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Chapter 78: New Year's Feast

Whether it is jealousy or hate, resentment or sorrow, Jun Chengyan's life has ended, even if he is alive, he has no chance to do anything.

Back to the palace, Ling Qiyang was eating breakfast. Jun Lixuan touched his ruddy face, and then touched his stomach, as a greeting to him and the children.

"Jun Chengyan has been sent?" Ling Qiyang asked, feeling that Jun Lixuan came back earlier than he expected.

"Yeah." Jun Lixuan nodded and sat with him.

"It's kind of merciful to want to come to the emperor, so he arranged a quiet place for him. If he really stays with those who are suffering from madness, even good people will go mad." As a doctor, Ling Qiyang also understands that he is normal. If a person is locked up with a madman, that kind of despair will really drive people mad. This is why the majority of people in Leng Gong are crazy, and those who have not gone crazy are just a matter of time.

"The emperor father probably pityed him too. After all, the emperor father never paid attention to him. Rong Shi not only used him, but also killed his mother and concubine. Even if he was in a variety of ways, he did not really hurt others. Take revenge for your mother and concubine." Jun Lixuan guessed that Emperor Yanxi was not exiled for this reason. Besides, seeing that it is the end of the year, everything must be postponed and light sentenced, so as to accumulate blessings for the new year.

"Well, that's fine. Anyway, the Rong clan has been eliminated, and Jun Chengyan can't make any waves anymore. Let's forgive others." Ling Qiyang laughed. The days after this are not clean, and other things are not so important. As for the eldest prince, they never put him in their eyes, so it is not to be feared.

Jun Lixuan nodded, changed the subject, and said, "Second brother will enter Beijing in a few days. It's rare for the second brother to come back during the Chinese New Year. I think it will be more lively this year."

"Yes. Has the emperor arranged the second prince's residence?" Ling Qiyang asked. Doing the math, he has been married to the Lin Palace for a full year, and the time has passed in a hurry, which really makes people sigh.

"Not yet, it is estimated that it will be arranged in these two days." I think this matter should not fall to him.

"If you didn't arrange it for you, you should also take care of one or two. After all, when we went to the second brother's fief, he was quite thoughtful to us." Although Jun Chengjing is the prince, he has been away from Beijing for many years, and it is rare. After the New Year's Day, he naturally can't make him feel strange.

"Well, don't worry. I will let someone arrange it." Jun Lixuan smiled.

In the morning of the next day, Emperor Yanxi handed over to Jun Liyuan to receive the second prince and arrange his residence.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, six pens will be sealed, and the office will be reopened until the 15th of the first lunar month. On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Jun Chengjing and his entourage arrived in the capital, and Jun Lixuan and Jun Liyuan went to pick him up at the gate of the city together.

There were not many people led by Jun Chengjing, and a small team was not very conspicuous. At most, he was regarded as a merchant. The guard who took the lead obviously recognized Jun Lixuan and hurriedly signaled to stop. Then he dismounted and said to Jun Chengjing in the car: "Master, Lord Lin is down."

Upon hearing this, Jun Chengjing immediately lifted the curtain of the car and smiled: "Seventh brother. Third brother is also here." The guard had never seen Jun Liyuan, and it was natural that he hadn't notified him.

"Second brother." The two walked over.

"This is a cold day, have you waited for a long time?" Jun Chengjing felt a little sorry, "Come up and get warm."

The two of them got into the carriage without seeing them. As military commanders, they are actually not afraid of the cold, but the second brother is kind, and they haven't seen each other for a long time, so naturally they have to say something.

The leading guards led the convoy to follow Jun Liyuan's guards to the arranged post, while the three of them relived the past on the stable carriage.

"Where is the sixth brother?" It stands to reason that these two people are here, and the sixth one will definitely follow, but he didn't see anyone, so he asked.

Jun Liyuan smiled helplessly: "Lao Liu is arguing with his father, and is also asking his father to divide the fief, and he wants to go to the fief just like you."

