Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 252: Deified cell

"Are you joking? It's useless. The confrontation in power should be in a special way. The simple spiritual application cannot achieve the degree of multiplication. This special way must have a price. I don't believe him. Can last until the end of the battle."

"Yes, Barlow hasn't moved yet, and as far as the scene is concerned, Barlow is still the upper hand."

"Sanaly, my gambling addiction has been committed again." Pigrow's mood is good. Although he didn't see the earth man being beaten to death by a slap, he can give him more time. Instead, he can give himself a little more fishing. The opportunity for benefits.

“Do you want to send money again?” Shana Li smiled slightly: “The combat skills of the lower bounds can always prevail.”

"I am optimistic about Barlow, even if it is better than skill, but the footsteps of the Earth people are more weird. After all, the **** demon family has more fighting talents, not only the bottom layer can play." Pigrohaha Laugh: "If the king loses, you will accompany me for three days! If you lose, you want to gamble with you!"

"Follow me?" Shana’s eyes whispered awkwardly: "Then I want to see the demon spirits of your demon mystery."

Pigrow gave a slight glimpse, and his appetite was not small, but he was afraid that this little girl would not take the move. As for what the demon spirit changed, although it was excessive, the premise was that Wang Zhong could win. But can Wang Zhong win? Pigloha laughed: "That's it!"

When the two talked, the battle in the field has become hot.

Barlow’s fighting intuition and skills are somewhat beyond the expectations of Pharaoh. The flexibility of his own shadow dance steps has been put to the extreme, but the other side can always cope with the speed of super fast, not only can always create defense for himself. The troubles on it will not even reveal obvious flaws.

Barlow’s roads are wide open, fierce and fierce, and loopholes and flaws have always existed, but they are covered by ultra-fast speeds. It seems simple but extremely effective. The fighting styles of the two are completely different, but the technical level. However, it seems to be quite similar. At least in this stage of mutual temptation, there is no opportunity for the other party to be grasped.

But this kind of stalemate is not destined to last too long. When the technical and tactical levels are not much different, once the style of the opponent is adapted, the change will follow.

"This earth person has really surprised me, but the spiritual value is only 150,000 after all. Even if the skill is used to produce a super-burst, it seems to smooth out the gap, but each attack must go through a spiritual operation. The process is always faster and more natural than Barlow's natural force." Harley has already seen the clues. After all, it is a big master of the Tiandan period. There is almost no secret in the battle between the two men in the field: "Lingli The gap is the fatal weakness of the Earth."

Harley’s voice just fell, and Barlow in the field suddenly changed. The way Wang took the shot and moved has been adapted by him. The heavy punch on the left side has just been pressed, and the legs have been critted to the right side in the opposite direction. !

There was no reason to attack. He did not see Wang Zhong’s figure at all, but it was the subconscious judgment of Barlow in the process of adapting to the shadow dance step. A virtual shadow was directly flung from the air!


The huge roar, this foot is solid, and the king is flying like a cannonball to the left. This time, instead of using the power to run and colliding with oneself, it is completely passive, or If you are caught off guard, you will not believe that your body is still able to live.

Hey, you are sick!

In the eyes of Barlow, there was a flash of brilliance, and the spiritual explosion broke out. The horrible sound of the sound exploded in an instant, as if it was a rocket booster, and pulled a straight tail behind him, the straight tail. It seems that the sprint distance is limited. It only starts to decelerate after tens of meters. It can be seen that the speed is slowing down.

Magic Ba three bursts!

The three paragraphs have no gaps in the connection, three sprints broke out, and the speed at which Wang Zhong was hit by the blast was already very fast, but the speed of the Bolly’s three tyrants suddenly broke down at this moment. fast!

In just one instant, he rushed to the body of Wang Zhong’s vacant space, followed by a double-footed ejection. The angle turned, and the pair of goats’ eyes swelled in the cold shadow, and smashed up!

Feeling the deadly threat from the body, Wang Zhong also forcibly controlled the body that had lost balance and twisted in the air. The body side was up, and the loss was that he was thinner. He avoided the goat's horn at the time of this millennium. A deadly attack was struck by Barlow’s iron.


The horrible impulse will make the king's top rise to the sky, but it is not finished yet. Barlow's impulse to rush at that moment can even connect another magical tyrant! The straight tail was reproduced without any gaps under his feet, but in the blink of an eye, Barlow had already appeared above the king who was flying.

He witnessed the splitting, and the **** red spirit of the whole body gathered at his hands at this time.

Ten fingers are handed over, blood is filled, and the fists are buckled!


Wang Zhong’s body was thrown into the ground, and at this time Barlow was just addicted. The grievances in his heart were far from being released. He doubled his arms and hugged his chest. He chased the place where Wang Zhong’s fall and swooped. The **** flame wrapped him. The gale sounds like a meteorite falling, a meteor falling to the ground, and he wants the other to die without a place of burial!


The dust in the field was filled, but it was still faintly visible that even the hard ground of the battlefield was hit by the last horrible smash.

