Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 658 The Influence of Arrogance

The mantid are part of the split from the Aqir Empire, the most loyal servants of the Old God Y'Shaarj.

Even though Y'Shaarj has been dead for many years, they still haven't given up hope of resurrecting their master.

The old gods are indeed tenacious, as can be seen from Xalatas, who has only a wisp of remnant soul but can still maintain complete logic.

Strictly speaking, Y'Shaarj is indeed not completely dead, at least not in soul.

His body was torn apart by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, but his soul merged into the land of Pandaria after being severely injured, and split into seven demons that could arouse the negative emotions of the residents of Pandaria.

If the seven evil spirits can be assembled in Y'Shaarji's heart, theoretically there is a possibility of resurrecting Y'Shaarji.

But at present, this condition can no longer be fulfilled, the six evil spirits are still sealed in the mist by Shaohao, and the only fish that slipped through the net, the proud evil spirit, is torn apart and swallowed whole by Xalatas.

After Raiden opened the sealed box, a strong dark aura permeated the entire sealed chamber, but because it was not controlled by the Sha Demon's subjective consciousness, these pure void powers could not arouse the emotions of everyone present.

Point the sword of the Dark Empire on Y'Shaarji's heart, and the huge power of the void poured into Andrea's body through the transformation of Xalatas.

Part of it was intercepted by Xalatas himself, and the power she couldn't eat was taken by Andrea as ordered.

As the power of the void was extracted, although Y'Shaarji's dark heart was still generating power on its own, at least the oppressive atmosphere felt by everyone present had faded a lot.


Withdrawing the ancient god's long sword, Andrea directly grasped the sticky and soft heart.

"Hey! This feels disgusting to the touch."

After hesitating for a while, he put the heart back into the sealed box.

"Just take it like this, Celes, you and Raiden continue to follow the plan, and I will go to Manteves."

Celes didn't say much, and nodded obediently, but Leiden asked with some concern, "Do you need me to send someone to escort you?"

"Need not."

Andrea smiled and waved his hands and said, "I sneaked in to make trouble, not rushed in to drive Wushuang, it would be inconvenient if there were too many people."

"You should make your own preparations first, and there should be follow-up progress soon."


Mantivis, the holy tree of Kaipa, the largest settlement of the mantid empire, the palace where Queen Shaksil lived was built inside the holy tree.

One day, the patrolling mantid guards accidentally found a piece of flesh and blood overflowing with the power of darkness near a big tree. They immediately gathered up the piece of flesh and went to meet the queen urgently.

After being identified by Queen Shakthir, it was basically confirmed that this piece of flesh and blood came from their master, Y'Shaarj, and the upper echelons of the entire mantid empire suddenly boiled.

The clues that had been sought for tens of thousands of years finally appeared in front of her eyes, and the empress felt vigilant and puzzled even when she was excited.

After all, the mantid are members of Y'Shaarj, and by casting spells to expand the connection between flesh and blood, they carefully followed each step, and finally found a box of Titans that had lost its sealing effect in the underground of the long-abandoned Thunder God Island overseas.

After obtaining the complete heart of Y'Shaarj, the high-ranking mantid felt like a treasure, and Queen Shakthir personally enshrined the heart in her bedroom as a treasure.

The dark aura that overflowed from the heart did not arouse anyone's suspicion, but made the mantid feel nostalgia from the depths of his blood.

Not everyone was dazzled by the sudden surprise, Zorlok, the prime minister of the mantid empire, raised doubts.

Why did the heart fragments appear so coincidentally near Menteves, and why the Titan Box, which lost its sealing effect, was discarded under the Throne of Thunder indifferently.

After some exploration, nothing unusual was found, and finally Prime Minister Zorlok came to a conclusion that was barely logically consistent.

In fact, the heart of Y'Shaarji was transferred by Thor to his palace to suppress it many years ago.

As the Throne of Thunder was breached by the Pandaren a few years ago, the energy supplying the Throne of Thunder disappeared completely, and the seal in Y'Shaarj's heart was gradually lifted.

