Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 462 Rescue arrived in time

"Three, two, one, throw!"

Kul Tiran sailors, lacking heavy weapons, relied on throwing harpoons to kill murloc ranged spellcasters.

The swarming murlocs were completely devoid of the fear of death they used to be. Even if they were seriously injured, they didn't turn around and run away. The fish eyes continued to fight with fear in their eyes.

"Sure enough." Niyana said affirmatively after seeing this scene, "There must be Naga behind the murlocs. It is impossible for wild murlocs to have such a strong will to fight."

Lothar had dealt with murlocs in the western fertile fields, and he also knew the habits of this timid amphibian creature very well.

It will take a few minutes to get to the Dark Night Republic's naval fleet. During this time, they can only rely on the defense of the fleet itself to block the murloc's attack.

"Captain! We found Naga troops deep in the wetland! The number is about 1500, and it is still increasing!"

Watchman Sean's report made all the commanders present frown. Derek took out the folding binoculars on his waist and looked into the distance.

At the far end of the wetland horizon, a large number of Naga are approaching at high speed with their fish tails swinging. In this wet swamp, Naga's movement speed is much faster than other ground areas.

Derek ordered solemnly, "Flagship shelling preparations, saturated firepower strikes, we must stop the Naga before the night elves' fleet arrives!"


Derek's flagship was blessed by the tidesages when it was built. It is extremely strong and can travel freely in the wind and waves. Members of the Storm King's royal family such as Ryan, Thalia, and Varian were all placed on this ship.

With the opening of the three-story bombardment window on the right side of the hull, Prince Varian, who was in the first-class cabin, obviously felt a certain tilt in the center of gravity of the hull, and a large number of heavy artillery pressed to one side changed the balance of the hull.


"Boom boom boom!"

The uninterrupted sound of shelling that seemed to be ringing in his ears made Prince Varian's face turn pale. After all, he was not yet 13 years old and had never personally experienced war.

"Varian, keep your chest out."

Ryan encouraged and said, "The king of the Stormwind Kingdom is by no means a pampered weakling. You have to learn to adapt to the atmosphere of war. Perhaps in the distant future, you will personally lead the army to fight on the front line."

"Yes, father."

Varian caught his breath and looked out through the small window of the first-class cabin.

The shore of the wetland was crowded with countless murlocs and Naga officers. The Naga officers were whipping the frightened murlocs with whips, forcing them to continue charging.

The continuous artillery fire caused a lot of mud and rain on the shore, but the artillery barrage of a mere warship was still too weak to form enough deterrent and lethal power against the enemy's attack.


The spellcasters of the Naga chanted to summon huge waves from the sea, and Kadgar endured the nausea of ​​seasickness and led the mages of the Stormwind Kingdom to snatch control of the water element.

At the same time, the tidesages from Kul Tiras also chanted spells to calm the anger of the sea.

The flagship defense of Derek and others is relatively complete, but the other ships in the refugee fleet are not so safe.

The turbulent waves rolled these medium-sized refugee ships off course, screaming in horror, and a large number of ships seemed to be about to capsize in the next second, swaying helplessly on the sea.


A clear and crisp cry of a bird of prey suddenly came from far away on the sea level. Niyana, who was worried about the refugees, was refreshed, and a look of relief suddenly appeared on her face.

The careful Lothar noticed the change in Niyana's expression, and shifted his gaze to the sky above the sea in the distance without moving his expression.

A large golden-brown bird of prey rapidly approached from the far end of the sea level, and changed into a human form in a burst of light and shadow when it approached above the refugee flotilla.

'Night Elf? '

Lothar subconsciously turned to look at Niyana.

In Lothar's impression, although the ambassador's skills are still immature, she has excellent abilities, and she always completes her work meticulously.

At this time, Niyana showed a bright smile that Lothar had never seen before, which made Lothar very curious about the identity of the visitor.

The night elf who broke into the battlefield was lifted by the wind and suspended in mid-air, with the seemingly ordinary staff in his hand pointing at the team of Naga spellcasters below.

Lothar vaguely felt the invisible energy fluctuations spreading through the purple crystal on the top of the man's staff, and the Naga spellcasters suddenly started running around in panic like headless flies.

Naga spellcasters are all female and hold high status in the matriarchal Naga clan.

The caster's army suddenly became a mess, and the other Naga were also surrounded by these noble Naga of the legal system and rushed into chaos.

Seeing Naga "retreat" first, the murlocs, who had no fighting spirit, immediately fled back screaming, further exacerbating the chaos within the Naga murloc coalition.

The military formation is like this, and it is easy to affect the whole body. Once the officers at all levels are not controlled in time, the defeat and panic on the front line will spread to the entire army like a plague.

Unfortunately, the commander of this Naga army is a female spellcaster with six hands, and most of the officers are also female. At this time, they were also affected by the crowd fear spell and ran around, not caring about cleaning themselves up team.

"Boom! Boom!"

When Commander Naga came back to his senses, the Navy fleet of the Night Republic had already arrived, and a mass of magic cannons straddled the refugee fleet and fell into the shore. A large number of Naga fled in a panic together with the muddy water of the swamp Get blown up.

Commander Naga, who knew that he was helpless, looked at the night elf in the sky unwillingly. At this time, the man had already switched the magic attribute.

The huge semicircular barrier of holy light firmly blocked the side of the fleet, no matter how Naga threw harpoons and magic attacks, they could not penetrate this seemingly weak light barrier.


Commander Naga swung her fish tail with a dark face and retreated to the depths of the wetland. Due to the reverse assist of the pig teammate Murloc, this ambush failed to achieve her intended goal. After returning, I am afraid that there will inevitably be factional struggles within Naga ridiculed by political opponents.

The overwhelming murlocs and naga came and went quickly, and Lothar and Derek didn't even think about chasing them. Their main task was to protect the safety of the refugee fleet.

The sudden attack by the Naga and the murlocs capsized more than a dozen refugee boats, and tens of thousands of refugees from the Stormwind Kingdom fell into the water.

Although their lives were safe under the protection of the tidesages, the cold sea water in November still traumatized these poor people both mentally and physically.

Since the boats on which these refugees were originally carried had capsized and sunk, at Niyana's suggestion, the people who fell into the water were wrapped in water balloons by the tide sages and lifted out of the water, and the ships of the Night Republic temporarily helped to transport them.

After the battle was over, the somewhat seasick King Lane walked out of the cabin with the energetic Prince Varian. Most of them looked up at the night elf who was floating above watching the Naga's movements.

King Ryan asked Niyana thoughtfully, "Ambassador Starstreak, is that..."


Niyana smiled proudly, "He is the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Night, and also my mentor, Andrea Moonshadow."

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