Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 781 Gods and Powers

Andrea didn't know how much time Illidan would need to complete the task, but the demon hunter always kept his word, and Andrea still chose to believe in him and patiently waited for Illidan's return.

During the waiting period, Andrea put the arcane puppets that had just left the factory into practical use, and set up two new production lines, which once again accelerated the production efficiency of the spaceship.

The mass accelerator is already in place, and now everything is ready. Before Illidan returns, Andrea intends to hoard as many spaceships as possible.

For this reason, he specifically requested support from the guardians of Ulduar, and the earthlings went deep into the mountains of the Storm Cliffs on a large scale to mine more Titan God iron ore.

Titanium Iron is a rare ore produced in Northrend's unique climate and guardian breath.

Except for the areas where various Titan facilities are located, there will be a certain amount of production, and the production in other areas is extremely rare.

After reclaiming the ancient beach and the storm cliff, a large number of titans were also put into the mining and refining of minerals.

Without the knowledge of most Azeroth creatures, the mass-produced space battleships jointly built by night elves and draenei are being produced in large quantities.

The orcs whose capital is located in the Borean Tundra have noticed it, but since Freya closed the Sholazar Basin, the orcs can no longer touch the key areas of Northrend.

Goel could only guess that something big was about to happen recently through the sudden quickening of the pace of the night elves, who had always lived at a slow pace.

With all preparations in place, the era of great interstellar navigation is approaching.

The fertility problem of the night elves must be solved, otherwise they will be overtaken by other races with strong fertility sooner or later in the new era.

N'Zoth's body transformation technique needs to reach the level of a true god to use it freely.

Although Andrea said that it would be difficult for him to break through ahead of Azshara, but considering the warnings from Felicity and Elune, the sense of urgency in his heart prompted him to enter the retreat and strive to return before Illidan Before breaking through to the realm of true gods.

As Tyrande and Malfurion said, Andrea has Luna as her backing.

Elune unreservedly told Andrea about her experience and key breakthrough points.

As the name suggests, a demigod is only a half-human, half-god half-god existence, and only a true god can completely transcend the limits of mortals and officially step into the realm of gods.

Although there is only one realm difference between the two, as Elune said, there is actually a difference between cloud and mud.

There are countless planets in the vast universe, and most of the planets that can give birth to intelligent life can give birth to indigenous demigods.

But the true god is the biggest threshold for these demigods to get out of the mother star and rush to the universe.

The demigod must rely on the soul to entrust the planet to remain immortal, while the true god does not have such restrictions.

As long as they are not caught in an ambush by the bosses in the universe and destroyed, the soul of the god can escape to any corner of the universe and wait for the body to be reshaped.

Moreover, the physical strength of a true god is not at the same level as that of a demigod.

For example, Grom who drank the blood of the demon for the second time can smash the demigod Cenarius with the axe.

But if Cenarius reaches the true god level, even if Grom drinks Mannoroth's blood a dozen times, he can only tickle Cenarius, and even if Mannoroth himself attacks the true god, he may not be able to cause any damage. boundary gap.

The qualitative changes in body and soul doomed it to be extremely difficult for a demigod to break through the threshold of a true god. This is also the most fundamental reason why Azsalaka has been at the peak of a demigod for 10,000 years.

"The biggest difference between a true god and a demigod lies in the understanding and utilization of the rules."

Elune appeared in Andrea's sea of ​​consciousness with her real body, and Luna, who had been abandoned for many years, put on a serious posture rarely.

"The gods have their own set of unique rules, which can be described in terms you commonly use. This is called the power of the gods."

Elune waved a beam of moonlight, simulating it as Azeroth and the two satellites of Blue Boy and White Lady.

"For example, I am called the Moon God. Although I was given the title the day after tomorrow, because my own power is indeed related to the moonlight, with the night elves' long-term savings of faith, I have obtained a part related to the moon. auxiliary powers."

The virtual star in Elune's hands began to change, Ms. Bai's orbit obviously deviated, and the distance between her and Azeroth shortened sharply.

"In this situation, in the eyes of the creatures of Azeroth, the size of Ms. Bai will be greatly expanded, and all spells related to moonlight will be greatly increased."

Andrea couldn't help complaining, "Won't this cause Ms. Bai to be pulled by the gravity of Azeroth?"

Elune rolled her eyes as she was as beautiful as Azshara, "I've said it countless times, you're not in that world called Earth anymore, give up your belief in Newton."

"Since I can use divine power to close the distance between Lady Bai and Azeroth, why do you think I can't make Lady Bai resist the attraction of Azeroth?"

Elune stretched out her finger and poked Andrea on the forehead, "If you want to break through the current realm and understand power, the first thing you need to do is to give up your blind worship of the laws of physics."

"Do things like gods conform to the laws of physics? How do you explain magic?"

Andrea pouted, "Draenei's experience tells us that the end of magic and technology is just the same goal."

"As long as the level of technology is sufficiently developed, and the soul and body are deeply strengthened at the same time, maybe my energy output..."


Elune's face twitched unkindly, "Do you really think so?"

"In your world, what is the soul? Pseudoscience?"

"Anything that cannot be explained by scientific theories will be dismissed as pseudoscience by your group of technology fanatics."

"Can the Chinese herbal medicine treatment you mentioned before be explained clearly by technological means? Are the treatment methods used by your ancestors for thousands of years really so useless?"


Andrea is a little embarrassed. Indeed, even in his original world, there are still many phenomena that cannot be explained by technology.

Elune waved her hand angrily, "Don't say that technology hasn't developed to that level, it will be explained sooner or later, unless it can transcend the inherent limitations of the five senses of intelligent creatures, many unsolved mysteries may remain unexplained until the end of the earth clear."

"What you have to do now is to let go of your excessive worship of physical rules, use your soul intuition beyond the five senses to comprehend the most suitable rules for you, and master your own power."

Andrea sat cross-legged on the ground thoughtfully, "Is it beyond the intuition of the five senses?"

Although 10,000 years have passed, Andrea still vaguely remembers that many large religions in his previous life seemed to like to use descriptions beyond the five senses to explain some strange intuitions that were difficult to be proved by science.

Taoism uses Yuanshen to interpret the soul, Buddhism also has the sayings of mana consciousness and alaya consciousness, and green religion also has descriptions related to the soul and the sixth sense.

However, unlike the flourishing of a hundred flowers in other religions, Green Cult believes that all souls are created by Allah.

Under the guidance of Elune, Andrea entered a state of deep meditation, and could only temporarily ignore the communication with the star soul of Azeroth.

Elune didn't let Star Soul bother him, and took the initiative to take over Andrea's usual responsibilities, doing what she called "chatting with the little kid".

"Come on, Andrea."

While chatting with Xinghun boredly, Elune took a deep look at Andrea's soul in Andrea's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I sincerely hope that you can break through the current realm and become my obedient god."

"Gods are immortal life forms that can exist for hundreds of millions of years, but the loneliness and loneliness brought about by the endless years are beyond the imagination and comprehension of mortals."

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