"What's the matter?" Jun Chengjing was puzzled. He knew that their father was the best to Jun Liche, how could he make Jun Liche angry so far?

"He is interested in his Qingzi, but the father does not agree." Jun Liyuan said simply: "So he was angry, so he didn't ask any political affairs, and waited for his father to make him leave Beijing. Pick you up. Although the matter was a family matter, it could also be regarded as a political matter, so he did not follow it."

"Who is that Qingzi?" Jun Chengjing asked again.

"It's Qi Yang's cousin. The child from his father's side is now registered." Jun Lixuan said. The matter about raising the Shadow Guard was kept hidden from others. Now that Xiaoying has an official identity, there is no need to mention the Shadow Guard. And for Jun Chengjing, it is better to do more than to do less.

"Is it the sixth child that Qing will not marry?" He didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to Jun Liche.

"Yeah." Jun Liyuan nodded, "That is, if he changes to someone else, the father will definitely be angry."

"The emperor father has high expectations for the sixth child, and he probably hopes that he will marry a woman. Lixuan has already married Qingzi, and you and the sixth child have no concubines. It is natural for the emperor to make good plans." Jun Cheng Jing paused, and continued: "The emperor's concubines are all rules set by the ancestors for women. Although it's okay for the queen of the palace, the woman is always the best prince. If Liche married the prince, then everyone's eyes Will stay with you, and your choice of concubine will become the focus of discussion at the court."

"I..." Jun Liyuan sighed slightly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my father's wish..."

Jun Chengjing looked at him unexpectedly, "You..."

Jun Liyuan smiled helplessly, "The person I like is not a woman."

Jun Chengjing was speechless for a while before he sighed and said, "I really convinced you both. Well, it's the most important thing for you to be happy about it. If you have anything to help, just tell me, you must do your best for your brother."

"Well, I would like to thank the second brother first." Jun Liyuan nodded, it is always good to have one more person to help.

"How is your younger brother?" Jun Chengjing knew that he couldn't manage too much of their affairs, so he just talked about the topic.

"Well, it's not bad." Jun Lixuan smiled, "It's been eight months, and they are twins. They said that they might be born prematurely at any time, so be careful."

"It's actually twins. Congratulations. It's really quick to say that you are going to be a father." Jun Chengjing smiled.

Thinking of his child who might be born at any time, Jun Lixuan couldn't help feeling happy. "Originally, Qi Yang wanted to come, but the temperature in Beijing has dropped so much recently, so I let him stay in the house."

"Yes, we are not outsiders. It is important for my younger brother to take good care of myself. When I finish seeing my father, I will go to your house to see him." Jun Chengjing smiled.

"Okay." Jun Lixuan is naturally welcome when he is coming.

The three of them talked all the way, and after sending Jun Chengjing to the post house, considering his hard work along the way, Jun Lixuan and Jun Liyuan left on a new trip, and planned to meet again in Prince Yi's Mansion in a few days.

On the next day, Jun Chengjing entered the palace miansheng. After inviting Ann to Emperor Yanxi and talking about the fiefdom, he went to Yakun Palace to meet the queen.

The queen felt very distressed for the child who left Beijing at a young age. She asked him carefully how he was living, and then asked him to pay attention to his body. Finally, he stayed in Yakun Palace, saying that he would return to the post house after the party at the beginning of the year.

Regarding the queen's concern, Jun Chengjing was very moved, and sent the beads he personally requested to the queen, showing his filial piety. The emperor listened to the maidservant in the queen's palace to report, saying that the queen wanted to invite the second prince to stay in the palace for a few days, but did not say much, just nodded. He knew that the queen was kind, and it was reasonable to keep the child in a small place.

On the thirtieth of the year, as usual, all the princes and princes and relatives must attend. Xiaoying and Mo Qingge were not qualified to go. Even if Jun Liche didn't want to go, he couldn't add obstacles to the emperor and the queen on this day. Fortunately, Ling Qiyang had already considered this issue, and had also agreed with his father and master to bring Xiaoying and Mo Qingge to the house together, and have a New Year meal with them.

