Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 178: survive

For a human being able to stand in the underground world, and successfully become a secluded disciple of the Nether, get the Nether method, and they stand at the same starting point, these natural negative life has a natural sense of rejection of Muzi.

Muzi indifferently opened these repulsive sights, which are limited to negative energy life, and ultimately, but they have instinctive and physical advantages, and they can only be outside disciples of the Nether.

As one of the top ten forces in the world, Netherong has never forbidden any life race to join them. These people never think about why the Nethers have a Phoenix elder who has 99 tail feathers. Know that the Nirvana of the Phoenix is ​​the natural enemy of all negative energy, but it is still "fallen" here.

On the practice, the Netherland is also Dandao. In fact, there is no difference with the above. The higher the order, the more the same way.

Waiting for a long time, the time is getting late, the light and shadow in the sky is gradually brightening from the faint morning, and the disciples are getting more and more, and the disciples who distribute the stones every day are hundreds of people. The square is full, and the conversations between the various ethnic groups are gradually fascinating. Looking at it, except for Muzi, who is a person, the rest of the races are accompanied by the same family.

Muzi was squeezed into the corner, just observing the brighter and brighter sky. It is rumored that the night and night of the underground world is derived from the ubiquitous reaction of the reverse energy and positive energy of the sky, and is summoned by the river of the Nether. The positive energy that is eroding all the time to the underground world is gradually alive, and there is morning and day, and when the positive energy is gradually declining, there is dusk and night. Of course, most of the time, the underground world is in the dark. .

At this time, an inner disciple rushed in, and Muzi looked over. He was the sturdy brother of the multi-ethnic family inside the door. He was anxious and fierce, and the horrible frontal drum was arranged. The six eyes were arranged in three faces. The nose is protected by a sharp corner that is not long or short. On the top of his head, there are two sheep-like corners. The color jade is faintly visible. The ghosts are surging, which is obviously a blessing to practice the exercises. What is born in the human heart is his three pairs of pupils, which can be different in shape. It is said that when the multi-headed family is born, the technique will be sealed in the pupil. As time goes on, the techniques of these seals will grow and upgrade. Eventually evolved into a terrorist ban that could be released at a glance.

"I have seen my brother!"

La la la, hundreds of outside disciples immediately stood up, palms and each other to make a phantom ceremonial, even a few four-legged Yi people also stood up, a pair of hind legs stunned, the shape is very funny, but from There is a solemnity. The disciples of the inner door have the right to succumb to life and death. They are killed here. They are patriarchal. The death is death. There is no place to be justified. Muzi is naturally a follower.

The multi-faceted people swept through many foreign disciples, and the deep and cold voice was sternly illuminated with the sacred spirit: "Today's basic mission is still 10 kilograms of green bonestone. The rest of the harvest is still the same, and the sect is 70%, and the rest are owned by themselves. ”

When the voice fell, there were hundreds of blue lithographs with engraved characters flying out of their sleeves, and they fell precisely on the hands of every foreign disciple.

Muzi grabbed the bluestone seal, engraved with three complicated characters, and there is a law on it. This is a secluded law that can be cultivated by a secluded inner door. This rule is faintly connected to the outer disciple. The Nether Law of the Law is a synthesizing spell shield that is sufficient to resist the negative erosion of the Styx. However, the material used in this bluestone print is the lowest level of the greenstone. The law imposed above will last for a day and will naturally disappear.

After the blue-eyed seal was distributed, the multi-eyed person looked up at the sky, and his icy sound line increased by three points. The pressure of the yin and yin shrouded the past toward all the disciples. The law channel: "From today, the heavens The ancestors of the no-female ancestors rate the disciples to come to this sect. Although they have nothing to do, but the scorpions are brightened. If you see a disciple who is not a night, and you see the inner disciple, you must do this. On the ceremony, I will understand?"


After hundreds of disciples have promised neatly, the multi-faceted talents are slightly headed. "So, let's go."


