Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 219: Watching

It is not only the Xiuwu Hall, but also many disciples of the refining hall and the alchemy hall. Although Wu Xiu is the most incompetent among the three churches, the skills of martial arts can be shared by three churches, unlike others. The high threshold of the church, you can't learn it, so there will always be people to attend every class. There are also dozens of disciples in the refining hall and the alchemy hall. The previous method of blasting can only be regarded as a fair. I didn’t expect to see such a good show.

Four levels of civilization, building the foundation ... Nima, these two words are really too misleading, who believes who is stupid!

Listening to the whispers around, Pharaoh knows that he is also a fame, this is very good, the top self-sustaining identity is afraid that he will not come to find it for the time being. As for those who are devious, they will definitely pick it up. The soft persimmon, I am afraid that at least for a short period of time, I am a lot less trouble.

In the latter battles, he is also looking at a form. Frankly speaking, it is not blaming the Titan supervisors for being bored. It is really boring to watch these Xiuwutang disciples fighting.

The level of power is very high, it is earth-shattering, but there is no technical content. It is straightforward and simple. It is basically pressing people. About a dozen people are really level, and the bone demon seems to care about himself. To be honest, Wang Zhong also feels that there is a threat here, so three or five. Technically, the old king does not feel it, but the other side's spiritual power is a bit too high.

Jonas, who is listening outside, feels that the tail is going to be up, and Wang Zhong can always surprise him.

"This is my boss, I am a dormitory! I am the only member of the foreign law enforcement committee!" Jonas excitedly introduced to a guy standing next to him, making people look at him is a look of disgust The expression, avoiding it, I didn’t care, but the goods didn’t care, but I laughed even more.


When I returned to the mushroom house in the evening, Jonas did not follow the road. When he was in the class of Xiuwutang, he had already flew, saying that today is the day of the Tianmen Street elixir market, and he has to go to the old king to make nine products. Dan’s materials are extraordinarily positive and even enthusiasm compared to the oral actions of the previous two days. This is also an investment.

Pharaoh went home for a while and sat down. He just entered the state of swallowing the law. He heard a knock on the door and opened it in the past. It was actually a mechanical bee messenger who used his head to slam the door.

The mechanical bee messenger is only the size of the palm, quite delicate, but the small belly is opened, but the internal space is full three or four square meters. The folding technology of the biological space has always been the best of the mechanical family.

It sent a letter with the red mud seal of the ‘Tianmen Law Enforcement Association’. The old king opened it and saw a few lines of characters on the white paper.

‘Tianmen Law Enforcement Association, the 58th disciple of the first year of the violent demon, who invited Mr. Wang Zhong to attend at 8:00 pm. Venue: 365 Tianmen Street, invitees: McCartney. ’

"Law Enforcement."

Lao Wang touched his nose. In the world's most indifferent mechanical family, it is the most affectionate to him. It seems to be passionate. In fact, it is purposeful. Even the earth people are regarded as playthings. Although the mechanical family is indifferent, at least Treating them as part of the domain of God is an important reason why he joined the law enforcement conference.

People respect me a foot, I respect a man.

In the underworld, Qingshitan, the representatives of hundreds of major sects are looking forward to their expectations, no matter what race they are from, elegant heavenly people, or terrible aliens like worms, all dressed now, civilized and polite, of course This is limited to what it looks like, the turbulent flow in the dark, and the atmosphere is arrogant.

Today, this is where the St. River Walker promises the third transaction.

For the first transaction, the two sects received two flowers.

The second transaction, tentatively came to the eleven Zongmen School, of which only two medium-sized Zongmen, this time, the preparation is not very full, they still get six flowers.

When these six flowers appeared on the alchemy collection, the news of the Styx walkers could no longer be suppressed.

Now, for the third time, there are hundreds of ancestral gates left here. After several battles, there have been countless deaths and injuries. After the emergence of the three top sects, the scene was controlled.

The three top sects did not clear the scene, because no one knows what the Styx walkers will exchange, the first time it is. In the second transaction, some things that seem useless are favored by the Stygling walkers. I got the deal, and some treasures that were very valuable to them were ignored by the grown-up.

Some Zongmen are also planning to do well. If they are fortunate enough to get the other side of the flower, they must be traded. The other side is too hot, and the resources are true for them.


"The Styx Walker is coming!"

Everyone quickly looked toward the river of the Styx, and a white light shone from the upper reaches. With this light, a mist gradually reflected in the eyes of the people, and it was getting bigger and bigger. This fog seemed to be slow and fast. Come over, look at it at a glance, the fog seems to be only a white one. However, when you look carefully, you will see that between this white, a distinctly different silver light flows through it, with the murderous smoldering spirit. .

