There is a good saying that plans cannot keep up with changes.

When the Azeroth Vanguard finally waited for reinforcements from Jarod, the situation within Argus took a new turn.

The Legion of the Holy Light, which started fiercely like a tiger, was besieged by the returning Admiral Sphrax's army, and soon couldn't resist it. Some of them broke up and hid in various parts of Krokuun, and some rushed to board Zenidaar. No. evacuated.

According to the information that Algalon ventured to investigate, Zenidar evacuated all the way east and hid in a floating island.

Protoss Algalon's personal strength can only be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of the Titan Guardians, but his advantage of being able to quickly shuttle through the universe as a single soldier is very suitable for scouting intelligence.

According to the information provided by Algalon, there are a large number of architectural ruins of Eredar civilization on this floating island, most of which are relatively intact.

"The most eye-catching thing on the floating island is a huge palace in the center. The area seems to be invaded by void creatures, and a strong void atmosphere can be felt everywhere."

"Palace?" Velen's expression changed, "Could it be..."

Andrea, who had regained her memory, had already guessed the name of this floating island. It should be Mac'Aree, the political, technological, cultural and financial center of the eredar.

And the palace located in the center of Mac'Aree was the office where the three-member ruling group used to manage the country - the seat of the ruling group.

Andrea smiled wryly, "It seems that we have to divide our troops again. I didn't expect the Holy Light Legion to lose so easily."

Eonar also knew something about this resistance army that wandered behind the enemy all year round. She explained, "It's a miracle that the Legion of Light can persist in Argus for such a long time."

"In the early years, they also owned more than a dozen naaru spaceships. After the souls of the Titans were captured, they rushed out of their hiding places and had a fierce battle with the Burning Legion, trying to liberate the souls of Aman'Thul and others."

"Although the ambition is commendable, it's a pity that Sargeras himself was unable to resist. The Legion of the Holy Light suffered a very serious loss. Now there is only one flagship, the Zenidar."

Andrea was a little speechless, "Conflict with the Demon King head-on? Isn't it too reckless?"

"If the dozen or so naaru spaceships can be preserved, the current situation will be different."

Velen stroked his beard and pondered, "In any case, Zenidar, who is driven by Zela, the Mother of Light, is a great reinforcement after all. We must get in touch with the Legion of Light."

"I'm in charge of persuading Kil'jaeden, I can't get away for the time being, considering that most of the members of the Holy Light Legion are our Draenei compatriots..."

"Akama, Yrel."


Vindicator Archbishop Akama and Yrel rose to their feet simultaneously.

Velen continued to order, "Lead your troops to the floating island to get in touch with the Legion of Holy Light."

"I suspect that the floating island is the most important capital of Eredar civilization, Mac'Aree."

"Tamara, you, as my representative, will go with Akama and Yrel. If there is a chance..."

Velen hesitated for a moment, sighed and said, "Take back the Enlightenment Mark and Knowledge Laurel from the Seat of the Tribunal as much as possible, and we may still be useful in the future."

Tamara, the assistant standing behind the prophet, hastily said in a solemn voice, "Yes!"

According to Algalon's observations, most of the planet Argus, which once gave birth to the splendid civilization of Eredar, was riddled with holes due to evil energy corrosion.

There are only three areas that are barely intact, namely Krokuun, where Kil'jaeden is imprisoned, the Antoran wasteland where the Burning Throne is located, and the floating island that is suspected to be Mac'Aree.

The main force of the Azeroth Expeditionary Force was handed over by Andrea to Commander Garrod, who took full command of the attack on the Antoran Wasteland and opened the passage to the Burning Throne.

Velen's task is equally important. He will lead the partial division to quickly break through the Nathrax Fortress that imprisoned Kil'jaeden, and persuade Kil'jaeden to turn against Sargeras to start a rebellion.

As one of the commanders who have led the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years, Kil'jaeden has accumulated contacts and prestige in the Burning Legion that Sargeras cannot underestimate.

