Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 291: Aeolos vs Zaloli

Hey, the sound of unlocking came from outside the door. Soon, the candle devil took the ambassadors in and cleaned and dressed for him.

After the crystal man walked into the room, he licked his mouth and nose, as if the air here was polluted, but with a smile on his face, this time he will make a big profit, his arena is The whole domain has been famous. "It looks like you are in good shape."

Aeolos stared at him without saying a word, and it was the best response to this kind of indifference.

The crystal man's hand covered his mouth exudes a crystal clear light. He can feel a gas field that threatens his safety. Recently, the case of the slave and the sinister gladiator against the master has increased sharply, so he keeps the distance very interesting. He didn't want to fall into the same end with those unlucky and stupid peers.

"I am here to tell you, as long as you win, I promise that at the end of the service period, you will be free to recover, and during this time, as long as you don't think about running away, I will give you the greatest degree of freedom and dignity." Crystal people are consciously a good boss.

Aeolos looked at each other with a smile, and if he believed this, even the pupils would be worse.

Crystal people don't care either. "There is also a free news. I just received a new batch of slaves. Several of them claim to be from Earth and know you."

The crystal man stared at the eyes of Aeolos. He reported the names one by one. When the name "Lomero" spit out from his mouth, the crystal man knew it immediately, and he got what he wanted.

In the moment after hearing the name, there was finally a different light in the eyes of Aeolos.

He tried to hide, but he couldn't deceive a crystal man. Crystal people are naturally good at observing and seeing, even if only the discoloration of the moment, he can still easily see that their crystal traits are like this, sensitive to light, to a certain extent, Sight is a kind of light, and at the same time it is the most difficult to cover up.

"As long as you win, these slaves can be handed over to you, they will become your envy, you can also go to you when you leave, the agreement will be signed, but if you lose, you must believe that you will have no bones, And those people on earth will use the chilling deaths one after another to let the audience miss you."

This time, the competition is unprecedented, and several competitors have come, so the battle must be fierce. This kind of big scene seems to be an opportunity and a crisis at the same time. If you become a king, you will lose your eyes and you will never allow it. When the situation happened, he wanted both of them to play the most violent power, instead of playing the bitter drama of shit. These conditions are really not acting, which is nothing compared to the benefits earned.

As a businessman, he didn't care about the little grievances before, everything looked forward.

Aeolos looked indifferently at the closed door, Lomeiro, his pro-guard, his friend, his brother, he was not surprised, Loméro can come here, Pampas, except him, no People will have more potential than Loméro.

He is not angry and does not feel hurt. After many experiences, he understands that bad things always happen, and things always go in a bad direction, as a human being, now he is the least What is needed is to surround yourself with too much emotion and destroy yourself!

Emotion is a terrible force, so what he has to do is twist it into a rope and turn it into his power. This is human!

The real reason why human beings stand out from the earth is also the so-called higher civilization and aristocratic civilization that human beings distinguish between the gods.

The door opened again, and the candlelight smile that was not a smile appeared on the door. This time, he brought lunch. "Today is 100% hometown taste."

Aeolos really tasted the true taste of his hometown. The crystal man did find Loméro. He proved this with this Pampas-style food, and there is also a **** domain agreement.

What is the most terrible drag?


In the afternoon, the door was opened from time to time, many inspections, from different people, they ensured his state, the two gladiators' bodies did not allow a little bit of a difference, any small trick would tarnish this great fight.

Then he was taken to the special preparation room of the arena, which was almost silent. Only when the door opened, could he hear the short sound from the glade, the audience's carnival, and the gladiator's death. The screams, even if the audience’s snoring sounded again, seemed to be unable to stop the sound coming here until the sound-absorbing door was closed.

They kept him in the best shape, and today he is their main event.

Then, the last time of the last day has arrived.

The last time the door opened, he went straight out, and then he heard the voice introducing him, presided over the use of exaggerated and instigating tone to **** his record as much as possible, as far as possible is true.

Then he saw Loméro, who stood at the end of the corridor with a group of people on Earth, and saw that their days were not good, but Aeolos had a smile on his face.

Never bow to life, the Pampas eagle will fly everywhere!

Convergence all thoughts, step by step toward the arena, where he is already shouting his name.

- Fighting Master ~~~~~~~ Aeolos -

Aeolos walked in with cheers.

Zha Liluo had already stood at the other end of the arena, and their eyes collided with each other across the long arena. Since the battle was confirmed, the two had never seen each other again. Time Crystal people continue to carry out all kinds of coercion and temptation, to the greatest extent to promote the battle of life and death, to be true, the crystal people are really bloody.

However, only one person can live today or die!

