Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 316: Starry behemoth

According to the positioning of the time and space bracelet, Pharaoh can judge that he is now in the 001 area, which is the initial location of the magic sea world divided by Tianmen. According to the information given by the space-time bracelet, there are about 100,000 in this area. In the world of bubble debris, the ranks are between the 9th and the 7th grades. Occasionally there will be one or two or six grades, but that kind of luck is definitely no luck.

"The whole magical sea, there are thousands of white-level districts, each with hundreds of thousands of fragmented worlds. This number is really huge." Wang Zhong is also emotional, knowing that every fragmented world represents one. The memory of the strong once or the projection of time and space.

The source of these fragments is very magical. Crossing the fifth dimension, the magic sea itself is a powerful and wonderful dimension world. It has both the present and the ancient times. It can be said that it is a rich treasure house. From a certain angle, it is also inside. The history of the fifth dimension is recorded.

He walked all the way, surrounded by those white or colorful foam worlds flying behind him, the sound of the original assembly point soon could not be heard, but far from the horizon can also see seven or eight The figure flies deeper than himself.

"This is a white area. Look at the route of these people. It should be the past b0 area marked in the time-space bracelet..."

"Only entering the b-level yellow area will see a large number of six-level bubble world, which is a challenge for me! And fifty times the points, want to fight for the first task, not to go!"

Pavaro is also one of them. Xiuwutang is not all the idiots of Barlow and Worcester. Instead, after the two idiots died, a large group of elites began to take the lead and abandoned the exaggerated, recent The martial arts are a bit fierce and a bit of a fight, but also make the bones a little excited, everyone's intentions are the same, now the edge of the area to adapt to the situation, and then directly into the b area.

There are eight people in the same idea, and that Wang Zhong has already entered the bubble of time and space in the first step. Others have also entered, and Pavaro is the last one to enter. Although he is confident in himself, it is not necessary. Direct impact on zone b.

When Lao Wang reached out and just touched the huge bubble, he felt that there was a strange force coming out of the bubble and taking his own soul, as if the whole person was sucked in, and the appearance seemed to be only a bubble world of three or four meters in diameter. There is no hole in the interior.

The change of the surrounding landscape is like walking through time and space. The next second has been down to earth.

This is in a ridiculous land, the gravity under the foot is quite light, just like the feeling of being in the fringe world. The meager gravity seems to have no effect on the king. It does not need to work or even use it. Force, just a thought in the heart, the whole person will float gently without weight.

The aura in the air is relatively thin, as if the visual acuity has suddenly increased by tens of thousands of times. In the eyes of ordinary people, Wang Zhong can see the surface of some stars in the sky at a glance! The horrible sight is like standing on the earth, and you can see the high-definition patterns of the craters on the surface of the moon directly by the naked eye!

This is amazing, even if Pharaoh is very surprised, can not imagine that vision can reach this point.

The whole world becomes transparent in the face of this superb vision, and even the naked eye can see the operation of some rules in the air!

Wang Zhong quickly understood that it was not how many times his vision improved, but because of the laws of the world, the degree of pressure, and so on.

You must know that even in the void of nothing, there are laws and auras, just like smog, ordinary people can't directly see some thin smog through the naked eye, but no matter how thin the smog, as long as Existence will definitely affect visibility, as if it were a natural obstruction. The ubiquitous laws and auras in the universe are like smog in some respects. The stronger and more powerful the rules and aura, the higher the pressure, and naturally limit your five senses. In contrast, the lower the rules and aura, the clearer your five senses will be.

"It should be a marginal world, higher than the earth's level, like the holy city." Wang Zhong quickly sat down to judge.

It is no wonder that in the realm of the Divine Realm, a foundation period is invincible in the fringe world like the Earth. It adapts to the superb gravity of the land. Your flesh is in the fringe world. It is more than the hardest metal here. Hard; adapt to the limits of the earth's spiritual pressure, and then go to the edge world, you almost never feel the meager restrictions of the world will on you, as long as you are willing, your vision can be extended indefinitely, you can hear tens of thousands The sound of the wings spread out of the butterfly, you can easily mobilize the spiritual power of the whole world...

Simply put, you can do whatever you want, you are the **** of this fringe world!


There was a slight battle sound from the far side of the front.

I can judge that it is far away from myself, the enhancement of the five senses, and the hearing is also enhanced by countless times. This kind of battle sound is not more than the crawling sound of an ant hundreds of miles away in the perception of hearing, but it is still Wang Zhong easily caught it.

"In such a fringe world, it is possible to pass the battle sounds to such a distant place, and I am afraid that it is only the core of this memory fragment."

