Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 210: Fairy nature

Just thinking of the horrible force value of Pharaoh in time, the students gave me the ridiculous words and laughed and said: "There is nothing behind this. The civilization that dominates the domain is not a science and technology. It is not a cold for this kind of thing. Who is the master? Naturally, who decides the direction of development. And, have you heard of a sentence from the boss? It is convenient to be lazy..."

Pharaoh knows a bit. In the eyes of those who are strong, all the technology to make life convenient is a kind of physical and spiritual stuff. Yes, life is convenient, and people will become lazy. In some big environments in the land boundary, perhaps this aspect is relatively better. After all, there are many pure technological civilizations that join the Star Alliance. You can go inside the Tianmen. You can fly and fly. If you can’t fly, you can run on two legs. That’s right. A kind of hardening of itself.

Unless it is your own rituals to fly you, unless it is your own mile, a thousand miles, want to be convenient, first practice to the extreme, then say that good is a stimulating environment that encourages progress, in essence, the domain of the gods Just care about this issue.

At night, Jonas quickly entered a dream and began to sleep.

This guy has a very magical skill. When he goes to class, he sleeps. This product never snoring, but can sleep in the dormitory at night. It is called a buzzing sound.

Pharaoh is also speechless. How can anyone who is related to this kind of creature be snoring? I really want to see what happens when this kid makes this horrible buzz in the refining hall.

Wang Zhong did not fall asleep, of course not because of the snoring of the goods next to him, he was quietly pondering.

The materials that Dan Xiu’s task had to prepare were worth a lot of money. Jonas had promised to be refreshed, but this kind of thing is that everyone is joking. It’s impossible for him to ask others to borrow money for the second time. Your own resources.

Just before listening to the teachings of the elders, Pharaoh has been very interested in alchemy. It can be said that this is also the most important thing. It is the key to creating and mastering the earth's human condensate law. It is also the capital of the earth.

In the civilization of the gods, the shellfish turned over by the salted fish relied on Dan Xue, and there was no more. Other low civilizations, desperately fighting in the gods for countless years, can improve the first-class civilization even if it is very good. Moreover, it is easy to upgrade to the fifth grade and the fifth grade to the sixth grade, but the sixth grade is the seventh grade and the eighth grade? The more difficult it is, the harder it will be. The difficulty will be multiplied. It is almost impossible to make a 'windfall'.

Moreover, it is not only the difficulty of raising the level of civilization itself. In fact, higher civilizations have always suppressed the lower civilizations. There are so many resources, and the domain of the gods is so big. You are up, what should I do? help each other? It is funny, and I want to get into the top-level civilization circle of the gods. That is really not what the average cow can do.

There is a long way to go.

The Tianmen course is not every day. There are more martial arts courses. There are at least a dozen classes every month. The repairs are relatively small. It is good to start a class for five days a month. After all, those high-level supervisors. It is also necessary to practice, time is precious, and five days a month to teach new people, it is already a great investment. As for Dan Xiu, I heard that there is basically only one class in a month, and two days in the sky, it’s all that the elders are extraordinarily good when they are extra good...

What kind of identity is it? Don't look at the old man who looks amiable and thin, but people and the current governor Elsa are both the same level of strength, the top Jindan power, one of the absolute hegemons of the land, such a person time valuable? It takes a half-day to come out to teach new people every month. This is already a great gift. It is a whimsical thing to expect people to turn around a new group of disciples every day.

The next day, there were no classes in the three halls. In the morning, Jonas was eager to go to Tianmen Street.

The entire Tianmen is very large, even including the entrance to the heavens, here is the location of the Tianchi, but even as the official disciple of Tianmen, with their authority for the time being, they can only be outside the Tianmen, let alone go to Tianchi, even see I can't see it, it's a secret area.

Secondly, it should be regarded as the place where the three halls teach, such as the furnace mountain of Dan Xiu, the creation hall of the instrument repair, the Wudou field of Wu Xiu, built around the Tianhe River.

I heard that there are many high-level gates, such as elders, governors, etc., who live in these three holy places, while ordinary disciples can only enter when they are allowed to teach in formal lectures, and they can only go to designated areas.

Going further, the residences of the disciples are divided into several layers. Wang Zi, the mountain where they live, is the outermost zone. Of course, this periphery is relatively speaking, at least it is inside the Tianmen. On the outside of Tongzi Mountain, there is a considerable outer space of Tianmen. There is a Lingtian District in Tianmen, which specializes in planting all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses, occupying a considerable area. There is also the Tianhe Sandy Field in Tianmen. The sand field here is the most concentrated and productive place in the whole boundary. The outer area of ​​the ring cloth is the source of Tianhe. After all, the energy is pure. I heard that there is a small field that can extract at least tens of thousands every day. Lingsha, the value of Jinxingshi, is simply a money-making machine. There are also many other thousands of Tianmen industries. Tianmen Street is just a few of the pure commercial streets that are open to outsiders.