Especially the Eredars of his kindred, the rate of obedience to Kil'jaeden is terrifyingly high.

According to the information provided by Eonar, Kil'jaeden's imprisonment by Sargeras caused great dissatisfaction among the eredar, but no one dared to stand up and publicly oppose it due to the power of the fallen titan.

Given the bond between Velen and Kil'jaeden who are constantly arguing and returning to chaos, he has a high probability of persuading Kil'jaeden to rescue him himself.

Even if he doesn't completely fall to the side of Azeroth, as long as he is willing to launch a rebellion against Sargeras, it can play a considerable role in restraining the main force of the expeditionary force from attacking the Antoran wasteland.

The last route was led by Archbishop Akama, and a large number of draenei rushed to Mac'Aree to get in touch with the Legion of Light.

The floating island of Mac'Aree is an area where the forces of the Burning Legion are relatively weak, but this does not mean that Mac'Aree is safe. On the contrary, Mac'Aree is also in danger under the invasion of the void forces.

However, this kind of chaotic area where there are many struggles is the most suitable place to hide under the current situation.

Andrea considered three different routes, and finally chose to follow Akama and others to Mac'Aree to search for the Legion of Light.

Azshara had little interest in finding people, and she decided to follow Velen to meet Kil'jaeden, by the way, as a last resort in case the fraudster refused to cooperate.

Shandris, as the general of the sentinel force, must stay on the frontal battlefield to command the battle, and Soldiers such as Leticia and Lunara must also accompany him.

Seres stayed at home to take care of little Reinhardt, and did not enter Argus with the expeditionary force. In the end, only Aurora and her father went to Mac'Aree in a small spaceship.

Most of the draenei of the same generation as Velen are dead, and even Archbishop Akama has never seen Mac'Aree, the capital of the eredar.

The spaceship landed in front of a large square in the south of the floating island, and Akama, Yrel and the others immediately began to build a frontline position.


Tamara suddenly frowned and looked at the seemingly empty square, "There is movement in the square."

Andrea Yigao is a bold person who had anticipated the situation in the square, so she walked into the square with her daughter Aurora first.

The moment he stepped into the square, some nearby existence seemed to be stimulated, and a large number of translucent soul phantoms appeared on the square.

These souls include both the eredar who joined the Burning Legion, and the draenei who still insisted on fighting. The only difference between the warring parties is the color of their skin.

Aurora is not afraid of ghosts, but the vivid scene in front of her makes her scalp tingle.

"Is it the soul of obsession that cannot be dispelled? It can actually construct an entire soul illusion. How many people died here..."

Andrea rubbed her daughter's head and said, "This should be the last battlefield when Velen and the others escaped from Argus, look."

Looking along Andrea's fingers, Aurora and the others saw the jigsaw puzzle singing loudly in the center of the square to boost the morale of the Draenei.

"Naru? Or a phantom of the soul?"

Akama was very puzzled by this, "It's strange, in my impression, Naaru itself is an energy form, and there should be no such phantom state of the soul."

Andrea nodded and explained, "This naaru soul form is not real, it's just one of the soul illusion background boards constructed based on the inherent impressions of these souls on the square."

At this time, the "unknown" naaru was being beaten by many eredar, and its singing began to tremble and break, and the sound of pain couldn't help being mixed in.

"Let them go."

Andrea opened her hands, and the bright holy light that enveloped the entire square shone on everyone present.

Akama and the others could only feel the warmth, but the ghosts present screamed in pain, and finally, under the purification of the holy light, they turned into green smoke and dispersed with the color of liberation.

"Okay, let's build a camp around this square."

Andrea floated into the air to observe the nearby terrain and biological distribution, "If I were the commander of the Legion of the Holy Light, where would I choose as Zenidar's hiding place?"

Thanks to the book friend "Waghuan" for the reward.

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