Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 214: Not so many earth people

"Boss, unfortunately, your earth people have no special characteristics, the threshold of the Tianmen Chamber of Commerce is quite high, even if I recommend you can not join." Jonas just got out of the people of several Tianmen Chamber of Commerce, came over and saw the lonely old Wang still remembered the course of the elders, and couldn’t help but have a sense of superiority. He said: "It’s still very important to join the event. If there is organization, someone will take care of it. I will ask the brothers to help you. Q, I recommend you go to a glorious meeting of lower civilization...not to look down on you, boss, advanced to understand the circle, and later you have a better foothold in the domain of the gods."

I only saw the appearance of the eyebrows, and Rao was a good temper and wanted to flatten him, but the flying pig said that it was right. The whole sense of the gods was very heavy.

However, the key point is how to start the act of alchemy. The elders of the elders who had previously said that the seven-character Xuanjing continued to be a spirit, and that they must not be able to refine themselves. They did not understand or understand, but one of them did not understand. There are a lot of details based on the experience and control. This is precisely the weakest place. I haven't practiced Dan at all. What experience and control can I have? Lao Wang doesn't feel that he is the kind of reincarnation that can inspire thinking and then overcome the world's problems, and Qi Pin Dan. This starting point is too high...

"Hey, Wang Zhong."

Jonas was still there, and another acquaintance was looking for him. He could be an acquaintance in Tianmen and Lao Wang. Except Jonas, there was only one Shanna.

“Is interested in joining our Ling Dan League?” Shana Li smiled. She may not be the most beautiful here, but she is definitely the most dressed, especially the kind of affinity that many beautiful women don’t have. In the Tianmen, Shannali also has a certain popularity.

The Lingdan League is a sub-level Dan Xiu organization. It can't be compared with Dan Yi, but it is also a relatively good organization in Tianmen.

"Thank you, I will seriously consider it." Wang Zhong did not immediately agree, mainly because he couldn’t figure out Shanna’s intentions. This girl who seems to be gentle to anyone who is very good at heart thinks that he has no grasp at all. The “help” of the species is probably a sweet poison.

The flying pig looks at the old king and looks like a fool. The big, big eyes seem to be saying, big brother, do you think about your identity?

"Oh, I am very serious." Shana Li did not refuse to be unhappy.

When Shannai left, the few hairs next to Jonas were all blown up, and kept screaming: "Boss, are you crazy? Lingdan League! That is no worse than our Tianmen Chamber of Commerce. There are a lot of cows in it! You are the identity, people invite you, you go in is gold-plated! Don't hurry to chase?"

Pharaoh also smiled and closed his mouth.

"..." Jonas is also speechless. Sure enough, there is still no civilization in the lower bounds. The boss must have completely understood the significance of the organization. Unfortunately, after passing this village, I am afraid that I will not have this store in the future.

It’s stupid! It is simply hopeless!

But I haven't waited for Jonas to think about something to stimulate the pharaoh, and someone has come over, and there is a sizzling sight around it.

"Wang Zhong." The soft smile heard the feeling of filling the honey in the ear. Jonas only felt that all the pores of the whole body were unfolding in an instant, and quickly looked back.

I saw that it was the Tianbei County Lord Sharisett. Jonas had a feeling of arrogance. The Salisbury County officially knew the boss and took the initiative to say hello? Wait, what time is this? I have been with the boss almost every day, and it’s only a few days before I come to Tianmen. How do these two people know each other? These two people are not a class at all? !

Not only Jonas, along with the burning sights around him, obviously have the same ideas as him.

That is the head of the Tianbei County, the head of the four masters of this Tianmen new disciple, and there is also a shellfish owner, Elsa, who is the dream goddess of almost all men, such a woman. Proactively greet a low-level civilization? What kind of dog is the kid going to take?

But before the audience got back from that shock, the Salisbury lord came directly to a double combo.

"Is interested in joining us for a while?" She smiled and asked Wang Zhong.

When the words were exported, the ‘嗡嗡’ that was still ringing around was low-pitched, and even if it was completely extinguished, it was dead.

"Dan, Dan, Dan will be..." Next to Jonas, his mouth was wide open, and his soul and body were severely rubbed and his legs were soft.

What is the existence of Dan Yihui? Even within the Tianmen, it is one of the top organizations. Although it does not limit the status of the entrants, the requirements for strength are very high, and only Dan masters are recruited. Since its inception, I have never heard of people who have repaired the martial arts, but now I have invited Wang Zhong. What is this ghost?

"Sally," a snoring snoring sounded soon, and it was a Kim Titan senior. He said coldly: "This kid is a martial art, a junk-like thing, how to match us." meeting?"

This is a direct derogation of all martial arts. But Wu Xiu, who is present, no one dares to have a little dissatisfaction. What international jokes are there? Although these newcomers do not know him a few, but this is the gold Titan of Dan. Seniors, the strength is unfathomable!

