Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 180: Prince Edward

She wore a soft tulle, wrapped in green, no light, and the moment she appeared, it seemed that even the whole world lost its color, even in the air. The unicorns and beasts that ran in the mountains and the true dragons and phoenixes that loomed in the air turned into black and white colors at this moment. All the colors of the whole world seemed to be concentrated on the peerless woman at this time.

"His Royal Highness!" The white-haired dragon servant had already squatted. He was so excited that he was shaking all over the body. Even after sleeping for hundreds of years, the princess was still the princess, and the same young beauty as hundreds of years ago. Even the dragon servant felt that she seemed to become More dazzling than ever.

"He is coming." The princess smiled slightly, his eyes crossed the white hair dragon servant, looking to the front of the endless mountain, which is the location of the Tianhe River, through the two worlds, the huge daytime river energy flows down the river.

Even the horrible Tianhe, which the four great celestial beings can't face, is incomparably gentle and gentle to her. She can feel a lot of things that others can't detect from the flowing energy. A familiar atmosphere is mixed at this time. Among them, it is this familiar atmosphere that wakes her up from her sleep.

The white-haired old servant’s face was slightly stunned, and even if he liked the joyful look, it’s no wonder that the princess recovered from his sleep: “Heavenly reincarnation, Mr. is a powerful person. I can’t imagine how many hardships I have to experience, or whether I want to be an old slave... ..."

"No." The woman shook her head. "This time, unlike the past, he has not returned to the past. The heavens are still the same. Maybe now is the most crucial time, and if the celestial beings are discovered, there will be many variables."

The white-haired servant is stunned. Hundreds of years of blank time, many things have been wrong, but the following boundaries are too chaotic, so let alone, in case of a loss?

With a smile in the woman's smile, she looked up at the distant Tianhe River. In the source of energy flowing, there was a message that only the true dragon family could read and flickered. "The message that I wake up is top secret!"

"Yes, Your Highness!" said the dragon servant respectfully. "In addition, the four great people invited us to observe the ceremony. In the past, they refused. This time?"

"Oh, it’s almost time for Tianmen to open up," she said to herself. "Nine uncle, look for me."

The Tianhe River will appear tidal at regular intervals. During this period, it will be quite 'weak'. The violent energy in Tianhe will be reduced, and the Tianhe River connects the two worlds. It is the only channel between the two worlds. Those who want to It is only during this period that there will be a hope for success in the sky.

Therefore, this period of time is called Tianmen Open. The masters who are qualified to fly in the boundary will be approved by the Heavenly Four, and enter the heavens through the weak Tianhe, and the carp will jump to the Dragon Gate.

Two conditions were approved: 1 permission for the day; '2 to reach the Tiandan period, which means that the Golden Dan must be kept.

In fact, the first article is completely a manifestation of the rights of the heavens. It excludes some inferior or excessive consumption of vitality, while the second is a hard condition. Without Jindan, it will die directly in Tianmen. Of course, this embarrassing process It is also extremely helpful for the Tiandan period and a necessary process.

Of course, these are the conditions of the heavens. There are also a lot of troubles in the land. After all, the population of hundreds of millions of people and the complex of various civilizations is extremely complex. The limited quota is basically occupied by civilizations of level 6 or above. The unspoken rules are 8 Level civilization accounts for 50%, level 7 civilization accounts for 30%, and the remaining 20% ​​of other races, but basically the huge 6th group will occupy a large part, and the rest will be divided into five levels...

Four levels? nonexistent.

The dragons are the only races in the world that are not harmed by the energy of the Tianhe River. They are born in this way. They are the only races in the entire realm that are not divided by civilization. The origins are also different. Some people say that they are the only ten-level civilization. Some people say that they are actually high. The messengers of the latitude, but one thing, they are beyond the detachment. Of course, the dragons themselves are sparsely populative, most of them are dormant, and do not interfere with the operation of the gods, but some special events, the presence of the dragons will be a great glory, and the dragons It is even more important for the top four strong people, because the dragon is also the bridge of the fifth dimension and high latitude.

