Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 571: Troubled Times Out of Heroes

Garithos is also a character who has left a lot of ink in Andrea's memo.

However, Garithos recorded in the memorandum is the general who commanded the remnants of Lordaeron, which is obviously inconsistent with his current status as a mere baron.

No matter what happened during the time when Lordaeron collapsed in the original history, Garithos' ability to stand out in the broken Kingdom of Lordaeron has already proved his ability and ambition.

Andrea raised the intelligence priority of Garithos, so that Prism would allocate more of the scouts who stayed in Eastwell to pay attention to him, and report immediately if there was any special situation.

A fire in Stratholme destroyed a large number of low-level zombies raised by Mal'Ganis, but there were still many fish that slipped through the surrounding satellite towns.

Now the priests of the Light's Hope Chapel and the paladins of Tyr's Hand are advancing steadily, preparing to retake the ruins of Stratholme from the scattered undead.

But Baron Rivendell, who had been missing before, suddenly appeared at this time, and he also brought a large army of undead giants.

Baron Rivendell unexpectedly occupied the ruins of Stratholme, and blew up the shortcut to West Weld on the banks of the Sodoril River, blocking the army of the Silver Hand from the defense line to the east of the city.

Since the Knights of the Silver Hand were disbanded by Alsace, although Terenas knew that this order was unreasonable, but in order to take care of his son's authority as the crown prince, he couldn't change it immediately.

Now the establishment of the Knights of the Silver Hand has not been restored, but Terenas verbally assured the leader of the Knights, Uther, that he will persuade Alsace as soon as possible.

Due to the distance between East Weld and the royal city of Lordaeron, and the mess in Andorhal, the security of East Weld can only be temporarily handed over to the local lord and the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The troops directly under Terenas seized the time to purify the plague in West Weld and strive to rebuild the ruins of Andorhal as soon as possible.

"The situation in the northern part of the Eastern Continent is almost like this."

Maiev continued to turn over a page of the information booklet and said, "The north is in chaos, but the south is relatively calm."

"Kaz Modan and Gnomeregan are busy fending off the Dark Iron dwarves in the Badlands."

"The Kingdom of Stormwind was attacked at the same time from the south to the north. The Thunder King Clan in the Damned Lands and the Blackstone Clan in the Burning Plains seem to have been connected for a long time, and they launched an attack on the Stormwind Kingdom almost at the same time."

The Kingdom of Stormwind has been developing steadily for ten years. Under the diligent rule of King Ryan and Lothar, the national power is booming.

Even if they were attacked by two lines at the same time, they performed with ease.

Prince Varian, who was raised by Ryan and Lothar, has grown up. He personally led the army to fight against the Blackrock orcs on the northern battlefield in the Red Ridge Mountains.

The battle between Southwatch Fort and the Thunder King Clan was handed over to Gavin Ladd, one of the original five knights.

Lothar, who is getting older, can no longer go to the battlefield, but as the mainstay, he sits in the central command and is determined.

The Blackstone orcs stationed in Blackrock Spire are not actually the real Blackstone clan under Orgrim, but evolved from the Blacktooth clan led by Red Blackhand.

After the defeat of Orgrim, Red, who escaped from the pursuit, claimed to be the true heir of the tribe, and recruited the remnants of the orcs, trying to restore the former glory of the Mafia family.

But after all, Red is not a person with strong strength and charisma like his father. From the attitudes of Grom and Fenris, it can be seen that they don't take this little boy seriously.

Goyle had called Red many times before, but the self-proclaimed great chief Red ignored it, and even beheaded the envoy sent by Goyle, swearing at his new tribe as a bunch of cowards.

Although Fenris of the Thunder King Clan looked down on Red's ability, he barely recognized his tough attitude.

Under Red's active contact, Fenris agreed to attack Stormwind City together with the Blackstone clan, in an attempt to reproduce the battle situation during the First World War that year.

Times have changed, and today's Stormwind Kingdom is no longer the country that was coerced by nobles and made the outside world strong.

After a disaster of destroying the country, the nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom completely lost the arrogance that dared to anger the king face to face.

Under King Ryan's sophisticated methods of dividing and wooing, most of the nobles stuck closely to the royal family of Wrynn.

In contrast, after the effect of the demon's blood disappeared, the combat power of the orcs declined sharply, and the comparison of combat power between the two sides was reversed.

If the Gurubashi trolls hadn't seen an opportunity and took the opportunity to attack the Dusk Forest from Stranglethorn Vale, the two fronts of the orcs would have been blown up long ago.

Although the Stormwind Kingdom took the initiative in the war, in this case, they were unable to send reinforcements to the chaotic situation in the north.

Andrea saw some clues from the actions of the Black Iron Dwarves and the Black Stone Orcs. It is estimated that Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, and the Old Gods were behind this.

For the Old Gods, the more chaotic the world is, the more they can take advantage of the troubled waters. The chaos in the north of the Eastern Continent is exactly what they want. They cannot let the Stormwind Kingdom and the dwarves and gnomes help the north.

The situation in the Eastern Continent was like this. The north was in chaos, and although the south was relatively stable, it was unable to mobilize manpower to support the north.

After Maiev finished his report, Andrea turned to look at the supreme military leader of the Night Republic.

"Jarrod, how is our army training?"

Garald replied solemnly, "In the absence of actual combat tests, I dare not say that the training level is 10,000 years ago, but it should be more than enough to deal with undead."

Ten thousand years ago, the enemy of the night elves was the powerful Burning Legion, and the undead could not compare with the demons in terms of combat effectiveness.

"Very well, be ready for war at any time."

Andrea said solemnly, "The ten-year peace ended. With the rise of the Lich King as the fuse, Azeroth fell into turmoil again."

"Behind the Lich King is the shadow of the Burning Legion's sneaky activities. We cannot take this powerful old opponent lightly. We must always be prepared for the outbreak of a full-scale war."

"Maiev, Mal'Ganis is entrusted to you to torture, dig out all the secrets in him, and be careful not to kill him."


Maiev, who used to have a stern face, showed a rare smile, but her cold laughter made Jarod shudder unconsciously.

Buckling the helmet on the table on her head, Maiev stood up vigorously and walked out.

"Leave it to me. When it comes to torture, the watchman is a professional."


After Maiev walked out of the chamber, Jarod rubbed the goosebumps on his arms, "I haven't seen my sister so excited for a long time, I hope that hapless dreadlord can hold on for a while longer."

Andrea glanced at Jarod. This guy never dared to BB in front of Maiev, so he could only comment a few words in private.

"Next is the top priority, dealing with the orcs in Northrend and the Scourge of the Undead."

Andrea tapped the table lightly to attract the attention of others, "The Lich King's plan to seduce Arthas has a very strong purpose. No matter what he is planning, we must try to destroy his plan."

"After a while, I will go to Sandara to sit in town. The mentor and the high priest will leave the central planning of Anakis to you."

Malfurion stroked his beard and nodded, "No problem, but considering the problem of the Emerald Dream, I may not be able to stay in the material world for a long time. If something unexpected happens, Fandral will replace me as usual."

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