This kind of character, it is no exaggeration to say that it is not impossible for a person to single out your Wu Xiu Tang.

"Harley's predecessor." Shariste smiled and turned: "Wang Zhong has a unique talent, I believe he is suitable for Dan Yihui, I am the representative of this session of Dan, I am willing to use that recommended quota ""

"Recommended place?" Kim Titan Harley squinted and frowned.

Every time, Dan will choose a new disciple representative to help the new disciples to integrate into the organization. This representative must not only have a strong Dan Xiu strength, but also everyone's recognition, but also have a strong background, obviously, Sharisett Completely suitable. As a representative of the new disciple, according to the rules of Dan Yihui, she can arbitrarily recommend a person to join the meeting. Of course, if the person does not perform well after joining the meeting, it is not enough for Dan to be expelled. At the same time, the recommender will also be subject to certain punishments, and even affect her personal prestige and credibility, which is definitely an extremely serious blow and loss for the high-level of the mixed circle.

Therefore, every new disciple’s representative is very cautious when using this recommended quota. Even many representatives will not use this amount until they graduate. It is afraid that one will look away and recommend others to break their reputation. After all, Dan Yi The various thresholds in the meeting are notoriously high. Can Sally, even use this recommended quota so casually? Still used in a martial arts that is not a disciple of the alchemy hall?

Kim Titan Harley couldn’t help but look at Wang’s eyes, but he didn’t see anything unusual from the small body.

Little white face?

Kim Titan Harley shook his head slightly, his personal relationship with Shariste was not bad, the two elders were the power in the Tianmen, but this does not mean that he can refute Shariste’s representative right: "You yourself Weigh the balance, don't influence your own future for some insignificant people."

Speaking is just a point, just looking at Pharaoh's eyes is a bit annoying.

Lao Wang touched his nose and was a little speechless. He didn't understand why Sharith, who had only one side, actually invited himself to join Dan. Is it because of the relationship between the water elf Nini? Pharaoh did not feel that he could fascinate the Tianbei County Lord while ‘being down’ with the unique elemental elves.

"Wang Zhong?" Seeing Wang Zhong did not react, Shariste smiled and asked again.

The people around are all speechless, all kinds of envious eyes, this kid is estimated to be stupid, right? Think about it too, if you change to one of the people present, you will be invited by the goddess to join Dan for a while. If you can be stupid, if you can calm down, then it is a strange thing.

Next to Jonas, I was finally relieved, a little excited.

The boss is too strong! It’s no wonder that Shanna’s Ling Dan League will be rejected. If you know that Dan will invite you, you will join the Ling Dan League!

But before he was excited, he heard another awkward voice ringing beside him.

"Wang Zhong, hello." It was a rather blunt pronunciation.

In fact, dare to ignore them and even force them to interrupt when they talked to them, such as Sharis and Harley, but there are really few in the Tianmen, but the mechanical family is definitely one of them.

The comer is a mechanical family, the indifferent expression and the blunt star lingua franca, all of which highlight his identity, the most special ethnic representation in the entire domain.

"Would you like to join our law enforcement society? I, the mechanical family McCaden, officially invite you." Adhering to the consistent style of the mechanical family, simple and direct.

Quiet, dead! Since the opening of this mechanical family, there is no sound at all around it!

Law enforcement? The same is the first-class discipleship organization in Tianmen, but the threshold and conditions for entry are more demanding than Dan!

The mechanical family will train law enforcement elites here. Ten of them are mechanical, and the remaining two are almost Zerg, just like the law enforcement of the land, the mechanical family, and the Zerg. Other races do not say that they have not entered the precedent of law enforcement, but the precedents are all existed under various special conditions, or they are some highly civilized ethnic groups who have made great contributions to the mechanical family, or some heirs of future Star Alliance powers. They are all real top-level core personnel who must learn how to deal with the mechanics, the Zerg, and the law enforcement team. It can be said that as long as it is joined by the Tianmen Law Enforcement Association, in addition to the mechanical and Zerg, other people are definitely the big names in the future Star Alliance!

And this earth person, a four-level civilization, big man?

Jonas had just closed a little bit of his mouth. This time it was completely closed, and the chin was about to fall. Although it was long guessed that the boss’s fourth-class civilization was still a foundation, he could join Tianmen. A bit tricky, but I didn’t expect this cat to be so tired!

First, Tianbei County owner Sharisett invited to join Dan Yihui, and now he jumped out of a mechanical family to invite to join the law enforcement meeting! These top-level organizations of Tianmen, this is lined up to let the boss pick? !

Jonas didn't know what to say. At this time, the eyes were filled with stars of various worships. Other people around him could see that the eyes were almost out of the eye.

Not to mention them, even the Tianbei County Lord Sharisett was stunned.

Inviting Lao Wang to join Dan Yihui, she has her reason and purpose. For her, Feisheng is the only goal that she cares about. Dan will not care about what she wants, and invite Wang to join, and I don't really think that this martial arts talent has not developed the alchemy talent to help her recommend this person to rise face, but she wants to know how Wang Zhong captured the elemental spirit, which is the most valued by Sally!

