Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 257 76. Come On, Come On, Before You Go Out And Work Hard, Take A Candy First

Chapter 257 76. Come on, come on, before you go out and work hard, take a candy first

There is a rebellion in the lower levels of Blackrock Spire!

A group of ogres who ran back from the battlefield, under the leadership of their cruel and clever King Omo Ke, rushed into the city of Hodemar in the Blackstone Spire and occupied it.

The way to the upper level of the tower was firmly guarded.

Ogres are a group of guys with insufficient brains, and they certainly cannot find such an exquisite defensive position by themselves.

This was apparently ordered by Chief Red, who had begun to become cunning.

Arrange this group of ogres who are loyal to him and capable of fighting in key positions, and leave the rest of the lower level of the Blackstone Tower to the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Once the agreement between the Warchief and the Dark Iron Emperor Thaurissan is reached, the lower levels of Blackrock Spire will immediately flow with blood.

But in the current situation, this kind of disposal is obviously beneficial to both parties.

In the lower level of the Blackstone Tower, which had been strategically abandoned, the army of Chief Red was in a chaotic infighting and switched defenses. The orcs loyal to Red were all switched from the lower level to the upper level.

Those orcs from other clans who deliberately caused trouble were stuffed into the barracks at the lower level of Blackrock Spire for various reasons.

Outside the tower, an army of Dark Iron dwarves has surrounded the gate, and the war is imminent.

No one cares about these lawless orcs.

In this dark and empty area of ​​the lower level, there will be large-scale fights and frequent bloodshed, but it is cheap for Bo Laike, who is disguised as an orc warlock, to fish in troubled waters.

He was mixed in with this group of orcs, and swaggered towards the cages in the depths of the lower floor where human prisoners were held.

He conveniently extracted the life force of those orcs who were knocked to the ground and screamed at the death, poured them into the soul stones in their hands, and made them into green "sugar".

It's actually a healing stone.

This is the player's "pet name" for the Warlock's Healing Stone.

Especially in the vanilla era, when players were generally very poor, some "thrifty and thrifty housekeepers" to outrageous ribs would not use precious healing potions until they were in desperate situation.

In this case, the free healing stone from the warlock is naturally a good thing that is sought after by people.

Of course, the so-called "sugar door rolling", which seriously hurt the feelings of warlock friends, also appeared at that time.

I'm so pissed off!

In the scorching hot air of the Blackrock Spire, it made people tremble with anger, and their whole body felt cold.

Warlocks who have been treated differently by other professions, when will they really stand up.

With this myth of playful memories of the past, Laike leaned on a bone staff and walked slowly to the human captives at the lower level of Blackrock Spire.

In front of him were several cages that had been used to keep the Wargs, and they smelled disgusting. As soon as Laike approached, he couldn't help pinching his nose.

A group of human prisoners of war were locked in the cage. Judging from their appearance, they must have been beaten by brutal orcs when they were caught before.

One by one was miserable, and almost everyone was injured.

But seeing the orc warlock disguised by Braike approaching, these human soldiers who were resting and cursing stood up one by one, and made various provocative gestures towards Braike regardless of the dirt on the cage .

They would rather die than be humiliated by this group of orc scum again.

"Ha, someone told me that you are all the elite of the Stormwind Kingdom? What's your name, Company B?"

Bu Laike bowed his waist in a playful way, pretending to be the haze that an orc warlock should have. He carefully observed the group of people in front of him with his disguised blue face with fangs and orc eyes.

"Hey, I don't see any elite appearance. Maybe Varian's picky warrior's vision is really not very good. Hey, what's your name?"

The pirates paid no heed to the yelling human soldiers.

His gaze crossed the crowd, and landed on a human soldier sitting in the corner of the cage, closing his eyes and resting his mind, looking very calm.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen by the orcs, his face was covered with blood, but he didn't utter a moan, and all the equipment on his body was stripped off. He was tearing off his clothes, and wrapped the cloth strips around his hands silently.

It is worth noting that this guy put a red cloth strip on his head.

This reminded Bu Laike of a hunk from the Stormwind Kingdom. If you count the time, the person in front of you should be exactly the one in Bu Laike's memory.

The pirate asked a question, but got no answer.

The cool guy looked very silent, not in the mood to answer an orc's question at all, while the other soldiers moved their bodies tacitly to protect the hunk.

Obviously, this guy has a high reputation among this group of human captives.

"cough cough"

Bu Laike looked around, coughed a few times, lowered his voice, and said to the soldiers in front of him:

"I have bad news for you, human warriors, there is a riot in the lower Blackrock Spire. The newly appointed Chief Red is a big waste, and he can't suppress this group of defeated soldiers from various clans.

Now they are fighting among themselves, killing each other.

That trash Reid didn't care about it at all, and allowed the civil strife at the lower level of Blackrock Tower. I just heard that the group of rebels planned to decide the winner, and re-elect a commander at the lower level of Blackrock Tower to fight against the Black Iron dwarves surrounded outside. . "

"What bad news is this?"

A human soldier in the cage laughed loudly, punched the cage in front of him, and said in a sarcasm:

"That's good news.

We couldn't be happier to see you greenskins killing each other, and the more dead the better. By the Holy Light, if you are handsome enough to kill your own people, we will definitely applaud you. "

"Good news? Are you sure?"

The pirate said quietly:

"If the orcs want to start a war with the Dark Iron Dwarves, they will always use you as sacrifice flags. After the greenskins finish fighting among themselves, they will drag you out and chop you up in public to boost morale.