Looking at the sound of the old dynasty battle, with his current vision, you can directly see the end of the endless horizon, but still can not see the source of the battle, obviously the position is below the horizon.

"The core of the memory world is generally condensed in the strongest of the world. If you kill the strongest, you can use the ring to collect the memory core."

Wang Zhong’s body is here floating in the air. At this time, it’s just a thought. The power of the whole world is like being mobilized and shackled by himself. The power of the field that broke out with Solomon was even The judgment of the fate of the roulette is also at most a few kilometers around the radiation. At this moment, Pharaoh has the feeling that the whole world is covered by his own field instantly!

"It's so cool! It's fun! The power of the world in the fringe world is too easy to mobilize! It's no wonder that even the Holy Master who once felt powerful is only in the middle of the realm of the gods... I practiced in the domain for a year. The world on the upper edge has been practicing for thousands of years!"

This feeling of powerful power is also pursued by many disciples who have entered the magical sea world. They are hit hard by various geniuses in Tianmen, and occasionally they need to find the feeling in the fringe world of such weak chickens. Even Pharaoh, the long-lost invincibility makes him happy.

Most of the world is now shrouded in the cover of Pharaoh's gods. It can be felt that there is no particularly strong strongman in this world. There are about three or four hundred foundations in the middle of the foundation, which is equivalent to the gathering of the Holy City Holy Master. This power is not worth mentioning in the vast universe of thousands of civilizations, but it is much stronger than the original holy city of mankind. But at this time they are obviously suffering disasters, their number is madly decreasing, and the cause of this disaster is the source of the battle sound.

At this time, it is not necessary to rely on the body to accelerate, directly pulling the power of the horrible mass of the world, as if just to move the 'earth globe' in the hand, a fierce hurricane like a knife cut like a knife, as strong as the old The body of the king, there is a feeling that almost can not stand!

He also stopped quickly, but this is the way, the body has crossed the nearly half of the world, not to mention the speed of sound, this way of moving, I am afraid that they are approaching the speed of light! That is to say, your own deified cells are resistant to creation. If the ordinary virtual Dan dares to play like this, the body can be directly torn!

Pharaoh is also speechless, but also secretly vigilant, too powerful, and it is risky to use it casually before it is not familiar enough.

At this point, it was slightly adjusted, and the speed was moderate. It was close to the battle center in only three or five seconds.

I saw that it was in an ancient human city that was almost ruined. Hundreds of millions of human beings were obviously indigenous here. Most of the civilians were at the level of the soul of the soul, and the souls of the souls were in groups of hundreds of thousands. In the mid-term, there are hundreds of strong people. They teamed up to form a battlefield. Each of the bases in the middle of the building led a battle of thousands of souls. The battle is going on in a desperate battle, and the opponents of this huge force are only One!

It is a monster over a kilometer, shaped like a whale, with a pair of huge transparent flaps, sharp and unsharp shark teeth, light black on the surface, covered with various runes Secret lines.

this is……

Lao Wang squinted.

Starry behemoth.

In the fifth dimension, the starry beast is also a very rare and powerful race. Its blood is not the strongest in the gods. It is not the birth of the bloodline of the real world, but at least it is born. . But they have an advantage that even the top eight civilizations do not have. They are born in the marginal world, and are naturally born in various coincidences by incomplete rules. Born in the fringe world and born as a virtual Dan, they are almost impossible to suffer any threats in the early stages of life. They are already at the peak of the world of the fifth dimension of the world at birth, and there is no pressure to grow. Secondly, because they are born with the law, which is equivalent to the manifestation of the law, think of the ancient trees in the fairy garden, that is, the life manifested by the complete law, and the starry behemoth, although only a rule of incompleteness, But their perception of the law is still not comparable to any flesh-and-blood life, and it is unmatched! Even the geniuses of the eight-level civilization in the realm of the gods can never catch up with a star-studded beast. It can be said that they are the most special and most talented top-notch life in the fifth dimension except the four heavens. Body.

Close to here, the bracelet in the hands of Pharaoh immediately gave birth to a sense, and clear information was transmitted to the mind of Lao Wang. There is no doubt that the star beast is the main body of this memory core.

It has obviously entered the domain of God, joined the Tianmen, and has come to this magical sea world, and then left a piece of memory that was once in the virtual world. The civilization that conquered this fringe world is obviously only one of its long life years. The game is nothing but a disaster for the entire civilization.

(The sci-fi suspense short story "The future breakpoint of Yunxiao" has been released, and the daily guarantee is two, a total of 200,000 words have been finalized, all free, friends, take a look, you know how...)

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