In the blink of an eye, the mist came to the top of the river in front of Qingshitan. The green river seemed to be integrated with the fog. The faint green light flooded into the fog from the river. Between perceptions, the fog seems to fade a lot, and with the help of spiritual power, the line of sight can be seen a little bit.

Looking into the fog, a flat boat quietly emerged in the fog, and a figure appeared.

"let's start."

With the faint sound, "bang", a coffin suddenly appeared from the fog, and fell in front of the bluestone beach.

The major gates immediately took out the items they were preparing to trade, and held them in front of them, waiting for the choice of the Styx walkers.

Soon, a flower of the other side floated from the boat, and then slowly fell in front of a Zerg holding a small tripod. The face of the Zerg was overjoyed, and he quickly took the other flowers carefully and then drove. I put the little Ding and a Danfa and a piece of food and drinking light into the opened coffin.

Others are extremely scared, but they can only temporarily bury this scorpion in the eye. This Zerg's Zerg is the messenger of the three top sects. The Ding Ding is also a great source. It was the last time that the adults of the Styx walker specified what they wanted, and some of the sects that had prepared the medicines were suddenly stunned. The medicines they prepared were obviously far less than the ones brought by the top sects. The other items that can be prepared can be exchanged in order to get the favor of the walkers of the Styx.

Soon, the second flower of the other side floated over, and in the eyes of the public, it fell into the hands of another top ancestral messenger, in exchange for a spirit and a practice.

Obviously, this adult is very interested in Danfa and the exercises. But the problem is that this is the most precious thing of the various factions. They also want to lie. The problem is discovered. What will happen in the future?

So many people are entangled, but there are also some tangles.

The third, the fourth...

Until the tenth flower fell, the faint voice sounded again. "Today is here. Next time, after one month, the magic cloud leads the beach."

The voice just fell, and did not wait for other reactions, the fog suddenly burst, the blink of an eye, with a small boat disappeared from the top of the river.

The wood that looked at the mist in the middle of the river did not notice that it was hidden on the bank of the river in the distance. The three figures were holding a pair of mirrors, and a slightly undetectable spiritual force shot from it. The densely swayed around the Muzi to detect, until the boat drifted along the Styx River, the three talents together to play a handcuffs, a mirror of a glimpse, floating in the air, and then slowly retracted to the three.

The treasure mirror was only put away, the three did not say a word, even if there was no one in their eyes, they quickly flew into a line and quickly went out.

One day galloping, the three did not stop for a moment, until they entered a dark and round tomb, the speed was only slightly slowed down, the mountains were dense, all were graveyards, occasionally the wildfires floated out of them, and quickly fell, interval The quirky and screaming whistling sounds showed that there were demon ghosts practicing in the meantime. The three men had a subtle pressure on them, which blocked some breath.

The three people walked around the mountain road. A stone with a height of one person was in front of it. On the stone body, a string of strange characters was engraved. It was the ancient rune of the words "Yin Mo Zong". This is the Yin. The mountain gate of the Mozong.

The three men passed over the mountain gate stone of the Yin Mo Zong, and then step forward, the air suddenly changed, and the light of the previous moment suddenly became horrible. They stepped into a gloomy space. Obviously there is a mountain stone. The enchantment of the border, a gust of wind flashed through a shadow, and numerous ghost shadows appeared on it. These ghost faces fell on the three people, and they saw that the three bright clothes began to become old, as if they had experienced a few moments. A hundred years of corrosion, the blink of an eye is a ragged look, but these seemingly ruined clothes, but faintly appear dark words, each character exudes a terrible spirit.

This is not three living lives but three dead objects.

Hey, a quiet ringing sound, these three dead objects fell to the ground and did not move.

More than ten figures, quietly from the four places, surrounded by dead things in a circle.

The three dead objects shook and suddenly turned into twelve strange pieces, which fell into those figures. As the dead objects dissipated, the mirrors flew up in the air and shimmered in the light. .

One of the figures made a gesture, the slight fluctuations were not in the mirror, the ripples of the water surface disturbed by the mirror, from which more than ten filaments of light were scattered, and then fell between the crowds, and the information was clear. Incoming in, as if this is the experience of everyone.

In their sight, there is no fog, only boats, coffins, and the so-called Styx walkers...

Everything is clear, twelve eyes are on the walker's body, stripping off all the camouflage.

(Three more, I will ask for the first monthly guarantee ticket, and I will try my best to spell it in July. Friends, support a lot, thank you!)

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