When the voice fell, hundreds of disciples immediately rushed toward the Nether River. The management of the boundary of the heavens was divided into two types. On the ground of the boundary, an inherent system was formed, which was governed by the four aristocratic families, but the underground of the boundary was due to The emergence of the Styx, and the capture of this power by the major races, in essence, have created some uncertainties for the human beings, if not because the Styx is only the "negative product" of the Tianhe River or the garbage river, and these people The realm of the world will not affect the heavens. It has already been emptied here, but the big men of the heavens will still send people to investigate them from time to time. Once there are special circumstances, they will be mercilessly killed.

Tianhe’s waste is also Tianhe.

Muzi did not immediately rush out, but slowly fell behind.

For a moment, on the edge of a black sand beach in the Nether River, hundreds of disciples fought for hundreds of years of experience, and the former people explored it. The river section where the black sand beach is located has long been the most hidden. The most abundant, and one of the few areas where high-grade greenstones can be harvested, in addition to some of the most common materials associated with bluestones are the most common here.

Muzi just passed by, and did not look at it. He walked toward the barren river bank farther away. The indisputable gesture saved him from killing. In the Zong, the disciples banned the killing, but they left the Zongmen. Can not help but kill, and, since entering the Zongmen, it is no longer a complete free people, subject to the benefits of the Zongmen, they are no longer subject to the special protection of the Star Alliance law.

Killing a foreign door with the same ancestor here, the most serious, is only a year of servant service, the Nether patriarchal law is more inclined to the living strong.

Walking far enough to come to a green beach, almost no outside disciples are willing to come here to fish, Muzi stopped here, breathing between, the meditation flow turned to five bodies, the heart is strong, and the whole body is immersed The law of Nether is like the opening of the Hades, and Muzi has opened the bluestone seal. A turbulent law force is immediately integrated into his law, and the law of Nether is turned into a tragic green umbrella cover rising from the top of his head. On the law, there are various kinds of illusions, there are strange beasts, and there are also thousands of bones and sorrows, and the cycle is repeated. It is this power that can protect him into the Styx, to collect the green bones. If you are lucky, you can also pick rare treasures such as Jingjing. Even if the gates charge 70%, the rest is enough. He exchanged some necessary spiritual resources.

Of course, Muzi cares about letting life and death "resurrection". This is his obsession and he is often teased, but Muzi does not care, really, but very happy, others are more alien than him, and the so-called curse, It’s a cold joke here.

The collected green bone stone was put into the life and death scorpion. He could feel that the slightest force was absorbed by the life and death, although it was very weak, but it gave hope after all.

Time, silk consumption, the light of the sky is gradually declining, and it is near dusk. Muzi slowly withdraws his mind from life and death. At this time, he has already reached the depth where ordinary disciples will stay away. The closer the Tianhe is, the more dangerous it is. Big, but Muzi has a kind of intimacy. To be honest, many times he has rushed in, but it is said that this is also a way of seduce the river.

There is not much time, Muzi's eyes are locked straight in one place, and hundreds of unconscious souls stay there. These ghosts are the gathering of the energy of the Styx, without consciousness, only driven by instinct, they naturally hate all life. It can be said that it is a nightmare of ordinary disciples. Once they enter their attack range, there will be no trace of foraging.

The arrival of Muzi alerted these ghosts. However, they did not launch an attack, but they kept their distance in vigilance. Muzi ignored these ghosts. He also discovered this point inadvertently. This became the key to his emergence. Quickly collect the greenstone until a quantity that allows him to cross and maintain a certain amount of spiritual resources. He stops and then passes over those ghosts.

Qingshiyin still has the last rule of law, and there is still a little time. Muzi gently puts down the life and death, and leans back against the river. This is his own leisure way, just like watching the desert before. The same, but the Styx wants the desert to be more beautiful, I don’t know how Aeolos is, and there is Wang Zhong, such an interesting place, he should come.

