Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 295: Zerg friendship

Like Ravel's constant surprise, Pharaoh is also shocked, and it is also the shock of various subversive cognitions.

He has no interest in Ravel, what kind of soul traits, biased attributes, physical strength, and in addition to matching each other's will, in the scope of prying, let Pharaoh be more interested in the other side of Jin Dan ... that is really a hundred times more shocking than the last time I saw the crocodile **** Magnus.

It is not an illusory cohesion, but a powerful sphere that exudes high energy. It must be described by the first impression. Pharaoh thinks it is like a small sun, and the constant flow of energy emerges from the golden sun. Come out, and nothing will be exhausted or weakened by the emission of energy. The more energy spreads out, the more powerful Jindan is, and the energy is completely endless! It’s no wonder that the Golden Dan has never had the trouble of exhaustion, guarding a sun, can you still dry up?

Wang Zhong can feel that as long as this Jin Dan is in, life can be immortal, it is the real core of the entire Jin Dan life, and the physical skin of the skin is pale and meaningless in its existence.

This may not mean absolute eternity. After all, even if the real sun stars are aging, exhausted and extinguished, the time required is absolutely very long, even one that makes it difficult for you to use. The value measured by the normal time unit is completely indistinguishable from the eternal power.

Powerful, constant, infinite, inexhaustible!

From the vague and obscure virtual Dan that I saw in Magsso, to the eternal Jindan, Wang Zhong began to have some feelings, as if all kinds of thinking about the condensate in the mind were slowly Put together. That is the accumulation of the usual everywhere, from all aspects of inspiration, most of them are just the feeling of some scales claws, but at this time they are gathered under the inspiration of this Jindan Avenue, just like the condensate, in a combination into a complete Something, in tandem...

It’s a pity that the final step has not been completed. The process of tandem is in the middle of the journey, and the accumulation is not enough. This is not the ordinary civilized strong, but a civilization that knows nothing about the condensate. The method of owning the condensed dan, the required accumulation and sentiment requirements are too high.

Wang Zhong has some regrets, but in any case, his harvest is full.

In the process of soul contact, you can also feel the essence of each other's soul.

Tough and firm, these are Lavelle's evaluations of Wang Zhong at the beginning, but in the in-depth match, she feels that it should not belong to a strong foundation, from the soul, and at the same time, More incredible... noble?

The noble soul, this is undoubtedly the strangest and most interesting part of the process that Wang Zhong left to Lavre.

The soul of a four-level civilization, why would you let yourself be a strong person who has crossed his countless life classes and feel noble? Lavelle thinks this is incredible.

Until the end of the first soul match, each other's cognition deepened a lot, and the distance between the two people seemed to be a lot closer in a moment, no longer like the previous relationship of mutual cooperation or debt repayment, but more like It’s the feeling of two old friends, just like the two have known each other for a long time and are naturally.

"The soul also needs rest, the match can't be done every day," Ravelle has a lot of things interested in Wang Zhong's soul. Besides, the soul match is not a thing that can be done once, from shallow to deep, it is a step by step. The process of progress, to achieve mutual understanding, is to complete the preparation of this first stage: "Every once every three days or so, if anything needs to be delayed, let us communicate in advance."

"it is good."

"And," Lavelle threw a box.

Pharaoh opened a glimpse of a box full of colorful Ling Dan.

Ju Ling Dan belongs to Ba Pin Dan, which condenses the aura of heaven and earth, and is the best medicine for improving the speed of spiritual cohesion in low grade.

This level of medicinal herbs, the formula is certainly not to be circulated in the market, this is the private formula of the fire demon family, the color of this batch of linglings in the box is also quite low, the overall in Liucheng Dan to 70% Between Dan, this kind of medicinal medicine that enhances the speed of spiritual practice is very attractive.

"Our spiritual power is very good compared to Zhuji, but there seems to be a lot of room for improvement."

Lavelle is obviously an understanding person. He will not look at Wang Zhong with a rigid attitude. He will not measure him with normal building standards. The physical and spiritual powers are generally matched. The limitation of Wang Zhong’s spiritual power is great.

