Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 313: Chasing

Such a danger, but still can not take any treasures inside, such a fantasy world, is completely worthless to the predator, if the slave trader or interstellar pirates find such a world, they will hate to swear, Tianmen is a place like this. In order to train new talents, they retain their coordinates and list them as trial sites.

"The fantasy world has a lot of demons, and all kinds of horror are endless. Only you can't think of it. Without it, there is no... really, boss, anyway, you are not a man of Xiuwutang anymore, and you are not forcing you to go. Broken places, whoever loves to go, you don't have to take risks."

Pharaoh smiled a little, and he was very respectful of Titan's supervision in the bones. The other party would never be aimless. While listening to the flying pigs, he was aware of a line of small words under the information: Magic Sea World, a law of debris chaotic world... ...

This sentence alone gives Wang Zhongzhong unlimited imagination. The complete law is supreme and invincible. Once it violates the law, it is annihilation, but the broken law means that the great power above is still dangerous, but it is not Round and tidy.

For the mission, the people of Xiuwutang have been looking for the same door or predecessors in the past few days to learn about the so-called magic sea world. As an X-level trial site, Tianmen divides the magic sea world into white, yellow and red. The area, the white area is the minimum warning, suitable for the virtual Dan strong, the yellow area is the real area of ​​the real Dan, as for the red area, the span is great, it is not a problem of Jin Dan, but as a magic sea world The owner, Tianmen, has not been completely occupied and understood until now. It belongs to the non-open area and has the highest level of danger. Even if the Jindan strong person enters, there is a risk of corruption.

"Wang Zhong, the treasure of the magic sea world can not be taken away, but if you feel that there is no value, it is wrong." This is the original words of Lavelle: "Because you can use it directly inside, there are some yellow areas inside." Things are even eager for the Jindan strong, and for your virtual Dan, it is invaluable, so the trial places in the Magic Sea world have always been precious."

"Very precious? Can Sharis and Jonas do not go to them?" Pharaoh was curious.

"The refining hall has no need for the treasures of the magic sea world because of the different directions of practice. It has not been very helpful. However, five years ago, the alchemy hall, just after entering Tianmen, they have already been there. Tianmen’s world trials, usually, each disciple has only one chance. After all, the trial world is invaluable, the resources are harvested by you, and it takes time to recover, so unless you pay a huge extra price or very special The situation, otherwise it is not allowed to enter for the second time."

Resources should be balanced, and the more precious the water, the more precious it is. If these trial areas are open to the disciples without restrictions, let them collect and consume the resources there, and only fear that they will cultivate two or three batches of talents. The world will be exhausted and ruined.

"Of course, opportunities and dangers coexist. If you want more, the danger will naturally increase. It is assessed as a X-level trial zone. In fact, it is a trial site for the strong Dan, only the real Dan goes in, the price is only The highest. For the virtual Dan, it is really not a good place. In the previous magic sea world, the alchemy hall will be organized in the first year, but Xiuwutang is often waiting for two or three years, the whole If the level of Xiuwutang is raised to the real world, it will choose to go to the magic sea world. I really don’t know what your supervision is like..."

In general, Lavelle still thinks it is an opportunity, but it is a bit early for them.

The Tianhe River exudes the brilliance of the night, and the realm of the gods under the night is more prosperous. Those who enjoy the night come out of their residence and start their busy day.

In the night market, Gry is mixed in the crowd. He stays in a shop for a while from time to time. He pretends to look for something. In the night market, people like him are everywhere.

He is not his original appearance, but formed into a rhinoceros. He is three times taller and taller, and his height is close to three meters. He has long heads and a sharp and pointed rhinoceros in his forehead. With the rhinoceros warrior pattern painted, even if the rhinoceros elders come over, they will not find that his inner lining is actually a human being.

Gray chose the goods on the shelves, and the rude low curse was too expensive from time to time, which made him more like a rhinoceros. At the same time, he cleverly let the light of the eyes pass through the gaps in the shelves to observe the door. To the crowd, he is being chased by the Zongmen Alliance in the underground world.

The worst thing happened. The underground world, headed by three major sects, joined forces to issue a general order to him and Muzi.

And all this is obviously his fault! There was a bit of pain in Glady’s eyes. If it wasn’t for him and Muzi’s chatter about the human crisis, if he’s not eager for quick success, he wants to do more... they can do better, but he can’t do it. Instead of being cautious, I chose a path that seems to be good, but in fact it is missing.

