Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 639: The Eye of Infinity of Sargeras

From the reaction speed of the Burning Legion after the surprise attack, it can be seen that the demon king Kurul is still very good at running the army.

Less than three minutes after Andrea and the others rushed into the camp, a large number of demons had left their standby state and started to encircle and suppress the assault team in an orderly manner.

The flat-firing fel cannon began to pour shells crazily. Andrea, who had expected it, drew a magic circle on the ground at the fastest speed, and inserted the staff of Garnier injected with a lot of magic power into the center of the circle.

A solid barrier of holy light enveloped the mages who were setting up the portal, and Kurdran and other members of the guard force wandered outside the barrier to attack the invading demons in order to attract firepower.


The Wildhammer Gryphon Knights threw their Storm Hammer while flying at low altitude, and the hammer exploded on the battlefield with the sound of wind and thunder.

The staff was temporarily used as a charging tool and inserted in the center of the circle to provide energy. Andrea, who pulled out his hand, held the sword of the dark empire in one hand, and took out the musket given to him by Magni and Gelbin from his waist with the other hand.

The red eyes on the hilt of the Dark Empire Sword, which was fully urged by Andrea, opened completely, and a strange blood-red light shone.

The demon within 20 meters of Andrea lost control of his body at the same time, and suddenly turned his target to attack the companion beside him.

"What are you doing?!"

"Want to rebel?"

It is not uncommon for the Burning Legion to rebel and refuse to obey the command. The army led by Kurul has relatively strict military discipline.

Although the sudden companion attack caused some riots, their resistance was quickly suppressed by a large number of demons.

The demon officer who was a little further away saw the clues. The source of the rebellion came from the mortal who was holding a strange long sword.

"Target that sword-wielding night elf! Fel cannon fire!"

"The reaction is pretty quick. It's no wonder that the army brought out by Kil'jaeden's direct general."

Andrea calmly waved the purple-black sword energy to detonate most of the incoming fel shells in the air, and the shelling that was too late to intercept was avoided by shifting directions through the shadow shuttle.


Cut off the head of a demon guard at the exit of the shadow shuttle, and the dread demon king next to him swung his claws with a quick reaction.


There was a faint sound from the Sword of the Dark Empire, and the eyes of the fearsome demon king suddenly became dazed, and the tip of the sharp flesh wing suddenly slashed towards the doomsday guard beside him.


The legionnaires who had been attacking in unison fell into a state of disunity due to the sudden rebellion. Some demons decisively turned their targets to their companions, while the other part continued to attack Andrea with some hesitation.


A huge explosion sound came from the muzzle of the musket in Andrea's left hand, and the ejected shotguns in the shape of powerful energy blasted away all the demons within the fan-shaped range in front of Andrea.

"If you hesitate, you will lose."

These demons were already far behind Andrea in terms of personal strength, and they were even more vulnerable after withdrawing three points of strength due to hesitation.

The musket presented by Magni and Gelbin had been handed over to the Technology Research and Development Department by Andrea for modification. It was not so much a was no different from a hand cannon.

After absorbing Andrea's energy, a thick and long energy beam sprayed out from the muzzle, and the powerful penetrating force pierced through a large number of demons in a straight line.

The flexible switching of shooting modes makes the demons of the legion hard to guard against, not to mention that they will be mind-controlled if they get close to the enemy.

Andrea alone restrained the attention of hundreds of demons, and firmly blocked the invading demons from the northeast of the holy light barrier.

The demons in the northwest are in charge of generals such as Kurdran and Yrel. With the cooperation of the air and the ground, they should not be easily breached in a short time.

Yrel is no longer the rookie garrison officer she was back then. After opening the Holy Light Wings of Avenging Wrath, she carried a large shield to the front. The fan-shaped holy light shield blocked most of the long-range attacks from the front, and the attacks were It is completely handed over to the comrades in arms.

Although there is no need to worry about the southern demons stopped by the wings of the moon god in a short period of time, the time that the arcane puppet can contain is bound to be limited.

Under Kurul's remote command, the arcane puppets, which only acted according to the predetermined procedures, were judged by the devil to act. The previous mowing situation no longer existed, and damaged bodies fell from the sky from time to time.

Ignoring the disturbances from the outside world, the mage, who was shrouded in the barrier of holy light, concentrated on building the portal.

The high-level mages headed by Ronin, Osar, and Celes relied on their own magic power to initially open the transmission channel, and the other mages hurriedly released the mana lattice mounted on the flying mount with the hands of the mages.

As the energy supply system gradually stabilized, the scale of the portal began to expand, and the space passages inside the gate also took shape rapidly.

"Mother Earth protects us, for Azeroth!"

Tauren chiefs Kane and Ulan were the first to rush out of the portal carrying heavy weapons. They shouted battle cries to leave the barrier of holy light and joined the team guarding the portal.

The plan has gone smoothly so far. A steady stream of troops have entered the easy-to-defend Throne Highlands of Kil'jaeden through the portal, and the siege organized by the Burning Legion is being pushed outward.

With a large number of troops joining the battle, Andrea no longer needs to fight on the front line herself.

Returning to the Holy Light Barrier and continuing to provide energy for the barrier, Andrea suddenly noticed a strange aura, frowned and looked towards the fel energy altar directly north of the throne.

A huge doomsday lord stood in the center of the altar and raised his hands high. A dark green gem was suspended above his head. Around the altar were hundreds of demon spellcasters who assisted in the ceremony.

Kurul didn't expect the enemy to take such a radical way to set up the portal, and he didn't have a deep defense in this regard.

At this point, he can only hope that the artifact that Lord Kil'jaeden gave him can turn the tide of the battle in one fell swoop.

"Eh~ that could be..."

The green gem looked very familiar, but if Andrea remembered correctly, it should have been broken in Illidan's hands long ago.


Two beams of fel energy shot out from the low sky south of the plateau, aiming at the gem that was gathering power.

"That's right, that's also the Eye of Sargeras. You don't really think that the one I broke is the eye of Sargeras, do you? It's just a mass-produced artifact made by Sargeras."

The rebellious and evil voice revealed the identity of the other party. It was Illidan who had just rushed from Hellfire Citadel to support him.

At this time, his eyes continued to emit beams of evil energy to bombard the altar, forcing Kurul to block it.

"Tsk! Illidan?"

Kurul was distracted to block Illidan's attack, and looked down at the eredar wizards and demon judges around him.

"It's time for you to contribute to the Legion, sacrifice your life!"

Kurul has a high prestige among his subordinates. Although his order sounds unreasonable, these spellcasters only hesitated a little, and soon began to burn their lives.

The greatly accelerated charging rhythm made Illidan a little out of reach, and the highly compressed fel energy beams ejected from the Eye of Sargeras easily defeated his eye ridge attack.

Gathering the power of the artifact and the infusion of the life-burning evil energy of hundreds of demon spellcasters, the dark green beam of light bombarded the barrier built by Andrea. The portal that swallows reinforcements.

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