Barlow stood on the edge of the pit with no expression, looking up at the sky forty-five degrees, his face full of pride, although he wasted some means, but he still won the domineering.

"Sanaly, it seems that we both have a happy holiday." Pigro's mood is very good, such a bet win is not unexpected, the chick deliberately took the bet that must be lost, I am afraid She has long been unable to resist her own charm, just by the way to find an excuse to vote for it?

"That's not necessarily there." Shana smiled and pointed her finger at the pit of life and death: "You are jealous."

Before Pigro hadn't had time to turn around and look at it, he felt that the surrounding was suddenly quiet, and he saw that the figure was slowly standing up in the pits of life and death filled with dust.

A trace of blood appeared in Wang Zhong’s mouth, but Wang Zhong did not plan to wipe. The upper body’s clothes had been smashed and ripped off by the pharaoh, revealing a symmetrical muscle that looked no surprise, at the chest. It seems that there is a red punch, as if it has been deeply sunken into his chest, which should have been a fatal injury, but at this time it is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This feeling seems to have not been experienced since leaving the earth, perhaps he is really born for the war, the more powerful, the stronger his body reaction, and sometimes even the king doubts his soul is It is not different from the public. From the feeling that this desire for battle, the challenge to danger does not seem to come from him.

Not only Barlow, but everyone outside of life and death is quiet in an instant. I have seen strong resilience, stronger than this, but it is not the top civilization in the body, such as gold. Titan! Earthling? ? ?

The expression on Baro's face became more and more solidified.

When he hit the opponent, he could already feel something unusual. The other person’s body did not feel like a broken and broken when he was hit by his own heavy blow. It was strange that the other’s spiritual power was obviously weaker than himself, but in the battle. Always bring unimaginable feelings to yourself, how can such resilience and tolerance be present on an earth person? And it is still a foundation earth man with only 150,000 spiritual power!

The quiet atmosphere was broken by Wang Zhongxiao's chuckle. He took a step forward and walked over to Barlow step by step.

This pace is even slower than the strange slow motion before, just like the slow motion of the image, the distance of hundreds of meters, just two steps, it is already almost in front of Barlow!


The **** spirits burst from Balo's body, and although he could not understand the reality of this low-level earth man, such a smile made him instinctively disgusted.

"Call to your death!"

It was a punch of a meteor, bringing together the power of Barlow's body. The fist wind is like a light and direct shot! It can be clearly pointed at the opponent's nose, the other party clearly does not have any dodge action, seeing the fist has reached the other's nose, but inexplicably rubbed Wang Zhong's cheek staggered, just swaying his hair.

Barlow changed his strokes very quickly. When he hit the plane, the straight fists followed the yaw, but the elbow that was clearly placed on the neck of the other side was completely defeated, just like the other side became short. I rubbed his head and waved...

That feeling is like a fish in the water. When you look down from the water, it is at your feet. When you really reach out and touch it, you find that it is a few inches away from your feet.

In the thousands of miles, Barlow’s breathing became rushed, the pupils were enlarged, and the bombarded fists continued, but there was no punch in the target. It was so strange that he could not believe it! Immediately, he saw the fist that Wang Zhong picked up...


A strong and powerful impact hit the Barlow heart!

The strength is still the peak of the 150,000 spiritual powers. The stacking thrust thrust is constantly impacting his heart like the same hammer, and he almost sighed.

Punch again, punch again!


Barlow vomits blood back!

I can clearly see the other side's movements, but I can't always attack the other side. I can clearly see the other side's attack, but I can't avoid it. The slow-motion action is only applied to him at the moment I just appeared. !

It’s already a strange thing to be alive and dead.

"What happened? Mirage?"

"It can't be a phantom. The barrier of life and death can shield the energy. The illusion can only deceive the inside, but it can't deceive the onlookers."

"That is..."

The martial arts of Xiuwutang, and even a large number of people in the refining hall, are unclear and can be seen as key. Perhaps only Shan Lisite, Harley, Rhodes D, etc. It is.

"It's not illusion, it's murderous, the murderousness from the soul, too strong and perfect, causing the illusion of vision." Salisbury looked like a torch, thoughtfully: "No wonder he can make the elemental elves so eager..."

"The murderous index 9, for the organism is almost to the limit." Rhodes D's eyes are constantly shining, he is scanning the battlefield, the mechanical family has many unique abilities, just like now, he Can accurately read all the parameters of this battle.

"Having such a murderous index is killing countless, but he can maintain a perfect attitude, the quality of the soul is extraordinary." Wan Wanzhen also has some movements, always feel that Wang Zhong's wisdom and way of thinking are very interesting, I did not expect his The soul is also so interesting.

At this time, the king is like a demonization, not a appearance, but a soul. The strong deterrence even reaches the point where people have the illusion, all of which stems from the murderousness controlled by the perfect soul!

Frequently wandering around the boundaries of life and death, the soul has been repeated several times, and the customer service has been left behind by fear, tyranny, cruelty, and timidity. That is the real soul! Techniques go all the way, every move is the ultimate in body skills, nothing else, in this respect, Baroque with flowers and legs can never be compared!