Jonas and Pharaoh can't fly. It is also a short journey from Tongzishan to Tianmen Street. When they are chatting and walking, they are not too lonely. From time to time, there are disciples flying over the head. Afterwards, the two people cast their contemptuous gaze toward the lower two. For the virtual Dan, the flight is only a basic operation even inside the Tianmen, where the gravity is amazing.

"Hey, wait for my refining device to get started. The first one to refine is the flying sword!" Jonas looked at the incomparable envy of those flying around. The magical family wanted to congeal, although there were no obstacles. It takes time to settle. According to Jonas's own estimation, unless he suddenly has a big outburst, it is very difficult for him to achieve the virtual Dan at least before graduation: "It feels so good to fly around."

"You still have to change the problem of sleeping in class." Pharaoh is also helpless about Jonas's honey juice.

"Genius is not needed! Boss, I am also refining one with you!" Jonas danced and said: "I directly smelt it a green rainbow, purple and male flying sword, when I use the male sword, the boss you use... Yu, the male and female flying swords are not good, we refine a child and a chain hook, that is also a pair of children, when I use...!"

Under the fierce eyes of Pharaoh, the flying pig immediately changed his mouth and was about to continue to squat. When there were a few lines of sight in the air, he followed the three figures and suddenly fell from the sky, falling in front of the two, splashing a place. Dust.

Three martial arts, one female and two male, seem to have seen it in Xiuwutang yesterday.

The woman is a goblin family, her body is delicate and soft, and she looks like a boneless person. Just like the dress of a great demon woman, she wears a 'slim', light feather shawl, chest tangled, and quite hips. And the slender thighs are almost all exposed, and they raise their hands and smiles like a sentient being. Any male will look at it.

The other two are the Gorefiends. One of the goat's horns on the head is slanting, extremely asymmetrical, and somewhat eye-catching. It is one of the ones that were killed when they were attacked by themselves yesterday, which impressed Pharaoh. However, the strength is worse, the female demon is obviously a virtual Dan, but the two Gorefiends are only the base of the building, and the female demon is flying with it. The demon, the demon, and the blood demon have always been the same. Moreover, with the strength of the Gorefiend family, the foundation of the building that can be sent in is not the same as those of the lower civilizations, or the potential of their own talents is very strong, but the practice is short, or the blood has a background in the family. It is not surprising that such an identity can be accompanied by a virtual Dan female.

In fact, it is not only that Pharaoh is impressed, but Jonas, who is next to him, is more impressed. Just look at the fierce and murderous faces of the two Gorefiends when they rush down. Even if you think about it with your ass, you know these three guys. It’s an abacus.

But before the three guys spoke, Wang Zhong had already taken the initiative to extend his hand: "Hand over the martial arts."

The atmosphere of the scene is instantly a condensate. What is the situation of Nima?

Jonas almost urinated, although I know that you are very fierce, although I know that the Gorefiend is not a virtual Dan, I was even killed by you once yesterday, but yesterday you were stunned after being exhausted. Today, people are full of blood, or three people, and there is also a virtual Dan, you dare? This is not looking for death?

The three people stayed there and couldn't help but laugh.

"This silly man is angry with Laozi."

"Kids, grab our lines, let you know why the flowers are so red!" Yesterday, the **** demon was sneaked and said: "Today Laozi..."

But before he could finish the words, he saw a shadow in front of him.



The sandbag big fist was directly printed on the goat's horn of the Gorefiend family. He only heard the sound of '咔咔咔', and the goat's horn was almost smashed by Wang Zhong's fist, which hurts the **** moment. Syncope.

This corner is a weapon of Gorefiend, but it is also their weakness. It is hard and hard. This corner is extremely hard. No matter how hard it is, there will always be its weakness, that is, the corner root.

Yesterday's World War I, Pharaoh's most reward is to see some of the most obvious weaknesses of the various ethnic groups, like this weakness of the Gorefiend, they usually protect very well during the battle, their own spiritual focus protection, turn the weakness into strong Point, you can play with Pharaoh, who is completely unreasonable and does not follow the common sense. The effect of one second is enough for them to hate.

The **** demon next to it was stunned. It was not because of the general idea that this earth man could not fly in the air and did not reach the virtual state. The maximum value of the spiritual power was limited. Who could think that he could move so fast? The afterimage of the shadows is almost a bit faster than his imaginary powerhouse.

"Despicable villain, you sneak attack!" The **** devil is furious, and quickly run the spirit to protect his goat's horns.

But it is still late, the action of the earth man is too fast, this blood demon family is only the area to build the foundation, the peak value of spiritual power is probably around 200,000, even if he really let out his full force, now the pharaoh It’s a minute to pack him...


A loud bang, the spiritual power that has not yet fully produced the protective effect was instantly chopped by a prince, and the force was too strong. The goat's horn was almost cut off directly, and the blood was the same as the previous Goreby. Instant fainting.

The scene was quiet at once, and Wang Zhong was a little speechless, that is, they were born well. This kind of combat reaction was not known to death in the lower bounds.

Wang Zhong took a clap and clap his hands, while he touched the West on the two Gorefiends, and he still did not forget to ask Jonas: "Why are they so weak?"