Every viewer is familiar with the "story" of the two people, a brotherly relationship between a higher civilization and a lower civilization. The earth people serve the Titans in order to help the people of the earth, and the two men support each other. The gladiatorial field has made a big name, and their enemies are dead.

Now it is their turn, just thinking that the hearts of the audience are warm, in a VIP box, the nobles are more debauchery, their favorite is this kind of drama.

The arena is awkward, but between the two, it is calm. This is the tranquility before the storm. It seems that all the sounds are filtered. There is only the existence of each other, and the will is in the air, colliding, The familiarity and tacit understanding between each other at this time have turned into a knife that hurts each other!

Abandoning distracting thoughts, this is a battle worthy of all-out!

Kill ah~~~~~~~~~~~

Almost at the same time, the silence makes the audience silent, and Ayros and Zaloli are both shot at the same time!

There are no scenes, no old ones, and no need to blame others. The familiarity and tacit understanding between each other has already brought the current situation and thoughts of the other party to the heart. There is only one word and war.


The poor host was almost pushed out by a huge wave of energy in seconds, hitting the wall of the arena, his screams were overwhelmed by the audience’s more screaming, if there were no women. The death of the dead, the crystal man probably will lose the best gamer of his team.

Aeolos and Zalilo are crazy killings. Both are actual combat fighters. The skills, strength, experience and will are top-notch.

This is the peak matchup, no fancy, it is the most effective combat technique to return to the truth, the boxing to the meat of the close-frame kill!

Speed ​​and strength, attack and defense, Ayros's golden fist was printed on Zaloli's body, and the lightning in Zali Luo's hand also fell on the chest of Aeolos. Both spiritual forces were defending. The brilliance of the monks is blown up, and the ripples of the energy squeeze form a wind pressure. The spiritual value of both sides exceeds 500,000, and the Titans will be gone. After all, the virtual Dan, but Aeolos is just a peak of the foundation. Of course, this is also the reason for attracting countless audiences and being the most popular.

This is the reversal of the drama.

As soon as it came up, it was the climax of life and death. In the audience, the audience of the **** madness waved their arms and shouted. Some women were even tearing their clothes, and the desires were flowing. The two brothers who were so close now will fight. So crazy, once intimate, turned into a poison knife that stabbed each other, this is how degenerate.


The lightning bolts of Zaloli swayed upright. In the sky, the spiritual power of lightning converges into a ball. Then, the spheroidal lightning flies to Aylos.

Aeolos raised his hands, the golden spirit of the same power gathered, his wrists sway gently, his spiritual level was not as solid as the swaying, but under his skill, a small spirit The force vortex was created between his hands, which allowed him to collect spiritual power as much as the terrible racial talent of the Titans when manipulating lightning.

Spherical lightning hits!

A golden lightning suddenly came out of the hands of Aeolos, and suddenly caught this spherical lightning!

The collision of lightning turned into a void-like annihilation.

Then, Aeolos and Zalilo smashed into a group of light and shadow, from time to time there was lightning, and almost all of them were unanimous.

A silver-light Titan in a battle is a violent interpretation of violent aesthetics, and on that earth human, he fought in an amazing way, and skills and violence were combined on him, and they were also surprised. Yes, the growth of human battle is beyond imagination!

"The Titans have to be transformed."


In the glade field, Zaloli smashed a terrible lightning bolt. His whole body muscles bulged, and lightning struck a circle around him. His body shape grew three points. In the blink of an eye, he has recovered his Titan body and tyrannical. The spiritual power has doubled in an instant.


Aeolos connected three punches on the huge Titan's true body, and the golden-colored punches were just overlaid, and it was turned into a real lightning because of the Titan's true body.

Zaloli swayed down, and under his seven-meter giant physique, Aeolos was like a slightly larger worm.

Bang! Zaloli slammed his foot down, and the huge body, with the speed of lightning, carried the overwhelming pressure.

Aeolos quickly retreated and flew to the flank. However, no matter how he hid, the giant feet of Zaluo Luo steadily stepped on him, getting closer and closer!

Ai Olos's eyes were drawn, and he finally saw a tiny electric spark that followed him. It was a lightning bolt. The Titans could chase their enemies by tracking the lightning bolts!

Aeolos slammed the mark, but it was already late, and the Titan's big foot bigger than others had already stepped on his head - bang!

Ground huge earthquake! Zaloli is not stopping, his right foot is lifted again, and the full strength is heavy!

One foot, two feet, three feet...

In the stands, and exclaimed at the same time, they dared not stare at the position where Zaloli was constantly stepping on, and the splashed sand blocked their observation of the details. The giant Titans suffocate them. Is this the pride and power that the aristocratic civilization relies on?

Aeolos? !

