Battle Frenzy

Chapter 14: On "Learning to learn and connect with sisters"

"The boys' dormitory is not allowed to stay, go back soon, or I will let Ma Dongdong pick you up." Wang said with viciousness, he must be serious, otherwise he could not hold the hoe.

"Hey, you sent me, it’s black outside, someone is going to robbery, I’m afraid, and I’m drinking too much.” Emily was shivering.

Wang touched his nose. "You are a girl, you don't want to rob others, it's not bad, and you can use the soul to eliminate this wine!"

"Wang Zhong brother, I will tell you a story, the chair of a girl's dormitory is broken, so she found a boy to help repair!"

"and then?"

"The boy really came to fix it, but the girl was very angry!" said Emily.

"Why?" Wang asked with doubt.

"Stupid, the chair is broken by the girl!" Emily slammed her feet and left Wang Zhong with an angry back, but her face was smiling.

The formal course started, the new students are the special excitement of estrus, which is a new beginning for them. Wang Zhong is the morning class after the completion of the class. Lonely people are more considerate because they have more contact with Simba. He has his own understanding of the pattern and the current combat system.

These whimsy, now it seems that some are really nonsense, but some have certain possibilities.

In the afternoon, the library was quiet, most of the students of the rune design department, they need a lot of calculations and design drafts, Wang Zhong is also seriously calculating, rune design, especially weapons, can bring him a lot inspiration.

Wang Zhong’s design and understanding of weapons is to understand the powerful power triggered by the combination of the weapon itself and the soul through the process of design. Through this process, let yourself gain a better understanding in a specific attack mode, in order to make yourself Being stronger is also trying various possibilities.

The Warrior Academy students are the least in theory. They are more practical classes and learn various combat skills. They think that this is the best way to gain strength, and Wang Zhong feels that although this is effective, he knows it. I don't know why.

Wang Zhong is reading an article about the emotional intelligence of high latitude life written by Dr. Madeleine. Suddenly there is a faint aroma. Sitting on the opposite side, seeing Wang Zhong raise his head, the other side also reveals a fresh smile. Can you bother you for a while?"

Wang Zhongwei glimpsed, it turned out to be Scarlett... "Hello, Scarlett, of course, no problem."

"I am going to the discussion room." When Scarlett appeared, the surrounding eyes always surrounded.

Wang focused on nodding, not too much he could help the man of the situation.

"Wang Zhong, I read a few articles that you wrote some time ago, especially the 'bridge between macro and micro self.' It is very insightful." Scarlett looked at Wang Zhong in front of him, really can't believe it. The theoretical achievement of this person actually pressed her, knowing that the first battle is difficult to decide in the first grade, but in theory, Scarlett has always been the leader, but lost the first time after entering the British Soul Academy.

The time of Scarlett’s holiday was thoroughly understood. When he saw several papers published by him, he was shackled. The bold assumption of this person is really shocking, and perhaps it seems to some people to be sensational. There is a lot of understanding from Scarlett.

"I just think about it." Wang Zhong said.

"Do you think that the force of the pattern is a kind of life magnetism, does it have its own perception?" Scarlett asked, usually the force of the pattern is seen as the magnetic force, from the influence of the dark moon.

Wang Zhong did not expect anyone to be interested in this. Because of the influence of Simba, Wang Zhong has no limitations, many whimsy, and Simba will also pass on many strange ideas, such as the high-latitude demonic theory, human beings themselves. The excavation of power is still in a low-level stage, the fate can be controlled, and so on, but when he enters the college, his thoughts are crazy to others. Even Ma Dong can’t help but advise him not to think about it all day. People will be crazy, but for the first time, someone is willing to discuss with him.

It’s not hunting, it’s really resonating.

Scarlett’s search for Wang Zhong today is only a moment of excitement. She just went to the library to borrow books and saw Wang Zhong. She remembered the other papers and wanted to talk about it, but I didn’t expect that the other’s knowledge base was super. Imagine that the two couldn’t hold it anymore if they opened up.

"Ah, you have a deep understanding of the ghosts. I also think that the federal system is too conservative. The reason why the empire is so powerful has to be said to be largely related to the aliens, and the marriage is so that they have born a stronger blood. The strong body of the aliens, coupled with the power of the soul, in the individual ability, the federation has been compared with those of the big empire." Scarlett said with emotion, her family history, her vision is far more than The average student is high, and the vision is not as easy as the general ability. But for the first time, it seems that the guy who is not amazing in front of him seems to have a wider angle than her.

Wang Zhong smiled a little. Regarding the game between the empire and the federal system, it was a big man's business. Wang Zhong did not express his opinions in this respect. For example, the negotiations between the Empire and the Federation on the introduction of the OP system were protracted, and there were too many involved. The interests of the students are not the loyalty of the students.

"Ghosts can be said to be representative figures of the aliens. They are also quite related to the current prosperity of the Caesar Empire. The ghostly physique has created a powerful shadow warrior. It is amazing to watch their battle videos."

"Yeah, one-on-one is too difficult to suppress, especially when the long-range fighters face them, they become completely slaughtered."

"In fact, there is no way. If the remote warrior can play a double overlapping matrix, even the ghosting pace can't be avoided."

Scarlett stunned and couldn't help but smile. "Several people can do this kind of technical operation."

Touch and touch...

The two were chatting happily, and suddenly they heard a knock on the door. The door stood with Emily and Ma Dong, and Emily looked at the hostility, while Ma Dongdong was squinting.

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