Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 723 Rampage

Since being conspired to the point of death by Andrea, Malygos, Alexstrasza and others, Deathwing has gone through a period of unimaginable pain.

His heart was completely shattered by the dragon soul, and even Deathwing himself didn't know if he was still alive now.

Using his dexterous tentacles, N'Zoth fashioned him an artificial heart made of disgusting blobs of unknown origin.

During the process of rebuilding the heart, Deathwing remained in a semi-conscious state, and could clearly feel the heart-piercing pain, but he was powerless to make any struggling movements.

The body structure of dragons is much more complicated than that of mortals. The whole process of rebuilding the heart lasted several years, and it took several more years to connect the heart to Deathwing's shattered and mutated cardiovascular system.

Deathwing, who was severely worn out, fell asleep for a long time after the "healing" was completed. N'Zoth, who controlled Deathwing's soul, adjusted his thinking mode and instilled a lot of vengeful anger in him.

The fallen black dragon king who woke up from Deep Rock Continent completed N'Zoth's preparation plan with incalculable dark emotions, pushing the earth elemental world to launch an impact on Azeroth.

Deep Rock Continent is the first elemental realm close to Azeroth. Just when the subplane is about to collide violently with Azeroth, an inexplicable blurred light briefly shrouds the border of Deep Rock Continent.

Although the four elemental worlds still collided on the main plane of Azeroth in the end, the scale of the disaster was far lower than Deathwing and the master behind him expected.

The re-emerged Deathwing no longer needs to consider the overall situation. N'Zoth will personally sit behind the scenes and arrange every chess piece. What Deathwing needs to do is to charge forward for his master as a vanguard.

The wings full of small holes are still powerful, looking for the core territory of the night elves, Deathwing led his brand new "clan" to fly at full speed towards Ashenvale without any disguise.

N'Zoth had warned Deathwing before the plan was launched, and the Lost Isles passing along the way would likely become the first obstacle.

Deathwing was mentally prepared as he approached the waters of the Lost Isles.

This time, he didn't rush to the front with overconfidence. By changing the formation, Deathwing hid in the center of the dragon group, and his subordinates took the lead.

The deformed dragon brought out from Deep Rock Continent is the result of thousands of years of research by Deathwing, and he proudly named it Twilight Dragon.

The appearance of this kind of dragon with purple scales is not much different from that of ordinary giant dragons, but from time to time, some twisted and wriggling granulation will grow on their bodies, which makes people feel chills when they see it.

The intelligence of most twilight dragons is very low, not much different from beasts, and only the leader-level individuals carefully selected by N'Zoth and Deathwing can possess limited advanced intelligence.

When approaching the land area of ​​the Lost Islands, Deathwing suddenly felt a severe threat from the island, he subconsciously approached the sea and lowered his flight altitude.


A long, golden-red beam of light erupted from near the crater on the island. The Twilight Dragon at the head seemed to be wiped off by an eraser, and was completely vaporized by the beam of light without leaving a trace.

The unabated beam of light continued to extend towards the sky, and it took more than ten seconds for it to gradually shrink and dissipate.

Following the shooting of this beam of light, a spaceship composed of a large number of crystals suddenly appeared above the Lost Volcano, and four frigates a few sizes smaller were suspended around the spaceship.

Without waiting for Deathwing to adjust the flight direction of the dragon group, the fleet group mercilessly launched uninterrupted bombardment at the passing Twilight Dragon.

Beam weapons of various colors formed a net of death above the Lost Islands. Any Twilight Dragon who dared to break through would be shot down by the beams whose trajectory could not be seen clearly.

"Lower the altitude! Fly parallel to the sea surface, use the mountain cover to speed up and leave the island!"

Deathwing, who was hiding in the center of the formation, understood that these draenei spaceships converted the geothermal energy of the Lost Volcano into attacks, and these beam attacks would never stop until the energy of the volcano was exhausted.

Although the furious Deathwing wanted to rush into the Lost Isles to fight the draenei on the spot, N'Zoth ordered him to temporarily abandon the group of fixed forts that could not leave the volcano, and continue to advance to the mainland of Kalimdor.

Sticking to the sea surface and using the terrain to block it, Deathwing led the heavily damaged Twilight Dragon around the edge of the Lost Islands, and continued westward without stopping.

On the bridge of the Tempest Fortress, Hataru watched the disappearing light spots on the radar and reported, "The remaining energy of the volcano is 65%, and Deathwing has left our attack range."

"Prophet, do you want to pursue?"

"No." Velen stroked his white beard and said calmly, "Without the help of the volcano, we can no longer deploy such a dense firepower network."

"The master behind Deathwing is very calm. If he pursues rashly, he may be killed by this group of deformed dragons."

"Since Andrea asked us to stand by temporarily, let's just wait and see what happens, he should have made arrangements long ago."


Draenei's brief interception cut about 30% of the Twilight Dragon. Although Deathwing was very angry, he could not disobey N'Zoth's order. He could only suppress his anger and continue to attack Kalimdor, who could already see the coastline. Continental advance.

On the eastern coastline of Senkinlai, Darkspear trolls, tauren and night elves have already laid out defense lines in advance.

A large number of anti-aircraft guns and self-propelled anti-air arcane puppets are erected on the coastline, and the trolls and tauren who have received relevant operation training have begun to operate the fort to turn.

Leticia used the eagle eye technique to observe the approach of the dragons from a distance, and raised her right hand and issued the command "Everyone is ready!"

When the scattered Twilight Dragons entered the shooting range, Leticia suddenly lowered her right hand, "Fire freely! Shoot them down!"

The flying fleet in the air and the anti-aircraft guns on the ground roared at the same time, and the intertwined magic guns set off a dazzling fireworks over Senkinlai.

"Bang bang bang!"

The anti-aircraft guns specially made for thick armored targets kept spewing armor-piercing shells, and the Twilight Dragon in the sky fell to the ground like dumplings.


Gao Mu's three heads gnawed at one of the surviving Twilight Dragons, and the three heads pushed in different directions at the same time, tearing apart the tough Twilight Dragon.


After chewing a few mouthfuls, Gao Mu spat out the meat in his mouth with a disgusted face. There were countless small tentacles writhing on the surface of those indescribable meat balls.

Leticia on Gao Mu's back patted the dog's fur, "Be good, don't eat randomly."


Gao Mu agreed with a low growl, and the three heads took a deep breath at the same time, and spewed out three-color energy breaths into the sky.

Akumail was not to be outdone, the hydra spewed a large amount of strong acid into the sky, and the Twilight Dragon who was attacked was quickly corroded by the acid, and fell from the sky screaming.

Lunara commanded her Dryad sisters to hold up the poisonous spear in their hands, "Ready! Throw!"

The Twilight Dragons who were hit by the spears couldn't see anything for a short time, but as they continued to attack the defensive position below, these Twilight Dragons gradually felt powerless and fell crookedly into the position middle.

Leticia ignored these miscellaneous soldiers, her eyes kept scanning the dragon crowd, trying to find Deathwing's whereabouts.

"No? Where did you go?"

"Letty, over there!"

Following Lunara's guidance, Deathwing, who was hiding behind his subordinates and attacking, did not stop at all, leaving most of the Twilight Dragons to attract attention, and continued to rush madly in the direction of Ashenvale.

"Tsk!" Leticia smacked her lips in displeasure as she watched Deathwing go away, "The target hasn't slowed down at all, and it's too late to chase after him now, so I can only leave it to Andrea to solve it."

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