In other words, my human friends, no matter who wins or loses the big fight outside, you are all dead.


It makes me so happy to see you guys so unlucky. "


The young warrior in the cage spat bloody saliva at Laike, but was nimbly avoided by the pirates.

With a weird, elongated, beating laugh, he turned around, and soon found a broken cauldron in the corner of the cell.

It should be the pot that the orcs used to cook.

Bu Laike brought the cauldron over, placed it in front of the cage of the human captive with a bang, and took off his own luggage specially used to hold the soul stone.

In front of a group of human captives, he opened his luggage and poured a bunch of things emitting a faint green light into the pot.

Those things don't look like serious good things at first glance.

Each one is about the size of a pebble, with uneven surfaces, like transparent irregular crystals, but the inside is filled with a strange green magic power.

Looking carefully, those small stones are really similar to the hard candies made by goblins.

Although the goblins are black-hearted and often shoddy, at least the candies they make will never emit such a damn green light.

It's almost like being contaminated with radiation dust! It looks like a poisonous thing.

"this thing!"

Bu Laike took out a healing stone from the black cauldron, and threw it up and down in his hand.

The green light emitted by the thing illuminated his face a little bit. Under the gloomy light, he said to a group of human captives in the cage in front of him:

"It's an evil thing covered in poison. I call it 'soul candy'. It's made by very, very evil means. If you witnessed the process of making it, you good babies will probably be scared at night. Pee, and then run to my mother crying.

How it tastes, I don't know.

But it is without a doubt what you most need right now. "

Under the surprised gazes of the quiet soldiers, Laike tapped lightly on his body to remove the camouflage, revealing his appearance as an alliance assassin.

This change made the prisoners in the cage exclaim, and the next moment they tightly covered their mouths.

this person.

Although his tone was not good, he showed the perverted appearance of a big villain.

But there was no doubt that he had come to save them!

"There are thirty-seven orcs in the hall outside the cell where you are held, and there are sixteen of you. On average, you have to kill at least two of them before you can escape.

But even escaping from the hall was useless. The road from the lower level of the Blackstone Tower to the inner ring of the Blackstone Mountain was full of orcs standing guard, and the gates on both sides had been sealed by orcs and black iron dwarves.

If you want to escape, the only way you can grab a drilling machine from the Dark Iron Dwarves is. "

The pirate crossed his hips, playing with the healing stone in his hand, and said to the captives in front of him who were listening attentively to him:

"To be honest, the probability of success of this plan is estimated to be less than one in a thousand. It is a dead end. But since you are the elite of Stormwind Kingdom, you should not be afraid of death, right?

So, let's take a chance.

Let's see if you can create a miracle. I have experienced too many things in the past two days, and now I really want to see a miracle to relax. "

The pirate stretched out his hand, took the lockpicking tool, and twisted the lock of the cage a few times. He took out a few weapons from the magic bag and placed them at the door of the cage.

Finally, he took out a pocket watch and waved it in front of the eyes of a group of Union soldiers with different expressions.


"I'll just wait for you outside the hall for ten minutes. As soon as the time is up, I'll leave immediately. Whether you can escape alive depends on whether you are elite enough, everyone in B Company."

"Ten minutes, the countdown begins! Oh, don't forget, each person takes three 'candies', only three, and eat them when they are about to be hacked to death.

Now, like this. "

The pirate pulled away his mask, threw the healing stone into his mouth, rubbed it, and chewed it into pieces like eating hard candy.

A large wave of pure life force exploded from his mouth, and quickly merged into every part of his body, which lifted Laike's spirit. Then the pirate raised his brows, clutched his stomach, and retched as he watched from the sidelines under the stunned stares of the alliance prisoners.


The pirate covered his mouth and almost spit it out.

The effect of this healing stone is really good, but the taste of the mixture of magic power and life force is too strong, and the old eighth who is an unusually big gourmet probably can't stand it.

No wonder his incompetent subordinate Xieyan, although he can also make healing stones, he never eats them himself.

Even the orcs, who are not taboos of meat and vegetables, can't bear this taste!

"Uh, don't worry about it, there will inevitably be an adaptation period for the first time, and it will be fine if you eat more in the future."

Bu Laike wiped his mouth and tried to maintain his image of a master. He folded his arms and said coldly to the prisoners who came out of the cage in front of him:

"Remember, I'll only wait for you for ten minutes."


The figure of the pirate disappeared before everyone's eyes, like a cool exit that a high-level assassin should have.

A group of soldiers hesitated, wondering if this was a trap.

But the silent hunk just pushed aside the crowd. He rubbed his cheeks swollen by the orcs, pushed away the cage, grabbed a war bow in his hand, and put the quiver behind his back.

Glancing at the oily green "sugar" in the black pot next to it, he gritted his teeth, picked one up, threw it into his mouth, and crunched it into pieces.

The wounds on his face and body healed miraculously quickly, and his exhausted and painful body was like drinking a can of Red Bull, recovering its energy within seconds.

But this taste is indeed somewhat.

The pale-faced hunk wiped his mouth, trying not to taste the taste left in his mouth, and put two more of the green "sugar" into his pocket.

He turned around and said to the people behind him:

"Boys of B Company, you heard me!

Each of us has to kill at least two orcs before we can escape. But to be honest, I don't really care much if I get out."

"I just want to kill these greenskins like that ruthless orc killer who is as legendary as you are! It is enough for each of you to kill one, and leave the rest to me, brothers.

Now, everyone eats a soul candy! Pack your gear and go with me!

Let's kill the orcs! "

(end of this chapter)

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