"Jing Ling Dan has an obvious effect on the improvement of spiritual practice. When I have nothing to do with sugar during this time, there is no side effect. I will also give you some spiritual guidance in the subsequent soul matching." She smiled slightly: " After all, compared to what we have to refine, your current spiritual foundation is not enough."

Pharaoh is very calm, and the consumption of a seven-character is very huge. Refining the four-character, what kind of height is it, look at the so complicated preparations of Raphael in the early stage, to his current Realm, can't be proud, not blindly confident.

Seeing Wang Zhong so happy, Rafael nodded. She really didn't like the man who was jealous. Although she came from a lower civilization, the atmosphere of Wang Zhong made her appreciate it.

"Sister, I am trying to advance to the virtual Dan before the official start!"

Followed the progress of the soul matching the Laver's sister, about six or seven times, most of the time, the first stage of soul matching has come to an end, although it does not affect the mind, but it is close to a lot, while gathering The three-pronged approach of Swallowing Heaven and Bu Yuan Dan, Pharaoh’s recent spiritual level is a leaps and bounds, breaking through the bottleneck that was slow before, and the state is just right.

I have to say that in addition to the super-effectiveness brought by the Poly Ling Dan, each time the soul is matched, Lavelle gives Wang Zhong the help in spiritual guidance.

In addition to the actual spiritual guidance, this kind of guidance comes from various psychological hints and theoretical inspiration, and Wang Zhong’s acceptance of these theories and psychological cues is amazing, and even always Derived more on the basis of Lavelle's expression!

Such savvy and talents, even Lavelle, are somewhat jaw-dropping. Frankly speaking, such a low-class civilization has never been seen or even heard of.

The things of savvy and talent are built on the foundation of your civilization and heritage. You can stand on the shoulders of giants and you can see far. There is no foundation, no matter how enchanting you are, you can’t really go against the sky. But this earth man from the fourth-grade civilization did it, and even refreshed Lavelle’s understanding and conception of the foundation. She did hear about the low civilization of the “God of the Gods”. There are thousands of such civilizations. Tens of thousands, haven't heard of any such evolution?

The so-called limit, in the eyes of the Earth, is nothing but a mediocrity.

Creating a method of condensing Dan, the domain of the gods is not done without a low civilization, and even everyone has long been accustomed to it, but it is all kinds of plagiarism, the kind of imaginary shards that come together. It is impossible to enter the eyes of higher civilized law. It still needs to be gradually improved and improved in the long years before it can truly develop into a higher civilization. Even if the original people of the condensed Dan talents are all the way, they have reached eight. The level of civilization, and they are still improving and perfecting and studying the condensed method of their beggars, never ending, this is the inevitability of the development of civilization.

But the way this kid is going now seems to be a bit unusual, and it’s totally different from the lower-level civilization pioneers who used to patch together to confuse the virtual Dan.

This is a road that no one has ever walked.

Lavelle has a feeling that Wang Zhong can't break through the virtual Dan in his life, but once he breaks through, he will only bring a subversive cognition to the whole domain.


Speaking of it, before entering the alchemy hall, Pharaoh was drilling into the alchemy room all day long, but now he has been in the alchemy hall for half a month, but even a Dan has not been refining.

On the one hand, it is related to the close itinerary of Lavelle. On the other hand, the elders have never started classes. There is no new Danfang teaching. Wang Zhong and others are excellent, but it is obvious that the elders must take care of them. To other Tianmen disciples, the progress will not be so fast.

Before the batch of sixty-seven percent of Xuanjing continued to sell Dan, the pharaoh is now full of pots, Xiaofu is safe, the main task of daily practice, there is no time to do anything else, except for the same, law enforcement activities .

When I first joined the Law Enforcement Association, it was only a temporary rise. I could enter the Tianmen for so long. The law enforcement society will help a lot of places. For these worms and mechanical families, Lao Wang has gradually had feelings, but all the law enforcement activities come over and invite. All of them are coming.

