Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 620 Cleric? mad dog?

Although Nathanos' beard aroused Andrea's desire to complain, but right now he could only suppress his curiosity and quietly observe the military appearance and military discipline of the undead army from above.

Andrea originally thought that this mob of undead would behave very poorly, but to his surprise, under the dispatch of Nathanos, the improvised undead army looked decent.

"The first human ranger?"

Andrea stood on a withered tree thoughtfully, watching Nathanos who was in charge of the overall situation.

Abidis, who was wary of rats, did not dare to send recruits to the battlefield. Once this last reserve force was broken, the undead could even drive straight into Tyre's hands.

Before Andrea's arrival, Abidis couldn't bear the pressure, and had already told the crusader leader Saidan Dathrohan on the northern battlefield about the predicament he was facing, and was waiting for his reply.

Selfishly speaking, Abbendis did not want to fight Nathanos without sufficient preparation.

But when the Scarlet Crusade was founded, the slogan was to avenge the undead from the natural disaster and take back the territory of Lordaeron. Those who joined the Scarlet Crusade were also members of the Silver Hand who had a deep hatred for the undead.

If you hesitate to fight, it is likely to hurt the morale of the Crusaders. The atmosphere at the intersection of Colin is already a little unstable, and some rookie soldiers who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth are shouting all day long to go to the battlefield to tear the undead.

Fortunately, there are steady sergeants suppressing them, otherwise these cannonballs who have never seen the undead with their own eyes, I am afraid that the first day they rush to the battlefield will be frightened by the appearance of the undead.

After observing Nathanos for several days, Andrea initially determined that no matter what the reason was, the undead leader really didn't want to provoke war now.

He persisted in writing down the letter of reconciliation every day, sneaked to the outside of Kaolin intersection, tied the letter to an arrow and shot it at the crooked neck tree in the town.

Nathanos's behavior style is very different from the Blightcaller in Andrea's memory, but what the current chaotic Eastern Plaguelands needs is a calm and restrained person like him.

Andrea didn't rush to contact Nathanos, but flapped his wings and left the woods near the crown tower, flying all the way to the base camp of the Scarlet Crusade - Tyr's Hand.

As the only remaining human military stronghold in the Eastern Plaguelands, the solemn Hand of Tyr still retains most of the legacy left by the Silver Hand.

The chants sung by the paladins and priests continued to be heard from the cathedral in the deepest part of the fortress, and the entire Hand of Tyr was filled with a sacred and chilling atmosphere.

Andrea frowned a little at this murderous aura. Among the priests he had contacted, no one would deliberately create such an obvious murderous aura.

Whether it is Uther, Tirion, Gavinrad or Turalyon, even if they are on the battlefield, they will maintain the most basic demeanor of a knight.

The organizational atmosphere cultivated by the Scarlet Crusade did not look like a priest to Andrea, but more like a mad dog who lost everything and was eager for revenge.

After all, Tyr's Hand was a military fortress, and the golden eagle that suddenly broke into the sky above the fortress attracted the attention of the few defenders.

The animals in the Eastern Plaguelands were either extinct or mutated, and the paladins were very vigilant against this sudden appearance of a raptor.

Some of the attendants even drew their bowstrings to the full, and if the golden eagle made suspicious moves, they would immediately shoot the arrows in their hands.

Andrea completely ignored the recruit archers, transforming back into human form before descending to the cathedral under the cautious watch of the crusader guards.

One of the young female knights in heavy armor raised her hand to stop the archer beside her. She looked at the night elf who was dusting the robes in surprise.


Andrea's long ears moved, and she turned her head to look at the heroic beauty in the distance, and nodded to her kindly.

A female knight in heavy armor with a full body photo came over with a "clang bang bang bang", she didn't mean to exchange greetings, she just asked questions.

"Night Elf, why did you enter the Scarlet Crusade's stronghold without authorization? Explain your purpose, otherwise..."

Andrea's smile faded, and he glanced at the rookie soldiers who were gradually surrounding him and asked, "Is this how the Scarlet Crusade treats guests? Didn't Saidan teach you what reception etiquette is?"

Before the five paladins of the first generation were transformed by Alonsus, Uther and Turalyon were pious priests with very good self-cultivation. Tirion and Gavin Ladd were noblemen of Lordaeron and Stormwind respectively, and they cultivated nature. Not bad either.

Only Saidan Dathrohan, the warrior captain of Lordaeron, was born as a commoner, and his actions were relatively bold and unrestrained.

But in a position where Dathrohan may be summoned by the king at any time, the most basic etiquette still needs to be taken into account after all.

An immature knight servant tried to retort, "You are the one who is rude, this is the military fortress of the Crusaders, why do you..."

"shut up!"

The heroic young female officer sternly stopped the subordinate's attack, "Did I let you speak? You have learned military discipline for nothing? Go and run around Tyre's hand three times!"

The face of the young attendant, who looked less than 15 years old, was flushed, but seeing the unrelenting and stern stare on the female officer's face, he could only bow his head and give in in the end.


The female officer turned her gaze back to Andrea, "I am Brigitte Abedis, Temporary Defense Chief of Tyr's Hand, do you know Lord Dathrohan?"

Andrea couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard the other party's self-introduction, 'Heh~ So it's you, silly Baitian. '

The commotion at the entrance of the church soon attracted many non-combatants from the Hand of Tyr to check it out, and some priests in gorgeous robes gradually came out of the cathedral.

One of the benign-looking middle-aged pastors twitched his mouth when he saw Andrea, and hurried to the scene of the conflict.

"Hold on! Bridget, back off!"

Bridget looked at this senior priest with a flustered expression in puzzlement, "Principal Prosecutor, you know this..."

The priest known as the Chief Prosecutor ignored Bridget's inquiry for the time being, and with a smile on his face, he held the Holy Cross of Light on his chest and performed the priest's sacrament to Andrea.

"Respected Chancellor Moon Shadow, welcome to your visit. I am the Crusader Chief Prosecutor Iselion. I don't know why you are here this time..."

‘Chairman Moon Shadow? '

Bridget is not an idiot who knows nothing. Her father Alfred taught her a lot of knowledge since she was a child.

After searching in her memory, she quickly realized it.

"You are the supreme leader of the night elves?!"


Yisenlien sternly reprimanded, "Since you know the identity of the Moon Shadow Speaker, why are you still so rude? Still not backing down!"

Andrea didn't like Isenlien's attitude. Although Bridget looked very straightforward, at least she showed her true nature. Isenlien...

Although he still maintains the reserve of a high position, the attitude of licking is not serious, but not to mention the "notoriety" of this guy in a certain impressive mission, Andrea is very impressed with the fakes he piled on his face. Laughing is also very displeased.

However, Andrea still knows how to play tricks on the occasion, and he also showed a formulaic smile on his face and said, "Hello, Chief Prosecutor Iselion, I am entrusted by the elder of the Silver Hand to mediate the dispute between the Scarlet Crusade and the undead .”


Isenlien was stunned for a moment, "Please allow me to ask, this elder's name is..."

"Tirion, Tirion Fordring."


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