Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 204: Hell Island

Shangpin is not a luxury for the six-level sect. Even for the eight major forces in Tianmen, refining a Yidan is a great investment and bears the risk of failure. , Shannai and other people born in Danzong are the most experienced.

Wang re-visited clearly, and understood clearly that the elders used jokes to tell a truth, and at the same time listened to them, those who held hope, there was no such thing as a miracle waiting on Dan Road.

At the end of the lecture, the elders sitting on the high platform were like the illusion of vanity and disappeared. The following supervisors added some rules and common sense in the alchemy hall. During the beginning of the school, it is definitely to learn some Jiu Pin Dan and Ba Pin Dan.

The refining of a panacea is only the minimum requirement. According to the shape, the spirit, the Tao, the effect, etc., the seemingly identical Jiu Pin Dan will have great differences. With the standard of the alchemy hall, you can give a score of one to ten. And this score is calculated into the points. This is certainly the thing that the disciples of the alchemy must complete, the key to accumulating points, and also a good opportunity for those who are listening.

Alchemy Hall will not force the auditor to perform alchemy operations according to Dan Tang's requirements, but if you refine it, you can also hand in the scores, which will be counted as extra points on your points.

Therefore, Dan furnaces and various materials are good. The official disciples of Alchemy Hall are of course not to be used. Dantang will prepare them for them, but if they are listening to students, they will have to spend their own money. Light is a Dan furnace, for example, all grades are available. As long as you have enough money, you can even buy a super Dan furnace that can be called an artifact. It is said to use such a Dan furnace to refine the Dan, greatly improving the rate of Dan, in Tianmen, did not buy Less than enough, only money is not enough.

It is also a system that controls the boundaries of the land. It is very easy to concentrate resources and wealth. To put it bluntly, it is to crush the major civilizations. However, the major civilizations are still awkward, but this is the price of advancement. It does not repair Jindan and does not enter the heavens. Forever in the early days, this is the consensus of all civilizations, and for lower civilizations, the repair of Jin Dan is the only opportunity to turn over.

Wang Zhong did not intend to buy, and could not afford it. He only first learned about the price of renting the Dan furnace in the supervision. It was a bit exaggerated. All his 'assets' could only be rented for a day's low Dan furnace, just one thousand silver stars. stone.

This Nima is doing hair? All the money to rent a Dan furnace, and then refining the air? Moreover, I can only rent one day. Although the Dan class on the first day only explained the basic outline, and did not arrange the homework to be completed, Pharaoh has already begun to blame for his own plan.

Speaking of it, there is also support from Tianbao Street. After Magso received the so-called 'protection fee', every month there will be a sum of money allocated to Wang Zhong’s account, but that money will bear the living expenses of Tianmen or repair. Wu resources may be enough, but if you want to make alchemy, it is really not enough. After all, it’s just a fringe block in the middle of the ring. It’s worth fighting for some small organizations. It’s really worth noting that it’s really in the eyes of the gates that control the huge resources. What’s more, Wang Zhong and Magso Their 'protection fee' is still very low and low...

Next to the flying pig Jonas actually fell asleep, this guy seems to be only a little spirited when teaching at Mo’s elders, and then I will start chatting with you, and wait until the ordinary supervisors teach the common sense rules. At that time, it is called a sleep sweet, that is, fortunately this guy does not fight, otherwise it can be killed by the people around him.

Pharaoh is also speechless, such a wonderful lesson, this guy is completely uninterested? I really don't know what this guy is doing here.

At this point, it has already been released, and I am about to wake him up. Actually, some acquaintances come over and say hello.

"Wang Zhong, we met again."

Shanna smiled and walked over, and made Pharaoh somewhat surprised. This woman always gave him the feeling of the snobbish wall grass. He came to Tianmen, surrounded by many outstanding children of high-level forces, and his own spirit test yesterday. When I took another Ding, I was ridiculed, this woman actually did not respect herself.

“How is the taste of Tianmen?” Shana Li smiled and asked Wang Zhong.

"It seems that nothing has changed. Anyway, for humans, it is the same everywhere." Wang Zhong smiled. "You come over like this, are you afraid that your friend will look down on you?"

"You guys, don't be too rigid." Shana smiled and blinked: "Tianmen is a Tianmen after all, even if I look down on my heart, most people still self-proclaimed, and they have to install it."

Wang focused on nodding, Shanna Li came over to say hello, but in her own situation, she did not avoid this suspicion, Wang Zhong is a bit confused, Lao Wang is not the demon second generation here, the second generation, not so naive, Shana Is definitely a "sense" person, why are you interested in yourself?

Just because I beat the haze? The degree of haze is nothing at all here, maybe it was his wife who took a lot of money to get in and was bargained by himself.

"Boss, that girl seems to have an idea?" said the flying pig. "It’s good, you can’t see that the people on earth are also attractive.”

