Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 624 Xavius' Obsession

To set a trap for Savus's tail, you must first know him.

Andrea didn't have much contact with Xavis, and his impression of this person only stayed in the games and novel descriptions of his previous life... and he had almost forgotten it in the passing of ten thousand years.

To say that the person who knows Xavius ​​best is undoubtedly Malfurion who has been in love with and killing the Nightmare King for ten thousand years.

After returning to Anakis, Andrea woke Malfurion from his dream and asked him about Xavius.

"What is Xavius ​​most concerned about?"

Malfurion subconsciously scratched his messy beard, bowed his head and thought for a while before giving an answer.

"I don't know what he cares most about now, it may be revenge, or it may be something else."

"But I'm sure of one thing, when Xavius ​​was a night elf, he was madly infatuated with Queen Azshara."

"However, the Light of Light has no interest in Xavis. From the beginning to the end, he only regards him as a capable and useful subordinate, and has never given him any special preferential treatment."


Andrea stroked her chin thoughtfully.

Ten thousand years ago, Andrea had close contact with Azshara. Although it wasn't long, he had a partial understanding of the queen.

Azshara grew up in an environment full of stars and moons since she was a child. Not only does she possess the stunning beauty and noble temperament that can fascinate all living beings, she is also like the daughter of destiny, possessing unparalleled talents in all aspects.

All problems will be solved in the shortest time in her hands, as if nothing in this world can stump her.

Before she was 100 years old, Azshara was crowned as the Queen of the Night Empire with the support of many followers. She was given an unprecedented honorary title by her own people - the Light of Light.

The smooth growth path has made Azshara gradually develop extreme narcissism and self-confidence. She firmly believes that no one in this world can resist her infinite charm. After conquering most of Azeroth, the Queen began to set her sights on Aize outside of Russ.

Long before the start of the War of the Ancients, the Dark Night Empire possessed a very developed magic technology, but it lacked the correct direction to use the powerful R\u0026D power catalyzed by the Well of Eternity to the most appropriate place.

Through the study of the Well of Eternity, the Highborne came into contact with the demons of the Twisting Nether unintentionally, and a wider world appeared before Azshara's eyes.

When Sargeras showed Azshara her strength and "sincerity" using the old routine of seducing the Eredar Triumvirate, Azshara knew for the first time that someone could completely suppress herself above power, which made her very interested in Sargeras. The existence is very curious.

The self-confident Azshara never considered the possibility of her failure at all. She believed that she would become Sargeras' most important companion and conquer all the worlds with him.

Afterwards, Andrea experienced all the way, and the overconfident Queen Azshara gradually realized something was wrong in her cooperation with the Burning Legion.

The demon, who is regarded as an "angel" by the high elves, is incompatible with her own position.

Azshara is arrogant and conceited. In her eyes, the people of the lower classes are just a background board to show their majesty. The only people who are directly controlled by her are the upper elves who are the nobles of the Night Empire.

Azshara's deal with the Burning Legion clearly mentioned that civilians can be at the disposal of demons, but the rights and interests of nobles must be guaranteed.

The tragic experience of the Moonsong family awakened Azshara, who was indulging in a sweet dream. Although she acted in time to frighten the demon, everything was already powerless at this time.

The snowball of the Rebel Army grew bigger and bigger, and a large number of powerful wilderness demigods and dragon guardians stood on her opposite.

At the same time, the actions of the Burning Legion became more and more unscrupulous. Archimonde, who was no less powerful than her, personally took charge of the Well of Eternity. Coupled with other powerful generals of the Legion, even if they were as strong as Azshara, they could not find a suitable breakthrough.

In the end Azshara chose to give up resistance, and she stayed in the depths of her palace silently to watch the situation change.

The Well of Eternity collapsed, splitting the ancient continent of Kalimdor.

Andrea wasn't sure if Azshara had any regrets when Azeroth experienced the catastrophe, but after a major setback, Queen Azshara seemed to have finally learned to focus on the subtleties.

This can be seen from Naga's increasingly refined military operations.

The original Naga were no different from beasts, and they would come ashore in large numbers every mating season. When Andrea first established Moonlight City, she had many battles with these primitive Naga.

As time went by, the Naga society gradually improved, and Azshara sent her henchmen to the oceans of Azeroth to control all the scattered Naga through them.

In recent years, the Naga's coordinated operations have become more and more difficult to deal with. Otherwise, at the speed of the replacement of the Navy ships of the Dark Night Republic, these amphibious creatures would have been beaten to hide in the deep sea and dare not show their heads.

Most people, including Malfurion and Tyrande, thought that Azshara had died in the cataclysm, but that was not the case.

After deliberating for a while, Andrea selectively disclosed part of the information to members of the Supreme Council.

"I have an uncertain speculation that I haven't told everyone. Since Queen Azshara is mentioned, let me tell you."

The serious look on Andrea's face made all members of the Council increase their concentration.

"Thousands of years ago, when I first started to build Moonlight City, I saw Azshara's head maid in the ruins of the temple in the Seat of the Sky."

Tyrande's brows twitched suddenly, and a look of shame and indignation flashed across her face.


"That's right, it's Vashj."

Did Andrea notice the ecological changes in Tyrande? A playful look subconsciously appeared on his face.

He and Queen Azshara saw clearly the wrestling between Tyrande and Vashj at the beginning. It is said that Vashj humiliated and threatened Tyrande many times during the process of being imprisoned by Azshara. The relationship between... Well, it seems quite complicated.

Forcing herself to ignore the flashing images in her mind, Andrea coughed and continued, "At that time, Vashj was no longer in the form of a night elf. biology."


"Everyone should have heard the news from Draenor? The Naga leader who followed Illidan, she is the Vashj we know."

Malfurion quickly made inferences in his mind, and his face suddenly showed surprise, "You mean...Queen Azshara may still be alive?"

Andrea nodded, "It's very likely that Vashj is Azshara's loyal headmaid. Based on my observations ten thousand years ago, she seems to be suppressing her master's transcendent feelings towards her master. "

"I am afraid that only the order of her master, Queen Azshara, can make Vashj follow Illidan to leave Azeroth and go to the unknown Broken Draenor."

"Illidan, Vashj and Azshara..."

Malfurion frowned and thought for a while, and finally straightened out his thoughts.

"So it turns out that the ancient covenant that the Draenei spoke of was the connection between Illidan and the Highborne."

Tyrande ignored Illidan's question, and she asked Andrea solemnly, "Are you trying to use Queen Azshara as bait to lure Xavius ​​into stepping into a trap?"

"It's not that I poured cold water on you. If Queen Azshara is really the leader of all the Naga as you said, then she and Xavius ​​are both N'Zoth's subordinates, and the relationship between them may be stronger than we imagined. Tighter, I don't think Savis is going to be easy to fall for."

Andrea shook his head, "Of course it's not that simple, and I don't think the subordinates of N'Zoth will definitely cooperate seamlessly. For example... Are Deathwing and Xavius ​​very close?"

"Azshara is Xavius's obsession for more than ten thousand years. Even if Azshara is not what the Nightmare King cares most about now, if he has the opportunity, he will do his best to realize the 'dream' that was once unreachable. "

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