Everything around it didn't change much. The woman looked at the distance and smiled. The whole world seemed to be brighter. The white jade fingers gently pulled the hair, and the trace of the style made the flowers fall for it, but she The look is like seeing time and space.

Parting seems to be yesterday, he... really did it.

Katanglai District, 蠡阴宗...

The gloomy huge Jiuli tree exudes a strong yin, which is the core of the yin yin dynasty. It is surrounded by an amazing blockade of enchantment, and the huge Jiuli yin is almost perfectly gathered in this circle. Near the kilometer, even in the midsummer of the blue sky and the bright and beautiful, it is also cold and cold, and there is no day in the whole year.

A huge white snake disk along the place where the yin yin is the strongest place in the tree. It has two short horns on its head. The thin limbs are wrapped in the aponeurosis, in the transparent aponeurosis. Just like the baby's tender limbs, you can see the prototype of the dragon claw. As it rushes through the yin, it can see that there is a strong yin energy flowing through its transparent diaphragm, moistening its tender limbs and growing slowly.

The serpent has a seven-eighth fire!

An old man wrapped in a haze appeared not far away. It was the yin dynasty of the yin dynasty. At this time, looking at the cold eyes of the serpent, it was rare to reveal a trace of expectation and love.

It seems that I felt the appearance of this old man. After the giant snake swallowed a yin, it turned into a cloudy fog and rushed in. The blink of an eye has turned into a beautiful teenager like a crown jade.


The name of the earth, even if it is thrown into the entire land boundary, is a well-known existence, not only because of his strength, but because of his terrible potential and talent. At only 20 years old, he is about to turn around and achieve virtual Dan, even if It can also be placed in the first place in the history of the sinister sect, and it is also the hope of the yin yin!

"Father." He is temperamental and sympathetic, completely different from the ordinary yin yin ancestors of the snake worms and ants, the whole person reveals a unique spirituality, respectful and standing.

"Jiu Li Yin Qi is a nourishment of my family, but if you really complete the phlegm, yin and yang conversion, Jiu Li Yin is no longer suitable for you." Yin Jiuli face with a loving smile, he slightly stunned Dunton said, "Hey, you are the genius that I have the most chance to leap into Tianmen in the past 100 years. The future is boundless. Now there are two or three years away from the opening of Tianmen. With your talent, it is enough. Before I finished condensing, I know that you are diligent, but you can't make a fuss about it because of greed. You need to know too much."

"I want to follow my father's teachings." The prince smiled and respectfully responded.

"Practice first slowly, go out and walk more, make more friends, will be very helpful for you to step into the heavens in the future." Yin Jiuli said with a smile, while picking up an invitation from his arms: "Over A few days is the 500-year celebration of Yunwuzong. You will take a trip to the father. The cloud princess in their home is not under your talent. The future is destined to surpass the dragon gate and set foot on the existence of heaven. You can use it. Hearts are made."

"Yes." The prince took over the invitation. He certainly knew the old man's subtext. "Father, recently practiced, I feel that the growth of Jiuli Tree has become more and more difficult to seal and suppress. The yin is already more saturated than our territory. Still too small, if it doesn't expand again..."

"I know." Yin Jiuli nodded and said: "The nine waste roads and the Star Alliance have already done a good job, but the merchants on Tianbao Street are protected by legal status and are unwilling to relocate. The number is too large. Too good, the elders are currently negotiating with the representatives there. This is an urgent matter, but still have to come slowly."

"Father, let me know about this matter." The prince smiled slightly: "When joining the WTO, it is also a middle-cultivation, and it takes up so many resources. It always has to do something for the ethnic group. After practicing for a long time, the right to act as an activity."