Suddenly, there is an object blocking the line of sight of Muzi. A creature is quietly approaching. Muzi is equally sensitive to the danger. Otherwise, he will die in this ghost place, but this life is completely insensitive. The strength of the other side is much higher than him.

Muzi is also staring at her. The girl is almost exactly the same as the human being. However, Muzi is sure that she is not a human being.

"Little bald head, what are you laughing at?" The girl looked at this strange low-level creature and looked a little like the heavenly man. If it wasn't for the strength of the other person, it would be wrong.

Muzi smiled and revealed his white teeth. He didn't take advantage of the opposite sex...or female chat.

"You don't smirk, what are you looking at, and what is the broken box behind you?" The girl pointed at Muzi, and the little bald head that was not black is laughing at her!

Muzi pointed to the Styx, "very beautiful."

Funilia just wanted to come out and play. I heard that the low life is very interesting. I often kill it for a piece of star stone. There are all kinds of weird things, but after I came, I found it very boring. Everyone’s soul here is Dirty and inferior, full of stench until she smelled a scent, very very fragrant.

Funilia followed Suzuki and looked at the dangerous dangerous Styx, but somehow, this stinky river seemed a bit different at this moment. After all, the Styx is the dark side of the Tianhe River. The product of the highest law is not the same. The living body can be ignored.

"I am Funilia, great Funilia, little bald head, what is your name?" The girl raised her head proudly, and the blond hair felt like the sun.

"My name is Muzi, and my friend likes to call me bald."

Muzi laughed very brightly, and Funilia finally couldn’t help herself, laughing loudly, bald, bald, cute bald.

On the other hand, Wang Zhong has a general judgment on his function of the fragment world. In the next few days, he made a basic judgment with the plants of the secret garden. These things enter their own fragmented world and will start in about an hour. The effect can be determined as the role of the light of the Destiny Stone. It has a strong repairing and lifting effect. The Alaska faucet grass that was broken is almost dead, and it has returned to its original state. After fifteen hours, it began to change and upgrade the class. Generally low materials, the first cycle after thirty hours, seems to have a tacit understanding of the operation of the entire Tianhe.

Wang Zhong’s experiment did not go deep. He looked for a very low-volume material, one or two less, and one or two different ones would not attract attention. As for the material after the upgrade, it would be the welfare for the old cow. After the psychological situation has reached the bottom, he will find the materials he needs to make further attempts. If you use the old cows, you will definitely find something different. Although the old cows are good, the truth is still understandable. Pharaoh is not the first brother. The fate of the stone is still hidden in the sky.

If you use it well, this may become the key to turning over yourself and even the whole human being. After so many things, Wang Zhong is naturally a patient person. The more hopeful, the more cautious, low-key, waiting for opportunities.


The business of the flower shop is still half-dead, and the little fox is responsible for the front. Anyway, most of them are dozing off. Probably the old cow does not rely on this. After becoming a formal employee, the old cow obviously changed. It’s not awkward. Diligent and versatile.

"What is the most important thing in a flower shop?" The old cow walked in front, Wang Zhong followed, and the veteran reprimand of the old cow was ringing.

"It is most important to sell flowers." Wang Zhong answered.

"Wrong!" The old cow yelled: "Do you see if I sold it? I hope you two, I have to starve!"

Lao Wang’s heart rolled his eyes, and the answer was clearly said by the old cow when he was the day before. Of course, this is not the first time. Wang Zhong remembers that the old cow asked him this question and asked at least four or five times. Anyway, every time the answer is Different.

"Go to the cheapest goods and sell the highest price. But do you think it's just cheaper? These wholesalers are very ghostly, the second is good, the best is good, the bottom of the pressure box is always hidden. Take it out and give you a public price. You still think that you have earned it. You have to have long eyes! You have to be bright, you have to show them all the rot, heart, spleen and lungs of the wholesalers, and you will not be deceived! Buy the best things at the cheapest price!" The old man's face is proud of this: "I am very proud of the boss today, learn to learn!"