Only when you enter Hell, and come out of hell, the person who finds himself can control the level of power!


It’s another sweeping whip leg. It seems to be a slow and slow rush. But before Barlow has done the dodge response in his thoughts, the cascading power has hit the head like a huge wave, and he will be Draw a volley.


Barlow's rushed to the ground and pulled out a big pit.

Even if he had already climbed up immediately, the leg strength remaining in his head was still fluctuating, making him a headache!

"You are an illusion! You are fake! This is impossible!" Barlow is a little crazy, he has never encountered such an opponent, and he has never suffered such a loss in a positive battle. It’s not the same level as him, even a level higher than him, not to mention a small building! A planet that has just been swayed by his own two tyrants!

The demon blood swayed in his body: "Strongly break the law! Say it! Kill you!"


The violent energy wraps Barlow like a blood-blood man, like a cannonball, rushing toward the king. His fist-shadow connection and figure illusion, as if there are dozens of hundreds of Barlows simultaneously attacking. There are thousands of fists in the air to cover the air!

Barlow's eyes are full of scarlet bloodshot, if the madness, the other side and him play those weird little tricks, he will crush that layer of fog! Ten punches, hundreds of punches, and thousands of punches!

Blood Hegemony is gone!

The shadow of the sky is like a blood-red gimmick. It is covered from the air, blocking all the dodging routes, and absolute spiritual suppression!

At this time, Barlow is not confused, although the opponent is very strange, even if there have been some illusions before, it is very clear now, and never compete with the inferior civilization, direct brute force is the most unsolvable way.

Wang Zhong actually closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and swallowed the heavens. This is the key to unlocking power. With his natural breathing, the power hidden in the depths of the cells blooms like flowers everywhere, and the golden energy points in the body. Intensive connection.

break out! Deify the cells!

It is just an extremely rapid breathing. The power deep in the depths of the deified cells has been released in an instant, and the spiritual value has increased sharply. Wang Zhong suddenly blinks!

His two eyes were as dazzling as the sun, and the left palm was vertical, just like the countless fallen meteor showers in front of him, followed by the right palm, and his hands crossed.


The soft applause is almost inaudible under the mighty sound of the horror of the Baroness, like a butterfly flapping its wings around an armed railroad track, but a clear palm print has been taken through the left hand.

This palm print does not seem to be big, but if you travel an inch forward, there will be a thrust from the back, and overlap with the palm print, so that the palm print is a shock, the speed becomes faster, expands one circle, one inch and one change, just In the blink of an eye, when the palm print was silently launched four or five meters away, it has formed a giant palm like a hill!

And the layer of stacking power from the back is constantly superimposed, so that the palm prints become bigger, faster and stronger.

Hundreds of palms!

This is Gry's means. Wang Zhong did not make unnecessary improvements. It is not so powerful on earth, but the migration of skills is manifested in different spaces, different laws, and different levels of power. A new metamorphosis that transcends everything.

There is no upper limit to the palm of the mountain and the mountainized dragon, and there is no limit to the power of the layer.


The palm-printed dragon greeted Barlow and uttered a real dragon-like roar, and unlike the general illusion, it was only a spiritual oppression. This true dragon roar was like a substance, not only letting life and death Everyone is clearly audible, and the horrible screams directly smashed the shadows of Barona’s sky!

The horrible dragon has nothing to do with power, but a shock from the soul. The whole mind that shocked Barlow is one of them, and the action is slowed down by half a beat, followed by the unstoppable skyward attack.

The dragon is skyrocketing, unstoppable and breaking everything!

Barlow's pupil flashed a trace of incredible color, only feeling that the other party's power level has been improved by at least two or three files, not to mention the endless force of the dragon in the dragon, just the feeling of taking over the moment, the other side's The power has multiplied, and it is a little bit, and with the shock from the heart, it makes you completely unable to resist.

The shadow of the sky is easy to disappear in the terrorist attack. Only Barlow, who was flying up, was directly rushed into the air, turned into a black spot, and was covered by clouds. Know how high the position has been rushed to fly!

"The boss is full of stuff!" Jonas outside the ring is almost unable to bear to give flowers to Wang Zhong, too strong, and directly fly to no shadow!

The whole whispering of the whispers is obviously unbelievable to this scene. The spiritual skills of the martial arts form an image, which fully complies with the power system of the oracle domain. It is commonly known as the shadow of the gods. When it forms a more substantial killing, it evolves into a **** image. There is no such thing as a low civilization. Everyone seems to have changed something about this lower civilization. In any case, he is not a mixture of Tianmen.

call out!

For seven or eight seconds, Barlow, who was rushed into the air by the hundreds of stacks of dragons, was quite down.


He looks like a free fall, has lost most of his consciousness, like a shot put, squatting on the ground, making a muffled sound, just a moment of spiritual power burst, Pharaoh is crushing the opponent, this At the time, he is recovering with all his strength. Deifying the cells is not a natural enemy. It is impossible to release such a level of power.

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