"You think more, she should have other purposes."

"Well, we are the purest friendship! Mys is yours!" At dinner, the flying pig Jonas firmly said that the 'fruit and vegetables' he brought on the table, although by the pharaoh Criticize his style of not eating meat, but these 'vegetables' can be really uncommon, the intrinsic aura is full, who knows who eats, although the fantasy is only a five-level civilization, but because of the refinement, it is not normal The rich, the nouveau riche in the realm, is talking about the illusion: "My dignity is your dignity!"

"Well, yes. If you squat outside, I will try to stand a little farther and never look at the good friends." Wang patted his shoulder and said it was quite positive. The face of the helpless flying pig, Wang Zhong could not help but turn over his eyes, play with the brothers, you are still playing mud when you meet.

Pharaoh is immersed in the ocean of knowledge. Muzi is already out of the depths of the river. Sitting in a black rocky land, and a hundred steps ahead, it is a dark dead forest, and his current destination. .

Today is his seventh day on the island.

It took him seven days to get here from the shore. He completely underestimated the horror of the island, the huge dead air, the dignified pressure, and pressed him with a law-like force, every forward. In one step, he has to pay unbelievable strength and hardship.

This unexpected difficulty, but did not block Muzi's persevering optimism, although every step is like a terrible life-and-death fight, but in addition to difficulties and difficulties, Muzi also felt a feeling of intimacy It is hidden in the depths of the island. Whenever he confronts the death and the pressure of the eruption, this kind of intimate feeling will become obvious.

Of course, one of the fundamental reasons why Muzi can have such optimism is that on the first day of the island, he dug a skeleton of an unknown creature on the beach in the shore, in the spirit of pragmatism, Muzi These bones were disassembled halfway down, and then they were put together to make a white bone skirt. Although the appearance was a bit too arrogant and the cool appearance of his small bald head was not very good, but after all, it was made of bones, and finally it was a glimpse of him for many days. The file department has been reinstated into the private category of civilization.

No doubt, this is very important! One of the hallmarks of civilization's departure from the low-level form into the advanced stage is to learn to hide, which is a sign of the rise of personal consciousness and dignity.

Therefore, when it was worn, it gave Muzi more reasons to be optimistic. Soon he discovered a large piece of small flowers hidden in black sand. When the sand is turned over, the flowers will stand upright toward the sky, and will be placed in the sky. The black and white petals will be clustered together. When moving with the wind, it is like a strange smile that wants to scare people.

Muzi was really shocked, but not because of the grimacing of the small flowers, but because of the energy contained in these flowers, eating one can actually make him feel hungry for hours. As a result, the demand for food is guaranteed. These grimace flowers are everywhere. If you are willing to dig the soil, you will be able to see the black and white face that the ghost face is straight from the ground and trying to scare people.

The only thing that made Muzi feel frustrated was that he didn't find any small animals that could be used for barbecue. Don't say hare or the like, that is, none of the bugs saw one, and none of the ants.

However, no matter what, Muzi and this Hell Island bar - this is the name that Muzi took for this strange island, whether or not there is another name here, for him, here is Hell Island, the air And the atmosphere, and the legendary **** is very similar, huge dead, horrible atmosphere, the forest bones, black sand is not so much the earth, more like the accumulation of countless bones after thousands of years of corruption.

Muzi also believes that he is a strange and inseparable fate with Hell, so he will feel close to the island, and the aura here has a strong negative atmosphere, and this is life and death. The favorite "tonic", under the match of life and death, the aura and Muzi here is almost a complete fit, but Muzi is not in a hurry, rush to absorb these aura, but slowly recover after life and death. The rhythm, slowly accumulating, he feels that it is like building, how tall the building can be built, usually depends on how stable its foundation is.

Muzi counted, this round of rest time is over, he stood up, it is time to move on.

Taking a deep breath, Muzi concentrated his spirits and looked at a black tree not far away. After a long exhalation, his breathing became fast and rhythmic, and the spiritual power of the silk was born from the body. This makes him full of strength!

Muzi couldn't help but think, if he meets that guy again, he will not be subject to such suppression any more. Compared with before, he has become completely different now, from the inside out, from the spiritual power to everything.

The power of the whole body reached its apex. The power of this moment was never seen before. Muzi raised his head and looked at the woods not far away. He gave a hard sigh, and the full body was filled with his feet. Then he stepped. With his right foot out, he slammed on the ground and made a loud noise like a drum.

Boom! step!

Boom, the dead air in the depths of Hell Island is like a provocative bull, a violent explosion, a strong stock pressure, like a mountain that is thrown on one side, and a layer of one-sided one against the wood .

Muzi smiled, did not hesitate to the left heel, and then stepped out.

Boom! The second step!

Boom! Oh...