Although it is still impossible to perfectly explain why the heart fragments appeared near Mantivus, after repeated tests, no danger was found. Zorlok could only bury his doubts in his heart, and calmly watched the mantid empire fall into carnival.

The mantid's celebrations are limited to their own territory, and the yak people have been puzzled by their recent anomalous behavior, but so far have not been able to discover the reason for it.

During the time when the mantid was in high spirits, the core combat power of the Pandaren headed by the Shado-Pan faction quietly prepared for battle through Seres' tandem.

There was no news of the flesh-and-blood mogu who were introduced into the treasure house of Mogu'shan by the mysterious treasure Lei. The mogu of various tribes who stayed behind sent scouts into the treasure house many times to explore, but they still found nothing.

The mogu warlords who dared to compete for the Thunder Mystery Treasure all had impressive strength. In order to ensure that they could seize the opportunity from other tribes, they brought in their most elite troops.

Losing the leaders and elite combat power of their respective tribes, the power of the flesh mogu was greatly affected, and they gradually realized that something was wrong.

The Mogu'shan Vault is just a seemingly sweet trap. After many searches to no avail, the mogu no longer dare to approach this man-eating magic lair easily.

Just as Raiden expected, although the flesh and blood mogu who were sent back to the Nalaksha engine to return to the factory retained their original memory and consciousness, they lost their free souls.

Thor developed the Nalaksha engine's ability to reverse the curse of flesh and blood not just to enhance the combat effectiveness of his troops, but also one of the important factors to consolidate his regime by relying on the soul reshaping function of the atavistic ability.

He used the powerful power he could obtain when he returned to his ancestors as a bait, and sent those highly accomplished subordinates into the engine of Nalaksha to wipe out their will to resist.

With the authority he stole from Raiden, Thor firmly controlled these mogu in his own hands, thereby maintaining his permanent regime.

Regardless of Thor's original intentions for modifying the Nalak'sha engine, this feature is indeed very useful.

The flesh and blood mogu who have been annihilated to resist become part of the mogu army, and these flesh and blood mogu who have experienced many battles have a stronger fighting will and tacit cooperation than the original mogu that just left the factory.

During the mogu's internal military drills, Raiden could clearly distinguish the difference between the two types of mogu. The group of original flesh and blood mogu who had just completed their transformation were more brave and good at fighting.

The sudden discovery made Leiden wake up, and he realized that the army of stone men he created lacked actual combat experience.

Coincidentally, Andrea's layout began to pay off.

Under the influence of the accumulated arrogance power overflowing from the Heart of Darkness, Queen Shekshire gradually began to change her old-fashioned mentality.

This part of the power of arrogance does not come from the Sha of Pride, but a fake simulated by Xalatas after thoroughly understanding the principle of the power of arrogance, and Andrea injected it silently into Y'Shaarj's heart.

Within a few months, the queen's behavior became visibly arrogant.

Including the vigilant Prime Minister Zorlok, all the high-ranking mantid living near the palace have subtly changed their forms, and they are not surprised by the queen's change.

When the only awakened Klaxxi hero noticed something was wrong, it was too late.

The arrogance seeping from the Heart of Darkness has corrupted the upper echelons of the mantid empire, and Queen Shek'zeer's behavior has become increasingly aggressive.

In order to establish immortal feats, the arrogant queen proudly ordered to wake up all the members of the Council of Heroes, gather all the troops to attack the Serpent's Spine, and defeat the pandaren's defense in one fell swoop.

"The time is right."

In the section of the city wall of the Beaulieu's Spine in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, Andrea looked at the mantid who were gradually agitating, and the Klaxxi Council of Heroes who had always maintained a rational and neutral stance, with a slight smile on his lips.

"This is the training battle that Raiden is looking forward to. Seres, inform the four gods and the pandaren that the decisive battle that will determine the future fate of Pandaria is about to begin."

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