Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 208: Pharaoh wants to make a head bird

"Hey!" The bear demon is more fierce, and it is the first to launch an attack. It uses its own body as a weapon, and shoots out like a cannonball, squatting on the locust.


The impact force is incredibly amazing. The body of the locust, which is more than ten meters long, was instantly curled up, but it was a counter-attack. The curled body wrapped up the bear demon shells and the sharp ones wrapped up. The countless barbs of the legs are hooked, and the fur of the whole body of the bear demon is hooked.

The dark green liquid immediately flowed out of those barbs and wanted to penetrate the body of the bear demon.


The bear demon screamed, the sound wave swayed and spread, with a strong shock, the body of the locust was constantly stiff, and he was almost broken off by him. Fortunately, the barbs were stuck. The two monsters entwined and rolled to the ground, rolling on the ground, the huge aura overflowed, the huge body rolled and slammed, the ground roared, and the whole earth creaked.

In the shadow of darkness, Wang Zhong is closing his eyes.

This dark world is not a problem that your eyes can't adapt at all. It is true that there is no light at all, nothing can be seen. Only by the perception of spiritual power can we predict the position, movement, etc. of the enemy. The **** and **** generations are too conspicuous in the perception of this dark world, and the blood that radiates their own body cannot be hidden at all.

But Lao Wang is different. Humans are good at controlling aura. They can compress their spiritual response to the lowest level, while deified cells can make the remaining aura disappear almost, shielded into stealth, and at the same time in a powerful gas field. And interference, can not affect the mentality of Pharaoh, this experience and control is not comparable to these people.

Without the qi and blood reaction and without the spiritual reaction, he naturally ‘disappears’ in the vision of the bear demon and the locust.

Pharaoh feels that he has figured out the details of this dark world, and his mouth slightly reveals a smile.

The two guys in front of each other have the same strength, and the virtual environment is about 30% stronger than the haze. The elitating power is stable at around 250,000. This is a standard virtual Dan data. Don't look at it, it is only about 50,000 or so of strength when the Yinfeng Peak breaks out. This is just a regular battle. Wang Zhong estimates that the limits of these two can reach about 300,000 spiritual power.

It’s quite horrible. If you change yourself to fight yourself in the haze, it’s definitely a little reluctant to deal with one, but now it’s different. The accumulation of two or three months has already raised your spiritual strength to a bottleneck. In the period, compared with the war and the gloom, why is it stronger than 30%? Besides, the attention of the two guys is all concentrated on the other side at this time, and the fierce melee also makes them consume very fast!

Wait a second, wait for them to consume again... is now!


Wang Zhong’s toes are padded, and in the darkness, they are like a ghostly and fast approaching two people in the hands.

The two were struggling with each other. They did not find this squatting ant, and they were exhausted, but suddenly felt a strange force coming from the top of their heads.

Lao Wang is not polite, the spiritual power bursts out of the deified cells in an instant, and the triple-fighting is full, and the key points of the two are just two punches.


Unprepared bear demon and locusts instantly feel the dizzy in their heads. It seems to be just a punch of ordinary strength. The wave of lasting momentum is followed by waves. Layers are like waves. The two defenses collapsed in an instant, and they were eaten.

Both of them had a sweet throat at the same time. They didn’t have time to spray the blood out of the mouth. They just fainted and fainted in the past. They didn’t need to continue to do it. The two people who were stunned disappeared from the space at the same time. Distinctly, I can feel that both of them were moved out of this space at the same time.

"Two." Wang Zhong’s eyes are fascinating, and the spirits are restrained into the deified cells, and instantly disappear from the boundary.

"The old man!" Jonas outside, and excited, screaming, this is probably the only class that makes him sleepless.

Pigro is even more stunned. Frankly speaking, it is not too rare to kill the bear demon and the locust. The level of strength felt is the same as that of the bear demon. The two are still completely in the middle. Without precautions, this kid was leaked, but this leak was too big, and disappeared in the boundary cloth disappeared: "Is this kid a chameleon..."

Shannaly smirked: "It seems that you have to lose."

"Hey," losing a hundred gold stars is irrelevant to Pigro, but if you lose your eyes in front of the beauty, it is a shameful face: "This is only two, seeing that he has such good luck next time."

The voice has not yet fallen, and Pigro has shut up, because the two lights disappeared in the boundary cloth, and the two figures were sent out at the same time.

It is Wang Zhong!

At this time, there is a battle in the boundary cloth, and there are earth-shattering everywhere. It is too easy to find two goals.

Quietly approaching, palms up!

"Too skinny!" Pharaoh is still somewhat dissatisfied with his attacking power. Just now there was a Zerg with a strong shell, and the body length was about three meters. But the defense was amazing, and he was hit by the head. The key, actually just hit it on the ground, followed by a turtle like the body and all the limbs into the shell, life and death can not come out, the old king spent a long time, he did not put that hard The shell is broken.

