it, so tomorrow's game, According to the rhythm, if it is smooth, it will be killed directly by the drums. If there are variables, let go of the grid and kill others."

I heard Bradley smiled with satisfaction here.

The lion will also use all his strength, only the courage of the husband, even if it becomes the world's first, it will soon be defeated that day, to really stand at the peak for a long time, relying on careful, relying Be cautious, relying on the brain!

This is Cecil, his best student. As long as he is there, he will not have to worry about tomorrow's game!

"Adolf will win!" Bradley patted Cecil's shoulder.

"Adolf will win! Adolf will win!" The room burst into a squeaky noise, neatly!

Adolf College played against the Tianjing English Soul Academy, and the exchange became a gamble on the future of the two colleges. The sensation caused by the college was overwhelming.

Unlike the cold and clear scenes at the welcoming ceremony yesterday, the entire Tianjing Academy was already in full swing early in the morning, and about half an hour before the start of the game, the college’s team games were already crowded. Sitting on the floor.

There are several rows of VIP seats at the location of the best stand. In addition to Bradley and the president of Green Brothers, the Mayor of Moore, and the mentor, there are many other VIPs.

Yesterday, Tianjing College tactics to Adolf College, and gambled on the four ace units to send places, not only in the college to set off the storm, together with the entire Tianjing City was also shocked by this 'hobby gamble' Put it.

The most important thing in the troubled world is the resource but through the dark period, the free federation of the vitality is restored, what is the most important?

Definitely a talent!

Therefore, in this era, a famous college is undoubtedly a benchmark for a city. No matter whether it is any private or official unit, it cannot be compared with the importance of a famous school. Moreover, this matter is not only related to the reputation of the Tianjing Spirit Society, but also Involved in four valuable ace units to secure the quota! An elite institution like the Ace Mobile has an influence on the city, both politically and militarily.

From the city council, from the business community, including sponsors like Qian Duodu, how much advertising effect can the small clubs sponsoring Qiqi Society have? The sponsorship fee of more than 100,000 is just like the watering, mainly for the opportunity to squeeze into the circle, just like now.

President Green and President Bradley are undoubtedly the protagonists in the stands. They sit together and it’s hard to imagine that they are making a gamble.

(Three more sent, ask for a monthly ticket, thank you!) (to be continued.)

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