Battle Frenzy

: 265th Salisbury's Spring

One is probably related to the fact that he can easily change the spiritual band. After seeing that he changed the spiritual band at the time, Jonas’s shocked expression can be seen. This is already in control when the Earth casts the soul. The skill, Pharaoh did not expect to be placed in such a place as the Divine is still a rare commodity, Lavelle sister from the fire to calm down, it is also to see their own changes in the spiritual band. Fastest update

If it is because of this, Pharaoh feels that he is not very good, he does not want to be someone's little mouse, God knows what the other party will let him do something inexplicable.

Of course, there is another possibility for this.

The Gorefiend family is a branch of the Fire Devils. The relationship between the two families is quite close. They have killed Barlow himself... If this is the case, it would be even worse. It is the key to the strong people like Laviel. It is also for her to find a reasonable excuse to punish herself, then it is really... I don’t know how to die!

Thinking of this, Pharaoh is also secretly vigilant, this Lavelle will find himself in the past next time, then no matter how much he is prepared to do it.

I was wondering, my hand suddenly became slightly warm, and there was a flash of light. It was the signal from Nini. This Nizi played missing for three or four days. Now it is a sudden conscience discovery. Did the Elf Garden get it?

When Lao Wang turned over, he climbed up. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Compared with the threat of an unknown potential enemy, it is real and more important for the current self.

"Master owner!" Nini just sent a message through the summoning circle: "The primary election is all done! Come over and pick one!"

Primary and primary elections...

Pharaoh did not think about Nini’s use of words. Like the election, the next time he was afraid that he would have to choose the sea first. Without hesitation, Pharaoh immediately set off. If he could get the flame power, it would be undoubtedly for him. There is one more amulet.

When I went to the log cabin in the Elf Garden, I saw that Salisett was cleaning the sanitation in the back room. It was the owner of the Tianbei County. Every day, doing these chores can maintain a calm and peaceful attitude. To be honest, the Pharaoh is really I appreciate the attitude of the county owner.

There are very few people coming in the Elf Garden. When you see a guest coming in, Shariste raises his head and squats. He is ready to greet. He can see that it is Wang Zhong, and he is also awkward. This is not an ordinary shop, a repeat customer or something. I have never seen it before: "Wang Zhong? What are you doing over, what happened?"

This place of the Elf Garden, even if it is a contractor, will generally not come again.

"I am looking for Nini." Wang Zhong smiled.

"What is so formal?" Salisbury frowned slightly, and persuaded her kindly. "In general, the Elf Garden is not allowed to enter again. A bad one will go wrong."

"Come and sign the contract." Pharaoh is really: "The contract ceremony of a meeting has to bother you."

"Contract? What contract?" Sally, a glimpse, did not return to God, and the contract with Nini has not been signed? Or do it for him personally, this high-grade spiritual contract can not be wrong for a lifetime, and what contract is signed?

"...this is the case..." Wang Zhong explained why he wanted the second elemental elf. However, there is nothing to lose face. Alchemy needs help, simple and direct, no need to hide, say, and finalize the object. When signing the spiritual contract, I have to trouble people Shalicett to take the shot. After all, it is an administrator, and I can’t help myself.

He said it was quite natural, but he soon discovered that Sarath's expression was completely speechless.

The first and second element wizards? This guy is not crazy!

Although Saratht saw the many elemental elves of the Elf Garden last time, they had a strong interest in Wang Zhong, but the ‘two women shared one master’? Salisbury, who has been in the Elf Garden for a few months, knows best that with the arrogant character of the little guys, this kind of thing can't happen anyway.

"Wang Zhong," Sharisett interrupted the pharaoh who had not finished yet. Some helplessly said: "You and I have a fate. As a friend, I need to remind you that the human heart is not enough." It's not a simple creature you imagined. It's a rather rude behavior to ask for the elemental elves. If you anger them, it's really endless. If you are trying to come up with a mentality, I think You still give up, if you really feel unwilling, you can try to ask Nini, after all, you have signed a contract, even if she is angry, it should not be like you..."

"Well, I just asked her first." Wang Zhong deeply agreed that this woman is quite calm and good at observation, and her thoughts and thinking are actually similar to her own.

"That's right, you first... ah?" Sally snorted and stared at Wang Zhong: "Ah?!"

I asked Nini, are you still here?

