Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 717 You are arguing, I will watch

The Council of Tirisfal has gradually developed a bad habit in the changing times.

Members of Congress have long been hiding behind the scenes to maintain the peace of Azeroth. This sense of power that turns their hands into clouds and turns their hands into rain makes it difficult for them to give up.

Generations of members of the Tirisfal Council have gone farther and deeper on the road of meddling in the internal affairs of various countries.

Although it cannot be said that there is a direct relationship, the Council of Tirisfal completely parted ways with Aegwynn due to disagreement of ideas, which indirectly caused the self-willed Aegwynn to be possessed by Sargeras.

If Aegwynn hadn't quarreled with the council and lived alone in seclusion, the elite mages in Tirisfal would have noticed the change in her behavior sooner or later, and the following series of things might not have happened.

No leader of any country is willing to put the direction of the country in the hands of outsiders, and the thankless interference in internal affairs of the Tirisfal Council has aroused the resentment of all countries.

Since the demise of the parliament for many years, no country has discussed rebuilding the Tirisfal parliament, just because they are worried that this ex-convicted mage organization will go back to the old path again.

Dalaran is the magical center of mankind, and Antonidas still maintains a huge influence in Dalaran even after he retires.

It was the right choice for Meili to choose him as the first target of persuasion. After all, Meili was a member of the first mage group of the Arathor Empire, with outstanding prestige and a very high status among human mages. Antonidas also treated him quite well. respect.

In fact, Meili did talk to Antonidas, but the old and refined archmage didn't agree.

Also once a member of the national leader, Antonidas is well aware of the bad habits of the Tirisfal Council. Before discussing the solution to this problem, he cannot personally dig a big hole for his proud apprentice Jaina. .

Meri was also one of the members who opposed the politicization of parliament, but his ideas were not recognized by the high-level parliament that was gradually expanding at that time, which was one of the reasons why Meri retired.

As Aurora went to Amber Mill on behalf of the night elves, she discovered Merry Winterwind by "coincidence" and called out his name. The reconstruction of the Tirisfal Council finally began to get on the right track.

As the well-deserved overlord race among the mortals of Azeroth, the influence of the night elves is not comparable to that of the former leader of Dalaran.

Under the tandem of Aurora, the Sun King Kael'thas also learned of this, and sent Archmage Rommath to Amber Mill to discuss the reconstruction of the parliament.

The four parties first reached a consensus that the rebuilt Tirisfal Council should no longer be allowed to intervene in the politics of various countries.

As long as this condition is met, each participating country can give some green light to the entry of members of the parliament to hunt demons and fallen mages.

Under Andrea's attention, news of the rebuilding of the Tirisfal Council finally spread.

All mage-owning nations are involved in this discussion, even the Zandalari trolls, who have recently become active internationally.

Rastakhan seemed to have figured it out. Since he couldn't pull the night elves from the boss position alone, he should work together to win over other countries that didn't like the night elves to cooperate.

However, because the Night Republic under Andrea's management has always been clean and rarely interferes in other countries' internal affairs, the night elves have a pretty good reputation among the countries of Azeroth... at least much better than the notorious trolls.

Rastakhan is not in a hurry either, with Loa helping to prolong his life, he still has enough time to poach the wall.

Even if his own generation fails to succeed, he can still entrust his hope to his daughter Talanji, and the descendants are endless. Sooner or later, Zandalari will regain the throne of the overlord of Azeroth. obsession.

But Rastakhan still underestimated a little-people's hearts.

Not all Zandalari trolls hope to provoke the situation in Azeroth to push themselves to the top, at least Princess Talanji does not have such an idea.

While disapproving of some of his father's philosophies, Talanji shares Rastakhan's views on opening up.

Under the impetus of the two father and daughter, Zandalari changed their habit of playing with themselves for many years and began to actively participate in international affairs. This time they intervened in the reconstruction of the Tirisfal Council.

Coincidentally, Gilneas and Quel'Thalas, who also like to play autistic, also made changes and joined the discussion on rebuilding the Tirisfal Council.

Members of various ethnic groups in Azeroth have different opinions on the reconstruction regulations. In order to integrate the opinions of all parties, Andrea made a suggestion to Meri through Aurora, and find an opportunity to bring representatives of all participating countries together for a direct debate.

Considering the geographical location and different demands of the various forces, Meri finally chose to set the meeting place in the Azsuna region of the Broken Isles.

Azsuna technically belongs to the No Man's Land, and although there are many night elf ghosts living here, the Night Republic has not actually claimed ownership of this shattered area.

The local host, Prince Farondis, welcomed the success of the international conference.

Out of the sincere request of Prince Farondis, Shandris used the tide stone to raise the old Nazaras Academy from the bottom of the sea, and the night elves urgently cleaned and repaired the interior of the academy.

Andrea did not attend the meeting in person. After all, he was not a mage. Seles and Elisande attended the meeting, and Aurora also accompanied him.

All countries have also sent their own domestic mage leaders. This summit meeting of Azeroth mages was held at the former site of Narsalas Academy.

Under the auspices of Meri Dongfeng, an old member of the Tirisfal Council, and Farondis, the host, the quarrelsome meeting can go on smoothly for the time being.

Races without mage inheritance, such as tauren and orcs, also sent representatives to watch in the name of participating countries.

The meeting lasted for half a month before it ended, and representatives from various parties finally reached an agreement with difficulty.

Rebuild the Tirisfal Council, maintain the previous functions of the council, limit the abuse of arcane arts by member states, and let the council members hunt down the demons that sneaked into Azeroth.

But at the same time, all countries also issued a unanimous warning, strictly prohibiting the Tirisfal Council from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

Once a member of the parliament has a similar situation, regardless of the origin of the other party's race, he will be expelled from the parliament and brought back by the race or country where the member belongs, and will be punished according to the respective laws.

Meri Winterwind originally wanted to restart the headquarters of the Tirisfal Council in Dalaran, but this request was unanimously opposed by all member states outside Dalaran.

This is also one of the irregular behaviors of the Tirisfal Council. As a neutral international organization, it has set up its headquarters in one of its member countries, which shows that there is collusion and trickery between them, and it cannot be truly objective and fair.

Merry wanted to keep the old headquarters of the Tirisfal Council, which contained many memories, but everyone else was unanimously opposed, and finally Elisande proposed a compromise.

With the power of the Eye of Aman'Thul, she dug out the mage tower of the council headquarters from Dalaran. Under the horrified gaze of the mages of Dalaran, she sent the mage tower completely across the sea to the former site of Nazaras College and settled down again. .

This muscle-bright action shocked many rebellious mage representatives, and the fierce quarrel was quieted down.

Seles stood at the head of the conference room on the top floor of the Tirisfal Council headquarters, put her hands on the table and glanced at the representatives of mages from various countries present.

"Now that the issue of the headquarters is resolved, the Tirisfal Council will be placed in Azsuna, the land of no man. Who agrees and who opposes?"

Meri's stiff undead face couldn't help twitching, "You moved the mage tower here in front of everyone, who dares to stand up and object..."

Thanks to book friends "Bing Feng Shi", "Liu Shuo 2015" and "Invincible Big Light Bulb" for their rewards.

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