Iron armored snake, the armor of the body can be said to be a super-natural defense that can be compared with the dimension barrier. Even if the strength of the iron-snake snake itself is not strong, it can be used to dominate this unreasonable talent defense. It is.

This time, I often miss the Nebula Excalibur that I was stolen from the old cow shop. If there is a Nebula Excalibur, it is not like cutting a watermelon.

"There is a chance to find the weapon to pick up the hand. Even if there is no instrument, a better soldier can do it." Wang Zhong secretly said, his roommate has appeared in his mind: "Well, the fantasy family, good at refining This thing has to find Xiao Qiao."

The battle is going very fast, and the faster it gets to the back.

Most of the other people in the boundary cloth are killing each other. If you feel that someone is close to wanting to miss, the two sides who fight will not give up the battle, they will definitely give up the battle and retreat in time. No one wants to sacrifice themselves to fulfill others. . As for some individuals who are very strong among the new disciples, Wang Zhong has also encountered two or three times. For example, he saw a bone demon, which looks like a thin and sturdy frame. The bone spurs can be stretched freely and attacked. Strong, the evil spirits of the fierce flames in the body, it is simply the invincible, let the pharaoh feel the pressure, avoiding in time, the strong in the dark is not one or two.

"To hurry up, it is very easy for this guy to destroy those ordinary martial arts. You can't be pulled too much by these top-notch and fight for the top ten."


In the strolling walk, two guys fell.

"This awkward guy, this is cheating! He didn't compete with those martial corrections at all!" Pigri was a little angry, and the earth man dared to miscalculate himself in front of the woman he saw.

What was killed this time was a ghost and a demon.

Ghosts make Pharaoh feel particularly interesting. They are similar to the Soul, but they are different from the sturdy body of the Soul. Their bodies are completely imaginary. They are a kind of condensed consciousness, like a ghost. They are very good at spirituality. Attack, and the ghost's body is extremely defensive against physical attacks.

It is said that the stronger the ghosts, the stronger the body will become stronger and stronger. The ghosts who can make Jindan Avenue, called the ghosts, can cultivate themselves to be as virtual as the soul family. Even spread and blended between the heavens and the earth, never die!

It’s not easy to get rid of this ghost family. If the other party has already struggled with the demon, it will hurt both sides. With the body of the body, Wang Zhong will go up and feel that 95% of the strength has hit the air. Normally, only I am afraid that my usual means will not hurt the other party.


This is the tenth.

As the unwilling expression of the ghost family disappeared into the dark curtain, Wang Zhong felt a buzzing sound in his head, and there was a soft force pushing himself. The darkness around him suddenly disappeared, and the person had already stood on the battlefield. .

The light around it is bright, just coming out from the extreme darkness is really a bit glaring, the black cloth on the top is still floating, the left side is a large group of martial arts disciples, three or four hundred, nine The disciples of the Baixiu martial arts have been eliminated by a small half, but this is obviously only the whole system has just been hot. Some of those who have been eliminated have slightly awoke, sitting on the ground and gasping, licking their foreheads, licking their wounds, while others are still in a coma. Their injuries are quite serious, long before they come. I have heard that the course of Xiuwutang guarantees that you will not die. What is injured is commonplace.

Wang Zhongyi saw a few familiar ones at a glance, and it was he who killed himself, and his position was on the right side of the open space. He seemed to be the first to complete, surrounded by bare places. Actually, only one person, the Pharaoh is a little surprised.

Among the new disciples, he can feel a lot of strong atmosphere. The power gap between the disciples is very different. Which of the top is actually slower than himself? He can look up and see the situation on the black cloth, he will understand,

Just like the bone demon that gave him a strong sense of oppression, it seems to be a lot stronger than ordinary martial arts, but in fact it is very difficult to kill people... because he is close to which direction, the strength is nearby. It must have been fleeing at once and will not give him a chance to approach. After all, these are also formal Tianmen disciples. The strength may be different, but if the speed of light theory, escape, etc., who else Wushu disciples can still have two hands? Under full defense, it is not so easy to be killed by others.

In addition to the bone demon, there is also a Gorefiend, a silver Titan and a ghost-like ghost that are very powerful, but their encounters are almost the same, except that occasionally one or two can run slow. At other times, it’s basically a bunch of people all over the world, and it’s like a sneaky approach like Lao Wang’s approaching and easy solution...

Yu, I seem to be a bit ahead.

Lao Wang touched his nose, and a sudden voice blew outside: "Wang Zhong Lao Da Ming Ming Shen Wu! Wang Zhong Lao Yu Yu Yu Lin Feng, Merry! Wang Zhong Lao Da Xiu Wu Tang invincible!"

The roaring of the male ducks instantly aroused the attention of the eliminated people who were being healed there. There were several guys who had been sneaked and killed by Wang Zhong. They were glaring at the scene. Although they were sneaked, they obviously remembered attacking their bastard. Breath.