In the tenth step, Muzi's knees made a crack in the bones. He finally stopped and never succeeded. At this time, he felt the heat inside the nose, the blood rolled from it, and the speed was smooth. Through the lips, his mouth has not had time to taste the salty taste of blood, this heat leaked through the chin again, and then a lot of drops on his chest, falling on the black sand.

Muzi gasped, and all his strength, including his spiritual power, was completely dry, and there was no more power in his body. Like unsatisfied, Hell Island’s rising spirits and protests came again on Muzi, until the wood was overwhelmed on the sand, and the whole face was almost planted to the ground. This huge spirit The pressure slowly returned.

Muzi pulled his head out of the soil, then turned over and lay on the ground. This round rushed over. It was originally planned to run only seven steps. As a result, the state was a bit better, and three more steps were made. Finally, the spirit was motivated. The pressure is more than three times the last time.

After a long time, Muzi’s breathing was restored to a smooth state. He examined his body condition, which was a bit bad. The pressure did not cause him trauma, but the internal organs would be under such terrible pressure. Distorted deformation, fortunately, the spiritual power played its due role, the internal organs only had some bleeding, and there was no huge trauma.

This is enough. Muzi propped up his body and found the black-and-white grimace flowers. He only stopped after picking three. He was not greedy. Moreover, Muzi was not sure how long it would be after leaving the branches. Time keeps purity and self-awareness.

Muzi first ate a flower before he put it in his mouth. The saliva in the mouth rushed wildly. As soon as the spiritual force slammed from the tip of his tongue toward the esophagus, the moist hydrating feeling immediately filled the whole body. In every corner, this is much more advanced than drinking water.

After chewing a few times, Muzi swallowed the grimace flower. A gentle heat immediately dissipated from the body and circulated through the blood. The bleeding of the internal organs quickly stopped under the nourishment of this force. The small wounds that started were healing, not fast or slow, but today it should only stop here.

After eating the third grimace flower, I felt that the "full" wood would put down the life and death, lay in, cover it, and immediately cover it with a cool, which made Muzi's injury better.

After the birth and death of the cockroaches swallowed up the special aura of the island, some basic functions have been restored. This is also the basis for Muzi’s adventurous challenge. However, at present, only auxiliary treatment is more useful, and some others are better. The way of using power also requires Muzi to slowly explore and experience the life and death of the journey of the Styx. It is obviously no longer the life and death of the past. It is both familiar and unfamiliar, but no matter how it changes, it is still the life and death of Muzi.

Muzi waking up from sleep on time, late at night, the cold wind blowing with the death of the Styx whistling on the island, like a sinister in the territory of the Guardian Pluto, without the shackles in the underground clouds Light, the dead air on the island has become more intense, Muzi did not provoke a sense of death at this time, and now is the best time for his practice.

The unusually sensitive dead air during the day is too lazy to move like a hibernating snake in the dark. As long as Muzi does not continue to move deep into the island, this dead air will only calmly hover in the air.

Under the drive of Muzi, the five-way Leifa was lit up from his hand in turn. This is no longer the magical magic of the five magical methods that were originally handed over to him. Not only that, but the way in which the exercises are carried out is also thoroughly After the revision, this is the biggest gain after entering Hell Island. Through the confrontation with the dead spirit, Muzi began to truly understand the greatness of this practice, his physique, or no one can fit this skill. The operation of the law.

The greatest human being, and the most terrifying feature of mankind, is adapting to the environment and imitating learning, and then using these two as the basis to create something that suits humanity.

However, Muzi's adjustment to the five-lei method is completely irrelevant to the greatness. He just feels that it is very comfortable to do so, so he did it. This is an instinct that Muzi is purely even Wang and Aeolos. .

At this time, the lightning power of the five different attributes under the control of Muzi, caught in his body and became his spiritual part.

Muzi sighed and he found a black grimace flower from the sand. This time he only ate one, and after a few breaths, his body felt full.

Muzi feels that here is the place that is most suitable for his practice after he came to the Star Alliance. Even if he is lying in life and death, he can slowly improve his spiritual power through life and death.

Time flies White horse has passed through the gap. After many efforts, Muzi finally stopped with the pressure of the spirit and stepped into the center of the black forest. However, the scene inside was even more than he expected. Awful.

Those black trees are like barbecues that have experienced **** fire. A piece of coke-like bark is connected by twisted red tree ribs. It looks like human beings are half burned by charcoal. skin. What is even more amazing is that every black tree has a face on its trunk. These faces look different. From young to old, they are different. "They" are like living people. The eyes are infiltrated with light, staring at the wood.

In addition to the horrible face tree, there are some strange and dangerous black live vines, most of which are hidden underground, but also hovering over those trees, they are alive, able to act like snakes, wooden pipes This kind of vine is called snake vine.

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Chapter 214, Hell Island (page 1/1)

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