Simply put, it's just a transaction.

If you have such a purpose, you will invite Wang Zhong, even if you don't hesitate to use the recommended places, but how can the mechanical family? The people in the Law Enforcement Association are notoriously not asking for people, and even more likely to have an intersection with a four-level civilized guy.

After a short period of calm, the scene is going crazy.

Dan Yihui and the Law Enforcement Association also invited a foundation with no identity background and even no strength to join. This kind of thing is too crazy. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, anyone in the room will not believe it. Ears.

"What is this kid? Xiuwutang? Is there something wrong?"

"Classic people? Do you know the details of this kid?"

"What? Earth people? Four civilizations?"

"I am going crazy, when will the door of Dan and the Law Society become so low? Can a four-level civilization be built in? Can you invite?"

“Is it because the top management wants to give the low-end civilization a little face, and finds a place that is impossible to rise?”

There is a little frying pan around, all kinds of incredible. If you are invited to be a proud person of a higher civilization, it is naturally a good thing that everyone is happy to praise. It can be a four-level civilization. Ma, is there a time more than the identity of this kid? No reason! And it’s still Dan’s and the law enforcement meeting at the same time...

"Boss boss, you are a little difficult to choose!" Next to Jonas is different. Standing at the side of Pharaoh, there is a feeling of superiority. I just watched the same door of his Tianmen Chamber of Commerce. A kind of obvious overlook, I can't get excited: "The law enforcement will definitely be good. Go in a layer of gold. In the future, you will say that you are the Tianmen Law Enforcement Association. It is just a sidewalk. No one dares to offend! But Dan Yi It will be very good, the face of the people is wide, the key is in the time of Tianmen... Hey, it’s so entangled, boss, I think Dan will be better!”

When I said the last sentence, Jonas’s eyes were clearly aimed at Sharis.

The law enforcement club is all good, but it is almost all cold robots and ugly bugs. It is very disgusting to stay with them for a long time, and it is easy to draw a line with other people. Dan will be different, and the people are very wide. And there are so many beautiful women... This is going to be chosen for Jonas, and it is enough to win.

It’s not just Jonas’s thinking. In fact, almost everyone around them thinks that even the mechanical family McCain, who invited Wang Zhong, seems to have no play, in the case of a competition with Dan. Certainly no one will be willing to go to the law enforcement club to accompany the robots and worms. I can only say that I am late, some regret.

I didn’t expect Pharaoh to smile and look at Salisbury: "Miss Sally, thank you for your kindness. I decided to join the Law Enforcement. After all, I am not a Dan Xiu. Don’t break your rules. ""

Lao Wang’s idea is actually very simple. It’s not that Dan will be bad, nor is Harley’s silent threat. It’s because the mechanics have helped themselves, and they feel better when they are born. What's more, I can't just plan for myself, and deal with the mechanical law enforcement team in the realm. This is very helpful for mankind to establish a foothold in the future.

As for Dan Yihui, the reason is very clear: no power is not.

Next to Jonas, the voice around him was quiet, and even Sarath was stunned. From small to large, she was really not so ruined by anything. Especially... she hasn't mentioned anything yet.

"Kid, you are quite self-aware, I like you a little." Kim Titan Harley is also an accident but the face has already brought a smile, this level of Xiuwutang, even if it is really When Sarath got into Dan for a while, she would be cleaned up very quickly. Now he quits himself, but it saves trouble.

"Is it because of the threat of Harley's seniors?"

"This kid has gotten into the water."

"Boss..." Jonas had been unable to vomit early, and his boss was too different. It’s no wonder that the last time he saw his little cute messenger, he looked disgusted. Sure enough, his taste was too unique. Not your own eyes are not normal.

The mechanical family's McCarten glanced at him, and then turned to look at Wang Zhong, although it was still the expressionless face, but the eyes had a touch, others thought the mechanical family did not care, but in fact, no one Like hot face stickers cold ass!

The appearance of the cold machinery is rich in emotions. This human being is really different from other creatures. He has a real closeness to the mechanical family. There are 10,000 people here, and 9999 will choose Dan for a while.

"It's a pity, but I believe that joining the Law Enforcement Association is also a very interesting experience. Congratulations on Wang Zhong." Shariste is not entangled. In fact, it is not important for Wang Zhongjin not to enter Dan. It is important that she has already He expressed his friendly meaning to Wang Zhong, and Wang Zhong’s previous words have already made Shariste see that the other party actually wants to learn alchemy, and that he has other better 'exchange' methods.

This is normal, but there is a bit of ambition and a bit of ambition. However, there is no lower civilization of Condensation. Learning alchemy is a step that they must take. In Tianmen, the alchemy hall starts from Qipin Dan, obviously Not suitable for these low-level civilizations without foundation.

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