Jonas instantly narrowed his neck, and then the hatred of the eyes immediately transferred to the old king's body, the old king no expression, I can not wait to shoot this idiot to die, this kind of pull the enemy is simply looking for death.

"Shameless coward!"

"Despicable sneak attackers!" Someone roared, dissatisfied with the use of such means to win.

"There is a kind of single-headed out! I will blow you up alone!" The temper is even eager to vent his anger.

"Give me shut up!" The voice of Silver Titan's supervision came from far away: "If you lose, you lose, you still don't accept it, what stuff!"

The screaming thunderous screams instantly scared those who had been knocked out, and dared to scream at the red face. I saw the silver titan governor Zag Simmon propped up a huge sun umbrella with a high table under the umbrella. And a thick lounge chair, he was sitting with sunglasses and cocked his legs, a straw was inserted in a large tank-like cup, and the scent of the fairy tea came out of the cylinder.


He sucked a big sip. He is not an elder. He teaches martial arts, and there are many people in charge. There is no oil and water to fish. It has always been a chore in the Tianmen, and it is hard to suffer. Who let yourself spread this broken thing, and watching the performance of the world is the only fun that these rookies can bring to him.

Wang Zhong’s performance, of course, he’s all in his eyes. To be honest, this kind of opportunistic method must be quite Lo’s in the eyes of the Titans, but Zage Simon is not a normal Yintaitan, staying in Xiuwutang. This kind of training rookie is still dedicated to a bunch of newcomers, the more normal the Titans are more likely to be driven crazy.

"Kids, you will be very embarrassed." Zag Simon drank the sly disciples, and when he looked at Wang Zhong, he smiled very coolly. He liked to watch this unconventional card, especially the previous Yin. At that time, according to the fate of the next file, just like the man’s squatting thing and his father’s hatred, it seems that Zhagsey’s goosebumps are all up, but it’s a bit interesting.

Otherwise, even the strongest bone demon Pavaro in this new disciple, the level of combat in his eyes is not at all a bit of appreciative: "You are the first place, the reward is very!"

He said that he had made a registration with a small book. Wang Zhong smiled slightly. It was his own. The people who were eliminated were mostly dejected. Even if they were glaring, they would not dare to scream again. .

"Pigrero, you lost." Shana smiled and smiled at Pigro.

"Haha, or Shanna, you have a vision." Pigri's face did not see any slightest disappointment, laughing and passing a hundred gold stars, of course, also took the opportunity to touch the small hand of Shana Li: "This Earth people are pretty awkward, but they won't always be so lucky, but next time we can make more bets."

"A thousand Venus?" Shana said with a smile.

Pigri smiled: "It's just a few things. It's boring. It's boring. You can gamble on our bodies. I lost. I will accompany you for one night. You lost. How about staying with me for one night?"

"The next thing, let's talk about it next time, thank you." Shana Li giggled and raised the bag of the 100-star stone in her hand, just to see the gaze of Wang Zhongli, laughing and rushing to the king. He waved his hand.

Wang Zhong saw it, but he also saw Shanna’s sullen face next to him when he waved at himself. He was a little bit dumbfounded. The relationship between the two people, the eye-catching person can see clearly at a glance, is this not a lying gun?

In fact, the matter of lying down can be far more than this.

Waiting for about ten minutes outside, the second finisher came out, it was the bone demon Pavaro, the face of the girl with a hint of smile, but when I saw the station in the winning area The heavy weight of the king, the cold smile immediately solidified on the bones face.

Unexpected quite unexpected!

Especially when he knew that Wang Zhong was more than ten minutes faster than him, he was simply unbelievable.

The speed of killing oneself is already very fast. Although those who are chased by themselves are slippery than muddy, it is good to have absolute confidence in speed. The whole process is smooth and there is no delay for too long. During the period, I also saw the ghost master of Woolster, who was his old rival when he was outside the Tianmen. He chased others and chased the mixed war zone. He was beaten back by seven or eight disciples, forcing him to avoid his edge. That was a waste of time.

Frankly speaking, such a test, in addition to strength, but also has a certain luck component, Pavaro is strong and lucky, but even led by such a weak person for ten minutes...

"Pavaro, second place, five points." Titan's supervision lazily announced that although Pavaro is the top of the Xiuwu Hall, this kind of person has every time in Xiuwutang, he sees too much. Also can't afford any interest.

Followed by the third one is a **** red, goat-horned Goblin family, savage and savage, with a look of anger, is said to be a cousin relationship with one of the four masters of the alchemy hall, Kakadin. It was only because the spirit did not favor the emphasis of alchemy or refining, and it was difficult to meditate on its own temperament. The third one came out. When he saw Pavaro, he was only a cold and disdainful. They obviously knew each other. They just refused to accept each other. When they saw Wang Zhong, the cold arrogance was the same as Pavaro. Solidified on the top.

This weak chicken is also in front of itself? What the hell?

"Ballo, third place, points three points."

After Barlow, it took a long time for the fourth person to reach the target, which is a ghostly family with a strong yin.

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