Salisbury is not a veteran who is completely ignorant of the elemental elves. The elemental elves do not have the same rules as 'cannot contract two at the same time, but first of all, the arrogance of the elemental elves, this kind of thing Even if you think about using your ass, you should understand that it is impossible! No, no, no, I can't even think about it! What is the difficulty for the world to get an elemental elf? Still thinking about the second one, what kind of guys who have no heart and lungs dare to have such a bold idea? He was not afraid of the moment when he set foot on the Elf Garden, and was immediately torn into pieces by hundreds of angry little guys who felt insulted?

And at the same time there is a very important question! When you choose elemental elves to pick powerful souls as contract objects just because of simple preferences? wrong! As a special existence without the host, it is impossible to get out of the fairy garden. The elemental elf is a very strong soul to be a carrier of reality in reality. In this way, the soul of the host itself will be put into a considerable burden, and only those individuals with extremely powerful souls can bear it.

That is a price, but for the elemental elves, it's worth it!

However, at the same time, the two elements of the contract are elves... It is not that this is completely impossible, but it must be a master in the Tianmen, a building base? This is not looking for death!

Not waiting for Sarath to question the words of Pharaoh carefully, a burst of noise came over.


After all, there is telepathy, so close to Pharaoh, Nini directly sensed, flew out, and smugly rushed into Wang Zhong’s arms: "Master master! I lined up the sisters who had passed the primary election. Good team!"

Nini used this word, Pharaoh has long been taught, it is not strange, but next to Sharisett's hand shaking.

Primary and primary elections? Still lined up? Waiting for him to pick? I……

Salisbury was petrified in an instant, and the only doubt in her heart was that Nini’s performance was missing, and her mouth was wide open.

No reason, she feels that everything in the past has been subverted! ! !

“Hmmm?” Nini looked at the dissatisfied Sally, and said in a disgusting way: “Do not block the shovel!”

Pharaoh cried and smiled. Looking at Sally's expression, Pharaoh did not curse, and he seemed to have done something that was stunned and not too good.

"Hey? Sally!" Wang Zhong had to reach out and shake her in front of her eyes. This Tianbei County had just seemed to be stupid. After several months of understanding, Pharaoh still saw this for the first time. The high-ranking county owner is so rude.

After several calls, I saw that Sally had a dizzy response: "Ah, ah? Good, good!"

Turning around, it seems that I want to take Wang Zhong to the Elf Garden. I found the wrong direction and almost went to Tianmen Street.

Wang Zhong is also funny, this blow seems to be a bit too big for Shariste. In fact, it is no wonder that the Tianbei County lord, who is a class of eight-class civilization, is working here and cultivating feelings. I haven't been able to get an elemental elf for months. The earth man of this lower civilization can come one by one. When he comes over, it is another... hemp egg. If you change to someone else standing in the position of Salisbury, it is estimated that you have to split up.

It’s all this time. Wang Zhong is neither stupid nor heartless. He knows that he is going to pray, and he looks at the front of the road, and Sally, deliberately, said: “Nini, Salisbury is mine. Good friend, you also saw that she helped me several Can you help her introduce one?"

The front of the original Sally, who was still lost, was erected, and the body shook slightly. It’s not too difficult to blame the county. It’s too difficult. She has been here for a long time, but she still has no chance. She can’t and dare not propose it. It can only passively attract the elves. Otherwise, if they are rejected, they will be driven out. That means forever. Losing the opportunity, Sharisett does not dare to gamble, but if it is introduced by Nini... it is totally different!

The restrained gratitude of Sally's face is also a little nervous, but in any case, Wang Zhong is too interesting.

Nini snorted, but the owner’s words would not be violated, but she could swear by the yin, but Shariste helped Wang Zhong twice, and Nini knew it. The second time she even went directly to the scene and worked on it. 'The guy, Nini is still quite clear in her heart. It is good to the owner. Secondly, the identity outside is not low. Introducing the sister to her is definitely not a slap in the face. This is the elemental elves, which are mutually ejected, and the racial consciousness is quite instinctive.

"Well, you can try it too." Nini snorted: "I will help you talk, but I can't guarantee it if I can't."

“Thank you!” Sally is simply liked to descend from heaven. Although she is honored and has enough confidence in her talents and souls, but to say that the contract is an elemental elf, this is really no one dare to pack a ticket. Things, and usually a failure is a life-long miss! But with Nini's help is not the same, not only the success rate will increase, at least it is a block-free gold medal.

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