Now Jun Liyuan and Jun Liche are relieved. After all, no one wants to leave the person they like in the house alone for the New Year. No matter how rich the food is, it can't cover up a person's loneliness.

After noon, Xiaoying and Mo Qingge rode to the Lin Palace in a carriage, first greeted Daddy Ling and Gu Yao before going to Ling Qiyang to chat.

Looking at his pregnant belly, Mo Qingge asked with some worry: "Are you okay to go out like this?"

Xiaoying also frowned, feeling that Ling Qiyang shouldn't go out like this, "Yes, it snowed all night again yesterday, and the road is not easy to walk, can't you take a vacation to the palace?"

"Today is a big day, don't go to this compliance." Ling Qiyang smiled and shook his head. These two children have become more and more in love recently. Sometimes he was so tired by these two little things that he just wanted to lie down, not even going for a walk.

Royal rules are sometimes really inappropriate, but there is no way, no one can change the rules of the ancestors.

Seeing that the two still disagree, Ling Qiyang smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll go to the emperor's place to rest after eating something." The reason why he didn't worry too much was because the child has grown up now, even if he wants to come out. There is no big problem.

"Okay. The snowy road is slippery, you can go early later. You don't have to rush on the road, just walk slowly." Mo Qingge said helplessly.

"Well, I know. You don't have to be too cautious in the house, just say what you want to eat." Ling Qiyang said.

"Don't worry. Thanks to your thoughtful thoughts, Xiaoying and I won't spend the New Year on our own." Mo Qingge laughed. In fact, he had thought about the scene of eating New Year's dinner alone before, and knew that he had to let Jun Liyuan go. Now Ling Qiyang called him and Xiaoying over, making him forget the sense of loss at the time.

"Yeah." Xiaoying nodded aside. Originally, he was sad because the emperor did not agree with him and Jun Liche. Although Jun Liche had been with him during this period and did not show any worries, he knew that Jun Liche also had a knot in his heart. This knot was Because he was not recognized. In addition to Jun Liche's move to stay with him even if he gave up his future, although he was touched, he still felt sorry for Jun Liche, so he could only do better to him to make up for it. In this way, Xiaoying feels that the pressure is extremely high. Although this will not affect the relationship between them, it is also a problem that cannot be ignored. Being able to come to Prince Lin's Mansion now to spend the New Year with Daddy Ling and the others has also made Xiaoying, who has been under pressure recently, feel a lot more relaxed and feel much better.

"In fact, when you come here for the New Year, I also hope that you will accompany my father and master for me. Although they are in the palace, I have to go into the palace. I can't accompany each other. It's really unfilial." Ling Qiyang smiled. He really wanted to spend a year with his father and master, especially after he knew that the master was actually his father. But he couldn't, which really made him a little depressed.

Xiaoying smiled and said: "Then Qingge and I will accompany daddy and seniors on your behalf, so you can enter the palace with peace of mind." This can be done with one stone.

"Yeah." Ling Qiyang nodded with a smile.

As the three of them were talking, Jun Lixuan walked in and said to Ling Qi, "The carriage is ready, let's start early."

"Yeah." Ling Qiyang smiled and stood up.

Jun Lixuan took the fox fur cloak on the couch and wrapped him tightly, and then put on a hat, and then said to Mo Qingge and Xiaoying on the side, "I'm sorry you are here to accompany your father and seniors."

"The prince is polite." Xiaoying laughed.

"Yes, we should thank the prince for letting us come." Mo Qingge continued.

"When the banquet is over, the third and sixth brothers will come to pick you up. If you are afraid that you will be sleepy at night, you can go to rest politely." Jun Lixuan supported Ling Qiyang and said to the two.

"Yes, thank you, Lord." Xiaoying and Mo Qingge responded.

Jun Lixuan didn't say much, and carefully helped Ling Qiyang to walk towards the gate of the palace...


Here comes an update.

There is nothing I want to say today, the more Kavin goes to the back. Continue to work hard!

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