The law enforcement game has been slowly cooled down after being in the Zerg for a while. After all, the Zerg only loves to play this game. For other low-ranking Zerg, playing law enforcement games is too brain-burning, and naturally it cannot be popular. . But the mechanical family is different. These ironclades have already raised the law enforcement game to the extent that they are deeply rooted in the entire mechanical civilization. The entire mechanical family goes up to the generals who control the power of the alliance, and down to the ordinary members of the law enforcement teams in various places. No one does not know the law enforcement game, no one does not play law enforcement games, it is called a national law enforcement!

Every time the law enforcement activities, Pharaoh will inevitably be played by the mechanical people to play the law enforcement game. Although the current law enforcement game has been added various elements by the mechanical family, Pharaoh is not the best at the most proficient. One of the members, the mechanical family apparently respected the founder of his game, and let him become a judge has long been used to it, but this time, the mechanical family apparently let the pharaoh accident.

"Wang Zhong, we have a law enforcement contest!" Rhodes D is also somewhat emotional, but even more excited to say: "Since the mechanical family has been founded for countless years, this is the first time such a tournament has been launched, the entire mechanical civilization. Enthusiasm and participation are very high, this game adds color to our life, no, the elders sent me a task."

Law Enforcement Contest? Also alarmed the elders of the mechanical family?

Pharaoh is also a bit surprised, even more awkward, he knows that the acceptance of law enforcement games in the machine family is generally high, but did not expect to be so high, can break the practice of the machine family, let them hold a game contest : "What mission? Will not be related to me?"

"Yes." Rhodes D said sincerely: "Our elders invited you to be the founder of this law enforcement game, as a special guest and referee, to participate in this contest! Please do not deny!"

"Hah, this is my privilege." Lao Wang laughed, with the relationship between the mechanical family and himself. Of course, there is no reason to refute this kind of thing. What's more, the game contest started by mechanical civilization is actually very curious and difficult. Imagine what a guy in the stereotype can play in a game contest: "When? Tomorrow?"

"No, no," Rhodes D shook his head again and again: "Now the competition is still in the pre-selection stage. According to preliminary statistics, there are a total of 16,500 participating teams in the entire mechanical civilization. We divide the seven into the East and West according to the boundary of the land. District, intends to select the best of the forty teams in the Eastern and Western Divisions by the Shanghai election, and then select the last two strongest teams to enter the finals... There are too many online games. There are so many times, I am afraid that your time is too busy, so you only need to be the referee in the finals."

Pharaoh listened a bit stunned. At the beginning, he listened to Rod D. He said that the law enforcement game contest, Pharaoh thought that it might be hundreds of people in the inner circle of more than a thousand people, forming the size of a team of ten, but, 16,000 More than 500 teams...

If the law enforcement game of the improved version of the mechanical family is to be formed, it is at least a team of ten people. This is not a substitute and an analyst, a coach, etc. More than 10,000 teams, that is to say, there are 100,000 people. Mechanical family participation...

Pharaoh suddenly felt that the team of the "civil servants" in the domain was huge!

"When is the finals?"

"According to the online competition system, it may take at least a month or so, and there may be some changes. Anyway, I will inform you in advance."

"it is good."

Lao Wang readily agreed to come down. When I look at the room again, a large group of mechanical people are sitting on the frown. Obviously, they are meditation on the line. It is estimated that various exercises and exercises of law enforcement games are being carried out on the line of their mechanical family. Even Luo Lin J, who usually sees the old king inevitably chilling a few words, is also a very focused and very serious practice. They have set up three detachments within the law enforcement society. They listen to Rod D as the earliest. In contact with a group of law enforcement games, these three teams are all high-scoring seed teams, and now they are quickly becoming the stars of concern in the mechanical family.

After Rhodes D finished, he joined the mechanical family sitting there to practice the army. Obviously he is also a member of the participating team. According to the personality of the mechanical family, no matter what you do, you must pursue the ultimate and the best, even if you play games. same.

The mechanical family who played games in the house, Lao Wang did not curse, and discussed several questions about the law with several Zerg who were studying the law. It was like Wan Wanyu came over.

"Wang Zhong, there is something to tell you."

The mystery of the face of the tens of thousands of people, the Zerg's facial expression is actually no more abundant than the mechanical family. If it is not familiar to them, the subtle expressions on their faces are definitely not visible, but old The king is doing it, both because they are familiar with each other and because they are strong, and they can feel the emotional fluctuations of some brainworms.

