Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 689 Aurora's Gossip Story


Andrea raised his son who had just woken up with a smile on his face. The little guy didn't show any fear at all. Instead, he danced and giggled happily.

It has been several days since Celes gave birth to the baby, and the dry little guy who was just born has become a lot rounder under the nourishment.

Celeste, who was still a little weak, half-lyed on the bed and smiled as she watched the two father and son play, her face full of maternal brilliance.

After the discussion of the whole family, the name of the newborn little guy was finally decided - Reinhardt.

This name was chosen by Andrea, and it has nothing to do with a certain elder in armor carrying a sledgehammer, but it was taken from a certain emperor of the Galactic Empire, and Andrea placed his expectations for the child's future.

Little Reinhardt's physical fitness is very good, and he was able to wave his little hands and feet vigorously in the crib just a few days after he was born. Shandris joked that the child will be very active when he grows up.

Aurora came back from Quel'Thalas to visit her brother after learning of her brother's birth.

From Aurora, Andrea learned about the latest battle situation in the Eastern Plaguelands.

Because Kael'thas promised to increase the trade volume with the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Scarlet Crusade and the Silver Dawn stepped up their attacks on the trolls who invaded their territory under the order of Queen Calia.

However, the enemies facing the two knight orders so far are still seemingly countless troll zombies. These undead trolls that have been revived under the influence of Bwonsamdi's death force are not easy to deal with at all.

On the premise that Zul'jin promised to provide enough souls for Bwonsamdi, the god of death, Loa, injected the souls of the fallen Amani trolls he collected into these zombies, temporarily giving them the ability to reactivate.

Although it does not match the original body, it is still the corpse of a forest troll. The fighting power of the troll zombie is not much better than that of the undead natural disaster.

There is only one entrance and exit for Zumashal, and the troll zombies guarding the valley mouth can relax and wait for work. The knights attacking from the bottom up obviously suffered from the disadvantage of the terrain.

Kael'thas still did not give up on persuading the Forsaken, but the material needs of the undead under Nathanos' command were very low, and Kael'thas really couldn't find a bargaining chip to persuade them for a while.

"The Sun King even offered to supply advanced preservatives to the Forgotten, but Nathanos seems not interested in this, and the feedback information is still very cold."

'Isn't this a matter of course...'

Andrea complained in his heart, "Preservatives are only necessary for the undead, and they don't have to use the most advanced stuff..."

The undead do not need to eat or sleep, and all the material needs of mortals are not so important to them.

The Forsaken wanted the advanced magic equipment provided by the high elves, but Kael'thas obviously would not make such an act of endorsing the enemy.

The living and the undead have irreconcilable inherent contradictions. Even if the Forsaken and the neighbors around them live in peace for the time being, it is only because the natural disaster of the undead still exists, and both sides have a common enemy.

Once the natural disaster is eliminated, the next target will naturally be this group of undead creatures that should not exist.

With the gradual recovery of Lordaeron, Queen Calia has put the proposal to take back Stratholme on the table for discussion.

With the cooperation of paladins and druids, the Western Plaguelands are recovering well, and the plague-contaminated soil is gradually rejuvenating.

Under the attack of multiple armies, the Scourge Undead in the Western Plaguelands has almost disappeared, leaving only a few small remote strongholds far away from the core residential area.

"Ah, yes."

Speaking of the Western Plaguelands, Aurora suddenly showed a gossip look on her face.

"Father, you asked me to pay attention to Tirion Fordring. The old knight did nothing wrong and managed the territory conscientiously, but his son..."

Andrea raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Tylan? What's wrong with him? He won't offend anyone, right?"

"No no no."

Aurora waved her hand with a smirk, "It should be said that it is a good thing, Tylan Fording has recently gotten very close to Ilucia, the princess of Alterac, and that little princess has finally stepped out of the shadow of Alsace , and began to embrace a new life again.”


Andrea touched his chin with interest, and he suddenly remembered the last time he saw the two of them.

"It should be a matter of course."

After experiencing Alsace's emotional injury, Ilucia has always been a little distant from her family, and she has pessimistic thoughts on many things in the world. For a long time, she has been wandering in the territory of the Barov family in Caer Dallon edge.

The last time Andrea saw Ilucia, the princess of Alterac was standing far away by the lake in the Western Plaguelands, looking at her castle, looking like she wanted to get close but had some concerns.

The princesses of other countries stayed in their own territory for a long time. As the host, the Fording family naturally had to make a statement, at least to ensure the safety of Ilucia.

After Tirion's return, most of the things in the territory were re-handed over to the famous old knight, and Tyran was sent to protect Ilucia when he was free.

Tailan is an upright young paladin, sunny yet extravagant. Ilucia saw some shadows of Alsace before his fall from him.

As Tirion's only son, Tyran's status is noble enough that both King Alex and Queen Jandis acquiesce in their dealings.

As parents, their daughter's world-weary emotions were of course noticed by them, but in the years when Alsace fell, the situation in the eastern continent was very unstable. in concern.

As the turbulent situation calmed down again, Alex began to personally intervene in the battle between the two sons for the reserve position, temporarily suppressing their open and secret fighting with his sharp wrist.

Ilucia's pessimistic and world-weary thoughts made Alex and Jandis deeply worried, but at this moment, Tylan Fording was born.

Ilucia herself hasn't noticed it yet, but from the perspective of a bystander, every time she is with Tyran, the expression on her face becomes softer.

After communicating with Tirion in private, the elders are happy to see the development of the two.

Aurora smiled and told Mimi's gossip stories about others, "In the beginning Ilucia really got close to Alsace subconsciously because she saw the shadow of Alsace in Tyran, but after getting along with her for a long time, she changed from Tyran to There are more shining points on him.”

Andrea patted her daughter's head angrily, "How can you be so clear about other people's affairs? What do you pay attention to all day long?"

Aurora stuck out her tongue and retorted playfully, "Life in Quel'Thalas is very peaceful, after all, I have to find something to do. The combination of Tyran and Ilucia will definitely affect Lordaeron and The relationship with Alterac, let’s say it’s a serious matter.”

Andrea sighed and said, "Actually, it's not so difficult to understand when you think about it. Because Alsace was pampered since he was a child, and because Terenas taught him the way of being a king, he has already planted a depravity in his heart." shadow."

"Tylan is completely different from him. Tirion's paladin education has laid the foundation for Tailan to have an upright outlook on life. In the process of growing up, Tailan has always walked on the right path under the guidance of his mother."

"Different from Alsace, who is bright on the surface and has hidden shadows inside, Tailan, who has gone through hardships, is an out-and-out paladin of great light and integrity. He is also very mature and stable. Ilucia, who has experienced a failed love history, thinks of him It just gets better and better with time."

In the view of immature girls choosing a mate, appearance occupies a high proportion, and inner beauty is not considered in their first impression at all, which is why Xiao Xianrou is so popular.

Arthas took advantage of this aspect. At that time, Ilucia, who was still young, was attracted by the handsome appearance of the prince of Lordaeron, and did not dig out the darkness in his heart.

Ilucia, who had a history of emotional trauma, has matured a lot now, and began to pay more attention to the inner beauty hidden under the glorious appearance.

"Okay, that's all for the gossip story, I'll pay more attention to the follow-up development."

Andrea rubbed her daughter's head and urged, "Go and see your brother, I still have some important work to do."

After watching Aurora leave humming a ditty, Andrea returned her attention to the documents on the table, and the expression on her face became serious.

"Is the decisive battle in Ulduar about to begin?"

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