Jonas is also speechless. He feels a little numb. He is too strong, or his opponent is too weak. How can this be? He is known to these two Gorefiends. He is a nobleman. The younger generation has considerable potential. This time he was sent to Tianmen for further study. How can he not be so weak?

"The two are estimated to be the same as me, but also the back door." Flying pigs are quite subtle and low-key, mainly because there is a female demon in the virtual world, and people have not yet shot, the boss is not pretending to pretend A little bit?

The banshee has no plans to shoot at all. Instead, she is interested in watching Wang Zhong, who is touching the West in the two Gorefiends. She feels it. The Earth’s shots are quick and accurate, and the power is condensed almost instantaneously. Finished, and the Gorefiend is used to everyone to pretend to force, and then after the strength of the fight, the instantaneous reaction can not keep up, but did not show the power was killed.

This is the characteristic of a typical underlying civilization. However, there are few underlying civilizations that can control the aura of the gods so quickly. It seems simple, but in fact it has always been a patent of higher civilization. The reason why higher civilizations are higher civilizations is that they rely on long The years and talents have completed the affinity for the high-level power of the gods, this human... is interesting.

"No, just one person." I saw that Pharaoh directly touched two martial arts cards and threw a piece to Jonas. Then he stood up and looked at the female fairy.

This woman, Lao Wang, was seen in the Xiuwu Hall yesterday, but it is not in the battle of the Jiebu, but in the listening area...

Biluo Tees, Dan Xiu of the Leprechaun!

Those who can be among the 100 refining halls are not to be underestimated. At the current stage of Pharaoh, they don’t want to provoke such people as long as they don’t take the initiative.

Bilan Tees did not have the intention to help the two Gorefiends, and even they didn’t have much relationship between them.

She just likes martial arts. Because Wu Xiu is sturdy and rude, the two Gorefiends are just the playful objects on the road today. Compared with Wang Zhong, it is not worth mentioning. Don't say that yesterday, Pharaoh's fight in the battlefield of the battlefield, just now he simply stunned the two Gorefiend sex, not awkward, it is special to the appetite of Biluo Tees.

The goblin likes strong males, especially the soul is very special and fierce. It is obvious that Wang Zhong belongs to this kind.

"Want to double repair with me?" She did not pay attention to the two unfortunate Gorefiends at all, but looked at Wang Zhong with a smile. The practice of the fairy and the genius has the meaning of double repair. There is no limit to the object, nor is it the use of the sun to fill the yin, but the way of practice that can benefit both sides, looking for a fun and powerful soul. Of course, the skin is a personal preference. Wang Zhong is her dish.

A pair of electric eyes shot like a discharge, and the heart was stunned. Jonas saw his eyes straight, the saliva flowed, and the ghosts nodded and nodded, but obviously no one took care of him.

Wang Zhong smiled slightly. "I am not interested in this."

The refusal of cleanliness did not make Bilan Tees angry, and the natural charm of the Leprechaun family is completely interesting and interesting! This is a great prey.

Strong? This is only the thing that will be forced to do, and the process of conquest is the ultimate enjoyment of all higher civilizations!

"My name is Bilan Tees," she giggled. "You guy, if you figured it out, you can come to Alchemy Hall to find me at any time. I will take you to enjoy the ultimate in life."

Watching the banshee rise to the sky, the flying shot disappeared, and Jonas, who was next to it, took a half-clock from the charm and gave a sigh of pigs.

"Old, boss? Are you stupid?!" This sentence has been stunned for half an hour. The fear of the pharaoh's force is not able to pass through his stupid speechlessness, Jonas jumped up: " That is a female fairy! Looking for you to double repair, you actually refused? Refused?!"

"That's not my dish, it's too casual." Pharaoh touched his chin, but he didn't care about the rudeness in Jonas's was speechless: "Where is it?" For the fairy, this is a very formal invitation, my god, someone can refuse..."

The goblin family is actually not lustful, but the ethnic nature, and the double-education exercises have misunderstood many other civilizations. In the gods and in Tianmen, it is definitely not a bad thing to get a goblin. Their double practice It’s not the kind of self-interest, how many people can’t ask for a goblin’s favor with a lot of money, like Jonas...

"Fairy is good at intrigues, but it really does not lose with them, it is complementary, hehe! Hey!" Jonas's mouth water, while sighing, watching Wang Zhong have a feeling of seeing idiots If the female fairy is willing to double repair with him, he will be willing to lose his life for ten years.

"There are no males in the goblin family? I heard that men are seduce others." Pharaoh asked a question that was irrelevant.

"........." If it wasn't for the high force of the king, Jonas really wanted to slap a palm to his idiot head: "How can this be seduce? You are insulting the cute and pure fairy, I can't stand it..."

"The leprechaun is a woman's world, the man is there, but the status is very low, and the number is very small... You can imagine that it is better than a slave, and it will not be tormented, but it is basically a certain Forbidden, for the female demon, the man of this family is a lot of flesh and blood, then it is only mixed with other people! Such a great national woman, for the sake of ethnic reproduction, how to get to the boss, your mouth will become Moral corruption, seduce other men..."

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Chapter 210—The Nature of Goblin (Page 1/1)

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