Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 735 The difference between a rookie and a master

The destructive power caused by the battle between two demigods is unbearable for ordinary people.

As Azshara's adjutant, Felaitris withdrew her gaze from the coastline, commanding the arrayed Naga to retreat into the sea, leaving room for Andrea and Azshara to fight.

Leticia also took a deep breath, bearing in mind Andrea's reminder that she barely suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and calmly ordered the defense line to retreat.

Most of the coastal defense weapons of the night elves are assembled. The swift craftsmen quickly dismantled the heavy coastal defense guns, and the kodo beasts with excellent load capacity and the arcane puppets for transportation put these parts back in batches. transportation.

The month-long high-intensity battle was temporarily suspended, and the craftsmen just took this opportunity to rush to repair and replace the parts of the coastal defense weapons, and try their best to restore the operating efficiency of the coastal defense weapons while the Moon Shadow Speaker was buying time.


Azshara waved her staff casually, and a highly compressed arcane magic bullet smashed into the sea beside Andrea, stirring up a large seawater rain.

Andrea, who was holding the staff of Garnier, did not care about the cover of sight after dodging the magic bullet, but instead used the cover of water mist to release the curtain of holy light.

Azshara's eyes were flashed by the light refracted by the sea water. At the same time, her left hand, which had just raised the staff, suddenly paused for a very short time, and she lost control of her body in an instant.

A look of surprise flashed in Azshara's eyes, but she didn't panic because of it. She raised her free right hand from bottom to top, and a thick and long water column on the sea quickly pierced Andrea.

The water column was frozen the moment it left the sea water, and the sharp point was about to hit the target.


The light blade of Garnier's staff cut off the top of the icicle, and Andrea, who had completed casting the spell at the same time, attracted a large amount of golden energy meteor shower in the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The large-scale spell blasted the sea surface where the two were fighting, and the turbulent waves hit the beach heavily. The coalition soldiers who had just evacuated were terrified and thankful that they evacuated in time.

The continuous meteor shower completely obscured the view on the sea surface. After all, Andrea was not a marine creature. When the meteor shower fell, she used the wind to float into the air.

"Hehe~ not bad."

Ignoring the influence of the seawater, a large golden-red fireball rushed out of the water curtain rapidly, and the water droplets close to the fireball were quickly vaporized, and the high temperature contained in it can be imagined.

Andrea took out the multifunctional magic gun at his waist, adjusted it to the single-shot beam gun mode, and shot it with shadow magic power.


The pierced fireball in the center lost its stability in mid-air, and gradually disintegrated and fell into the sea. The temperature in a small area rose sharply, and the seawater on the surface even began to boil. The high-temperature water vapor forced Andrea to retreat a few meters to keep a distance.


Azshara's bare feet stepped directly on the boiling sea water, and any boiling water that came into contact with her shiny feet was immediately frozen. As she walked forward, a small frozen area soon appeared on the sea surface.

The fire and ice spells cast by mages are not done by calling for the help of elements like shamans. To put it bluntly, they use arcane energy to control the temperature and property changes within the range of the unit. After all, it is still one of the application methods of arcane .

As the first demigod-level arcanist in history, Azshara's control over ice and fire is even more superb. In a short period of time, Andrea experienced the stimulation of ice and fire.

The focus of an arcanist is the study of arcane power. As one of the six original forces of the universe, arcane represents order.

However, arcane art, which is a symbol of order, is not so "orderly" in the hands of a rookie. Arcanists who know little about it can easily use arcane art to tear open the astral passage, and introduce aliens into their own world without their own will.

Compared with the night elves and high elves who have the Well of Eternity and the Sunwell to cover up the traces of using arcane magic, the human rookies of Dalaran committed this big taboo at the beginning of its establishment.

A large number of demons and void creatures entered Azeroth through the astral passage opened by mages inadvertently. This was the most important reason for the establishment of the original Tirisfal Council.

Arcane arts are dangerous and uncontrollable in the hands of rookies, and if you are not careful, it is easy to lead to bad consequences, but in the hands of high-ranking skilled people, their power and gentleness are like what happened in another dimension.

Arcane is like a finger in Azshara's hands, and the three systems of spells seem to have no switching time for her.

One second it was a baptism of ultra-high temperature flames, and the next second it may become an ice storm. There are also some strange spells that others have never heard of, and gravity is one of them.

Compared with the last time he was beaten by Azshara, Andrea is no longer what it used to be. Although he can feel the pressure from the battle with Azshara, at least it is not like facing Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. Again, must rely on the help of allies and artifacts to eke out.

Azshara's staff and robes are not ordinary products. Although I don't know the name, they should be custom-made artifacts by herself.

With the help of the narcissistic staff carved with his own appearance, Azshara's three-line spell switching has almost no trace.

Andrea was still a little unaccustomed to fighting Azshara, who was at full strength as a turret at first, and it took a while to get used to her fighting rhythm.

However, Azshara, who was ordered by experience, immediately changed her rhythm. With the help of years of secret observation and understanding of Andrea, she suppressed him to a certain extent in a short period of time.

"Light and shadow, you can skillfully use two opposing energies, even I must express my appreciation for your talent."

Azshara used partial gravity to temporarily control Andrea's left hand, and took the opportunity to launch a series of arcane missiles to blast Andrea.

Although it only took a second to break free from Azshara's gravity control, the arcane missile had already flown in front of him, and it was too late to deploy defensive spells.

Andrea poured the power of the holy light into the staff of Garnier, turned the staff with both hands to form a whirlwind barrier, and the arcane missiles that hit the shield of holy light were bounced off in disorder.


Azshara flashed behind Andrea with a smile on her face, "Light and shadow are two different energies after all, even if they can switch seamlessly, it's just an extra means of attack and defense, and it won't have a substantial impact on your strength." promote."


A condensed ultra-small arcane light bullet flew out of Azshara's right index finger, and grazed Andrea's body from behind in a thrilling manner.

Although there was no direct hit because of Andrea's evasion, this surprise attack caused a different change in the mentality of those who paid attention to this demigod battle.

"Hahaha! As expected of the Queen of the Night whom I have high hopes for!"

N'Zoth, who was hiding in Ny'alotha to repair the trauma of his soul, laughed heartily and said, "Continue! Take advantage of the victory and pursue, as long as he is killed, the night elves' defense will collapse in half!"

Leticia and Seres, who was watching the battle from the crown of Nordrassil, raised concerns at the same time, and Seres, who clasped her hands tightly on her chest, thought inexplicably, 'Why doesn't Andrea use the power of chaos? Could it be... deliberately hiding clumsiness? '

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