Two peaches kill three people, they want to pick the relationship between the major gates, create cracks and find a more suitable living space for themselves.

However, the three masters can stand up, so they can be fooled by such a rough trick.

Moreover, there is no such thing as Pluto who can suppress everything for them in the Styx!

There is no real power behind them behind their ambitions.

They just kept setting up the empty city plan. They have been doing very well. It’s so good that Glead relaxes the string that should always be tight. He and Muzi are so anxious, they are eager to open the situation for humanity. Find a place in the gods.

Urgent, let them forget that the major gates are not really no way for the Styx, they are just fishing, watching, looking for the most suitable opportunity!

But as they began to show their ambitions, they attempted to divide the eggs of interest in the underground world. As the message of the Apostle recruiting the apostles spread throughout the underground world, as more and more people believed in Pluto, they even inspired many people. Start fighting against the high-ranking sects, and finally, as they put special instruments on the trading list!

They began to touch the threshold of Zongmen, and as they move more and more, the three majors choose to kill. Whether or not there is Pluto, they need to speak through strength, not on the surface. A few things.

Like a chess game, one loses and loses step by step.

Greg knows how to blame himself is too late, he can't go back, the underground world entrance is full of enemies, and Muzi... I am afraid I have already encountered an attack, because the opponent is definitely the first to start with Muzi, then he is now I can only pray that Muzi can be a good person through the protection of the Styx.

Grae took a deep breath, and he once again told himself in his heart that he must be calm and calm, things have already happened, big mistakes have been cast, and there is enough reflection. Now what he does not need most is to worry, but to find a new way out. In the first step, he has to escape.

There are more and more people who are chasing him. The nets they have laid are getting tighter. Although they don't know what means they use, they have locked in his position, not precise positioning, but they can be traced.

Grae once again calmed down and gave up the plan to go to the underground world. The other party has already calculated his walking movement. Then, no matter what method he thinks, the final result is only one. I am a fish, the enemy is a knife. In time, he will only fall into the realm of slaughter.

What he has to do is what the enemy has not calculated, just like he formed a female rhinoceros. Yes, he looks like a woman now. The towering chest has attracted several times the Yaozuo males. The process has made him The egg hurts, but the effect is very good. On several occasions, he helped him escape the round-up that he could hardly avoid.

However, Gry is also clear that this will not last forever. Soon, the other party will adjust its strategy and expand the conditions for their search. The general order issued by the three major sects, although there is no legal effect of the Star Alliance, but in the domain of God The influence of the land is not much worse than the terms of the Star Alliance. In a way, it is more attractive to those so-called bounty hunters.

Gray quickly bought the supplies he needed. He cursed like the most ordinary rhinoceros, and paid for it. Then he left the store with a big swing, and the crowds outside, the demon rhinoceros like him. In general, it is integrated into the night.

However, only after walking out of half a street, Gly's footsteps became extremely heavy. He looked embarrassed at the crowds of people around them - they stopped at the same time as he stopped, and then everyone They turned their faces to dozens of frosty ice faces gave him a snowy smile.

"Oh, hello of the Apostle of Pluto, although it is easy to use, but it is not perfect."

In the laughter, a green garment lingers, the pale skin, the veins are clearly visible, the dark spiritual power is flowing inside, his face has four eyes, and the deep air is like a river. The whirlpool, Gry looked at him with deep gaze, and the spiritual power of half of the street was like the undead of drowning, caught by his four eyes.

Greg's body shape has just walked a few steps, and a huge force of imprisonment passed through the space, and he suddenly pulled him back into reality.

Glory sighed, his bones gradually contracted in the squeaky voice, the secret swelling muscles slowly subsided, and the battle lines on his face also fell off, a burst of blood flashed, the space breath flashed, and the battle lines were brewing. The power turned into a blushing bloodstain and melted into his skin. He looked at the streets that had been emptied by the chasers. "Is it necessary? For the sake of building a foundation, let you personally go out, the Emperor is really Willing."

"There is no way, you are hot at the moment, but it has caused the attention of the big guys, but you are also childish, it is best to be awkward, and everyone in the province is wasting time." Tsing Yi said with a smile.

"You will be wrong, I mean, if you die, the inheritance of the four-eyed magic of the dynasty will not be cut off?"

"Severage? I am dead? Hahaha, by you?"

Suddenly, the four eyes of the four eyes condensed fiercely, and the bloodshot blood burst from his four stops. His whole body's blood was rushing toward his head.

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