With the active withdrawal and lurking of the natural disaster forces, the only undead who are still resolutely resisting are Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands.

After the Frozen Throne suffered a long-range attack from Illidan, a small number of determined undead in the natural disaster entrusted the control of the Lich King.

This part of the free undead wandered around aimlessly, and both the "compatriots" of the undead of the natural disaster and the living of the alliance would launch merciless attacks on them.

Most of these undead who are not willing to take the initiative to cause trouble hide in the deep mountains and old forests. An abandoned farm in the Eastern Plaguelands kindly received these dazed free undead.

Marris Farm belongs to Darrowshire, Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The Marris family living here have been mediocre farmers for generations, but when it came to the generation of Nathanos Marris, there was an unexpected turning point.

Since childhood, Nathanos longed for a ranger who could travel freely in the mountains and forests. He was very interested in this unique combat role of high elves.

In order to obtain the teachings of the high elves, the young Nathanos resolutely embarked on a journey of studying in spite of his parents' opposition.

When Nathanos entered the Amani Forest, the high elves had not experienced the open reform of Kael'thas, and Quel'Thalas still pursued a closed policy.

A short-lived human actually wanted to learn the knight-errant way of the high elves. When Nathanos asked for advice, he was ruthlessly ridiculed and ridiculed by many high elves.

The resolute Nathanos did not give up easily because of the blow. He had long been prepared for the stubborn and arrogant nature of the high elves.

Nathanos' perseverance impressed a high-ranking Ranger officer, who is now Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner.

Sylvanas took Nathanos as his disciple and carefully taught him the way of knight-errant.

As it turns out, Nathanos is talented enough to be a Ranger and works hard enough.

In just a few years, he had mastered the essence of the ranger, and Sylvanas announced that he could become a teacher.

After all, the two masters and apprentices belong to different races, and the ranger general cannot arrange a military position for Nathanos in the ranger army of the high elves. In the future, Nathanos can only develop step by step by himself.

After Quel'Thalas fell into internal turmoil, Nathanos left the Amani Forest to return home and serve his country.

When Nathanos returned to Marris Farm, his parents were unfortunately bedridden with the plague.

Nathanos ran all over East Weald, but the horrors in this land made him more and more desperate.

Even the priests of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel cannot get rid of this new type of plague. They are urgently researching targeted treatments for the plague.

But the development speed of this plague far exceeded the imagination of the priests. Before they could develop a treatment plan, the people infected with the plague had already begun to die in large numbers, including Nathanos' parents.

After burying his parents, Nathanos, who was in a sad mood, had no intention of contributing to the country for the time being, and stayed on the farm passed down by his parents to live a barely peaceful life.

The good times didn't last long. People who died of the plague crawled out of their graves strangely. Nathanos shot through the skulls of his parents with an arrow in tears, extinguishing the fire of their souls.

The raging plague spread from East Weald to the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, and the Maris farm guarded by Nathanos also fell under the impact of countless natural disaster undead. The human ranger died in a huge abomination— —In the hands of Ramsden the Swallower.

When Nathanos woke up from the endless darkness, his body and soul were beyond his control, and he was forced to obey the Lich King and his minions.

Unable to break free from the shackles of the Lich King, he could only follow the natural disasters to fight around, but Nathanos never gave up the struggle to regain his freedom.

Finally, his hard work paid off.

The Lich King's shackles weakened, and Nathanos, who had been preparing for a long time, broke through the Lich King's control in one fell swoop and regained his sanity.

But looking at his blue-gray skin and lifeless body, Nathanos fell into a daze again.

What am I, where do I go, what are my goals?

The situation of Nathanos is not an exception. All the free undead who suddenly escaped the control of the Lich King have the same confusion.

Already undead, they are not tolerated by the living, and the Scourge will not hesitate to attack these "traitors".

After a long time, Nathanos returned to the Marris Farm, which had been abandoned for many years. The land infected by the plague could no longer grow any crops.

Nathanos, who had no clue about the future, could only hide in this desolate farmhouse with his two domesticated plague dogs, avoiding the sight of natural disasters and the living, and carefully surviving in the cracks.

As more and more free undead fled to the vicinity in a hurry, Nathanos realized that he was not the only one who had escaped the control of the Lich King.

With the help of the large farmhouse left by his parents, he hosted these real compatriots to hide in his own home.

The undead do not need food and water, but in order to keep their flesh and blood from rotting away, they need preservatives.

Undead with flesh and blood have higher combat effectiveness than simple skeletons. In the Scourge Legion, the Lich King would uniformly allocate preservatives to the undead under him to maintain their combat ability.

Nathanos is a ranger. Even if he becomes an undead after death, the knowledge he has learned will not be easily forgotten.

His mentor Sylvanas Windrunner once taught him to identify the medicinal properties of herbs in the forest. Under the guidance of an undead alchemist, Nathanos led the undead hiding in the Maris farm to go out cautiously to collect herbs. For refining preservatives.

For the free undead hiding in XZ, Marris Farm is like a paradise in troubled times. The number of undead gathered here is increasing, gradually attracting the attention of the Scourge and the Scarlet Crusade.

Nathanos didn't want to conflict with the natural disasters and the living, but in order to protect the refuge that he had finally opened up, Nathanos could only pick up the ranger bow and lead his plague dogs and subordinates to rise up to resist.

With the escape of the Lich King and Kel'Thuzad, the density of the remaining undead from natural disasters has been greatly reduced, and there is only one enemy left for Nazaros and others-the Scarlet Crusade.

The Scarlet Crusade is a combat organization formed by the most radical members of the Silver Hand. They fanatically want to eliminate all undead. No matter how hard Nathanos explains, these crusaders have no intention of having a peaceful talk with him.

In desperation, Nathanos could only fall into the vicious circle of fighting the Scarlet Crusade for a long time.

As the reputation of Marris Farm further expanded, the number of free undead who came to seek refuge increased.

In order to clear up this group of strange undead who occupy the mountain as king, the number of soldiers sent by the Scarlet Crusade also increased accordingly, and the endless battle between the two sides intensified.

When Andrea heard about these undead with strange action patterns, his expression was a little weird.

'the forgotten? I didn't expect them to appear in another form when the King City of Lordaeron was taken back, but...'

Narrowing his eyes and rubbing his chin, ‘Nathanos Marris? I always feel that this name seems to have been heard somewhere, is it my illusion? '

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