Feng Qingxue gave him a white look and went to the fish counter. Large yellow croaker costs 35 cents per catty and hairtail costs 30 cents per catty. They are all frozen fish, transported thousands of miles away. The fish raised in the pond are fresh and kept in buckets. Swimming happily in it, the price is 20 cents to 30 cents per catty, different types, prices vary, salted fish is 20 cents per catty.

After asking about the price, Feng Qingxue turned back and asked Lu Jiang, who was carrying the big basket on his shoulder, "Do we have any fish tickets?"

Apparently you can't buy it without a ticket.

Lu Jiang brought back a bunch of miscellaneous tickets, which were all collected by his comrades. She did not notice whether there were any fish tickets.

I am so busy every day that I don’t have much time to check the money receipt carefully.

The fish seller smiled and said: "Yes, you have to have a ticket before I can sell fish to you. If you don't have a ticket, you can't buy it. Usually there is no fish to buy, only on New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival." There is only fish in the world, and the government subsidizes part of the money to the aquatic products companies, and the aquatic products companies will sell some cheap fish to us people. Even so, there is not enough to sell, and the supply exceeds the demand. "

"I see that although there are no chicken cakes, there is still a lot of meat and fish left. It doesn't look like the supply exceeds demand."

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, the fish seller knew that they were not from the city, so she explained: "Don't look at what I said about the lunar calendar and solar calendar festivals. In fact, they all invoice according to the lunar calendar. It's only the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month." No., although it’s been 63 years since New Year’s Day, it’s still early for the Spring Festival. The chicken tickets, fish tickets, and peanut tickets are all extra tickets and are not included in the usual supply. They will be given out as the holiday approaches. Aquatic products are sent in advance. Come. If you don’t believe it, come and see in a few days, I guarantee you won’t even have to buy salted fish!”

Feng Qingxue understood and turned to ask Lu Jiang: "Look, do we have any fish tickets?"

"The place where our troops are stationed is not close to a river, so there should be no fish stamps. I remember that fish stamps often appear in supply tickets only in coastal areas. However, it is not necessarily true. Sometimes supply trucks will carry some aquatic products. "Lu Jiang thought for a while, took out the tickets in his pocket, flipped through them several times, pulled out a fish ticket, and said in surprise: "Qingxue, look, there is a fish ticket!"

Feng Qingxue was very happy. She took it over and took a look, "It's only two pounds!"

"Two kilograms is a lot! Only a family of three will be given two kilograms of fish stamps, and a family of five will be given three kilograms of fish stamps." The fish seller could tell at a glance that they were military ration stamps, and she was very enthusiastic, "Sister, what kind of fish are you buying? , I picked it out for you.”

"Big yellow croaker!" Feng Qingxue said without hesitation.

The fish seller picked out two large yellow croakers for her, each one weighing about a kilogram. She gave her a little nod, but the fish seller was definitely not very accurate, so she charged two kilograms of fish tickets and sold the fish for two kilograms and fifty taels.

After buying all the things he needed, Lu Jiang took the cigarette tickets and approval slips and bought two packs of Daqianmen and two bottles of Maotai.

Daqianmen sells 350 cents a pack, while Maotai still costs 78 yuan a bottle.

Feng Qingxue smacked her tongue, it was indeed a luxury product, it was a luxury product no matter what era.

Although prices are very low in this era, wages are also low. When I just chatted with the fish seller, I learned that most workers earn more than 20 yuan a month. Even those with urban household registration have a supply of commercial grain. , but if you don’t work, you don’t get a salary, so the family lives on one salary and every penny has to be spent wisely.

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