This year's exam is divided into liberal arts and science subjects. The liberal arts examination subjects are Chinese, politics, mathematics, and history and geography. The science examination subjects are Chinese, politics, mathematics, and physics and chemistry. Those who apply for foreign language majors have an additional foreign language test.

There are two days of exams in total, and one subject is taken in half a day.

The four subjects total 400 points. It is said that the Shanghai area has completed the exam ten days in advance.

Although Xibao did not apply for the foreign language test, he still took the foreign language test and found that Xie Fei was also taking the foreign language test. The two teenagers, who were considered the youngest in the examination room, looked at each other and smiled in unison.

"Thank you, Lu Tianmao, your coat is very warm." After the exam, Xie Fei took off his coat and gave it back to Xibao, "I haven't been cold in my sleep for the past two days. Several educated youths in the same room as me have brought I'll take the exam. You're kind to me. We must have a meal when we get to the capital."

Father Lu and Cheng Baoguo were waiting outside the examination room and came over when they saw their grandson.

Xibao took the coat that Xie Fei returned to him, turned around and took the package carried by Cheng Baoguo and handed it to Xie Fei, "I'm looking forward to our dinner in the capital. In order to eat for free, you have to take care of yourself. This It’s a dress my mother made for me. I wear it out and give it to you as a souvenir. When you wear it, you’ll remember that you owe me a meal.”

In fact, it was Cheng Baoguo and Lu's father who brought him the cotton-padded clothes he brought into the city to replace. He felt that Xie Fei's clothes were still thin even after returning his military coat, but the weather was getting colder and colder. It was like the snow had melted today, and it was worse than when it snowed. It was still cold, so I decided to give it to Xie Fei to wear.

People at this time will not dislike old clothes. After all, most of them are filled with patches and patches and are extremely worn out.

Xie Fei's lips twitched and he didn't know what to say.

Xibao opened it directly and put an old cotton-padded jacket inside on him, and stuffed the rest into his hand along with the furoshiki, "If you feel you deserve it, give me a new one tomorrow. If you trade the old one for the new one, it will be a huge profit." , I won’t suffer any loss!”

"Thank you, Lu Tianmao." Xie Fei whispered, keeping it in his heart.

I saw from the newspaper that his grandfather had been rehabilitated. Maybe one day in the future, he would be able to buy a lot of new clothes, but at this moment, these old clothes were as heavy as a mountain, and they were what he needed most urgently.

Xibao waved his hand, "You're welcome, Xie Fei, we're going home, goodbye!"

Lu's father and Cheng Baoguo remained silent, but they praised their grandson's actions.

"You have to thank your mother!" Cheng Baoguo said on the way to Zhao Anbang's house, "If your mother hadn't made you this leather coat, how could you be so kind as to lend your coat to others?"

Xibao nodded heavily, "I'll call my mother when I get to my godfather's house."

When Feng Qingxue received the call, she couldn't help but smile. While feeling proud of her son, she said: "You have to be grateful to your old Northeastern Uncle Hu. He has been helping our family collect fur and ginseng treasures all these years. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to wear them." Leather jacket?”

"Then mom, don't forget to say thank you for me."

"Don't worry, I just have something to send them."

On the day when her eldest son took the college entrance examination, Feng Qingxue received another Northeastern mountain product from Lao Hu, including dried pheasant, hare and roe deer, fried pine nuts, hazelnuts and pecans, dried fungus and hazel mushrooms, and canned red Intestines, several pieces of tanned mink skin, and a wooden box containing two old wild ginseng, the quality is quite good.

The mountain goods were prepared by Lao Hu and were his own, but Lao Ginseng belonged to an old fellow who was in urgent need of money.

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