Battle Frenzy

Vol 3 Chapter 42: flower

The leader was completely destroyed in an instant, and the rats suddenly became chaotic, and instantly lost the ability to organize counterattacks.

But several figures have fallen from the treetops. These people are all armed with heavy armor shields, directly blocking the peripherals of the rat group!

These first-class mutant mice are only the size of a dog, and the strength of the impact when running is quite good, but without any organization, the individual strength is obviously not comparable to the heavy fighters.

Several shields were erected, accompanied by the fierce snoring of the reloading, and the unmatched power swept around.

'Pang Pong'

The low-level mutant mice that are fleeing are directly back to the center. They are as scared as a flies, and they are screaming and screaming like a rat race at night.

From the fire to the end, but in just two or three minutes, in addition to the fish that leaked the net in the past ten years, the body of the mutant mouse left behind the fire, more than a hundred, and the war, only the defense at the periphery. Two reloads were slightly injured!

"Hah, it’s a big harvest!" Pattyu gasped, and couldn’t wait to scream and sprint. As a peripheral interception force, a mutant mouse that was just like a small shell bomb kept on Shocking his defense, all rely on him to use the shield or physical strength to give back to the top. If there are more rounds, the strong reloading warriors will have to shout.

At this time, the mutated rat body must be nausea if it was placed before, but it can be eaten even in the first stage of training. Then look at this scene and pediatrics.

Everyone has gathered together. It is a person of St. Judgment. Everyone is very excited. This is the fourth wave of mutant creatures designed and hunted in two days. It is efficient and safe. It is the mainstay of the college. Master!

Fully prepared, the surrounding terrain and tactical command are also extremely precise, otherwise if you rely solely on force, ten people want to kill a mutant rat with one level, five or six levels, and hundreds of cannon fodders. If there is no change, it is normal to die two or three people, so that almost all the rats will be destroyed. Dreaming is almost the same!

This kind of hunting speed, even the black rose is also a far cry, the self-righteous Qi Yushe not to mention, this final assessment, the St. ruling must be the first!

Reeves also jumped from the treetops, with a confident smile on his face. He didn’t even shoot from start to finish. He could go to the core to get the quest items full, and try to rely on the strength of the team to safely hunt at the periphery. Killing mutants is the last guarantee for the promotion list.

Before I came to guess that it was a funeral lake area, I guessed that there would be a requirement to hunt mutants. I prepared myself very well and all came in handy. The captain on the final list must be his, just look at the black rose. You can steal a few leftovers from your own hands.

This is the 'game' between myself and Scarlett. As for the rest of the rubbish, it depends on whether there is a brain in the battlefield. The last conversation has already revealed enough to him. If it is really a brain, it is so long. The time is enough for him to do a lot of preparations. The existence of Wang Zhong and Glei threatens the holy ruling and his majesty and must disappear!

Although the situation of black roses is not as good as the St. ruling, it is not bad. The middle line they chose does not have any large mutant herd nests, but there are many scattered and small-scale mutant organisms.

The overall strength of this team is not weak, basically the level of the Warriors in the p is relatively high, although no one is particularly strong, the overall lineup of offense and defense conversion is not particularly complete, but the victory is enough to listen to the command.

Scarlett's commanding ability and leadership are very good. When he took the initiative to attack and even passively counterattack, he showed his high command talent, his insight into the entire battlefield, his thinking clearly, and more importantly. It is very convincing to speak. Perhaps it is not enough to be so embarrassed, but also a little conservative. I missed a few good opportunities to pursue the expansion of the game. Of course, if you want to say it is for security reasons, it is understandable.

In two days, there were also about tens of units of harvest, and a girl’s leg was slightly injured.

Only they traveled much faster than the St. Judgment. They entered the middle of the restricted area on the third morning. According to Scarlett’s idea, they first went to the core area to get the mission tokens and then considered to concentrate on hunting. problem.

However, the company was terrible. In the past two days, it only encountered four or five cannon-ash mutants.

If you just fell into the periphery of the restricted area, you will have good luck, and there will always be mercenaries on the outside of the restricted area to hunt. Perhaps this area has just been hunted.

But if it was a whole three days, it would be too abnormal, and it would not be easy to say that the idle mercenaries could clear out such a large "safe area". Let’s say that everyone has been on the road for three days. The position of the middle layer of the restricted area, the mutant creatures here should be inexhaustible.

The atmosphere of the squad is no longer as easy as when you first entered. You can't hunt the mutant beast. What do you guys take back to cross? In addition to Hayman occasionally still spend a few words on the Gloria mouth, adjust the atmosphere, even Emily no longer has a playful mind, two eyes on the way to the east, aiming, Xiong, can not wait to see a bird Go to the nest and see if you can pick up the only sparrow.

This situation continued until the evening when it was finally broken.

It’s really that Wang Zhong feels that something is wrong. When you take a break, take out the map of Tianxun and try to reposition and reload the program. The result is not good. After a test, the entire Tianxun map will be directly screened. .

Others have been shocked to see this result, and quickly turned over their own Tianyi one by one debugging.

"I don't have any more I also spent it!" Emily was astonished by the discovery of the New World.

Haiman groaned and turned to smile: "There is something so nervous, it must be because we are too deep. I heard that the signal of Tianxun will be interfered by the power of the restricted area or the radiation factor."

"No, the station in the camp is a signal booster, Raytheon II, enough to cover the entire restricted area." Wang shook his head and pointed to the intermittent snowflake signal on the screen: "This divergent structure is vertical stripes. Intermittent type, not the signal is not strong to launch, it is someone who deliberately launch a destructive signal directly into our Tianxun program."

When Hayman stayed, she realized that she was standing in front of her. She was a theoretical expert in the college. I heard that this guy still has a library resident: "You can see things like this snowflake." Will it be part of the test?"

Wang Zhong frowned and had this possibility. They have been away for so long, and there is nothing to stop, they are very fast, ... almost have entered the core area...

"Call..." Glei suddenly swayed and fainted to the ground.

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