Yin Jiuli sneaked a little, then frowned: "There is a heart, but this thing is not available, don't look at just some businessmen, but their background is somewhat complicated, there are people of all ethnic groups, one or two does not matter Too much action and too much resentment, I am afraid that the Star Alliance will also put pressure on us..."

The prince smiled slightly, and his father’s gaze was still limited to a level of six-level civilization.

If you change it a year ago, he will have the same idea as his father, but he joined the Tianmen sequence and touched the geniuses from the top races in the realm. The prince’s gaze has already opened too much, a goal targeting the heavens. The soul, regardless of vision and vision, is by no means comparable to those of the middle-class civilization.

A block in Central, what about the complex background? However, it is only the marginalized people of some great civilizations. If there is a background, they will not fall into the Katangla District to open a shop, and they will pay the protection fee for the nine roads.

Even if there is such a hidden secret in one or two higher civilizations, what about it? As one of the genius children who valued Tianmendi, he has a vast expedition, unlimited potential and promising future. Even if he really appeals to one or two important people of great civilization, he has enough confidence to protect himself, and once he waits for himself, he will wait for himself. Flying up to heaven, let alone provoke a few lower civilizations in the district, even if it is the Star Alliance of the land, you will be polite to yourself and your yin yin!

So what the father dare not do, dare to do it, can do it!

Jiuli Lishu is the foundation of the yin yin dynasty. It is imperative to maintain its growth. The former yin yin sect is not emboldened, but it is only a six-level civilization. It can be occupied by a block in the tank-tanley area, but it is different now... ...because of yourself!

In order to become a major event, can you look forward to it?

Besides, the virtual Dan is only the first step. For some strong people of the seven-level and eight-level civilization, it is not a problem at all. It is difficult to make a virtual reality. There is no shortcut, that is, it requires a huge amount of resources to go up. Certainly not enough!

“Father is relieved,” he said with a smile. “The cloud is going to visit, and this matter has to be dealt with.”


Although there have been many attempts before, it is all tried with finished products, and it is the first time that the debris world is trying to restore the damaged plants. Yesterday, I saw that Zhongluo Yingguo is also very particular. This kind of thing is very easy to feed even in the pile of 'skin' medicines of the old oxen, and the growth cycle is relatively fast. All aspects are doomed to be A good try material.

Throughout the day, Pharaoh is remembering the seeds of Luo Yingguo in the Fragmented World. From time to time, he can take a look through mental stimulation, but until noon, the ground of the Fragmented World remains unchanged.

The old cow is in the flower garden and the king is squatting. Wang Zhong has recently become a special 'learning', and the cultivation of the flower bud is obviously more centered than before. This makes the old cow very satisfied and introduces him to various plant characteristics. Occasionally, I will blow a few other things, such as some common sense in practice.

"Heavenly Soul? Big Day Robbery? What a ghost?" The old cow looked like a disgust: "Don't take your low-level civilized practice system to copy here, a guy who is not qualified to build a foundation, dare to call himself 'day'? In the gods, there is no condensed dan, no robbing! The catastrophe only affects the operation of the world law because of its own tyranny, thus attracting the punishment of the world will, look at this sacred domain, the law here is you Can these weak chicken grades affect? ​​Don't tease!"

"Before condensing the virtual Dan, all of them are called building foundations, and they are based on the basics. They are generally divided by spiritual values." The old cow said: "After reaching a hundred spiritual powers, it belongs to the domain of the gods. The average level, can fight against the spiritual pressure here, can survive in the gods without pressure, if there is a few hundred thousand spiritual power, it is no problem to walk horizontally in this street."

Wang Zhong turned over his eyes, and the old cows were forced to swear when they were forced. It seems that hundreds of thousands of spiritual powers are the same as Chinese cabbage.

In comparison, if you use your own power to divide, the Holy Master of the Holy City is also the equivalent of a thousand spiritual powers. I did not expect that even the virtual Dan has not touched the threshold, and the last wolf demon felt the speed of power. I am a few times stronger than myself. It is estimated that it is a few hundred years of fighting power. Grandma’s, I have a feeling of returning to liberation overnight.