To be honest, Wang Zhong really doesn't think how the IQ of the old cow talks about the sound, but since the boss has blown it, give it a face.

There is a special wholesale market in the Cartanley area. At the edge of the city, it is far away from Tianbao Street and has to pass through most of the city. Although Wang Zhong was not in the city for a few days before he entered the flower shop, it was purely a stroll, no sense of direction, no sense of location, nowhere to go, nowhere, for each of the urban areas. A kind of weird knowledge is just a look at it, even without an intuitive understanding.

However, it is not the same as the old cow. This is the main story. Wang Zhong is also the first time to feel the charm of the old cow, pure free guide, all the way, introduce this explanation, Actually, people can listen to it with gusto.

"The site of the Yin Yinzong is sinister," the old cow lowered his voice. This is a dark neighborhood. It can be seen that it was originally a normal block, but the top of the head was covered by a huge, impenetrable canopy. And unlike the normal big tree, the air is filled with a cold atmosphere, so that the temperature in this block has plummeted. Although there are many pedestrians on the street, it is quiet and can only hear countless strange footsteps. The cold atmosphere makes the original crown look sinister.

The shops opened in the surrounding are also selling some weird things, emitting dead black beads, revealing cold and cold crystals, all kinds of internal organs soaked in the bottle, those with white eyes, can also turn The huge eyeballs make people feel chilling when they look at them.

"Yin Yinzong and our Tianbao Street are the main competitors. The two sides often have various frictions and grab the ground. They have to fight once every three and five times, and they have a few lives. Then the law enforcement team’s people are moving, and the two sides are all kinds of The skin of the old cow has been pressed very low: "The dark temperament of this side is not so good, don't say that grab the site, and deal with them can be careful, the dark demon is the most taboo to be stared Eyes are stunned, and it’s a big jealousy to stare for a second or two. It’s going to be a rhythm with your life, too glassy, ​​untouchable! Can’t afford it!”

Feeling the unfriendly eyes cast from the sinister shops around him, Pharaoh is also hurrying to see the nose, nose and heart, be a man, don't pretend when you shouldn't force it, nothing to provoke a bad life, deliberately provoke others Traditionally used, that is stupid.

Passing through this gloomy street, I saw a huge gully, a few kilometers wide, and the bottom of the city is not deep. It is like a giant pit, but there are many ancient manpower lifts. Covered around this huge pit. Wang Zhong had seen it before visiting this city, but it didn’t go down. It’s been a very good city. Why do you want to get such a place?

"Xingmeng has a lot of ethnic life habits. It is very strange. Such big pits are found in many urban areas in the land. There are more than one big city. There are some strange races that can’t be seen in the light. This is our land. The land boundary is said to have a set of dark laws below is much more cruel and **** than the ground. This kind of lower-level pits produces a lot of good things, rich in minerals, and is also the main refining site of the star stone. First, those higher civilizations need this kind of hard work, so as long as these underground races don't come up, the Star Alliance will not take care of it." The old cow sighed: "I heard that the poor races below are poor and rich, rich races However, it is rich and oily. Although the lifts are open to the public, they are basically used for trading goods. Normal people will not go down. Otherwise, let’s not say the underground **** rules, even the environment below this huge gully, high temperature. , low pressure, super-gravity and even a lot of vacuum, it is not a place where normal life can survive, and it can go down and trade with those underground races. Zerg, so don't look at the Zerg are some low-worms, but these stupids are actually rich in oil in the Star Alliance. It is one of the few eight-level civilizations. Hey, when I mention stupid bugs, I want to vomit. Oh, my mother will make money..."

"Digging? The domain has not been hollowed out?" Wang asked curiously.

The old cow rolled his eyes. "How many times have you told me not to use the idea of ​​lower civilization to compare, Grandma's, the level of this language candy is not good, Tianhe and the Styx will continue to breed new resources, and resources It will change and the method of extraction will be different. It will not destroy the domain itself. You are stupid on that day. Even if we are all dead, they will not let the domain of the gods be destroyed."

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