"The last time you attacked you with a sneaky slayer, and the subsequent Dan Xiu incident, according to the intelligence of the hands of our law enforcement society, it should be the hands and feet of ghosts."

At the time of the Danxiu incident, there were still many speculations. On the surface, it was Ghost Xiu Battier who was looking for a shackle. It was an unexpected situation. It seemed to be simple and straightforward. But it was because it was too simple and simple, but it was doubtful whether there was anything behind it. The behind-the-scenes ambassador used this to cover up. In addition, I heard that the ghosts had their elders to look for an elder, and there were many rumors that the fact that the ghosts were lying on the guns, so they were all different, and even the old king felt that Battier may have been instructed. After all, in the view of Pharaoh, Kakading was the one who wanted to get rid of himself.

As for the sneaky and thundering attacks, all the people’s suspects at the beginning were directed at the Gorefiends, but I did not expect that these two things that seem to have a relationship with the ghosts are not too big. It is the ghost family who is behind the scenes.

This matter can not be neglected, the Dan Xiu incident also paid off. The key is the attack of the last thunderbolt. Pharaoh may not want to meet again: "Can you rule them according to the rules?"

"There is no direct evidence." Wan Wanqi shook his head: "Especially the thunderstorm incident, the underground world is so hidden that it is impossible to get any evidence from them. However, the sellers who contact the underground world seem to be somewhat immature in this respect. Like a newbie, it gave us a little room for speculation."

"Who is the lord?" Wang Zhongzhong sighed slightly and listened to this sigh of relief. He actually guessed the master behind this.

"Wuist of Xiuwutang." Wan Wanyu said affirmatively: "Although there is no direct evidence, but combined with various conditions, I have 80% confidence in this inference, not ... 90%! Including the Dan Xiu incident, 苟Although Stewart couldn’t tell Battier, they were cousins ​​in the ghosts and the relationship was quite close. Battier was looking for you, apparently for his cousin."

The king focused on nodding. Before he doubted the Kakadin, but now it seems that he wants to be embarrassed. Although Kakading wants to let himself die, but his pride and self-confidence, he is obviously looking for a chance to die. Self, it is necessary to take the lead in the blood devils, but also to personally trample on themselves, to find his face in front of Sharis.

It’s really impossible to find a killer behind, not to mention the last time I’ve been blamed in the Anoma club. I’ve been attacked in less than three hours. It’s obviously not enough time for the two or three hours to get in touch. Underground world, and discuss various assassination terms.

"Yes, I will send you another good news." Wan Wan said with a smile: "The last assassination failed The underground world will obviously greatly improve your valuation, not to mention Worcester's I can't afford the financial resources. I am afraid that anyone who wants to find you in the underground world will have to lick their own pockets. You can rest assured in this regard."

Undoubtedly, according to the rules of the underground world, they will not manage the various accidents in the mission. The assassination failure must be the original refund and directly increase the valuation reward. For this killer organization, obviously nothing can be used. Unexpectedly, the words are evasive. Besides, they would rather attribute the failure to the enemy, which would increase the level of assassination, and would not admit that they had committed low-level mistakes and smashed their signatures. With that said, whoever wants to invite the underground world to assassinate the Pharaoh, it is necessary to measure the value of the pay.

This is not only a question of expensive, who is willing to pay to kill a real base to kill a foundation? Obviously no one will spend this money, they would rather try something else.

Lao Wang is pondering the things of Worcester. Hearing this sentence is also a bit of a dumbfounding. He was assassinated once. The result turned out to be a good thing. He has always been a major contradiction with the Gorefiend, but he did not expect to pick The thing is this Worcester, but the dog that is really fangs does not bite.

"Old Wan, thank you."

Lao Wang smiled and thanked him. When he turned around, he had already had another calculation in his heart.

Xiuwutang, Worcester?

A fine mangling flashed from Wang Zhong’s eyes. Even the Wanwanyu, which had been separated by eight feet, immediately felt that there was a murderous temper from Wang Zhong’s body. The Zerg actually did not care about these. This is just a job, they are not like The mechanical family is so rigid.

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