In such a huge race in the realm of the gods, especially the high civilization, but does not mean that all higher civilizations have super fighting power, such as the old cow, although it is also a 7th-level civilization, but it is not a natural combat type, it is enough to crush him. However, in the battle-type second change to the five slag, but the birth is good, meaning that he will have a fairly stable life.

"How much spiritual value can make a virtual Dan?" Wang Zhong asked, he is very concerned about this.

Of course, the old cows also know that which low-level civilization does not want salted fish to turn over, but the road to practice is too difficult and too difficult. For these noble civilizations, it is not difficult to achieve virtual dan, it is difficult to condense Jindan, and the resources of the masses need talent. Opportunities, and these can only be concentrated in the hands of a few people.

"Why, I want to condense Dan, don't dream, you have to have the talent of the boss and me. I just love peace and give up the practice." The old cow said, "The virtual Dan and the spiritual power are not much. Relationship, this is related to talent, otherwise the mechanical and zerg will not be so miserable, haha."

Tianbao Street's nine old roads are called the Tiandan period demon, but in fact it is just a name. The nine desert roads really have the high-end people in the Tiandan period, and they still use the place where they are in the edge of the Katanglai District. I have already entered the inner ring to occupy a place.

In fact, the main force in each sect's strength is also a multi-issue foundation period, but all belong to the combat type, while the old cow and the Tianbao Street are all normal people. If Wang Zhong has half the spiritual power of the old cow, he can play the old cow. Four, frankly, the people of the gods are in the realm of practice and practice, but in terms of combat, they are still almost, and perhaps it may be that he has too little knowledge.

The two were talking and heard the sound of a crisp ‘嘭’ sound from the outside flower shop. The old cow’s head was black and straightened: “This ghost girl smashed my flower jar!”

Wang Zhong funny, can already foresee a skunk that the little fox will soon greet, but before the old cow rushed out, the cracking sound of the flower jar outside the door has been ringing one after another.

"Dare to smash my young master, I am impatient to live!"




A burst of sound, mixed with the exclamation of the little fox.

Someone is making trouble?

The changes outside the store came very fast. The old cow and Wang Zhong both changed their faces in an instant. The two men stepped out from the flower garden in three or two steps. They saw a mess in the flower shop and broke the altar everywhere. The can, a long-handed spider, dragged the messy hair of the little fox and was kicking and kicking.

The little confused face has been beaten high and red, and she wants to lick the spider that holds her hair. If she wants to struggle, she can’t move at all. She can only reach out and cover her face. It’s blood, tears, and the grievances of the face: “Hey, don’t hit me, hurt~~~!”

Wang Zhong’s face was heavy, but he had not waited for him to move, and the old cow next to it was already bursting out.


Seeing the horrible look of the little fox, the old cow is really angry, licking his own shop, and playing his own people, he will rush out when he bursts out but see the spider On the slightly side of the body, a handsome and handsome son appeared in front of the old bull.

The son of the son smiled, but he casually looked at the old cow and Wang Zhong who had rushed out. He even let the old cow feel that his eyes are as deep as the yin moon. The whole person is awkward and feels like he is going directly. Falling into an endless dark abyss is beyond control.

Fortunately, when I was about to 'fall in,' it seemed that someone was pulling one by one. The real touch instantly pulled myself out of the dark abyss and returned to reality. The old cow quickly took a closer look and pulled himself. Actually, it is Wang Zhong. Although the practice of the physical body is very different from the standard of the gods, if you are independent of the realm and the resistance to the environment, Lao Wang really does not know how many times higher than the old cow who has not practiced.

There was some accident in the prince, and the human being who looked very weak could ignore his own illusion. He looked at Wang Zhong’s eyes and looked at the small workers who seemed to be working in the store. He was a low-level civilization in the fringe world. The practitioner?

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