Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 534 Raiden's Proposal

The news of the great guardian's return quickly spread among the circle of the four gods. Except for Yulong who was too weak to travel, Niuzao and Chi Jing hurried over from their respective temples.

Yulong, who was far away in Qinglong Temple, finally knew the motives of Andrea and Onyxia.

Even the Four Heavenly Gods didn't know where Layden had gone during the tens of thousands of years of his disappearance. He didn't expect this mortal demigod to release the great guardian imprisoned by Thor with ease.

"To be precise, it's not being imprisoned."

Andrea shrugged his shoulders and said to the three gods, "It should be called self-exile. Thor has his own will in taking away Raiden's power. Otherwise, you think that a mere low-level titan creation can defeat the Great Guardian to take it." Power? This is too magical."

Leiden's physical condition is very bad. Although he does not need to eat and drink like ordinary people, he needs a certain amount of time to adjust from the decadent state of tens of thousands of years, otherwise he will only make him useless if he accepts the huge power Supplemented.

Under the orders of the four gods, the monks of the four temples were divided into two parts.

Part of them provided reinforcements to the Shado-Pan's camp on the beach of Thunder God Island, trying to push the mogu on Thunder God Island back to the Throne of Thunder and seal it again as soon as possible.

The other part is to sneak into the Kun-Lai Mountains to find Thor's real tomb, and now they have ruled out three fake tombs.

After Raiden left the underground palace, he plunged headlong into the archives of the Mogu'shan treasury. The tens of thousands of years of missing knowledge took time to fill in. The Pandaren Lorewalker cooperated to sort out relevant historical materials and handed them to the Great Guardian for reading.

If Azeroth was still the era of guardians when Raiden was autistic, then it is now the era of mortals.

The Pandaren's records only lasted 10,000 years before the Burning Legion invasion and the subsequent Sundering, and they only recorded the relevant history of Pandaria for the next 10,000 years.

After Leiden finished reading the previous content, Andrea dictated to him the general trend of the last ten thousand years.

After some care, Raiden's appearance did not look so decadent, and the wounds on his body were gradually healed with the help of the pandaren's healing spells.

After listening to the history told by Andrea, there are still many questions lingering in Leiden's mind.

He first focused on his fellow Guardians and Ulduar's question, "You said Ulduar has fallen? Are you kidding me?"

Ulduar is the location of the Forge of Will, one of the most important fortresses of the Titan Guardians, but according to Andrea, this fortress has been completely reduced to the Devil's Lair of the Old Gods because of the help of the inner ghost, which makes Raiden unable to accept it easily.

Onyxia interrupted and said, "It's true, the guardian dragon family has sent signals to Ulduar many times, but they haven't received a response even once."

"The guardian dragon." Raiden showed a wry smile on his face, "I know Galakrond, the ancestor dragon father, but I didn't expect Tyr to promote the guardian dragon to help guard Azeroth."

"It now appears that Tyr is the wisest and most far-sighted of the Titan Guardians."

When the guardian dragon appeared, Raiden had already closed himself and disappeared.

Facts have proved that Tyr is right. When the guardians of the titans lost their chains one after another, it was the guardian dragon who stood up to maintain the stability of Azeroth and helped mortals repel the Burning Legion... There are a lot of questions about God's tricks.

The fall of Ulduar worried Raiden.

Mimiron, Freya, and Hodir were all imprisoned in Ulduar by Yogg-Saron. After Tyr, Azadas, and Thorim left one after another, no one in Ulduar could escape. Restraining the thoroughly depraved Loken.

Of the two guardian leaders, Odin is in charge of the Furnace of Will, while the Furnace of Origin is guarded by Raiden.

Knowing that the Furnace of Origin had been restarted, and that Thorim himself was in charge, Raiden finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the situation is not at its worst yet."

Raiden rubbed his chin and said, "As long as I can get back my power and the control of the Nalaksha engine, gather the earthlings and tol'vir under Azadas and Thorim, and after a period of accumulation, we will Should be able to retake Ulduar."

Most of the surviving mogu have been branded by Lei Shen, and there are very few mogu who are willing to admit to the Great Guardian Rai.

Raiden intends to abandon them and use the engine of Nalak'sha to recreate a group of loyal mogu, but considering Loken's creator engine and the steel army, the process of setting up troops will inevitably take a lot of time to accumulate, and cannot be defeated Loken found out.

This means that even if Raiden regains his power, he can only continue to sit in Pandaria for at least the next few years.

Now that Pandaria is still shrouded in mist, the teleportation technique cannot connect this continent with the outside world. It is almost impossible for Raiden to meet Thorim and Azadas, and it can only be established with difficulty through the transmission of mortals. Contact channel.

Raiden can understand the intention of the pandaren to envelop Pandaria. The heart of the seven-headed Y'Shaarj is buried under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. His residual aura is still affecting the pandaren. This is why Shaohao ordered the Valley of Eternal Blossoms to be closed .

Seeing the worry that could not be dispelled on Raiden's face, Andrea persuaded, "We still have time, the main force of the Burning Legion has not yet arrived, and the Old Gods still have a long way to go before they can escape completely. Don't worry too much about it." too anxious."

"The most urgent task is for you to regain the power that was taken away by Thor, restore the normal order of Pandaria, and gather troops to destroy the mantid."

"As long as there are no descendants of the Yaqir trying to revive Y'Shaarj, the remaining Sha demons will not be difficult to deal with."

The difficulty of Sha Demons is only for mortals, they can influence people's hearts and distort people's will, but for rock-hearted beings like stone mogus, the remaining ripples of Y'Shaarj are nothing more than that.

It took a lot of time to search for Thor's tomb. Before that, the green dragon Yu'lon was the first to leave. She came to the Mogu'shan Vault to meet the Great Guardian. Andrea finally met Yu'lon formally.

"Andrea, I already know why you are here."

Looking at the heart of the guardian dragon swimming around her, Yulong said in a soft and pleasant voice, "I can try to teach this little guy to mobilize the power that doesn't belong to me. As for how long it takes, it depends on it. Hard work and understanding."

Andrea and Onyxia bowed their heads to thank Yu'lon, and Onyxia said, "On behalf of the dragon guardian clan, I thank you for your help, Your Excellency Yu'lon."

The heart of the guardian dragon is related to whether the four guardian dragons can regain all their power. If they are always in this half-baked state, and they encounter the fallen black dragon king who climbed out of the abyss of death again, they will almost 100% Continue to be deflated.

But before returning the power of the Aspect, there is still one problem to be solved-Nozdormu.

The Dragon King of Time has sneaked into the time stream for tens of thousands of years, and even the dragon queen Soli Domi couldn't find out where he went.

"Maybe I can help."

Raiden, who was studying, suddenly interjected, "Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, gave me part of his power, because... cough, you understand."

The less people know about the Pantheon's demise, the better. Layden was sloppy and didn't tell Yulong about it.

"I took this power out as a souvenir and buried it together with Y'Shaarji's heart under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms to suppress it. This is why the grain planted in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms can mature in one day."

"According to the historical records of the Pandaren, it is now called the Mogu'shan Palace. If I get back the power passed down from the father of the gods, I may be able to find out the whereabouts of that time dragon light from the chaotic time flow. "

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