The madness of the audience is like a timeout. The eyes are all red, and all the eyes are red. They are staring at the falling sand. The Titan’s figure stands like a mountain. His right foot is deeply stepping on it. In a trap, the body of Ayros is at his feet!

Aeolos is still struggling, but everyone has seen it. He has already gone, and Titan is at his feet. How can he reverse the turn?

Zaroli’s supporters were in the carnival, the high-ranking aristocratic box, the nobles slammed and laughed. As a result, as they expected, the battle between the two had evolved into a representative battle of low-level civilization and higher civilization, but It turns out that higher civilization is always a higher civilization!

The ending of Aeolos’s defeat also made those low-level civilizations know that the reason why the nobles were called aristocrats and the majesty of higher civilizations was a strange balance, although it was only a small arena. But also concentrated in the various patterns of the gods.

Just like the aristocrats in the high box, and below, are the positions of the lower civilizations. This is the unchanging truth.

Of course, their fun is also the story of this duel. Seeing that a Titan has to kill his brother, this kind of tragic heroic, perfect pleasure for everyone's heart.

Poor Titan, a pity of human beings, although one lost his brother and the other lost his life, but with our sympathy, how glorious you should be.

At this time, many people hugged their heads in the lower stands. Some men and women who were just in the middle of the breath, even breathing stopped, perhaps because of excessive excitement and lost their sober mind and judgment. Force, they still hope that Aeolos can find the way out from the absolute disadvantages, and then stand up and then defeat his powerful opponents.

That is Aeolos, that is their Ayros, the Aylos that they love!

"Ai - Olos - Aeolos! Aeolos! Aeolos!"

On the calm arena, there is a call to Ayros. They like Aeolos because this earth person can always create miracles and never admit defeat. This is the success of countless lower civilizations or some people with less identity. The common experience, Aeolos has become their hope and symbol.

In the domain of the gods, civilians account for the vast majority.

However, Aeolos is now falling and falling to the feet of his Titan brothers!

"Get up! Stand up! You can!"

"Get up!"

Get up!

In the beginning, only one person was venting their emotions. However, gradually, more and more people joined their ranks. They did not lick their own throat and they made the same voice.

stand up! Aeolos! stand up! Aeolos -

Their bursting sounds condensed into a storm! Every corner of the arena is swept, infecting everyone.

The nobles were sneering, power, and never used their mouths.

Zaloli swayed his head and looked around. He smiled. He heard the names of these people. He also wanted Aeolos to win. They were brothers, and Zaloli was shaking, never letting the brothers!

However, sometimes, even if the Titans are involuntarily, he is not alone. Behind him, there are people he loves and people who are waiting for him to go home.

And the brothers live and die, the crystal man did grasp his pain, which is more painful than a knife in his heart.

He made a huge **** toward the crystal man's main stand. Then he bent down and reached for Aeolos. He mentioned that in the air, Aeolos was in his hands, just like a dying. The mouse is accepting the final death sentence.

This battle is not a victory or defeat, but death!

For a moment, all the snoring, shouting, and muting again, this moment, even the supporters of madness, do not think that Aeolos has a miracle, they hung their hands with their heads, that is to give up resistance, Discard the desired action.

However, no one knows that their shouts have been echoing in the minds of Ayros.

"Aeolos...Aeolos! Aeolos! Get up, get up, get up...Aeolos!!! Get up!!!"

It’s like a It’s like a hurricane blowing over a rock wall and slamming through the roof.

They were screaming, Aylos was thinking in a groggy way, and then his consciousness began to return to his mind a little bit, just like the soul of the shelled to find the way back, this is his resilience effect.

Get up, get up, get up...

Those voices are still urging him, which makes him feel a little anxious. At the same time, he feels a force from it, very weak, but extremely tough, it easily penetrates the spiritual power and rushes into his Deep in my heart, Ayros can't help but concentrate the consciousness of the soul toward it, bang! In an instant, the soul of Ayelos is still being driven by it to slide towards an abyss!

Do not……

Aeolos broke into a darkness, and then a light embraced him. It was a sea, and the waves beat the green waves, boundless.


He sank into the sea, the sea is warm, the human body temperature, the comfort is like being in the mother, almost immediately, he is happy in the sea, he swims, explores in the sea, huge reef Like a fang, it stretches out, a group of flashing fish swim around, they are anxiously charged, and Aeolos looks at it all, but he feels he is getting more and more heavy, he is very comfortable. But more and more no strength, he feels very tight, there is something wrapped around him, the more wrapped and tight...

stand up!


He slammed his eyes sharply, he returned to reality, his duel field, his battle, he could not breathe! Titan's giant hand took his body, he was like a doll caught in the hands of the giant, unable to struggle!

(two in one)

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